STORIES UPDATE: Echoes of The Past STORIES UPDATE: Echoes of The Past

Showing posts with label Echoes of The Past. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Echoes of The Past. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2020


episode 9

Rose and co stared at Nora as they waited for an answer. They could see her shivering and glancing at the doctor to the extent he became suspicious in the eyes of the girls. When the doctor noticed it, he said, “Who are u girls? I guess it’s time to let her be”
“Doctor, we just want her to tell us the truth. Our company has been locked down because of this” Rose insisted.
“Tell us Nora, were you rapped?” Gloria queried again. Now with all seriousness, yet Nora kept quiet.
“Come on, young girl, tell them the truth” the doctor inferred.
Nora looked at Rose steadily, the look became intense that even Rose tried to figure out what she was trying to tell her but unfortunately she shook her head positively. “Yes, i was rapped” she said aloud then glanced at the doctor again.
“By who?” James asked.
“Madam Beryl’s boyfriend”
Gloria and Ruth gasped in disbelief while Rose straightened up quietly still staring at Nora. She knew something was fishy. Sooner were all of them sent outside by the doctor even when they requested to take Nora along.
Outside the hospital, the guys stood in amazement. Only Rose walked to and fro with her hair slid occasionally in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t the doctor allow Nora follow us? Something isn’t just right”
“Wait oh” Ruth began. “We all were there when Madam’s boyfriend carried Nora running to the hospital. If at all he rapped her, why must he also be the one to carry her to the hospital?”
“Excellent!” Rose turned sharply. “We must find out the truth. But first, let’s go report the missing of madam Beryl and her family to the police” they all hurried out.
Back inside the hospital, the doctor led Nora to a lonely room and locked her up.
Mr Lewis, Gavin’s father climbed down the staircase well dressed with a briefcase. Already, all his house workers were back doing their duties. He instructed them and went straight to Gavle Silver Lounge Resort to find his wife coming out through the gate. She became shocked to see him.
“Good morning my husband”
“Who is your husband and what are you doing here? Get out of this place! I don’t want to ever see you around any of my properties again!” Mr Lewis pushed her out. He summoned the receptionist of the hotel instantly who stood in amazement. The young girl wore a white shirt which she tucked-in in a black plain trouser. An ID-card could be seen hanging on her neck.
“Now listen to me” Mr Lewis began. “Any day you allow this woman into this hotel, you’ll be sacked! Even her son”
“Sir, you mean Gavin, your son?” the girl wanted to be sure.
“Quiet my friend! Did i mention him as my son? Even him!”
“Okay, sir” the girl hurried back to her duty post.
As Mrs Edna shed tears on the way regretting her past, so as Nora began to escape from the room where she had been locked by the doctor. The room had a drum and other sharp materials. She looked up to see the ceiling open so she pulled the drum to a corner, climbed on it, and began to climb inside the ceiling. Though she didn’t know how she was gonna come out but needed to be free. She climbed silently making sure nobody noticed her presence until she found her way to the backyard of the hospital where she broke a ceiling and jumped down. Due to the building had no fence, she escaped from there running continuously…
On the other hand, Raymond and Rex stood in Rex’s apartment. Raymond was in a plain trouser with shortleeves shirt while Rex on jean trouser.
“So, how did it go?” Raymond asked.
“Perfect, the company is closed down” Rex replied.
“Good, we must go now and finish up the family of late Mr Scott”
As they tried to move, Rex’s phone rang. He stopped to pick the call after seeing the caller to be the doctor.
“Hello, doctor”
“The girl has escaped”
“Oh, shit! How can you be so stupid? F--k!” Rex cut the call then looked at his uncle. “The girl has escaped from the hospital”
“That means we have to leave as soon as possible coz the police will be coming after us” Raymond concluded and they ran out..
Ethel couldn’t sleep or slept alone throughout the night knowing that there were unknown dead bodies inside the house. Therefore she slept on the same room with her mother. She could be seen lying asleep on the floor and her mother on the bed. Suddenly, both rushed up at the same time to the voice of Mr Edwin who was shouting in his room. They hurried to go see the cause of his shout. At reaching the door of Mr Edwin’s room, they slowed down remembering the dead bodies. Ethel walked behind her mother with hands engulfed on her waist to take precaution. When they finally opened the door, they screamed at the sight of thousands of money pumping out from the wardrobe and Mr Edwin standing before it with smiles on his face.
“Money..” Mrs Veronica moved forward smiling too. Just then, a knock came from the door-Mrs Edna was knocking..
TBC.... Kindly drop commentaries in the commentary box...


episode 8

Though Mrs Edna and Raymond were at a distance where nobody could hear them but from the way Raymond held her arm attracted Rex’s attention therefore observed both of them.
“Leave my arms!” Mrs Edna forcefully withdrew her hand from Raymond’s. “What do you mean which home? Don’t you have a home? Please, take me home coz my husband has kicked me out of the house” she added.
“Have you forgotten I’m married with kids at home? Where the hell do you think you’ll stay? Wait oh..” Raymond glanced through the entrance of the room to see Rex looking at them. So he dragged Mrs Edna out of sight into a darker area. “Why did your husband kick you out by the way?” he asked.
Mrs Edna kept quiet not trying to shock him with the news that her first son, Gavin, is his son not her husband’s. It’s obvious she also married Mr Lewis because of money and at the same time having affair with Raymond which led to the reproduction of Gavin.
“He kicked me out because i made his son, Gavin to run out of the house by forcing him to marry another girl” she replied.
“But why would you force your son to marry another girl?”
“It’s none of your business okay!”
Raymond thought for a while. “Where is your son now?” he asked.
“Nobody knows where he is. He actually carried his bag insearch of that idiot, Beryl. That’s why i told you to kidnap and kill her. Make sure you do that” Mrs Edna began to leave.
“Where are you spending the night now?” Raymond’s voice could then be heard by Rex and others inside the room.
“Gavle Silver Lounge Resort, my son’s hotel” she replied but suddenly came back standing before Raymond with a lower voice. “I saw two people lying beside Beryl. Who are they?”
“That’s none of your business too” Raymond replied.
“Well, have it your way. They are of no use to me” she finally went out.
This was actually the time the company opens but everything became dormant with all the workers assembled at the reception to deliberate on why their manager, Beryl had not been to work for days. Rose, the secretary, also the senior, served as the boss to others. She looked from James, Gloria and Ruth then asked, “Where is Tunde?” Nobody answered but she continued. “I’ve notice him to be absent for days just like our madam. What’s going on?”
“I think we should go to madam’s house to ask her mother or sister her way about” James suggested.
“I’ve gone there but didn’t see anybody” Rose replied.
“Let’s ask Nora, her receptionist” Ruth suggested too.
“Nora is still in the hospital”
Silence took over the reception as the workers reasoned about the strange situation.
“I think we need to inform the police coz i believe it’s a kidnap issue” Rose said.
“Why don’t we ask James the way about of Tunde?” Gloria inferred with a disdainful look at James.
“Why me?” James glared.
“Is he not your friend that you normally support always?”
“Watch your mouth or..”
“Or what!”
“Quiet!” Rose exclaimed. Just then, they saw a troop of policemen coming with guns. In front of them was Rex. Rose recognise him.
“Uhm.. officers, this is the place the rape took place. I need it to be shut down” Rex commanded the officers then all the workers became shocked especially Rose.
“Rape? Who rapped who?” she asked.
“A worker called Nora was rapped here yesterday by one Mr Gavin” a police officer explained and the workers gasped while Gloria glanced at Ruth.
“Officer, nothing like that happened here yesterday. In fact we were about to come and report..” Rose wanted to say but was interrupted by Rex.
“Shut up!” he looked at the policemen. “Officers, lock this place and lets get out of here!”
Nora woke up to see the doctor standing beside her. She couldn’t believe that a push from Gavin rendered her unconscious. She was on Scotryl Company uniform-a skirt and a T-shirt.
“Doctor, what happened” she sat up feeling her head heavier than initial.
“You were rapped” the doctor replied.
“Rape?” Nora’s face was full of surprises and confusion. She tried to recall vividly what happened.
“No, doctor, i wasn’t rapped. Nobody rapped me. I was only pushed down by..”
“Sheeehhh” the doctor interrupted with a finger across his lips and slightly showed Nora the head of a gun that rested beside his trouser. It was covered by a white doctory robe. “You have to admit and tell everybody that you were rapped otherwise you die” he added.
Nora became shocked and understood that something fishy was going on. Just as she thought, Rose, Gloria and co rushed inside the quiet ward then the doctor adjusted backward.
“Nora, what happened?” Rose asked but she didn’t respond.
“Is it true you were rapped by that madam’s boyfriend?” Gloria, being an amibo asked immediately…


episode 7

The atmosphere became dark likewise the unknown surroundings circulated by bushes. Even the interior part of the building became dark too that even Beryl barely saw the faces of the men standing before her. She had not come out from the dilemma of seeing her mother and sister lying beside her as if dead. Just as she cried bitterly with hands and legs tied, Rex lit a candle which illuminated the room making her to see the faces of the men torturing her and her family. She looked from Tunde, Raymond, Rex to Jaydan.
“You bastards!” she exclaimed glaring at Raymond. She was able to recognise him because he use to work with her late father and had made advances to her which she rejected and turned him down.
“You are making a mistake, Beryl” Raymond began. “I’m not a bastard but my nephews here are because your father made them to be so. Your father killed their parents for money ritual!!”
“My father didn’t kill anybody. He suffered to produce Scotryl Company which i began to manage after his death. I guess you are just making this up to see that i suffer because i didn’t allow you get in between my legs”
“Nonsense!” Rex interfered angrily then Beryl directed her eyes to him. His face was also familiar to her. Only then did she understand that all planned and worked together for the downfall of her family, even Tunde, her worker.
“Wait, i have seen you in my office before. Aren’t you Gavin’s friend?”
“Yes, also the son of the parents your father killed. I’ll make each of you suffer before seeing you die like a sick fowl”
“My father didn’t kill your parents!”
“Shut up!” Rex rushed and gave her a hot slap which rendered her speechless and heartbroken. She endured the pains winking her eyes continuously. All these while they were exchanging words, Jaydan had been staring at Cheryl feeling sorry for her. He was actually the one who went to their house to kidnap her and the mother as instructed by his brother. Suddenly, Raymond’s phone rang- Mrs Edna was calling.
“Hello, Edna” Raymond began to move way from the room as he answers the call. By hearing the name, ‘Edna’ Rex looked at his uncle coz he knew Edna to be Gavin’s mother wondering the kind of business they were doing and how they knew each other.
“Where are you? My husband just kicked me out of the house” Mrs Edna replied on the phone.
“Just tell me where you are. Have you gotten the girl, Beryl, i told you about?”
“Sure” Raymond gave her the address.
Mrs Veronica and her daughter, Ethel could be seen vomiting in the sitting room as Mr Edwin walked back to the bedroom with the calabash of unclean water. They had been made to drink from it which was actually the reason why they were vomiting.
“I’m finished” Ethel began. “How can this be happening to me?”
“My daughter..” the mother tried to hold her but she flung out her hand in anger standing up.
“Don’t touch me again, mother! You caused all this, If not the way you’re obsex with money, father wouldn’t have done what’s his doing. You turned me into a s--t, a choiceless and valueless woman because of money. I hate you! Mother, i swear, if anything happen to me, i will never forgive you and father” she ran inside her room.
On the other hand, Mr Edwin had gone back to the room, wrapped the two dead bodies back in a large bag then shuffle them in a wardrobe. They weren’t smelling anymore coz the ritual had been completed. The dead bodies were actually a woman and a man. Could it be Rex’s parents?
Mrs Edna arrived at the hidden area making sure nobody followed her. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on the girl who she believed that ruined all her plans and break her happy home. So she stepped inside the room neglecting the presence of the men as she glared at Beryl.
“So you’re the Beryl, huu”
“Who are you?”
“I warned you to stay away from my son but you wouldn’t listen!”
“Your son?” Beryl thought for a while. She remembered Gavin’s mother calling her to stay away from her son. So she raised her head. “Are u Gavin’s mother?”
“Yes, and am gonna kill u for ruining my plans and my family! Ever since my son set his eyes on you, he has gone bonkers!” she began to slap her while Rex met his uncle at a corner.
“This wasn’t the plan. What’s this woman doing here?” he whispered.
“I know, Rex. But believe me, she’s on our side. She wants Beryl dead as much as we want the family wiped out” Raymond replied.
However, Mrs Edna kept beating Beryl to the extent Jaydan couldn’t tolerate it anymore, so he shouted, “Enough! I said enough!”
Mrs Edna stepped back breathing hastily. She angrily walked out followed by Raymond immediately to a place where nobody hears them.
“Make sure that girl is dead”
“Alright, come take me home” Mrs Edna requested trying to leave but Raymond pulled her back.
“Which home?” he asked then Mrs Edna stared at him..


episode 6

Mrs Veronica, Ethel’s mother, couldn’t believe her eyes as she gasped in tears on the staircase. The two dead bodies she saw in her husband’s room got her terrified. Ethel, who stood beside her left her going to her father’s room to confirmed what the mother saw. As she walked in her slot appearance, before the entrance of the room, she saw smoke coming out from it thereby slowing down her locomotion. “What mother said might be true” she thought and went closer. Even the smell that came out from the room gave her the notion that something very bad was happening inside the sanctum. Immediately she looked through the open door, she screamed seeing two dead bodies lying on the floor and a smoke coming out of a calabash. Her father dressed like a ritualist with a bowl of unclean water in his hands.
“Daddy, what’s going on here? Why are you dressed like a ritualist?” Ethel asked waving her hand across her nose.
Without a reply, the father stood up carrying the bowl of water and heading towards her. There was a red fabric tied round his head and waist. Seeing that, Ethel began to move backward gradually. She noticed that a human characteristic had gone out of her father. Therefore she hurried back to meet her mother who had stood up in fear already. Both tried to run out of the house but found the door locked. “Why?” they wondered coz that was the same door through which they entered. Everything seemed to them as if they were trapped!
However, Mr Edwin had climbed down standing few metres away from them.
“My husband, what are you trying to do?” Mrs Veronica asked.
“I’m trying to do that which you have been trying to do” the husband replied.
“I don’t understand”
“You have been trying to use our daughter to be rich by forcing her to marry the son of a rich man. Now we gonna be rich after we all drink from this calabash. It contains the water of the dead bodies you saw in the room”
“Oh, my God!” Mrs Veronica swallowed hard. She felt her waist tightened by the hands of Ethel who started shedding tears already. She regretted ever having such parents; a mother who forces her to a man she doesn’t love because of money and a father who is now trying to use her for money ritual.
“My husband, whose dead body are those?”
“It doesn’t matter! You two must drink from this calabash to complete the ritual” Mr Edwin concluded then moved forward..
Mr Lewis, Gavin’s father, walked to and fro in his room. His mind wandered up and down on the scene created by Gavin, Ethel and her mother a few minutes ago. “I can’t believe this” he began to think. “My own son impotent? No, no, no” he robbed his hand on his head in a woozy manner. But he suddenly stood at a spot and brought down his hand then began to say aloud, “Did i just call him my son? I think i heard the woman saying that Gavin isn’t my son. Wait.. I think that’s what my wife has been hiding from me..” as he wondered in worry, Mrs Edna, the wife, entered the room with a piteous face. She knew that everything had gone out of hand, therefore she went on her knees immediately.
“Please, forgive me my husband” she began to say but the husband interrupted.
“Who is Gavin’s father?”
“It’s Raymond”
“Who’s he, and how come?”
“He is a man in my past” the wife began. “I never wanted you to know that’s why i have been forcing Gavin to marry Ethel so that her mother wouldn’t expose me coz she is the only one that knows about it as a friend”
Mr Lewis became devastated with anger burning inside him. “You b---h!” he slapped the wife painfully. The gravity of the slap drove her on the floor. Then he began to pull out her belongings. “You are going back to the past to meet the man in your past!” he shouted as he flung the wife’s bags out from a wardrobe..
It was a local building, almost like an incomplete building where Beryl battled with Tunde who tried to rape her but the unveiling of his mask by Beryl made him adjust backward. Beryl couldn’t believe her eyes as she jumped up from the local bed. Of course the food she finished eating gave her the energy. Seeing that, Tunde pointed a gun at her.
“Don’t you dare make a move”
“Tunde, you! My own employee! Who are you working with?”
“Shut up!” Tunde shouted then began to tie her hands and legs at gun point. Just after he finished, Raymond entered carrying Cheryl on his shoulder. She was also tied and blindfolded. Raymond placed her beside her sister on the floor.
“Cheryl? Cheryl!” Beryl shouted.
“I said shut up!” Tunde thundered again.
“You bastared! What have you done to her?” as Beryl lamented, Rex and Jaydan carried Mrs Laura, her mother inside too in a dead position. “No, no, mom? Mom!” she began to cry and wished someone like Gavin was there to safe her and her family without knowing that he was in the police cell for a crime he didn’t commit..

Friday, May 22, 2020


Gavin couldn’t understand anything that was happening. He knew Beryl had an ugly past which she had once wanted to tell him about but he didn’t know the connection she and her family had with Rex. “This is beyond what I thought,” he said out loud which made the doctor smile.
“You raped and tried killing her but didn’t know it would come to this and now it’s beyond…”
“I said I am innocent,” Gavin barked furiously as he rushed and held the doctor by his shirt collar, thereby shaking him vigorously. “Repeat after me, Gavin is innocent!”
“Gavin Is innocent,” the frightened doctor repeat with trembling lips.
“Come on, continue till I tell you to stop.”
“Gavin is innocent, Gavin is innocent, Gavin is…”
“Stop young man, officers arrest him,” a police constable interrupted while Gavin turned. The doctors office was filled with uniform men.
“I am innocent,” Gavin kept on shouting and struggling as two officers handcuffed him and led him outside.
“I think he is innocent,” one of the police officer said.
“Shut up and fall out,” the constable shouted.
“Please try everything you can to make sure he faces judgement,” the doctor pleaded.
“Yes sir, always at your service, sir,” the constable saluted and walked out of the office..
By now Beryl had finished eating and was picking out food particles from her mouth with tooth pick.
“Guess you enjoyed the food?” the masked man asked.
“Very well, thanks,” Beryl smiled in appreciation and dropped the used toothpick inside the tray.
“You’re welcome, my angel.”
“My angel,” Beryl repeated.
“Yes my angel or are you not?” the person asked as he shifted close and covered the space between them.
Beryl felt uncomfortable and it really showed on her facial expression. “Please tell me who you are.”
She couldn’t tell if the guy was smiling or not but she felt he was smiling at her uneasiness because his lips moved and the mask covered only his eyes. The guy kept moving close to her and kept moving back till her back rested on the wall and there was no room for her to escape. “Show your face, please,” she pleaded, almost crying.
“Do you like me?”
“Like you?, what sort of stupid question is that,” Beryl flared up but the guy held her left hand. “Let go of my hand immediately!”
“Hey, be calm. I’m only here to do what I’m paid for.”
“Paid for, do you know that you are a fool?”
“Yes but why do you ask if I’m a fool? “
“Because you accept being paid to do rubbish and I don’t think you know that you’re a fool.”
“I don’t see how that is your business, besides I only want to enjoy myself with you.”
“With who? You see why I say you’re a fool, a very big one at…”
The guy interrupted her by placing a finger on her lips and pulling her into his strong arms. It felt warm in her body cos it’s been long she felt the touch of a man but she was determined not to let that fool her. “Let go of me, now!”
“Tell me you’re not enjoying it?” the guy said and tightened his grip on her.
“Let me go, I say.”
“Not so fast, my angel, not until I have had a taste of you.”
“You fool,” Beryl screamed.
“Call me whatever you like, I don’t care,” the guy said and turned her face to his, then tried kissing her but she struggled. They struggled on and on but the guy overpowered her and was able to tear the top she wore, thereby exposing her cleavage which heaved inside the tight bra.
“Just be calm and surrender. I swear you will enjoy me, you will even be screaming for more,” the guy said, licked his lips and pushed her on the bed. Beryl became calm and lay obediently on the bed but as soon as he climbed on top of her, she reached out and quickly tore the mask from his face.
“Tunde!” she shouted and shoved him away furiously…
“Dad! Why are you dressed like a ritualistic?” Ethel asked but the father ignored her, took two steps down the stairs and two steps back, then disappeared into the room again.
“Mom, what did you see? Please talk to me.”
By now, Mrs. Veronica was already crying. “When I entered the house, it had a foul smell and I followed the smell up…” she paused.
“And, mom please continue. You followed the smell up and?”
“Oh Jesus!” Mrs. Veronica exclaimed, placed both hands on her head and scattered her hair.
“Mom!…” Ethel frowned impatiently.
“Two dead bodies, Ethel, the dead bodies of Rex parents. We have been living with dead bodies right inside this house, eheii, Chimoo!” Mrs. Veronica wailed and clutched her breast with her body shaking at the same time.
“This must be a joke, excuse me,” Ethel pushed her mom aside and ran upstairs…
TO BE CONTINUED... Kindly help motivate by commenting on the post.


Raymond stood speechless as he and John exchanged looks. He was very certain someone was trying to make his plan backfire but he was determined not to let that happen and so he moved closer to John in a calm manner and looked directly into the eyes of the gun. “How much did he pay you to betray me?” he wanted to know.
“A she not he,” John smiled.
“A she?” Raymond repeated, wondering who the ‘she’s could be.
“Don’t think too much, sir… “ John started to say but paused and dropped the hand he held the gun, then moved closer and covered the space between he and Raymond. “There is a ‘he’s that is partnering with the ‘she’. They are both fighting the same course and their goal is to help each other get what they want.”
“What are you saying?” Raymond asked. “I don’t understand a thing.”
“What I am saying is that, you are an intruder and you deserve to die,” John said and with that he cocked the gun and raised it up, then pointed it at Raymond. “Say your last prayers.”
“Do you really want me dead?”
“Fine then,” Raymond smiled and raised both hands in the air. “Kill me and get it over with.”
John, without thinking twice or saying any other thing, pulled the trigger with a victory smile on his face but his smile soon faded away as the bullet bounced back and drove straight into his chest making him drop the gun and fall to the floor.
Raymond laughed satisfactorily and bent to pick up the gun. He looked at the John who lay dead with his eyes bulging out and stood erect. “Wow! What a surprise death, in your next life, you will learn think twice before you take any action,” with that he gave John one last shot before he rushed to where Cheryl and her mother lay. He felt Cheryl’s pulse and she was still warm, so he quickly tugged the gun in his trouser pocket and carried her out on his shoulder…
Edwin stood up as his wife entered the room but instead of answering her question, he started laughing.
Mrs. Veronica was baffled as she watched her husband laugh. “What are you doing with this?” she asked again and covered her nose.
The husband stopped laughing almost immediately. “What does it look like? Now get out before I harm you,” he commanded but she refused to heed. “I said get out of this room before I harm you,” he shouted, this time more thunderously. This made Veronica turn and run out of the room.
As she ran down the stairs, she collided with Ethel and slumped on the base of the stairs while Ethel held her in her arms.
“Mom, what’s wrong as and why do you look terribly scared?”
“Your father, he…” her voice trailed off.
Ethel was confused. “my father did what?”
“Go up stairs and see things for yourself,” the mother said.
“Mom, what are you talking about?”
“I said go upstairs and…”
“Don’t you dare come up,” the father shouted from top. Ethel looked up and almost fainted at what she saw of her father…
“can you please pull off the mask, I want to see your face,” Beryl pleaded. She sat on the edge of the bed in a well lit room. In front of her was a side stool and on it was a tray of an appetizing breakfast.
“Eat first and I’ll tell you who I am,” the masked guy said.
“He called you patosky.”
“What’s your real name?”
“Eat first and I’ll tell you. My identity is hidden now coz you might faint when you behold my face.”
Beryl was still confused. “Are you Tunde, my employee?” she asked but the person just smiled and leaned forward to dish out the food for her.
“Are you Tunde?” she repeated.
“And what if I am?” he asked but she couldn’t answer…
The doctor in charge walked back into his office to meet Gavin still standing but this time, he rested his back on the wall.
“Mr. Gavin, the police will soon be here.”
“What for?” Gavin left where he stood and walked up to the doctor.
“You are guilty of coz and they are coming to arrest you,” the doctor said in clear terms.
“Well!” Gavin pulled out a chair and sat on it. “No one will be able to carry me out of this office.”
“But I will,” a voice said from behind and Gavin turned.
“Rex,” he shouted excitedly and stood up to hug him but Rex went stiff. “Thank God you are here, I’m in deep shit.”
“I don’t think I have any business with you Gavin because the doctor called me here, “ Rex said bluntly and pushed him aside. “Doctor, can I please see my fiancee that this idiot raped and tried to kill.”
“Rex!” Gavin called out in surprise. “When did Beryl’s secretary become your fiancee? Are you for me or against me?”
“I am against you coz Beryl’s father murdered my parents and you are in love with Beryl,” Rex said in anger.
“This is a joke,” Gavin chuckled.
“Fine, wait till you rot in jail and we will know if I’m joking or not.”
“You want to betray me?”
“No, you betrayed me first.”
“Doctor, I want this young man to be arrested and locked up behind bars,” Rex concluded and with that turned and left the office…


The ‘NO’ that Gavin had screamed out left the doctor speechless for a few seconds and when he finally found his voice, he asked, “Mr. Gavin, do you know gravity of the offense you just committed?” but Gavin ignored and still stared at him pointlessly.
“Mr. Gavin?” the doctor called again, lightly tapping his shoulder but that alone caused another explosion on the part of Gavin.
“I said I didn’t do it, what don’t you understand? Is it ‘I’, ‘said’, ‘didn’t’ or ‘do it?” Gavin stood up and shouted. It was obvious he’s innocent and that the thought of going to jail for a crime he didn’t commit was driving him crazy.
“Please calm…” the doctor began
“Hey!” Gavin interrupted. “Don’t tell me to calm down coz you know very well that I won’t.”
“Fine,” the doctor stood up and walked to the door. “Keep on screaming and shouting and watch me take action.” With that, he opened the door and walked out of the room.
Raymond opened the door of a room and walked into it but unlike Beryl’s room, he immediately switched on the lights as he entered. To his utmost dismay, he found Mrs. Laura Scott and Cheryl lying motionless on the cold tiled floor.
“They should have been awake by now, what’s happening?” he asked rhetorically as he moved closer to and touched each of them. “My goodness! John?” he screamed and jumped back.
“Sir!” John responded behind him.
Raymond without turning to face him, pointed at the two bodies and asked, “What happened to this two?”
“Which two sir?” John asked stupidly. That question alone got him two thunderous slaps that could send one on an errand in the cemetery.
“How dare you question me, you fool?” Raymond shouted and made to slap him again but John moved back quickly coz the next slap would have probably damaged his eyes.
“But sir, I don’t know what happened to them,” John began. “They both had woken up long ago, I even fed them but the reason behind their dead body is what I don’t know.”
Raymond’s eyes became teary and blood shot as he stared at the two bodies, after few seconds of staring, he turned and made to flee out of the room but a gun shot stopped him as he felt the heat of the bullet on his left leg. He looked down at the bullet and then turned back slowly, only for him to meet the shocker of his life. John was right behind him with a gun pointed directly to his forehead.
“This game has taken another dimension, sir. Please say your last prayers,” he said without a smile and cocked the gun..
Mrs. Veronica, Ethel’s mom opened the door to her house and walked in but soon began sniffing her nose due to the bad smell that emanated from the house. She did meet her husband in the sitting room.
“What’s smelling like this?” she asked rhetorically as she ran upstairs and went straight to the room she shared with the husband.
She noticed something odd as she held the door handle, the door had never been closed before except at night but she opened the door anyway. “Father Lord have mercy,” was what came out of her mouth as she looked into the room. The bad smell was actually coming from there. “Edwin! What are you doing?” she spat out in fury but the reply she received was less of what she expected…
Rex was seen pacing around his sitting room, restlessly. Though he knew betraying his friend was bad but he just had to. He really wanted to revenge his parents death. Soon the door opened and Jayden came in, looking rough and tattered. He was also breathing heavily.
Rex immensely turned to him, “How did it go?” he asked.
“It was tough but we succeeded in killing one while injuring the other because she will be of help to us later,” Jayden explained.
“Good,” Rex smiled satisfactorily. “Mission almost accomplished, now go in and get ready for the real game which is about to begin.”
“Yes boss!” Jayden saluted and moved into the inner room while Rex laughed softly in a revenge tone…


Gavin stood speechless for seconds, staring at Nora’s body. To say the least, he was shocked beyond words. Soon, he started screaming for help as he carried her and rushed out of the office. Workers in other departments of the company were seen running into the office in a confused manner as they saw Gavin rush out of Beryl’s office with a bleeding and almost lifeless Nora in his arms. Minutes later, Gavin’s car was seen driving speedily out of the company premises…
“I don’t even understand this madam’s new boyfriend o, madam no love am, but he’s still trying to force himself on her and look what he has done now, this office is full of blood, “ Gloria complained as they stood, staring at the blood stain on the spot where Nora had lay.
“Who knows, maybe he even tried to rape Nora and when she resisted, he decided to act fast,” Ruth added.
“Chai, women,” James who was also inside the office shrugged. “Always talking, like parrot,” he eyed Gloria and Ruth, then hissed and walked out of the office.
Tunde, who had been quiet all along just turned to Ruth and smiled.
Ruth turned round just in time to catch him smiling at her, “And you, what’s making you smile?” she asked with a frown.
“Nothing really,” Tunde replied, still with a smile, then excused himself and walked out of the office.
Ruth and Gloria threw a questioning look at each other and asked in unison, “What’s making him smile like that??”
And that was one but more than one question which of coz you(the readers) will be shocked to find out the answer…
Beryl was still on the floor, in the dark room, thinking about her mother and sister. She thought of how bad they would feel especially as she had not seen them in a while. Soon, she heard the door creak open a second time, so she braced herself up, ready for anyone or anything that comes her way.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You know how this things are?”
“Yes baby, you can trust me on that, I’ll sure deal with her.”
*Another silence*
Beryl listened carefully to the person talking. She couldn’t remember how she got to where she was at the moment and was trying to make meaning of what the person on phone was saying but she understood nothing!.
“Sure baby, she is worth billions of Naira and we’ll soon be swimming in money like Dangote.”
“Fool,” Beryl barked. “Do you think Dangote makes his money through illegal means?”
“Patosky,” the voice inside the room called out.
“Yes boss,” another voice answered from outside, then footsteps were heard.
“Take this crazy girl out of here and get her something nice to eat and drink,” he ordered.
Beryl felt relieved as she heard that, “Yes! Yes! I need food, yes food!” she screamed in excitement as she was raised up by someone and led towards the door in the dark.
“The boss, I think this girl is insane,” the person holding Beryl complained.
“it’s the effect of the drugs,” came the reply. “Just make sure she eats very well.”
“Yes boss.”
“Am I really insane?” Was The question Beryl kept asking herself as she the person led her through the dark.
“Baby, let me see to the other two, they too should be awake by now.”
“I love you, baby.” *Hangs up and smiles to himself* “Girls and their stupidity, just wait and watch out as I deal with you, love fire… “
Gavin tried calling Rex as he paced round the hospital reception but his number wasn’t going through. “Oh God! What have I done to myself? What if something bad happens to this girl now?” he asked rhetorically.
“Nurse,” he called as he saw one of the nurses emerge from the inner corridor and walk to the counter. “How is she?” he asked, trembling.
“Please sir, have patience,” the nurse answered simply and walked out of the reception.
Gavin hit his forehead as he stood, tapping his left foot on the floor. After what seemed like eternity, the doctor in charge came to meet him. He wore a white overall and on his neck hung a stethoscope. “How is she?” Gavin asked but the doctor looked at him in pity instead of replying.
“Doctor, please talk to me, is she dead?” he asked again. He was obviously scared.
The doctor sighed deeply, “Let’s talk in my office, privately.” With that, he turned walked towards the long corridor he came out from.
And now, Gavin was more scared than ever as he followed the doctor to his office..
“Please, have a seat,” the doctor said calmly and gestured at the seat opposite his desk, then turned and sat on his, behind the desk.
Gavin hesitated for a while before he pulled out the chair and sat on it.
The doctor sighed again and rested his hands on the desk, then leaned forward. “Mr. Gavin,” he began. “At this point in time, it’s only the truth and nothing but the truth that’ll save you from going to jail…” he paused to watch Gavin’s reaction.
“Jail! As in, you mean prison?” Gavin asked stupidly.
“Yes prison Mr. Gavin. You will be locked up if you don’t tell me the truth now,” the doctor explained.
“Locked up, for what? Is the girl dead? “
“I know your girlfriend is missing and you are not sound emotionally but… “
“But what, doctor?”
“That Won’t save you.”
“Save me? What are you talking about doctor, is the girl dead? “ Gavin asked and stood up, irritatingly.
“Just calm down and tell me,” the doctor lowered his voice and removed his glasses. “Did you try molesting her, what I mean is, did you try raping her before beating her up?”
“I am doomed,” Gavin said out loud and fell back on the seat. He couldn’t find the right words to use in answering the question he was asked but definitely, he knew he was doomed, like D-O-O-M-E-D. “What will I say to him now that’ll make him believe me?” he thought.
“Did you do it, Mr.?”
The doctors voice jolted him back from wonderland and he shouted “NO!” before even realizing it…


…”I was diagnosed of low sperm count which means I can never father a child”…
All surprised faces were directed to Gavin concerning the statement he had made but he showed no sign of care whatsoever to the different thoughts that ran through their mind as at that moment, the only thing he could do was to let out a chuckle as he bent to pick up his bag. But as he made to touch the handle of his box, his father held his hand midway.
“Where do you think you are going to? “ Mr. Lewis, his father asked. His facial expression quickly changed from surprised to confused.
“Dad!” Gavin called in tone that seemed sober. “Can you please let go of my hand?”
“Not until you tell me where you’re going,” the father commanded, still with a confused look.
“The woman after my heart is missing and you don’t expect me to sit back here and listen to the miserable things you guys have to…”
“Will you shut up, you fool” the father interrupted and tightened the grip on his hand.
“Dad please, let go, you’re hurting me, and yes, this is the second time you’ve called me a fool because of this harlot,” Gavin complained and shot Ethel a dead look.
The father ignored him and turned to face the wife, who sat on the couch, staring silently at them. “Are you just gonna sit there and watch? Won’t you say something?”
“She is speechless because she knows what she’s done. How can a son be impotent and the claimed father is potent?” Gavin questioned as he gave his mother a look to kill.
“Gavin, for God’s sake, I am your mother and so I deserve some respect,” Mrs. Edna said hurtfully as she stood up while Mr. Lewis slowly released Gavin’s hand as his buttocks landed on the couch.
“Well, you can keep my belongings here coz I’m outta here but before I return, dear momma, just make sure you go bring back my biological father,” Gavin said and hissed loudly before leaving the house in annoyance.
“Mom, why did you let him go just like that?” Ethel asked as she found her voice after Gavin was gone.
“He’s gone s--t, to go find the woman after his heart,” Mr. Lewis said and stood up. “Why don’t you also go out there and find the father of that bastard you are carrying?” he concluded and disdained them before walking out of the sitting room…
Beryl open her eyes and took a deep breath. Everywhere was dark and the pains she felt was agonizing. She tried lifting up herself but realized her hands were tied to something which she couldn’t figure out because of the dark room. Just as she contemplated on what to do, she heard some footsteps.
“Hey! Who’s there? I need help please,” she pleaded in a voice that was barely audible. Soon she heard the door creak open, but while she strained her eyes to see, a cold hand touched her laps which made cold shivers run down her spine.
“Hey beauty! Don’t be scared, it’s me,” a voice spoke. She guess the person was right next to her because the breath fanned her neck. “I have been waiting for you to wake up,” the voice continued.
“Who the hell are you and why hiding your face in the covers of this dark room?” she asked. The person ignored her and held her right hand. “Show yourself if you’re a human.”
The person beside her chuckled and tightened his grip on her hand. “Don’t tell me you can’t recognize my voice or have the medications knock out the little brain you had?”
Beryl felt insulted and she didn’t hide it, “How dare you talk to me in that manner,” she barked furiously while trying very hard to set her hands free. “Show yourself, idiot, I say show yourself,” she screamed at the top of her voice, then she felt the person release his hold on her.
“Now I can tell someone without mixing up words that you have officially gone insane but I won’t just conclude, I’ll leave you for a while and come back later, probably you’re just acting up,” the person said. She thought the lights would come up but within a few seconds, she heard footsteps that grew distant till the door was opened and shut again…
Gavin ran into the reception, through the long corridor and the barged into Beryl’s office like one who was being pursued. Nora, the receptionist, who was at her desk when he ran in quickly left the receipts she was arranging and followed him.
INSIDE THE OFFICE… she met Gavin coming out of the convenience.
“Excuse me, sir,” she began. “if there’s any problem, then it should be sorted out at the reception.” Gavin ignored her and started going through Beryl’s file one after the other.
“Please sir, you really have to go now, I can’t risk loosing my job,” Nora pleaded without moving closer to him but Gavin still paid deaf ears and continued opening each files. It was obvious he was looking for a prove of something.
This time, Nora couldn’t bear it any longer. Although rumors had it that Gavin was her boss lover, she felt he had no right to barge into her office, let alone going through her files, so she moved closer to him and held his left hand to prevent him from touching anything further but that act alone was the biggest mistake of her life cos the next thing Gavin did was to turn round and push her roughly without thinking twice.
Nora screamed as she saw herself face to face with the hard tiles. By the time Gavin realized himself, Nora lay motionless on the floor as her head bleed profusely…


Mrs Edna sat on the edge of her bed with her phone placed to her ear. She was making a call.
‘’Yes, her name is Beryl, Beryl Scott,’’ She was saying.
‘’I know her ma, you are on the right track coz I also need her for my revenge mission,’’ Raymond said from the other end.
‘’Good, just make sure you abduct her, then kill her in three days but make her suffer before the final execution, understood?’’
‘’Sure ma, always at your service,’’ Raymond said confidently.
‘’Good, I’ll deposit some money into your account for a start.’’
‘’That will be great.’’
‘’I don’t need excuses, I need a clean and perfect job.’’
‘’I will give you the best, trust me.’’
‘’I trust you,’’ Mrs Edna smiled and ended the call happily. ‘’Let’s see who wins dear Gavin,’’ she said to herself and stared into the space…
Beryl decided not to head home straight but rather go to the cemetery. She usually goes there to sit by her father’s grave to cry each time she felt heartbroken. She felt life was being very unfair to her, little did she know that she was in for a bigger and tougher challenge that might either get her killed or deeply wounded…
Gavin walked in, looking ruffled.
‘’Guy, what’s up?’’ Rex asked and looked up from the system he was working on.
‘’Beryl is nowhere to be found. I have searched everywhere,’’ Gavin said tiredly and sat on the chair opposite him.
Rex glanced at his wristwatch, it read 3:15pm. ‘’The last time you left here, you told you going to see her.’’
‘’I did, I saw her but now she’s gone,’’ he sighed and placed his head on the table in front of him.
‘’This is serious o, where could she be?’’ Rex asked rhetorically.
Beryl walked out sadly through the gate of the cemetery. She felt very tired and weak due to hunger and too much crying. As she walked along the lonely streets, a car honked behind her, thus making her stop and turn.
The car pulled to a stop right beside her and the left door opened, then a young man whose body structure looked familiar came out.
‘’Who are you?’’ Beryl asked as fear began to creep into her. She had always gone to the cemetery often times and no car was always seen around there after five pm.
‘’I am your worst nightmare, Beryl. I knew you would be here after being absent in your office and at home. I have missed your warmth and tonight will be a very happy reunion for us both,’’ the person said and pulled off his specs.
‘’Raymond!’’ Beryl gasped in shocked and was about screaming for her but a huge hand covered her face and everything blacked out.
Mrs Laura Scott kept on glancing at the wall clock and dialling Beryl’s number. It read 7:45pm and Beryl was yet to be back.
‘’She never stays out this late, I have to…’’ She paused and stood up as a scream from Cheryl interrupted her.
‘’Mom! He’s going to kill me,’’ Cheryl shouted.
‘’Oh my goodness, what is going on?’’ Mrs Laura thought and ran upstairs.
On getting upstairs, she could only hear Cheryl’s screams faintly. There were traces of blood on the tiled floor.
‘’Cheryl!’’ She screamed and made to run to her room but a hand held her firmly from behind, then a substance was placed on her nose which left her unconscious.
It’s been up to two weeks and yet no sign of Beryl anywhere. The time read 6:45am and Gavin was standing in front of his dad in the siting room with his hands glued to his travelling box and suitcase.
‘’Where do you think you’re going to?’’ his father asked while the mother just sat quietly and watched.
‘’To find my missing rib, dad,’’ Gavin replied.
‘’At where?’’ The father pressed further.
‘’Come on dad,’’ Gavin said irritatingly and released his box and suitcase. ‘’That’s a useless question,’’ he said and threw his hands in the air.
‘’Since when did…’’ the father stood up and started to say but a knock on the door interrupted him, so he swallowed hard and turned to face the door. ‘’Come in.’’
The door opened, then Ethel and her mother walked in.
‘’Wow!’’ Mrs Edna smiled and stood up to hug Ethel and the mother. ‘’What a surprise.’’
‘’Yes!’’ Mrs Veronica said sharply and sat down. ‘’Without wasting time, I will hit the nail on the head. When will the marriage preparations begin?’’ she inquired insolently.
‘’Marriage preparations?’’ Gavin and his father asked in unison.
‘’Yes, marriage preparations,’’ Mrs Veronica repeated. ‘’My daughter can never have a bastard child.’’
‘’I laugh a lot madam but that doesn’t mean you should come to my house in the early hours of the morning to say nonsense. My son isn’t what you think,’’ Mr Lewis defended.
‘’I know,’’ Mrs Veronica chuckled. ‘’But first, let my daughter tell us who impregnated her.’’
Mr Lewis heaved a sigh and turned to face Ethel who stood with folded arms. ‘’Young lady, who impregnated you?’’ he asked.
‘’Gavin,’’ Ethel replied and looked down while her mother brought out a white sheet from her handbag, then handed it to Mr Lewis for clarification.
Gavin who had been silent roared into laughter.
‘’Shut up you fool,’’ the father shouted while Gavin obeyed immediately. ‘’You are a disgrace, son, I can’t believe this.’’
‘’I am not responsible dad,’’ Gavin defended.
‘’Stop talking nonsense, this DNA test result confirms everything.’’
‘’The result is fake dad, believe me,’’ he said and moved closer to the father. ‘’I was diagnosed of low sperm count which means I can never father a child.’’
‘’What!’’ the dad exclaimed as everyone’s mouth opened wide in shock…


Ethel moved closer to Gavin and placed a hand across his shoulder.
‘’Surprised?’’ she asked, smiling like one who had just won a jack pot.
Gavin ignored her and shrugged her hands off his shoulder. ‘’Don’t you dare embarrass me, got it?’’ he said with eyes filled with fury.
‘’What is going on here?’’ Beryl inquired.
‘’He’s my fiancé and we’re engaged to be married,’’ Ethel boasted like a proud peacock. ‘’Or, didn’t he tell you?’’ she added and smiled as her mother winked at her.
‘’Let’s get out of here, please,’’ Gavin pleaded and stretched out to hold Beryl’s hand but she rebuffed him and picked up her phone that was on the table.
‘’Let her be, after all she isn’t a complete woman,’’ Mrs Veronica said to Gavin.
Beryl swallowed hard as Gavin turned to Ethel’s mom. She thought of what she could have possibly done wrong to Ethel and her mom that made them develop hatred for her in a short time.
‘’A complete woman,’’ Gavin muttered. ‘’What do you mean?’’ he questioned. By this time, all eyes inside the eatery rested on them.
Still with a smile on her face, Ethel moved closer to Beryl and placed a hand across her shoulders. ‘’Leave now or I expose you,’’ she whispered.
That was all Beryl wanted to hear. She dreaded being exposed in public and so within a twinkle of an eye, she had fled out of the eatery teary eyes. Gavin stared at Ethel and her mother in a confusing manner before running out after Beryl…
‘’Yeah, it worked,’’ Ethel said excitedly to the mother.
‘’Yeah, let’s relax and watch the drama unfold,’’ her mother chuckled, then pulled out a chair and sat on it while Ethel did same…
Gavin ran around the eatery like a teenager who had missed his way. He looked around and sighted Beryl about entering a cab, so he quickly rushed to meet her.
‘’Beryl, please listen to me,’’ he pleaded as he now stood beside her by the roadside, then waved at the cab man to drive off.
‘’Just let me be, you actually asked your fiancée to come over to the eatery just to humiliate me, right?’’ Beryl accused.
‘’She isn’t my fiancé, you just have to believe me,’’ Gavin pleaded again and held her hands. ‘’I…’’ he began and paused to look into her eyes.
‘’You what? Come on, complete the lie. Come on, I’m useless, lie to me as much as you want,’’ Beryl said annoyingly.
‘’I know this isn’t the right time for me to say this, but believe me, I doubt if it has any specific time to be said,’’ he started to say again but Beryl just kept mute and watched him.
Gavin glanced around him. Different cars could be seen plying the road. The weather was hot but he cared less. ‘’She isn’t my fiancée, it’s you I love Beryl. I fell in love with you right from when I first met you in your office,’’ he said unexpectedly and swallowed hard, but before he knew it, a resounding slap from Beryl landed across his face which left him dumbfounded.
Beryl hissed loudly and waved at a taxi. In less than ten seconds, she and the taxi were out of sight…
Gavin got home in rage to meet his father in the sitting room, reading his newspaper as usual.
‘’Where is your wife, dad?’’ he barked furiously while the father quickly stood up.
‘’Have you suddenly gone nuts, son. How dare you?’’ the father shouted. He looked more surprised than angry.
‘’Mom has bitten more than she can chew. I will make sure I deal with her here and now.’’
Soon Mrs Edna emerged from the inner room but before she could even reach the sitting room, Gavin rushed to her and landed a slap across her face.
‘’If I should loose Beryl because of the s--t you brought to this house, I will make sure you rot in jail, nonsense,’’ he shouted and pushed his father out of the way, then fled out of the house again.
‘’My son slapped me because of a woman and you just watched on, right?’’ Mrs Edna asked as she rubbed the cheek where she had been slapped.
‘’What else did you expect, a hug, a kiss, an apology or what, tell me?’’ the husband said and threw his hands in despair.
The wife’s eyes bulged out in shock. ‘’You mean you’re in support of what your son did?’’
‘’I’m sorry but I don’t have an answer and I don’t think I will ever have an answer to that question, I know the reason behind your actions but if I were you, I would simply change and do the right thing,’’ he concluded and walked out of the sitting room.
‘’He knows?’’ Mrs Edna asked rhetorically. ‘’No, I must get rid of that girl as soon as possible. I have to call Raymond to get rid of her quickly before she ruins my life,’’ she soliloquized and rushed up the stairs to make a call…


Gavin held unto Beryl for about two minutes before letting go.
‘’Thanks,’’ Beryl smiled through her tears. ‘’You came at the right time.’’
Gavin reached out and wiped away the tears that was still dripping down her cheeks, then pulled her into his arms again. ‘’What’s bothering my iron lady and that’s enough to make her cry?’’
‘’Nothing, I’m fine,’’ Beryl smiled painfully again, then pulled out of his arms and made to sit back on her chair but Gavin held her right hand and pulled her back to himself.
‘’I walked in here to meet you, crying. You can’t just tell me nothing, besides you know I won’t believe you,’’ Gavin insisted.
Beryl stared at him. What she saw in his eyes was pure love and affection but could she trust him enough to spill her dirty secret? ‘’Can I trust you?’’ she asked.
‘’Of coz you can. Tell me, what’s the matter?’’
‘’Let’s go somewhere else, please,’’ she requested.
‘’As her majesty pleases,’’ Gavin smiled and released her.
‘’Let me tidy up,’’ Beryl said and walked calmly to the door and out of the office…
Mr Lewis walked into his sitting room to meet his wife busy cleaning the furniture’s. ‘’Honey,’’ he called and glance around.
‘’Where are the domestic workers, why are you doing the job I pay them on monthly basis for?’’ he demanded.
‘’I asked all of them to go home for today, then come back tomorrow morning,’’ The wife answered without looking up at him.
The husband was surprised. ‘’When was that?’’
‘’This morning, immediately you left,’’ she replied and sat on the couch she had just finished cleaning.
‘’Why didn’t you inform me first, what’s up with this strange attitude of yours for the past few days?’’ he inquired.
Mrs Edna quickly stood up in anger. ‘’Do I need permission before making decisions in my husband’s house?’’ she fumed.
‘’Why are you behaving this way?’’ the husband asked and shifted backwards.
‘’Just let me be, okay!’’ she hissed, threw the dusting rag on the couch and walked out on him…
Mrs Veronica Edwin was relaxing on the chair inside her boutique with a nylon of popcorn in her hands, on the table in front of her was a pack of yogurt. She kept shouting out orders to her workers at interval as customers trooped in and out of the boutique.
‘’Mom!’’ Ethel screamed excitedly as she walked into the boutique.
‘’My angel,’’ the mom smiled as Ethel moved to sit on a stool beside her.
‘’I nailed it mom, he fell for it,’’ Ethel said and dropped her bag on the table in front of her.
‘’Wow!’’ the mother hugged her happily. ‘’We’re soon gonna be super rich,’’ she said and they both laughed happily.
‘’I’m d--n hungry mom,’’ Ethel complained.
‘’Why won’t you be after that breath taking exercise,’’ the mother chuckled.
‘’Mom!” Ethel hit her arm playfully.
‘’Daughter!’’ the mother laughed and stood up. ‘’Let’s go have something to eat,’’ she said and walked towards the inner room.
Ethel giggled and picked up her bag, then stood up and headed outside to wait for her mom in the car…
Cheryl walked into the house, looking confused. Her mother was lying on the couch, watching her favourite program on television as usual.
‘’Gooday mom,’’ Cheryl greeted casually and made to walk past her but the
‘’What’s wrong with you?’’ she asked and sat up.
‘’Nothing mom,’’ Cheryl replied and started moving towards the stairs again.
Mrs Laura Scott stood up immediately and faced her. ‘’How can you tell me nothing? You come home from school looking confused and gloomy, yet you tell me it’s nothing,’’ she said and placed her hands akimbo.
‘’It’s nothing mom, I am perfectly fine.’’
The mother removed her hands from her waist and walked towards her. Standing in front of her, she placed both hands on her shoulder. ‘’I am your mother and I know whenever…’’
‘’Mom!’’ Cheryl interrupted as she removed the mother’s hand from her shoulder. ‘’You worry too much please, I said it’s nothing,’’ she said and with that turned and ran up the stairs while the mother just stood and stared…
Gavin and Beryl walked into the eatery, holding hands. Beryl had her specs on to shield her eyes which was red and swollen due to too much crying. They both moved to a secluded area to sit. A waiter walked up to them after they had sat down.
The waiter glanced at her wristwatch before speaking up. ‘’Good morning and welcome,’’ she greeted with a smile and handed Gavin the menu book, then folded her hands behind her back. Gavin glanced through the menu book and stretched it out to Beryl but she simply shook her head negatively.
‘’Get us a bottle of wine and two glasses,’’ Gavin said with a smile and returned the menu book.
‘’Okay sir,’’ the waiter said and courtseyed a little before turning to leave.
‘’You asked me to bring you here coz you’re hungry but you refused even touching the menu book?’’ Gavin began after the waiter had left.
‘’Why did you order for wine, what are you celebrating?’’ Beryl asked instead, ignoring his question.
As Gavin was about to give her a reply, the waiter returned with a fancy tray on her left palm that contained the wine and glasses.
‘’Why four glasses? We’re only two on this table,’’ Gavin complained as the waiter dropped the tray on the table.
‘’I asked her to double the glasses,’’ A voice said behind him.
Beryl quickly looked up. ‘’Ethel!’’ she called out happily and stood up.
‘’Ethel?’’ Gavin repeated and stood up as well as Ethel and her mother moved and stood beside the table while the waiter walked away quietly…


As Beryl was about texting her address to Kayla, another call came in through her phone. ‘’Who could this be?’’ she muttered impatiently as she accepted the call and placed the phone to her ear.
‘’Hello miss Beryl! Do you remember me?’’ the person asked from the other end.
‘’I don’t think I do coz this number is strange in my phone,’’ Beryl replied.
The caller laughed a bit before speaking up, ‘’This is Raymond.’’
Beryl began to shudder in fright, ‘’Raymond?’’ she repeated. ‘’How did you get my number?’’ she asked.
‘’Wow! Forget about that,’’ Raymond giggled. ‘’Now I have your details, I will make sure I make your life miserable.’’
‘’Remember you hurt and left me heartbroken. What else do you want?’’ She asked in fear.
‘’I hurt you, yes, accepted. But was that enough reason for your father to use my brother and his wife for rituals in order to succeed in life?’’ Raymond asked with anger in his voice.
Beryl was shocked to her marrow at what she heard, her only past she regretted was sleeping with different kinds of men and having two abortions for Raymond which left her without a womb. ‘’What are you insinuating?’’ she asked.
‘’Really!’’ Raymond exclaimed. ‘’Continue pretending but bear it in mind that I’m coming for you,’’ he said and hung up.
‘’Hello, hello… please listen,’’ Beryl pleaded but the line was dead. She was lost on what to do, so she just dropped the phone and began to shed tears…
Rex was busy documenting some files in his office when Gavin walked in, grinning from ear to ear. Rex worked in small office where he did everything computer for people like online registration, exams registration etc. the office looked like a one room apartment but was divided into two. One part was used as an inner office while the other was for the customers.
‘’Guy, what’s up?’’ Gavin asked as he pulled a plastic chair and sat opposite him.
Rex looked up from the system and motioned at one of his assistants who stood by the door to close the door a bit. ‘’This one you’re smiling like this, any better?’’ he asked.
‘’Why still working here nah after dad had promised to find you a good job?’’ Gavin asked instead.
‘’You know very well I’m not as lazy as you are,’’ Rex giggled.
‘’Idiot, your papa,’’ Gavin laughed and added ‘’Sorry’’ as an afterthought coz he remembered Rex was an orphan.
‘’Tell me what’s making you so happy?’’ Rex asked again.
Gavin adjusted himself on the seat and dropped his phone on top of the table. ‘’I don hammer, your guy don hammer today,’’ he screamed excitedly.
‘’Ah!’’ Rex exclaimed. ‘’Tell me about it but please, your voice is too loud,’’ he cautioned.
‘’Konji nah, I f--k today tire like say I never f--k before, the girl toto sweet die,’’ Gavin licked his lips and romanced his moustache.
‘’Wow!’’ Rex exclaimed and leaned forward. ‘’Who is the girl that’s making you act like a mad man,’’ he said and laughed.
Gavin laughed as well. ‘’You dey craze. Nah Ethel.’’
Rex smiling face quickly turned into a frown. ‘’Which Ethel?’’ he wanted to know.
‘’How many Ethel do you know? She actually threatened me with a knife, though I acted tough at first, I later gave in coz the I couldn’t control myself any longer,’’ Gavin explained.
‘’Guy you don mad, I swear. Did you use any protection?’’
At the mention of protection, Gavin’s eyes widened in terror. ‘’I didn’t o,’’ he replied but Rex only started laughing. ‘’What’s funny nah? It skipped my mind completely.’’
Rex eyed him in anger as he stopped laughing, ‘’Be prepared to be a father very soon,’’ he said and hissed loudly.
Gavin’s eyes widened the more as Rex talked about his being a father very soon. The only name that crossed his mind was ‘’Beryl’’ ‘’I have to go see her ASAP,’’ he said and stood up.
‘’Who?” Rex asked.
‘’The woman my heart beats for,’’ he said and walked to the door.
‘’You want to see the one you love after f-----g a s--t?’’
‘’Whatever,’’ Gavin breath calmly and walked out…
Mrs Edna Lewis sat on a white plastic chair at behind the hotel at the rear end of the hotel where the bar was located. She couldn’t stop regretting her actions, ranging from the horrible past which led to the complicated and problems filled present she was in. Soon, Ethel arrived dressed in the same short yellow gown she had worn to her house.’
‘’Good day ma,’’ Ethel greeted and pulled out a chair from under the table, the sat opposite her.
‘’Welcome,’’ Mrs Edna replied absentmindedly. She hated everything about the girl that sat opposite her but she just had to play along with the mother in order not to tarnish her image and that of her family. ‘’How did it go?’’ she asked.
‘’Very well ma, he fell into the trap and I must confess, your son is super strong,’’ Ethel smiled seductively.
‘’She’s more than a s--t,’’ Mrs Edna thought wordlessly and disdained her secretly.
‘’So, what next ma?’’ Ethel asked.
‘’Nothing, just be prepared and let’s hope you get pregnant soon,’’ Mrs Edna replied.
Gavin walked into Beryl’s office, unrestricted. He was surprised to meet her with her head bent on the desk and from the way she sniffed showed she was crying. He moved behind the desk and stood beside her, then tapped her shoulder lightly.
Beryl startled and looked up. Her eyes were red and puffed from too much crying. She didn’t when or how it happened but she quickly stood up and threw her arms across Gavin’s shoulder for a hug. Though Gavin was surprised, he accepted her with open arms and held her tight while she wept on his shoulders…


Gavin struggled under her but the pressure was too much. One thing he found difficult to understand was where and how she got such prowess. He was known to be the master of different kinds of women back in the state but was shocked as Ethel over powered him.
Ethel sat up on his tummy and brought out a small table knife from the shorts pocket she wore under the gown. ‘’Are you ready to cooperate or get wounded by this?’’ she asked and smiled wickedly, then licked the blade of the knife, making it glint with her saliva.
Gavin gasped in astonishment and tried pushing her away but couldn’t. even breathing was a difficulty as she sat with all her weight on his stomach. ‘’Please get… up… I… I… can’t breathe,’’ he stammered.
Ethel chuckled, ‘’Are you ready to cooperate or not?’’ she asked swinging the knife in his face.
The pressure became unbearable, so he said ‘’YES’’ without thinking twice.
‘’Good,’’ Ethel said and stood up from his body, then motioned for him to stand up. Gavin stood up obediently in pretence and stretched his arms. As soon as Gavin stood up, she quickly lay flat on the couch with her legs wide open. ‘’Now! Do things to me,’’ she ordered without dropping the knife.
‘’Why are you forcing yourself on me with threats?” Gavin asked. ‘’Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?’’
Ethel quickly stood up again and held him by the throat while pointing the knife at his stomach, ‘’How dare you speak to me in that manner?’’
Gavin pushed her roughly, making her fall back on the couch, it seemed the knife he saw her with had brought back his lost sex senses, ‘’I would be a very big fool to allow you harm me because of sex. Something that I drink like water from sluts like you who throw themselves at men,’’ he boasted and climbed on top of her. Within the speed of light, he had his mouth covered on her left boob and his right fingers in her pants, little did he know that was actually digging a pit he would soon fall into with his own hands. Meanwhile, Ethel dropped the knife on the floor and threw her hands around his head as she began to moan softly…
Beryl walked back to her seat with tears in her eyes. She felt very bad for treating Gavin the way she did. She liked him, yes, but what she couldn’t bear was the pain of another heartbreak.
‘’Coming over in my direction, so thankful for that, it’s such a blessing yeah, turn every situation into heaven yeah…’’ Despasito remix brought her out of her reverie. That was her phone ringing but she ignored the call at first. When it seemed like the caller wasn’t going to give up anytime soon, she decided to pick the call.
‘’Hello!’’ she began as she placed the phone to her ear.
‘’Beryl,’’ the person sounded from the other end.
‘’This voice sounds familiar,’’ Beryl thought wordlessly. ‘’Is this Kayla please?’’ she asked.
‘’Yes honey, it’s Kayla. I’ve missed you a lot,’’ Kayla replied with so much excitement in her voice.
Beryl was overwhelmed with excitement to hear Kayla’s voice again after three years. ‘’Wow, I’ve missed you more my angel. When did you return to Nigeria?”
‘’Last night baby, ’Kayla said in her British accent. ‘’I bought a new sim card this morning and decided to let you know I’m in the country.’’
‘’Wow! I’m so happy, bottle popping tonight,’’ Beryl screamed excitedly. For a moment, she had completely forgotten about her problems.
‘’Sure honey, please text me your address,’’ Kayla requested.
‘’In a jiffy sweetheart.’’
‘’Alright, I’ll be expecting,’’ Kayla smiled and hung up…
Raymond’s Residence
Uncle Raymond’s house was a four bedroom, well furnished apartment. It had all the luxury a house could boast of except that it seemed to make the house look a little bit jam-packed. At the age of thirty, he wasn’t a married but he had two children from two different women. He was sitting on the sofa in his sitting room, watching the twelve o’clock news on AKBC (AKWAIBOM BROADCASTING COPORATION). Ever since he bought a TV decoder, he had stopped watching AKBC but something pushed him to watch the channel that very day. After the news ended at about 12:25, business places were advertised and much to his dismay, SCOTRYL COMPANY was advertised and Beryl’s number displayed on the screen for contact info.
‘’Like seriously, so this girl is now a manager of a company,’’ he thought to himself as he quickly picked up a pen and paper that was on the centre table to write down the number. ‘’I think this is the right time for me to pay her back with the same coin the father used to pay me, now is the time for me to be super rich,’’ he smiled mischievously and picked up his phone to dial the number…
Jayden couldn’t take his eyes off Cheryl. Her innocent face made her look more charming and beautiful but there was something about her, something he had to find out as soon as possible to clear the doubt in his mind.
‘’Let me save you the trouble of being so shy even though you actually look more beautiful when you’re shy,’’ he smiled, then jumped down from the desk top and sat beside her on the seat. ‘’So tell me about yourself.’’
‘’uh!’’ Cheryl startled and raised her head.
‘’Tell me about yourself, like your surname, how many siblings you have etc.’’
Beryl cleared her throat and smiled a bit before speaking up. ‘’My dad is late but my mum is still alive,’’ she began.
‘’Oh! My parents are actually late too,’’ Jayden said and placed his hands on the desk top.
‘’Sorry about that,’’ Cheryl said sympathetically.
‘’It’s alright dear. How many siblings do you have?’’ he asked.
‘’I have just one sister and she’s my senior. The managing director of SCOTRYL COMPANY,’’ Cheryl said and smiled proudly.
‘’SCOTRYL COMPANY?’’ Jayden repeated, looking surprised.
‘’Yes, any problem?’’ Cheryl wanted to know.
‘’Not at all,’’ Jayden smiled. He had a faraway look on his face. The manager of SCOTRYL COMPANY is actually the same person that’s behind the death of his parents according to his uncle but he could only hope and pray that it shouldn’t be the same SCOTRYL COMPANY that Cheryl claimed her sister was the MD coz if it was, it could only be explained in one word which is ‘’TROUBLE…’’

Tuesday, June 12, 2018



Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Mrs Edna Lewis swallowed hard. ‘’This isn’t going to be an easy task,’’ she thought to herself. ‘’Just give me a little more time and I promise I’ll make it all right,’’ she pleaded again.
Mrs Veronica Edwin stared at her pitifully. All what she saw in the eyes of the woman who sat in front of her was fear of the unknown but she had no other choice coz she was very much determined to use her in achieving her aim. ‘’It’s alright my friend. Just be fast about whatsoever you’re planning to do, if you need my help, you know where to find me.’’
Mrs Edna smiled in relief and said her thanks…
After discussing the important details of the partnership and all the signing of agreement papers, Gavin rose up to leave while Beryl stood up as well.
‘’Thanks, I look forward to having a nice working relationship with you,’’ she said with a smiled and stretched out her hands for a shake.
‘’’Same here,’’ Gavin accepted the stretched hands with a smile as well. ‘’Dinner tonight?’’ he asked without releasing her hand.
Beryl thought silently for a while. ‘’Alright, text me the address later but not your hotel please coz I’ll go there tomorrow with some of my staffs for inspection.’’
‘’No problem angel, as you wish,’’ Gavin said happily. ‘’You’re beautiful, you know? Extraordinarily beautiful and I think I like you.’’
On hearing that, Beryl quickly frowned and removed her hand from his, forcefully. ‘’You need to go now,’’ she said, picked up her phone and walked to the door.
Gavin turned to her surprisingly, ‘’Why, did I say anything wrong?’’
‘’No,’’ Beryl answered sharply. ‘’Please leave,’’ she added and opened the door wide.
Gavin was confused. He couldn’t understand the reason why she suddenly started acting rude again. He quietly walked to the door like a teenager who was scared of being punished for a crime he didn’t commit. ‘’Am I still permitted to text you the address?’’ he asked as he got to the door.
‘’No!’’ she said sharply.
‘’This is serious, are you sure you’re fine?’’ he pressed further with concern written all over his face.
‘’Please leave,’’ she repeated.
‘’Okay, bye.’’ He smiled ruefully and stepped out while she slammed the door behind him and leaned on it as hot tears rolled down her cheeks…
Students were seen moving out of a lecture hall in groups of twos and threes. Some were walking towards another lecture hall while others just rambled around.
Cheryl had decided to stay back in class since she had no lectures again for the day but truth be told, she was actually waiting to see Jayden, the guy who had helped her the previous day. Ever since she started her 200level in heartland university, she had come to love Tuesdays coz she always had only one course. She sat on the long seat, fiddling her phone.
‘’Babe, what’s up nah,’’ her friend, Prisca, said to her. ‘’Don’t you want to go home today coz you always run home every Tuesday after lectures?’’ she asked.
Cheryl dropped her phone on the desk top and smiled. ‘’I’m actually waiting for someone.’’
‘’Really!’’ Prisca exclaimed and sat down beside her. ‘’Who?’’ she wanted to know.
‘’One cute guy like that o, the one I told you about,’’ Cheryl said, looking so bright eyed.
‘’Okay, I remember,’’ Prisca confirmed and nodded, then lowered her voice. ‘’So have you guys, hmmm?’’
‘’Haba!’’ Cheryl exclaimed. ‘’You sef nawa o.’’
‘’Sorry nah, I’m just curious.’’
Cheryl hit her arm playfully. ‘’Go away jhoor.’’
Just then, Jayden walked into the hall while Prisca stood up again and picked up her bag. ‘’Hope you’re not leaving because of me?’’ he asked as he walked up to Cheryl and caressed her cheek. There were few students inside the class and they seemed to mind their own business.
‘’Not at all,’’ Prisca grinned and fled out of the lecture hall even before Jayden could say another word while Cheryl laughed softly.
‘’Why is she acting that way? ‘’Jayden asked as he carried out Cheryl’s phone and sat on the spot.
‘’I don’t know,’’ Cheryl replied and added shyly, ‘’Please get up and sit on the seat.’’
‘’Why?’’ Jayden smiled.
‘’Why asking why when you know very well that you’re making me feel very uncomfortable.’’
Jayden chuckled and dropped her phone, then reached out and took her hands in his. ‘’Have someone ever told you how beautiful you are?’’
Cheryl looked down shyly and refused to answer.
‘’Come on girl, why acting like a kid?’’ Jayden questioned and released her hands.
‘’I’m sorry,’’ was all Cheryl could say.
Jayden leaned forward and lifted up her chin with his right fingers, then looked into her eyes, romantically, but Cheryl shook her head and looked down again.
‘’Gosh!’’ Jayden exclaimed. ‘’You’re so shy…’’
Gavin got home, looking tired, worried and unhappy. He had wanted going back to Rex house but decided against it. He walked sluggishly into the sitting to meet the shocker of his life.
‘’Hey! What are you doing here?’’ he questioned with authority as he removed his specs, then looked around the sitting room and up the stairs, expecting maybe his dad or mom to come downstairs.
Ethel stood up seductively and dropped her phone. She looked sexy and tempting in her short yellow gown that exposed a greater part of her cleavage. The sight of her made Gavin swallowed hard as he felt cold shivers run down his spine and a pricking sensation down his d--k. She moved closer to him and covered the space between them, then began caressing his chest through the shirt he wore. ‘’No one is here, so don’t be scared coz we have the whole house to ourselves,’’ she said with a charming smile.
‘’Get lost, you s--t,’’ Gavin shouted and shoved her away, trying very hard to sound authoritative. It had been two months since he returned to Nigeria and hadn’t had s-x since then coz he had promised himself not to indulge in sexual activities any longer till he found his missing rib but here he was, being tempted.
Ethel wasn’t ready to accept defeat as quickly stood up from the couch she had fallen to as a result of the push and rushed towards him again, panting heavily like a dog. As she stood in front of him again, she pushed him down on the double couch and pinned herself to him…

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Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Beryl walked into the reception to meet Gavin who quickly stood up and pull off his specs as soon as he saw her.
‘’Wow! She looks prettier in gown than skirt and blouse,’’ Gavin thought as he stared admiringly at Beryl who now stood in front of him. She was dressed in a red round neck long sleeve cotton gown that had fancy buttons on the hand and in front. She also wore red bracelets with sparkling dangling gold earrings while black stiletto heels adorned her feet. She had equally applied little make up. All this added to her beauty and made her glow.
‘’Good morning,’’ she greeted. ‘’Would you please stop staring and tell me why you’re here again today?’’ she added, feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Gavin smiled and stretched to his full height, ‘’Good morning, miss Beryl. I am here so we can talk business. I’m sorry about yesterday.’’
‘’Alright,’’ Beryl smiled too and turned to Nora, the receptionist who quickly pretended to be busy. ‘’Nora?’’
‘’Tell Rose to see to the inspection and inform me once the clients’ package is ready to be delivered.’’
‘’Okay ma.’’
‘’Good,’’ Beryl nodded and turned to Gavin. ‘’To my office please,’’ she said a before leading the way out of the reception while Gavin followed quietly behind…
The morning looked bright and calm as Mr Lewis sat on the couch in his sitting room, scanning through the newspaper that had been delivered to him that morning. Everywhere looked sparkling clean as usual coz the domestic workers had done their job. Soon the wife emerged from the dining room where she had placed a tray of sliced bread with fried eggs on the table.
‘’Aren’t you in anyway worried about your son?’’ he looked up from the newspaper and asked her as she came into the sitting room to tell him breakfast was ready. She was already dressed in a velvet green material but still had her hair covered with the hair net.
‘’Why should I be worried about a full grown man?’’ the wife asked as she moved closer to the window to adjust the curtain.
‘’What are you hiding from me, are you doing all this out of fear or due to compulsion, maybe like a blackmail or something?’’ he pressed further.
‘’Do I look like one who is hiding anything from you? Please don’t start, okay! Don’t just start,’’ She hissed and walked towards the stairs.
‘’I just pray my son acts like a man and propose to Beryl as soon as possible,’’ he said and smiled to himself, then adjusted his reading glasses and faced the paper again.
The wife’s eyes bulged out in surprise on hearing him say that but she refused to be intimidated. ‘’You both should be ready for war if he ever goes against my will,’’ she said and then lowered her voice. ‘’I suffered and laboured for him nine good months, if he doesn’t listen to me and do as a I say, I will curse him,’’ she concluded, sniffed and climbed the stairs with grudging steps.
‘’This isn’t normal,’’ Mr Lewis thought to himself as he folded the newspaper and leaned on the couch in worried manner…
Beryl and Gavin sat opposite each other without saying anything to each other. When the silence became unbearable, she decided to speak up.
‘’Hello Mr. would you please say something and stop staring at me, you’re making me feel uncomfortable.’’
Gavin sat erect and smiled apologetically. ‘’I’ve heard a lot about the tasty fruit cake and juice your company produces, and I must commend, you’re really doing a great job,’’ he began.
‘’Wow!’’ Beryl smiled happily. ‘’Thanks, I appreciate you big time.’’
Gavin moistened his lips romantically, ‘’Yeah, my dad and I have decided to partner with you. You will be supplying to our hotel as well and be sure to be getting well paid.’’
‘’Really!’’ Beryl exclaimed.
‘’Thanks, I’m grateful.’’
‘’Guess you know the name of my hotel?’’ Gavin inquired.
‘’Yeah, or have you forgotten about the text you sent to me yesterday evening?’’ Beryl asked and waited to see his reaction.
Gavin’s face suddenly changed from smile to a frown. ‘’You really made me feel bad last night, couldn’t even sleep a wink.’’
‘’Oh!’’ Beryl squeezed her face pitifully in an insincere way. ‘’I’m sorry about that. Your mom called me.’’
Gavin googled at her, ‘’Like seriously. What did she say to you?’’ he wanted to know.
Beryl chuckled, ‘’Nothing bad.’’
Gavin sighed, ‘’I doubt that.’’
‘’Let’s discuss the pay so we can sign the papers and enter into an agreement. I’ve got a very busy schedule today,’’ Beryl said, tactically changing the topic of discussion.
Though Gavin felt he should prolong the discussion about his mother, he decided to let go. So he quietly nodded and brought out his pen…
Mrs Veronica Edwin, Ethel’s mom, was standing behind the perfume counter inside her boutique, giving out orders to her workers. The workers were all dressed in a black trouser and purple polo top which had ‘’THE BEAUTY PALACE’’ printed at the back.
‘’Hey! Joy, be careful with that glassy stiletto and you Kelly, get me the sales book,’’ Mrs Veronica ordered as she moved to sit on the arm chair at a corner. She was dressed in blue jean trouser and pink cotton top which made her look younger than her age. Beautiful pink stiletto adorned her feet and on her left wrist were bracelets of different colours. The afro she had made looked like a canopy on her head, coupled with her gold channel o earring. A mere looking at her, one didn’t need to be told she was a woman of class and top-notch.
As she sat and began flipping through the sales book, Mrs Edna Lewis entered and walked up to her. She wore a simple velvet green material with low heeled shoes and wore a light make up.
‘’Good morning,’’ Mrs Edna greeted and sat on a chair opposite her, uneasily.
Mrs Veronica replied her greetings with a malicious sneer. ‘’Your son insulted my daughter yesterday and you just watched on, right?’’ she began.
‘’Please hear me out, Veronica,’’ Mrs Edna said in a pleading tone. She hadn’t even dropped her handbag. ‘’It isn’t my fault.’’
‘’So it’s my fault right?’’ Mrs Veronica pointed at herself. ‘’Just wait till I expose you to your husband and the whole world, do you really think your past can be hidden without you sacrificing something for it?’’ She hissed loudly and dropped the sales book on the small stool beside her…

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