STORIES UPDATE: Pastor Dan season 1 STORIES UPDATE: Pastor Dan season 1

Showing posts with label Pastor Dan season 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastor Dan season 1. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2018



The Fish Make A Move To Where Pastor Sam Was But A Fish Appear From Nowhere And Splash Water On It Face.The Water Was As If Was Acid Or Weed Killer,because Emmidiately it touch the fish face,it was left with only fish skeleton.


“roabh”the Lion Roar In angered and rush to where pastor sam was but it was too late for it as a lion descended from heaven.

“am the lion of the tribe of judas”the lion said.

“hahahaha.and no one temper with me and go scot free.let me teach you a little lesson first”baba lion said and make a move towards God lion.
meanwhile baba was shouting happily and cheering his his lion.he was not really happy but happy.these was because his eagle and fish has been destroyed,only left the lion,which was his only hope….

pastor sam and pastor musty were busy praying vehemently not to loose the battle.they were both sweating.pastor sam was praying with all his strength

daniel was still lying down faintly like a death man.
“since you have decided to stand in my way,am gonna teach you a lesson”God lion said and just blew air from its mouth and that was all.baba lion just scattered to pieces and not even a bone can be seen…
baba instantly feel defeated.he was overwhelmed with fear.he was now powerless.all his source of power has been destroyed and there is nothing he can do these very minute.

he try disappearing but it was impossible.he know he now have no other choice than to give up and repent.moreover,the prayers from pastor sam and pastor musty were now having an was to him as if,he was feeling a burning flame inside of was hotting him to the extence he feel his intestine gonna burn.and the worst of all,at the same,he was feeling cold all over him.he was feeling cold,even cooler than fridge.

pastor sam observed baba unusual behaviour,but instead of stopping,he increase the tempo of his prayers to the extent baba could no longer control himself again.he had no other choice than to repent…..
“i repent i repent”baba voice suddenly voiced out to the outermost surprise of pastor was not a surprise to pastor sam as he already knew something like these will surely happened.

“unbelievable”pastor musty said
it is truly unbelievable to even you reader,that the almight baba will repent.good news o
pastor sam and pastor musty enter into another session of prayer,it was as if a spirit left baba’s body.he was now free and deliver from the evil spirit in him.i[the writer]could have go deep in writing these more,but i think i should stop here.these is my bus stop.

but before i drop my pen,let me set an epilogue.



Daniel Was Later Delivered And The Evil spirit in him was later cast out.him and pastor musty confessed openly in the church but still the church forgave them and still accept them as pastors.PASTOR DAN with the help of pastor sam later grow spiritually with God and he even got more power than ever to cast evil spirit….

thanks for reading…


Stories Continues….[pls Note I Can Quote Bible Verse,but I Don’t Know Where It Is In The Bible]

“it Is Time We Battle It Together”baba Shouted,and his voice re-achoe in the room

terrify daniel has already fainted minutes ago.

“the bible says”no weapon fashion against me shall prospered and today i decree and commond the spirit in you to come out”pastor sam together with pastor musty started praying.baba breathed out fire from his mouth,which pastor sam used his bible to block,and the fire returned back to him and semt him sprawling in the ground like a sacrificial lamb.

Baba feeling highly overpowered,stood up slowly and call on the gods of the sea[his power has been restored to him]the gods of the air and then the gods of land.

three images had the structured of a fish,another the structured of an eagle and the last the structered of a lion.the lion was in the middle,the eagle in the left and the fish in the right.

“you sent for us baba”the lion voice out “yes i sent”baba said

“so what can we do for you”the fish asked.

“i want you to remove the living day live out of these human that has challenge me”baba said

“hahahaha that is already done”the eagle said and flee to pastor sam and musty direction,but just then a heavens open and a dove appear.the dove was completely white and was glittering like gold.

“no one stop me,when am on a mission”the eagle said with pride.

“hahahaha but today will be a different day”the dove said.the eagle ran towards[pls note it was now a spiritual fight and only those with spiritual eyes can see]the dove,but the dove just blew air and the eagle feld down motionless in the ground.

“today you win,but tomorrow will be another day i promise you that”the eagle said and drop death.

the dove turn to pastor sam and said”continue your god work,God is by your side”with these,it ascended back to heaven…..

what happened next?

what happened to the lion and fish?

find out in the next episode

tbc shortly


the battle has jusu began…

“let the boy go”pastor sam shouted,clutching his big king james bible tightly to himself.

“says who?”baba shouted at pastor sam

“says God almighty”pastor sam said

“i see,god almighty indeed”baba said”if you are man enough challenge me”

“don’t dare god almighty because you will leave to regret it”

“hahahahaha funny are wasting my time,leave these place or else”

“hahaha demons don’t talk where god is.only him have the final sake and am commanding you these minute to let the boy go”

“never!.he is a sacrificial lamb to me”baba said,with trend of veins showing in his face.

“i think you want to see the bad side of me”baba said”owoliwo gods of our time,send down fire to these place now”his eyes were already chaanging to pale blue like that of a pheonix.

pastor sam,together with pastor musty started praying

the battle has indeed just began…
It Was To Be A Big Battle That Was About To Evolve.

“grace,choose Your Side are you for me or him”baba asked pointing his hand at pastor sam.

“am for no one”came a reply from grace.baba was slighty angry.he though she will stand for him.she will choose to join him,but anyway,all the way,he still thank owoliwo she didn’t choose pastor sam.he knew how to get here.he is going to used his mystic power to send her to hell.that was what was on his mind.he could have done these since,when she stole his blue image[because of these,he no longer have power over the sea],but she flee to the unknown,that was why he could not kill.

And also he wanted her to kill tina herself.and that has been completed.

“owoliwo kai tra sa pa ja lium mo ja liko”baba shouted and a strong wind,emerge from nowhere and lift grace to an unknown.

“where am i?”grace shouted,as fire burn her continuously.

“hell of cause.welcome to lucifer”came a reply…….

tbc shortly


many years ago,baba and tina queen mother had known each other,as master and servant.baba was the master here,and tina’s queen mother was the servant,working for baba as a messenger.

then,baba has just been given three images which contained power over the sea,land and air.he was in control of everything.they is nothing in air sea or land that is impossible for him to do.the images were of different colour,white for air,blue for sea and black for land.and also,he had many servant who were under him and do whatever he asked them to do.

One of his best servant was grace tina’s queen mother.she was his favourite and he trusted her among other servants,that he even gave her the key to where he kept his images.

one day,when he was performing a sacrificed and in need of one of the images,he had sent her to the room where the images where.when she got they,she was tempted to take or rather steal one of the images.she finally toke the blue image and instantly,the spirit of mermaid was transfer to her.

she had to run that same day for fear baba and when baba found her,he swear to deal with her very well…….


“Hahahahaha.thank the gods we met,today we shall wrestle our bones”baba shouted boastfully..

“baba am really sorry for what i did to you”grace said in a pity voice”it was the handiwork of the devil”

“hahahahaha”baba laughed”a devil saying stealing is the handiwork of the devil”

“but anyway before we fight,these two humans here[daniel and tina]must died”baba said.

“okay”tina queens mother said and pointed her trident towards tina”am sorry but i have a put an end to these”

“mother plss…”but it was too late as thunder was already doing justice to her body.

“baba pls don’t kill me”i shouted

“you just have to died”baba said and pointed his staff towards daniel,but just then he heard the door open and a man walk im with pastor musty……

tbc shortly


After his wife death,Pastor musty had being constantly visited by his wife ghost.she had been following to anywhere he goes and he now easily have peace of mine.sometimes when she appear to him,she do make him to do things he never bargained for.

he was now entirely restless,seeing his wife ghost every here and there.though his wife ghost has been telling him whenever she appeared,to confess openly in the church,which he know was not possible.he can and will never confess.that was absolutely impossible to him,and baba had warn him that the penalty is instant death.

even the day he went to the police station to bail daniel,his wife ghost has hunted him that day also,pleading with him to confess.

his life was now becoming restless with his wife daily day after his wife had warn to kill him if he still refuse to confessed,he had no other alternative than to obliged to her request.

first of all,she had commanded him to call baba and denounced his membership to them,which he had done.after that he was to go to a real pastor and confess to him before going to the church.

“that is really bad of you”the pastor,pastor sam had said,when pastor musty had confess his secret deals with baba to him.

“i know sir,that is why i came to you”came a reply from pastor musty,who was kneeling down.

“your church member had really being in bondage”pastor sam said”but anyway our god is a mercifull god.he will surely forgive you,if your truely asked for forgiveness from your heart.”

with these saying,the there had both pray and pray until probably god has forgiven pastor musty.

“before going to the church to confessed,we have to visit that young man you said you initiated.the lord need him”with these there set to pastor dan office to pray for him…..

daniel’s pov continues

all of us where surprise who it was.our gazed drastically turn to the direction of the voice,and we saw her.she was walking majestically to where we were
Her Face Was Bend.When She got to where we were,tina exclaimed:

“queen mother”tina exclaimed and wanted running to where her queen mother was,when baba used his mystics power to trap her back to the ground

“ouuuh”tina screamed

baba slowly turn to where tina queen mother was[he was not facing her all these while] and face her directly.but the moment their eyes met,there was a great shocked in their faces.baba mouth flipped open in surprise.they was a long time silence between us.

“so we finally met again”baba asked,breaking the silence that emit

“so these is you?”tina,queen mother asked in total disbelief.

how do baba and tina queen mother know each other?

find out in the next episode on thursday or friday



I Was Still Pleading With Tina,but She Was Not even concern,as she kept walking to me and smiling.the golden knife was glittering so brightly that it almost blind me.

when she got close to me,she raised the knife up and was about to strike me when we heard a loud sound like an earthquake.i fell down while she fly,but she was still holding the knife tightly.

“what is all these rubbish”she said trying to get up.

“hahahahaha”we heard a loud voice,but we could not see any body.

“who are you”tina shouted as she stood up facing the direction the voice was coming from.

“hahahahaha”the voice laugh again

“show your not afraid of you”tina shouted at the top of her voice.

meanwhile,i myself was shivering were i was.i could not even stand up talkless of talking,that one is story for the gods.

there was a long minute of silence.towards the direction of the voice,appear a man,covered completely with black cloth,as if ready for war.shaa his standing position portray him to be ready for War,and of course he was ready for war.his face was bend,so i was only to think who the person was;slowly,the person raise his head up and it was “baba” king of owoliwo kingdom.

he was really ready for happiness that minute knew no bound.i was very happy that he had finally come to my aid.he stretched his hand in the air and his shinning staff appear.

“lets get to work girl” baba shouted as he made for tina.chai my office will soon be a fighting office.

tina was surprise.her mouth was widely open.she was taken unaware as baba pointed his staff at her and thunder strike at her.the thunder tied her round and bac lift it up and she was also lifted up.he drop the staff at the ground and she hit herself very hard at the floor.she scream in pains.bac started walking to her direction to finally sent her to the land of the death when we heard a loud voice saying:

“stop there,touch not the woman of death and do her no harm”

who is these self???

who do u think the voice belong to?

tbc later



I was already pleading for her,tina,not to kill or do anything bad to me but it all fell on deaf ears as she was already laughing evily.drops of tears and sweat had already form in my face.even despite the fact that,the fan that was rotating at it highest level,but i was still sweating

“pls don’t kill me”my timid voice sang out as i stared at her almost infact crying kneels where already in the ground pleading for mercy.

“how do you feel when you were killing my sister for your so called pastor work”her voice sang out to me

“which of your sister”


oh what have i done.i knew i wouldn’t be forgiven and she was going to kill me.even do i should used my power and fight her,i can not match one quarter of her power.moreover,i had had sex with her already and that is the end of my power because while having sex with her,half of my power have been transfered to her.

she stood up suddenly and started walking towards me with a golden knife.i was already and peeing at the same time as she walk to me.goose pimples were already form in my face.nothing to do.i just bend my face waiting for her to get to me and give me her strike.

saying my last prayer,i said”oh God pls forgive me of all my sins and accept me back as your son”with these short prayer i was prepaired for anything that will come my way and am ready to give my life to christ if he can me frome these mysterious girl called ‘tina’.

baba was in his shrine and he was feeling it that one of his member was in trouble.he knew it will be pastor dan,as he was the powerful but careless one.

“i need to help him”he said to himself and


he disappeared

tbc shortly


Daniel’s Pov

The News Of Pastor Musty Wife Death Hit My Ears Like A Dangerous was a news that i could hardly believe and without someone letting me know,i already knew the cause of her death.the church had to sympathese with pastor musty,as he mourn his wife death for three month.

during these month,i was responsible in taking care of church activities,since pastor musty was still mourning his wife.i encountered my people which i heal and that end me more popularity.but nevertheless,i slept with some ladies while some i collected money.i also keep in touch with baba who gave me a black and red soap to give to any teenage girl i slept with.these was to prevent any form of pregnantly and other things.

nevertheless,during these period,there was these teenage girl i slept with.she was natuarally endowed with beauty,i must confess.after sleeping with her,i gave her the black and red soap.though she question me about the soap,but i used a guy sense to convinced her.
A Week later,i got a report that these same teenage girl was new behaving somehow.i was call to heal her and when i got there she started pointing her hands towards me.

when her parents asked her the reason why she was pointing her hands at me,she bluntly told them that i gave her a soap of black and red colour to bath with after sleeping with her and which she had been using for the pass one week.

i was totally embarrass that day,as sweat trickle down my face.her parents raise different abuses on me and got me arrested that same day.despite my pleading,i was still bundle into the police van and they drove off.

oh look at me,pastor dan a popular pastor and an upcoming millionaire been bundle like a goat into a car.oh what a pity! even with all the two female sacrificed i had made to baba and his gods,owoliwo.hmm god is watching o..

the police men who arrested me,took that opportunity to rain abuses on me.i was later taken to the cell.the thugs there welcome me with several and different types of slap…
the next day,pastor musty and idris came to bail me.though the parents of the girl refuse the police to grant me bail,bau when police see money weting go happened….? understand na,though i learn my lesson in a hard way

that same day i was free,i got a call from that stupid baba to visit him in two weeks time,from now.
what do these man want self.mcheew….

and as god will have it,the same sunday i was to preach,way the sunday a police man,who used to attend our church was doing his child dedication,and many police were attending the child blessing.

trust me na,i used that opportunity to give police the insult of their lives.i even started pitying

the next week i prepaire myself to pay baba a visit…..


what happened next?

find out in the next episode


sitted with him was the almighty pastor musty.there were both lock in a hot argument that could result to commotion if not tackfully handle.
pastor musty was breathing heavily.his head was already spinning,and his eyes were getting dim.the expression on his face was like that of an angry lion
pastor musty:[angry]but baba how can my wife be the one to be used for the sacrificed,is they no other way out
baba:my son they is no escape route for these,and thereby no solution.owoliwo need your wife and nothing else
pastor musty:[with anger]you must be joking
baba:do i look to you like a jester or a baba and remembered nothing goes for nothing so do the sacrifice and that is all
pastor musty:how can a woman who had stood by my side be the one to be used as the sacrificial lamb to owoliwo just for a small magic handkerchief…

pastor musty:but baba is they no other way out of these?

baba:there is only one choice and am afraid if you will accept it

pastor musty:what is it?

baba:sacrificed your manhood

pastor musty:mba mba no no no my wife is prefered able,after all i can still marry another wife


pastor musty:so how will she died?

baba:stretch forth your hands

pastor musty did as he was commanded and a black darj cloth appear in his hands

baba:used it to covered her while sleeping in the night

pastor musty:alright baba

“ahh honey welcome”pastor musty wife greeted when he got home

“thanks”responded pastor musty

“let me help you with your bag”

“noo i can hold it.let go inside”

they both went inside.pastor musty relaxed in the sitting and clutching the bag containing the black cloth very tight to himself.

while,his wife rush to the bathroom to prepaire bathing water and later to the kitchen,he quickly went to their room and hide the cloth,and later he went to the bathroom to take his bath.after bathing,he went to the dinning where his favourite food,egusi and eba was waiting for him patiently.

opposite him,was his wife.she was staring at him as he feast on the food like a mad dog.he could not stare at her directly.he was shy and sorrow for her,because tonight will be her last.and the food he was eating,was the last he will ever test from a woman like her.he was now feeling uncomfortable and saturated with heat,even do the fan was spinning seriously at it highest speed.

“anything the problem honey?”his wife gentle voice,spoke out.

“no nothing”

In the night,he could not sleep,his heart was racing and beating heavily.he stared at hi his wife who was sleeping peacefully.he was full of remorse and sorry for his wife.

slowly,he stood up from bed and went to where he had hide the bag containing the black cloth.he toke it,open it and brought the cloth out,as tears trickle down his him,it was just as if he should stop.but hell no,the penalty will cause his life or manhood which he can’t afford to loose.

“it is finished”he murmured slowly as he let go the black cloth,which covered his wife.

the black cloth,which contain a very dark power,created a wave as his wife battle between live and death.pastor musty could not view the sight as shame and guilty conscious fill his with the thought that he was the killer of his wife,sent down more tears to his face.

Finally,his wife drop death.he check her pulse,but she was by far already death.he toke off the cloth from her and ran to his secret room and cry bitterly…..


Daniel Pov
I Was Very Much Surprise How I Was Even Healing.It was as if i was even now healing more than pastor musty.though i had suffered enough from baba,but i still thanj god that am alive.and also,i had to reconcile with pastor musty as baba said that will trigger my healing power and mutiply it by two.

After the fasting and prayer which lasted for more than eleven hours,we finally ended the fasting.i was very tire and decided to go home and break my fasting after i had exchange pleasantries with my church member who kept hammaring me with questions of where i went to and some even asked who gave me the power to heal..

na god power o…lol

Soon the fasting came to an end.i was very happy.i was now gaining popularity and i even got a nickname “pastor dan”

One day,on my way going home,after a vigil night service,i started hearing strange voice from my back.first i thought it was just my imagination but as time went on the voice became clear clear to was as if a ghost was after me.

oh i forgot to tell you.when i came back from baba shrine,i was welcome with the news that sandra is death.that day,i cry the hell out of me,it was as if my end has come.i was actually fallen in love with the girl.i knew the source of her death immediately i was told that she died was baba handwork as he had earlier told me that the last person i slept with will be used as my source of power.what if i was a virgin self,sha na my mama him for used…

Now the voice was getting clearer and it was as if i was also hearing footsteps.with a shaky hand,i flashed my torch behind but i didn’t see anybody.i was was like a battle of life and death to me.

for some minute,it was as if the voice stop,but the next minute,the voice started again and i picked the race of my life…..


women of death coven

tina:mother but he can’t just sleep with my sister and kill her for his pastor power and go scot free just like that
Queen Mother:yes I Know.But We Had To Temper Mercy And Justice On Him.he did what he did unknownly.and moreover he is not just an ordinary pastor..he had power that can destroy two

tina:[angry]mother stop telling me stories,just tell me how to track him and his member ,that is all.leave the rest for me

tina shouted to the amazement of the queen tina,sandra sister.she was angry when she heard of her sister death and she ran to the queen mother of women of death to know the killer or the cause of her death,only to found out that it was pastor dan who used her for the prepairation of his healing portion.she became angry and asked the queen mother on the way of bringing him down…

the coven was covered with six coffins and one throne.tina and the queen were the only found here in the coven tied in a hot argument

in the wall,hung a large mirror used in viewing their enemies activity

queen mother:the only way out is to seduce him into sex and do what you want to do with him




it was seven days now and baba has completed the whole initiation process.though the days were hectic,but daniel was finally initiated with sandra serving as his source of power.

during these initiation days,baba suceed in convincing daniel,though he added a death warrant

baba:my son,it is not as if we are evil people.we are just hear to help.when people are heal,suffering is joining us is not a bad should even be happy you are opportune to join us and the gods of owoliwo has accepted you…

baba continue talking and talking until it was time for daniel to leave the shrine to his home.pastor musty,was already waiting smiling.

pastor musty:[to daniel]hmmm so finally you are a member?


baba:take care of him very well and remember to come back for your sacrifice.

pastor musty:okay baba

with that pastor musty left the shrine with daniel very weak……

Idris Pov

I Was Sitting Outside receiving fresh has been a whole seven days now and i have not set my eyes on was as if he disappear.i was confused and i was having insomania during these pass six was just today that i decide to give myself a break on the search of daniel.

i was just sitting outside staring at nothing except blank space when i saw a moving cab towards my direction.i first though it was maybe my neigbor that was inside.the cab stop and the person inside the cab came was a male,looking so lean like a stick of broom.i haven’t seen these type of figure before.

the figure paid the cab man and started walking towards my direction,smiling like a toad.he came closer and it was daniel.i clean my eyes very well to insure i was not dreaming,before jumping on him in an embrace like a know that type of happiness na,like when you dad just bought you a brand new toy.i was overjoy to see my seven day lost old friend

i collected his small bag containing some provision and dash into our room.

me:daniel wetin happened? you just comot like that go the unknown you no even tana anybody ?wetin happened? see as you come lean like stockfish

daniel:[smiling]abegi my brother na long tori o.anyway i go yan you the matter dey?

me:why not! rice and fried plaintain

daniel:ete am already salivating .but make i hold am baff first

he said,pulled his cloths and left for the bathroom,while i was busy staring at him like a ghost.

few minutes later,he came out of the bathroom.he apply cream,wore his cloth and while eating,he told me all that happened during his seven days missing.his adventure with baba and pastor musty.finally,we slept almost twelve in the night…

the next day.we woke up and prepaire for church.our church was still on a seven day fasting and today is the fourth day.daniel told me he was to preach.i was surprise seeing him that day in church healing and prophesieing for people….



Pastor Musty:thank You Baba…Ehrm Baba What about the magic handkerchief you promise?
baba:[pointed his staff in a calabash amd incanted]makaraba satubara[a white shinning handkerchief appear in the calabash.baba order pastor musty to wash his hands in another calabash and them picked up the handkerchief.after pastor musty had wash his both hands,he picked up the handkerchief]used it to wipe on the person face you want to heal and leave the rest for owoliwo.And remember to come back with the handkerchief after the fasting day and get ready for the sacrificed
pastor musty:thank you baba.i will surely come back
baba:and don’t misplaced the handkerchief or else…..hahahahahaha
pastor musty:okay baba[he said and left the shrine with the magic handkerchief]
baba:[walk in the air to where daniel was lying down and started laughing evily]hahahahaha.welcome to owoliwo kingdom
he said and wanted leaving when he remember something
he walk back to where daniel was and pointed his shinning staff towards him.He started moving it from his toes and when he got to his private part place.He stopped.The staff turn red mystiriously.he knew something was wrong.his main reason of doing so was because he need someone to used to prepaire a portion of magic for daniel and it must be a female and it should be the last person he slept with or had romance with.
Baba walk in the air back to where his magic mirror was and pointed his now red staff towards the mirror.immediately,the s-x scene between daniel and sandra,which his last appear in the mirror.baba watch with delight im his eyes and a wicked smile ran across his face.
baba:hahahaha it is such a pity that you sandra will be used for daniel spiritual power…..hahahaha
he said and pointed his staff towards her….
“ahhrch”sandra shouted as she feel a strange pain in her heart region
“what is the problem”her friend asked standing up to meet her
End Of Episode 23
“ouuhr”sandra Scream Again Painfully.The Pains she was feeling was getting more painful by every passing minute.her friend was pacing round the room confused on what to do next.
“oh what have i doone”sandra scream at the top of her voice while the pains mutiply by two.she kept asking herself timelessly what she had done that she is feeling these unknown strange pain in her chest rigion.
“oh get me a glass of water pls”sandra said to her friend.she was now feeling as if they was a burning fire in her chest-heart rigion.
her friend timidly ran to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water in her hand.she try giving sandra the water to drink but sandra can’t.the pains was unbearable.she can’t bear it anymore and finally she drop death.she kicked the bucket and went to the land of no return……


the speeding car finally came to an hult.i was halve unconscious thereby causing my viewing side to reduce and i could barely look at something.
pastor musty and the two thugs came down.pastor musty quickly brought out his phone and make a short call.when he ended the call,he order the two thugs to carry me.the two thugs brought me down from the car and put my hands of their shoulder,dragging me roughly to an unknown place
the cold breeze in the place we were going was inviting,the leaves claps spontaneously as we walk through the valley of mine was really pre-occupied as i can not think straight again
“where are we even going to?”
“what will happened when we gets to our destination?”all these and a thoasand and one thought were running through my mine.
finally,we got to an unknow destination after walking for almost thirty more minutes.d--n it!!where are we self???
the place we got to was not all that bushy as it should be.i was more surprise when i saw an old hut decorated with palmfront the centre of the hut stood a small passage that can not even accommodate up to two persons.
the two thugs carrying me on their shoulders cannot pass through the passage so they drop me of the thug went infront while the other one was in my back pushing me frontward and the other drag me from the front.that was the only way i was they were able to push me inside.
we burst at the other end of the passage revealing a gigantic compound.the compound was big enough to accommodate twenty persons.and also the compound was smelly of an unknown odour.human skulls were litering every where and instantly,i became nervous,with cold shiver running all over my body.
the two thugs kept dragging me roughly until we got to a place that looks like a shrine and true to be told,it was a shrine.afraiding instantly catch,the thoasands idols staring at me were driving me mad
i was really afraid at what my eyes saw.i was even more afraid when the two thugs disappear and i was left alone in the ground with my now worse enemy pastor musty.the fool was sitting in one small tied with black cloth.i stare at him angrily and i shouted at him with all my power
“you will surely regret all these”he only laugh and shouted back at me
“you wanted power to heal and i have brought you to the right place boy”i was so weak to reply him so i just shut up staring at him angrily.
sooner than later,a very short man appear mysteriously in the air.the man started laughing evily and pastor musty join in the laughter
baba:hahaha pastor musty is these the boy?
pastor musty:[smiling]yes baba!
the suppose baba stretch the magic staff he was holding and instantly,i fainted…
baba:[smiling]pastor musty you have done a real good job and the gods of owoliwo are really happy with you for bringing these young man for initiation
pastor musty:[smiling]thank you baba


“bring bring bring”my phone alarm shouted into my ears,,the phone was on alarm since the day pastor musty told me we have an appointment and today is the appointment day
“ouuhch”i groan stretching my arms
“da you one chop person?”idris asked
i ignore his comment And Went Straight To The Bathroom To Brush My Teeth.I Was D--n Hungry,so After Brushing,i Went To The Kitchen To Warm The Afam Soup We Cook Yesterday.After Warming It,i Prepaire Eba And Ate To My Fill
Without Wasting Time After Eating,i Went To The Bathroom To Take My Bath.
After Bathing,i Prepaire Myself,wore My Cloth And Off I Went…..
I WENT to his office,but i met his absent,so i went to my office to while away time
Just After I Had Settle Down In My Office,i Heard A Knock On My Office Door,i Couldn’t Quest Who It Was So I Shouted For The Person To Come Inside,quest Who The Person? Ahh Actually You Quest Right It Was Sandra……
i was surprised to see her,not only surprise,but amazed to see her with a very short bumshot.ete na these kind thing the make son men rape some girls
anyway i welcome her into my office and make her comfortable as little as i can
i send someone to buy her mineral and meat pie,after she might have finish eating,we started discussing until the discussion lead us to what a pastor is forbade to do…….fornication…
***** ***** *****
When we were both done,she left my office minutes later as if her plan was just to lured me into sex.the minute she left,i became restless,what have i just done?
“what is someone saw me why having sex with her like the way idris saw pastor musty?”
“what if?why if?where if”[no be if by davido o] all these and many more though were running through my mine
i was still wearing a thinking cap when i receive a call from pastor musty
me:[picked up the call]hello sir
pastor musty:[sounding angry]are you no longer coming for the appointment?
me:ehrm sir…i…yes am coming
pastor musty:rubbish!! it seems you do not want my help again,wait o,look at someone am trying to help,if you are not interested again just tell me
me:am sorry sir,it was a mistake,it won’t happened again
pastor musty:sorry for yourself….in the next five minutes time,if you don’t paddle you canoe to these place,forget about the appointment
me:okay sir…am on my way sir…before i could complete my statement,he had already hang up
i arranged my office swift,re-dress myself and step out hurriedly to pastor musty office
i met pastor musty in his car,with two other person,one at the driver seat,with pastor musty and the other close to the sight window,i greeted them but noone answer me.anyway i enter the car and off we went
the car had rode for several hours without stopping,when suddenly the guy sitting close to me,brought out a powder substance and throw it on my face,that was the last thing i remember till i slump……..


“welcome my son”baba said with a stern smile on his usual,he was on the air,both his legs and hand are not touching the ground.these time,it seems his shrine has been renovated.he gigantic shrine was now located at an ark tree.the usual small stone that use to be one has now be increase to three,which means they have gotten two more members,one was a business man and the other a pastor also.on their initiation day,they have both sacrifice their girlfriends or woman friend as the case may be…
“thank you baba the greatest of our time,may you and owoliwo live long”pastos musty reply smiling mischieviously.
baba:[laughing]hahahaha and may your church grow beyound human expectation
pastor musty:thank you baba
baba:what brought you to my shrine now? because i know you can easily contact me with the temple at your house
pastor musty:yes baba,but in these case we have to see face to face and have somethings done,if any argurement should ris between us,we
if Any Argument Should Rise Between Us,we Will Not Be Able To Talk Fine For My Wife Not To Hear
Baba:[nodding His Head]hmmm I Seee So What Is Distubing You That Warrant You To Come To My Shrine? Because I Know The Toad Does Not Run In The Day Time For Nothing
Pastor Musty:yeah That Is True.First Of All Is That I Have Good News And A Request
Baba:hmmmn No Bad News?
Pastor Musty:[smiling]yeah.owoliwo does not like bad news so i don’t bring any
baba:wow that is what is the good news all about?
pastor musty:we are having a new member between today and tomorrow
baba:[excited]wow that is really good who is he?
pastor musty:daniel,the boy who caught me while having s-x few months ago
baba:that is good,you have really done a great job and owoliwo is very happy with you
pastor musty:thanks baba
baba:so when is he coming here for the initiation?
pastor musty:probably next tommorrow
baba:alright,so what is your request?
pastor musty:i want the magic white handkerchief and a medicinal….
“and A Medicinal Concoction To Make The Boy Coming For Initiation To Sleep All Through The Journey To Bring Him Here Next Tommorow
Baba:that Is Not Hard But Remember To Make A Human Sacrificed In Exchange For The Magic Handkerchief
Pastor Musty:alright Baba.Should The Sacrifice Be Done Before The Fasting Or After The Fasting?
Baba:i Think It Should Be After The Fasting But These Time,am The One Telling You Who To Sacrifice
Pastor Musty:okay Baba
Who Could That Be?
find out in the next episode…


me:yes sir i will do anything within my power to make sure am not embarrass that day
pastor musty:wow these is interesting
me:yes sir
pastor musty:rise up boy,i will help you
me:[happy]thank you sir
i said and stood up,dust my trouser and sat down again
pastor musty:you see boy,i thank god that you were the one that volumteer to do anything doable and not me asking you to do
me:yes sir am ready to do anything as far as these situation will be over
pastor musty:alright…do you want to have the power to heal or just for my to remove your name from the list?
me:[thinks for awhile]sir i will preferred having the power to heal so that when next time these type of problem comes again,i will be able to handle it
pastor musty:alright…i will help you…you will have to meet me here next tomorrow for me to take you to a man that will pray for you and you will have the power to be able to heal
me:[happy]ahrr thank you very much sir…am grateful sir
pastor musty:[not smiling]don’t thank me now..thank me after the show that is going to take place next tomorrow
me:okay sir…
pastor musty:ehrm daniel sorry pastor dan i must be on my way to somewhere and am already late,i think we will meet again next tomorrow
me:okay sir…save journey
i said and left pastor musty office
****** ****** ******
Pastor Musty Drove Hurriedly Into The Forest Of Akaya.He Drove The Camry Car To The Usual Spot He Always Park It.He Put The Car In A Hult,came Down,pick Up His Phone And Dial Baba Number.His Face Was Already Sweaty,it Was As If A Dangerous Beast Was After Him
The Phone Rang Twice Before Baba Pick Up The Call
Pastor Musty:hello Baba
Baba:yes Is These Pastor Musty?
Pastor Musty:yes Am On My Way To Your Shrine
Baba:hope No Problem?
Pastor Musty:not Much…I Just Need To Delivered Some Stuffs To You And…
Pastor Musty:not Much…I Just Need To Delivered Some Stuffs To You And collect the white magic handkerchief from you,we are having fasting and prayers next week
baba:alright am waiting for you…just be careful
pastor musty:alright
just the very minute he hanged up the call,his wife call enter
pastor musty:[soliquizing]oh my god..what should i do now.if i pick the call what will i tell these waman now?
***pick up the call**
pastor musty:[sweet voice]hello darling
wife:honey were are you now? i have check you on your office but you are not there?what happened?
pastor musty:[confused on what to say]i..i….am having a short meeting with one of my pastor in another church against the up coming fasting and prayers
wife:but you never mention such meeting to me
pastor musty:yeah it just came up early these morning… afternoon…
no lie again so he………………………….
***switch off phone***


**kon Kon Kon**
I Slowly Tapped The Door.
“come In The Door Is Open”i Heard Pastor Musty Mascular Voice Said.I Slowly Open The Door And Went Inside With A Steady Frown On My Face.He Gesture A Visitor Seat For Me To Sit Down And I Sat Down,though I Was Angry At Him
Me:[bone Face]morning Sir….I Managed To Greet
Pastor Musty:[laughing
Hahahaha Boy Check Your Time
What Do These Man Mean By Check Your Time.Anyway I Look At My WristWatch Only To Discover That It Was Two Minute Pass The Hour Of Three[pm].Oh My Goose!
Me:sorry Afternoon Sir
Pastor Musty:[smiling]afternoon My Boy.How Are You Doing
Me:am Fine Sir
****** ******
Pastor Musty:so What Brings You To My Office
Me:sir Is About The Seven Days Fasting And Prayers
Pastor Musty:okay So What About It?
Me:sir…Sir…I Don’t Like The Rule Of Taking That Day
Pastor Musty:[looks At Me With Keen Interest]i Don’t Understand.Be More Explicit In Your Area Of Difficulty
Me:sir You And I Know My….
Me:sir You And I Know what i mean….sir you know very well that i don’t have power to heal like you do,but you still when ahead to paste my name as the pastor incharge of delivering section
pastor musty:yeah actually that is true.but they is nothing i can do.i believe you and i also know that they are only two pastors in these church.that is,you and i,and if am taking care of other activities that day,you should be the one taking care of deliverance session.and moreover i have already paste the list and they is nothing i can do.the only thing you will have to do is to seek for god miracle
me:[almost kneeling]sir pls help me,it will be embarrasing to be taking care of deliverance and not even a person will be heal that day,sir pls help…
pastor musty:rise up boy
me:sir pls i will only rise if you will help me”sir i will do anything doable just to make sure i pass these period of trial
pastor musty:[excited]do you mean anything?
me:yes sir….my doom has come


“oh thank you jesus”i shouted the very minute i drop the last load.i slum into the big vita foam bed.idris and i have relocated to a new apartment since both of us were working now.the new apartment was more nice than the former one,a two bedroom flat,with kitchen toilet and even tap sweet o.
me:[shouting]idris haven’t you finish bathing ?
idris:[inside the bathroom]ahh these is my first day here na,so allow me to bath and also study and explore everything here
me:okay o.scientist idris mcheww
i stood up from the bed and went to the kitchen to prepaire something to eat.remember these our first day here,so we gat nothing to eat except yam
after boiling yam and oil,i ate my own share and kept some for idris.i came out of the kitchen and met idris at the parlour.he was already through bathing so without wasting time,i went inside the bathroom to take my bath,while idris went to the kitchen to eat after i must have told him i kept Yam For Him
thirty Minutes Later
We Were Both Through Eating And Bathing,so We Sat At The Parlour To Discuss.
Idris:[relaxing On The Bed] Oboy How Church Na
Me:[sight]church Dey Fine O
Idris:these One Wey You First Sight Any Problem?
Me:[sad Face]big Wahala Dey O
Idris:wetin Happened
Me:you Know That Seven Day Fasting And Prayer Wey Our Church Dey Host?
Idris:yeah The One That Is Taken Place Next Week?
Idris:so What Is The Problem ?
Me:do You Know Pastor Musty Put My Name As The Person Incharge Of Deliverance Section?
Me:as You Dey See Me So,i Just Confused For My Life Now
Idris:so Wetin You Go Do Now,because I No Say You No Fit Cure Even Goat
Me:idris Am Friend Am Just Confused.I Don’t Know What To Do.Pls Just Help Me Out
we were both silent for sometime before idris broke the silence
Idris:[think For A While]ehrmm i think you should try and talk to him first to see if he can replace you name with another personthirty Minutes Later
We Were Both Through Eating And Bathing,so We Sat At The Parlour To Discuss.
Idris:[relaxing On The Bed] Oboy How Church Na
Me:[sight]church Dey Fine O
Idris:these One Wey You First Sight Any Problem?
Me:[sad Face]big Wahala Dey O
Idris:wetin Happened
Me:you Know That Seven Day Fasting And Prayer Wey Our Church Dey Host?
Idris:yeah The One That Is Taken Place Next Week?
Idris:so What Is The Problem ?
Me:do You Know Pastor Musty Put My Name As The Person Incharge Of Deliverance Section?
Me:as You Dey See Me So,i Just Confused For My Life Now
Idris:so Wetin You Go Do Now,because I No Say You No Fit Cure Even Goat
Me:idris Am Friend Am Just Confused.I Don’t Know What To Do.Pls Just Help Me Out
we were both silent for sometime before idris broke the silence
Idris:[think For A While]ehrmm i think you should try and talk to him first to see if he can replace you name with another person
Me:see Is Like You Don’t Understand,both Of Us Are The Only Two Pastor There.There Is No Way He Can Replace My Name With Another Person Name
Idris:[angry]then Tell Him To Replace Your Name With His Name
Me:you Don’t Understand
Idris:anyway I Still Have One Option For You
Me:[eager To Hear The Option]which Is?
Idris:you Asked Him The Source Of His Power
Me:but That Will Not Be Easy And Moreover,i Don’t Think That Man Power Is Natural
Idris:[eye Widen]what Do You Mean?
Me:think Bro,remember The Video Tape.No True Pastor Will Commit Adultry And Still Be Able To Heal People
Idris:yeah That Is True,but Maybe He Had Repented.Infact Just Forget All These Stories Just Try And Visit Him,he Might Have A Solution For You
Me:yeah.Should I Visit Him Now Or Later?
Idris:now Remember Delay Is Dangerous And The Fasting And Prayer Is Next Week
Me:alright Bro.Thanks Very Much
I Said And Stormed Out Of The House Straight To Pastor Musty Office….


“i Call On Our Guest Speaker Pastor Dan,to Take Us On Preaching Today”i Heard Pastor Musty Said,the Very Minute I Enter The Church.I Look At Idris Who Was Smiling at me Childishly.Oh God If I Had Waste A Little Time At Home Again,it Could Have Been A Big Disgrace To Me,for Coming To Church Late As A New Pastor And On My First day
My Heart Was Vibrating Seriously.Anyway I Manage To Cool Myself Down And Walk To The alter majestically but reluctantly.the happy congregation were clapping their hands loudly which even added more fear to brain immediately went blank,all what i have been rehearsing just when off my head.
i stood at the alter looking at pastor musty childishly like a molded statue.oh god i must learn how to overcome these stage fried…
*** *** *** ***
“first of all brethens,i will start by introducing myself”my trembling voice sang out to the quiet congregation.i could hear the echoe of my voice and i knew i was in for it.
“am pastor dan”i continue,why i could see pens dancing furiously to my tune”well my brethens for todays preaching topic,the topic should be…”i turn and look at the congregation who were staring at me steadily like flies”my topic for today is “WHY DOES GOD ALLOW EVIL AND SUFFERING
“brethens beward god does not support our sufferings.god really have a reason for these.for a limited time now,god allowf rebellion against his sovereignty[us]to show that no effort to rule without him benefits people[ecclesiates 7:29;8:9].”i pause”if observe clearly,over the years,human rulers have failed to eliminate war,crime,injustice and disease[jeremiah 10:23;9:17]….”i continues preaching on and on until it preaching time expire…
fast forward……..after service
after service,they was sharing of food and drinks to celebrate my ordanation as a pastor.i was surprise the way idris was eating like a mad dog.these boy no well o.see as him the eat as if na him own occassion,i was still wearing a thinking
Cap,when I Felt A Soft Romantic Touch At My back.instantly i knew it was not a man.i turned my back to see the person and fortunately it was sandra.these girl Eh
sandra:[smiling] hello mr preach are you na?
sandra:fine.i just came to congratulate you
me:thanks.that is thoughful of you
sandra:no problem.ehrm can we take some photoshot ?
me:why not
we both went to a camera man to snap.i snap several pics with her and other church members and at last the occassion ended,though i had to visit pastor musty,who congratulated me and show me my new office.chai see fine office.the office was more decorated than pastor musty office…
*** *** ***
My Church Activity was running smoothly for one month until trouble struck again.a seven day fasting and prayers was going to be held and i was incharge of the deliverance section.pastor musty who did the compilement of the activities knew fully well that i cannot even cure a fly talkless of taking incharge of deliverance section Still Put My Name…