Thursday, June 18, 2020

ALONE: EPISODE 27, 28 & 29

Episode 27
Hillary: Bae, I don’t know him.
Me: Then how did it happen?
Hillary: Was withdrawing from an ATM when he suddenly bumped into me. He took my phone, my wallet and the money I withdrew. I’m glad he didn’t notice I was with my ride if not,he would have driven away in it.
I gasped and Kamsi focused more on me.
Hillary: But I’m fine.
Me: We were worried. Kamsi, Ken and I are even on the highway now.
Hillary: It’s alright. I’m fine. Just go back to the house. It’s late already.
Me: Of course we’ll go back. But I must get to that hospital and get your phone and other stuffs.
Hillary: Baby, let him be. I’m sure he’ll still sell those things off to foot his bills.
Me: I….
Hillary: Bae, just…,you know what? Give the phone to Ken.
I gave the phone to Ken who’s being silent throughout the call. They talked for a while before he gave the phone to Kamsi. When they were through, Kamsi ended the call and gave me my phone.
Kamsi: Let’s go home.
Me: But….
Kamsi: Now,don’t argue. Ken, let’s go.
Ken started the ignition and hit the road again. I was angry. I don’t know the exact brand of that Samsung but I knew it was very very expensive. How can we leave something that expensive for a common criminal? Nobody said a word anymore till we got home.
Mum and Gospel were outside when we drove in.
Mum: Amanda, come my child.
I went into her arms immediately.
I heard Gospel asking Ken what happened.
After mum released me, Kamsi told her what had really happened and she was relieved.
Mum: I was worried. God please save this children.
She led us all inside. We said a quick prayer and everyone retired for the night. I went to my room, undressed and laid on the bed. I was very tired and I hoped to relax my bones for a while before putting on my nightie and going to bed.
I unlocked my phone and started chatting. I got a message notification so I opened it;
“why can’t you just love me the way you love this boy? I saw how you ran out of the house just because you got a call that he was in an accident. Amy please, love me”
With a quick thought,I knew it must be Gospel so I replied;
“love comes to those who love. You’re not the right person for me so I’ll advice you quit trying.
Seconds later, a reply came in;
” I love you and I’ll do anything to prove it to you. Just give me some time with you.”
I refused to reply. I continued with my chat, Kamsi had a picture of her and Ted in her profile. I opened the picture and started looking at it, imagining it was me and Hillary. Just then, a call came in. It was the same number Hillary had used in calling me.
Me: Hello dear.
Hillary: Not sleepy yet?
Me: No. But I’m lying down. I’m very weak and tired.
Hillary: Enough reason you should be sleeping by now. So ma’am, close those lovely eyes.
I stiffed a yawn and smiled.
Me: Not yet honey, I’m yet to dress for the night. I’m bare.
Hillary: Oh! Okay then, I just called to say good night.
Me: Thanks my love. Sleep tight.
Hillary: Thanks. And don’t sleep bare.
I blushed.
Me: I won’t. Take care.
Hillary: Okay dear.
We hung up and I changed position, lying face up with my tips pointing towards the ceiling. I smiled as I thought of Hillary’s goodness. We had never gone past kissing and he seemed comfortable with it. Now I was through with my counseling, I’ll initiate a deeper intimacy. He’s my boyfriend and he deserves it.

Episode 28
He walked into my room na’ked and surprisingly, I smiled at him. I was still lying face up and made no attempt to cover my bare self.
He bolted the door and started a graceful walk to my bed, with his huge member pointing upwards and a bit curved. I sat up and we held each other’s gaze for a while before I raised my hand and wrapped his huge member in my hand. It was so big that my hand couldn’t even cover it properly.
He came forward and I lowered my mouth to his joystick. I’m still surprised with what I’m doing but I didn’t stop. He held the back of my head and started directing my pace. I s----d on, trying my best to get the whole of him into my mouth. He was grunting and whining his waist to the rhythm of my own movement.
I continued with what I was doing, looking up at him once in a while and he always gave me a smile to encourage me. After some minutes,he gently pulled out of my mouth and pushed me down on the bed. With expectant eyes, I looked at him, wishing he would touch me in places I’ve never being touched. He opened my legs very wide and used a finger to press on my cli’t making me quiver. He slowly lowered his head to my womanhood and started feasting away. He wasn’t gentle yet, he wasn’t rough. He was lapping, sucking and gently chewing on whatever he found down there while I kept on giving out my screams of pleasure. I pressed on his head, silently asking him not to stop. He didn’t. Instead, he inserted a finger to increase the crazy feeling I was having.
I felt something heavy on my chest and I started shaking, throwing my legs and hands in the air. A warm sensation washed over me and I felt myself going through an orgasmic bliss. He gently and lovingly cleaned me up before coming up to kiss me, making me taste my juices. He paused and we both looked on.
Hillary: Are you ready? Or should we wait?
What kind of man is this? Even at this point, he sought my opinion.
Me: Please. Make me a woman.
Hillary: But bae,I don’t want you to regret anything. I’ll wait till you’re ready. Don’t do this to please me.
Me: No no. Please. I want it now. Take me now.
Hillary: Let me get the CD from the bathroom.
I nodded and he stood up and disappeared into the bathroom. I turned to face the direction he had gone only to feel someone tapping my shoulders. I turned to see who it was.
I jumped and looked at him. He was smiling. The chilly sensation on my tips reminded me that I was still bare so I quickly grabbed my blanket and covered myself. I had slept off while I thought about my boyfriend and Jesus! Was that a dream? It was too real to be a dream. Now,what was this fool doing in my room? He had seen my unclothedness. Gosh!
Gospel: You’re beautiful.
what guts?
Me: What are you doing in my room?
He still stood there, just beside my reading table and he was smiling shamelessly.
Gospel: Was your dream about us? I’ve been here, watching you beg for a release.
Now I was angry. But I can’t let him have a second show of my body.
Me: I repeat for the last time, what are you doing here?
Gospel: Hey! Come on. I had sent you a message and you didn’t reply so I decided to come and talk to you. We’ve passed the stage of sending messages. We should sought it out once and for all.
Me: You’re talking nonsense. And when you saw I was na’ked, why didn’t you carry your filthy self out of my room?
His smile disappeared.
Gospel: Amanda, don’t use stupid words on me.
Me: Why? Wait till morning when I’ll tell mum you were spying on my bare form.
He shook his head and grabbed the edge of my table.
Gospel; It’s okay. I’ll just go. Not because I’m scared of your threat or something but because I want to respect you.
Me: Thank you. So get out.
Gospel: Okay.
Instead of going out,he came in further and stopped at the edge of my bed.
Gospel: Between, if that’s how you moan, then he’s not doing it better
He smiled and turned, trying to leave the room. I had to say something to make that smile disappear. Just before he opened the door, I found the right words;
Me: But at least, in my dreams, he’s getting something you’ll never get and very soon,I’ll make this dreams turn to reality, trust me.
He turned, his smile disappearing entirely. It was my turn to smile. He couldn’t stand it so he walked away, banging my door in the process.
I smiled, carried my bare form to the door and bolted it before going to bed.

Episode 29
The next morning, I woke up feeling very happy and satisfied. The first person I had to call was Hillary;
Hillary: Morning baby.
Me: Good morning honey. You still in bed?
He yawned and I knew the answer to my own question.
Hillary: Yea bae. Couldn’t sleep well last night.
Me: Ah! What happened?
Hillary: Something serious. I had to manage all night.
I became worried immediately, thinking up different things that could make him loose sleep.
Me: Tell me. What’s the problem?
Hillary; Don’t worry bae. I’ll get over it.
Me: Over what?
Hillary: How was your night?
Me: Now don’t even try it. What’s wrong with you?
Hillary: You.
I eased up immediately. So, it wasn’t that bad.
Me: What do you mean by me?
Hillary: You were going through my mind last night, I couldn’t sleep as I was pointing an erection all through.
Now, I was left to wonder what he meant by that.
Hillary; Bae, I’ll call you back. Someone’s at my gate.
Me: Okay.
I hung up and quickly put on one of my old baggy tops. i had slept unclad last night and it felt really good. I ran out of the house and headed straight to Ken’s apartment. He was receiving a call when I got to his sitting room so I sat down and waited. He didn’t take long before joining me.
Me: Good morning bro.
Ken: Morning sis. This one you’re here with all this modalities, hope you ain’t planning a seduction?
Now, I smiled. That’s how he talks to both Kamsi and I. If it had being Gospel, he would have ogled me out of his house.
Me: You’re sick.
Ken: Yes. I know. So what brings you this morning.
I cleared my throat and thought of the right way to ask him the question.
Me: Please, what does it mean for a guy to say that he was pointing an erection?
He smiled and looked away, making me feel very sorry for asking that question.
Me: I’m….
Ken: Wait. You don’t have to feel bad okay. Its normal for every Lady to ask questions. But let me ask, who told you that? Gospel?
Me: No. I called Lary and he was sounding so down. When u asked, he said he didn’t sleep well last night cos of the pointing of erection something.
He nodded like he understood and stared at me for a while.
Ken: Let me ask, do you both get under the sheet?
I paused for a while.
Me: Like sex?
He nodded.
Me: No. We’ve not gone beyond kissing and i feel bad about it because it’s like I’m the reason for it.
Ken: What do you mean? Did he ask and you denied him?
Me: No. No. I feel he pities me, he’s never asked for it, he doesn’t even talk about it. And I’m sure it’s because of what….
Ken: Sshh. Stop talking trash.
He came closer and touched my hair.
Ken: You’re a beautiful girl and it takes a great man to resist you. You have to stop thinking whatever it is that you’re thinking. And don’t go throwing yourself on him like you’re a flirt. If he wants it, he should initiate it. I’m sure whatever happened in your past is now in your past. Hillary is a nice guy but you don’t have to take chances. Don’t do anything to kill the respect he has for you okay?
He made sense. A lot of sex, sorry, sense. Here I was, thinking it was time to give myself to my boyfriend but I never thought the other way round, what if he’s not ready, what if he has never done it? What if he was waiting till we get married? I smiled at the last thought.
Ken snapped a finger at me and I remembered I owe him an answer.
Ken: Am I clear?
Me: Yes. Of course. Thank you very much.
Ken: Why am I your elder brother then?
I smiled and stood up.
Me: Let me go back to the main house now.
Ken: It’s okay. Help me ask your friend what I did to her. She stopped taking my calls.
Me: Rose?
Ken: Yea.
Me: Since when?
Ken: Two days now.
Me: What did you do to her?
He stood up and looked at me
Ken: Nothing. I asked her for her phone so I can call someone since the person wasn’t picking my own calls. After that,she got upset and left immediately.
Me: Hmmm. Who did you call?
Ken: A client o. But it was a female.
Me: Huh? And you expect her not to be jealous? And I’m sure you haven’t tried to explain things to her.
Ken: Cos she won’t pick my calls. Please talk to her. I miss her a lot.
Me: And how much will you pay me?
Ken: Chai. I thought mum was the only business woman we had in this compound?
We had a long round of laughter and I ended up pushing him down to a sofa and finishing him up with pillows. I was now sitting on him and he didn’t stop laughing.
Me: If I’m a business woman, what are you? My client then.
He tried lifting me up so I wrapped my arms around him and steadied myself in a way that he won’t be able to stand. He placed his hands on my waist and succeeded in standing up. In my effort to fight him, his hands took my top up and my womanhood was on display for him. I didn’t know what was happening but he put me down immediately and became uneasy.
Me: I won then. I’ll talk to her when I see her okay?
He still didn’t respond, instead he looked away.
Me: Ken?
Trying to walk up to him, my top fell back and I realised what just happened. I ran out of the house and bumped into the devil himself.
Gospel: How was it? I’ve being standing here waiting to tell you that I know what’s going on in there.
I hissed and continued from where I stopped, running into the house, upstairs and then into my room.
Ken had seen my womanhood, he had seen me and he didn’t react? He didn’t say anything like Gospel? Jesus! What am I going to do? Will I ever be able to stand him again? But Gospel has seen my nakedness and i wasn’t this uncomfortable
The next couple of weeks got me in a different mode. Worst case scenario, Kamsi and Ted were preparing for their engagement night so they had travelled to Abidjan for goodness knows whatever,leaving me all alone. Mum herself was now always busy as her clothing line has being registered and opened. I prayed unendingly for the vacation to be over.
One Thursday, I was so bored so I placed a call to Rose.
Rose: Hello girlfriend
Me: Hi dear. How’re you?
Rose: I’m good and you?
Me: I’m fine, just bored to the bones. You mind taking me out?
Rose: Awww. I’ll really love to but I’m currently two hours and some minutes far from your location.
Me: Eh? Did you travel too?
She laughed.
Rose: Yes babe. I’ll be back tomorrow though, we will do it tomorrow.
Me: Okay. I’ll wait then. Better get something for me while coming back.
Rose: I will my dear. Take care.
Me: You too.
Now, what am I going to do? Everyone is just busy with one or two things. Ken? I can’t even go to him, since that incident, I’ve not seen him and its best that way. Gospel? Sweet Jesus, who would go to a devil? Then I’m left with Hillary. We’ve not spoken that morning and I’m not going to call him. I’ll just surprise him, spend the day in his house and then come back late. Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. I went into my wardrobe and started fishing for the best outfit to wear to my boyfriend’s house. I went for a jean short, a black singlet and a black long packet shirt. This shirt belonged to Ken but I had shaped it in a very sexy way. One thing i liked about this shirt was that it was long and it stopped just an inch above the jean short i had picked. Ehen, I completed it with a jean snicker and smiled at my sense of fashion. I got into the bathroom and spent enough time washing and scrubbing myself. I was over excited. I had being to his house once but didn’t stay long. I’m sure he was going to be happy to see me.
The next hour got me in a cab and I was riding to Ogui road. The cab man stopped me in front of the gate,I paid him and went in. Surprisingly, the gate was open so I just walked in. I opened the door to the sitting room and I met no one. He must still be in bed. I climbed the stairs, trying to remember the door to the room he had shown me to be his.
The house was a five bedroom mansion, three rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs. He lived in it alone. I got to the door and opened it gently, with a loving smile plastered on my face.
What did I see? Was that Rose? They both looked in my direction and sat up. Rose was well dressed, either she was just coming in or about going out. She was kissing Hillary who was lying down and shirtless.
I walked further into the room and dropped my handbag on a table.
History was repeating itself but now, its different because I won’t go without a fight.
Hillary: Baby, please its not what you think.
I looked at him but no,I’m not coming for you, not yet. And like a ball of fire, I attacked Rose,slaps first, and once she fell on the bed, I climbed her and started raining blows on her face. Hillary tried to separate us but I wouldn’t let go. Rose just remained under me, crying for help.
I got tired of wasting my blows and got up from her. I dragged her out of the room and into the sitting room upstairs. I went back to Hillary’s room, rummaged my bag and found my phone. I went back to her, took pictures of her messed up face before going back to my boyfriend, sorry, ex boyfriend.
He had succeeded in wearing something decent.
Me: How long has this being going on?
Hillary: Baby, I can explain everything.
Me: I asked, how long?
Surprisingly, my voice was calm but I was breathing fast. Finally,I believe that I’m cursed like one of my monikers had said previously. My parents, daddy Alex, Emeka, Gospel, and now, oh Jesus, Hillary.
Hillary: Baby, its a mistake.
Me: Mistake? Did you say mistake? Both of you were kissing and I’m sure she spent the night here. Hillary why?
I’m also beginning to think that I’m not attractive. Why would two people that I loved do the same things if not that I’m not attractive. Gospel was with another woman, now Hillary and this one hurt most, with my friend.
He came closer to me and held me in his arms, it was now that the tears fell.
Hillary: She came to me, I promise she did. I tried my best to fight it, I tried. But that morning that I told you I had an erection, she was the one at my gate, I was weak and defenseless and she took advantage of that. I’ve avoided her like a plague till last night when she came back,baby I’m sorry.
Me: Why? Hillary, I love you, why will you choose to treat me like this? Why didn’t you even tell me?
Hillary: I wanted to protect your relationship with her. Please forgive me. I promise it won’t happen again.
I withdrew from him and cleaned my face.
Me: Of course it won’t happen again. I won’t give you another chance to mess with my life. You would have gone for someone else, not my friend.
Me: She came to me baby. You know I can never hurt you. I….
Me: We’re over. You can do whatever pleases you now. I’m done here.
I clutched my bag and walked out but he followed me. He stopped me at the foot of the stairs and held me,tighter than before.
Hillary: Baby don’t do this to me. You know how much I love you, you know how much you mean to me. I’m sorry for what I’ve done. Please forgive me.
Me: At least, you would have told me before now, you would have told me.
Hillary: I was trying to protect…..
Me: What fu’ckin protection are you talking about? What friendship? You did me bad Lary. I loved you with my life. You’re my everything, my life, look what you did to me, look at me now.
He loosened his grip and I used that opportunity to walk out, walking out of the house and promising never to return again

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