STORIES UPDATE: a new creation STORIES UPDATE: a new creation

Showing posts with label a new creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a new creation. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

A new creation season 1 episode 57 (THE END)

A new creation season 1 episode 57 (THE END)

“Come here,” Kong dragged Halimat into the building with him, placing a gun on her neck and holding her hair.

She tried to resist as they got to the stairs of the balcony, struggling to free herself and fighting him with her elbow. Kong got infuriated and dished out a thunderous slap to her face which sent her to ground below. He stepped down and pulled her up by her blouse, he dragged her up and pulled her inside. In anger, he was kicking open all the doors and dragging her, now she was on the floor but he was still pulling her by her hands, mercilessly and deaf to her cries. He succeeding in dragging her into the room in which she and Halimat were kept previously. He pulled her to the middle and went back to close the door. Hadijat was screaming and shouting for help but there was no one forth coming.

After locking the door, Kong walked back to where he dropped her and pulled her up. He brought closer the chair on which she was previously tied to, he lifted her up and made her to sit forcefully, landing blows on her face at every attempt she tried to resist. He was furious with everyone, furious with himself, his plans were not working out well. Even though his boys were still much more than the opposition, he was sure that they had no wisdom to outsmart or resist Slimmy for long. He couldn’t allow Slimmy win him again like their earlier days when they had been given tasks and Slimmy had excelled better. He had to win this, once and for all.

He stared at Hadijat’s face again and placed his index finger below her chin to raise up her head and make her look into his eyes. Her face had been battered and bruised, a result of his blows and slaps. Her eyes were pleading for mercy and freedom but he was unmoved. He stepped back and stared blankly at the wall, still keeping an eye on her. He began to think of what to do in case Slimmy overcame the boys outside. An idea came into his mind. He glanced at her face again and gave a wicked smile after which he stepped back and began to search for ropes which were used to tie both Hadijat and Halimat before. He walked back to Hadijat and began to tie her legs together with the rope. After tightening it around her legs, he extended it to her hands; the rope was long enough to tie up the whole of her body. He fastened the ropes and her hand and there was still left a longer part which he could use to pull her outside.

His intention was to place a call to Terror’sc assistant and offer him another huge sum of money for more boys urgently. Then he was going to drag Hadijat like a goat, outside the house and wait in the compound for Slimmy and Rough to enter, he was sure that both of them would not like the scene. Then he would threaten to kill her if they made any attempt on him, he was sure they’ll dare not and would even stop Oj from attempting, that was if Oj remained. Then he would waste time making a fruitless negotiation with them, he expected that Terror’s boys would have arrived by then. He would escape with Hadijat as an hostage and command the boys to war with Slimmy and the rest.


“Dear Lord, we pray for peace in our school. We pray for the souls of all those who are involved in these vices; that their lives may be turned around for good and that they’ll come to know the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and they’ll accept it and surrender their lives to you, in Jesus name.” Roy prayed, kneeling before the altar with his two hands clasped together and placed on his nose.

“‘Amen,” a tiny voice sounded from behind him.

Roy made a sign of the cross before getting up and turning back to see the person who had joined him in the prayer. It was Angela, she was smiling broadly at him, her Bible held with her two hands.

“Sister Angela!” He exclaimed on seeing her. He had not laid his eyes on her since when they had parted ways and he was taken to the missions house.

“Brother Roy, I got the testimony of your salvation,” she said all smiles. “Congratulations and welcome to the family of God,” she extended him a handshake.

“Thank you,” he said, smiling back as he received her warm handshake.

“You’re welcome,” she exhaled and began to take a leisure stroll towards the choir stand. He followed by her side and they counted their slow steps in silence, just enjoying the cool breeze entering from the church windows.

“So what did you come to do in church this morning?” Roy broke the silence.

“Well, I just finished praying and studying at home and had nothing else to do, so I came to check if there was any work I could help with in church.” She replied.

Roy stared at her in silence and disbelief, “you’ve not gone home yet? A lot of members don’t come church anymore except for those who stays in the missions house and those whose parents’ houses are very close to school.”

“Yes, but I can’t go home yet,” Angela said in a stressed tone. “You know I’m in a key leader in church and in the choir.”

“‘Hmm… You guys are trying o,” Roy commented.

There was silence between them again. They had gotten to the choir stand and Roy had gone to sit behind the drums set although he had no idea on how to hold the drums sticks.

Angela laughed as he turned the sticks upside down, trying to figure out where to place his grip. “Don’t tell me you never watched anyone play the drums.” She said jestingly.

“‘Ermm… I never came close to the choir seats or choir stands. My parents weren’t really church people, so as a child I only attended when there was a party coming up in a friend’s church, the jollof rice was always very tasty.” He replied back jokingly. “But I’ve seen drummers on TV.”

She chuckled, “now do you want to learn how to play the drums?” She asked approaching the drum set.

“Yes,” he replied and got up from the drums seat. He gave way for her to sit and handed over the sticks to her. To his surprise, she began to make the beats just like a professional. He stared at her with his mouth wide open, he had never seen a lady playing the drums so well before.

Kong rushed to the living room to pick his phone and rushed back to the room, he started dialling the number of the present leader’s of Terror’s squad, the guy picked up at the first ring.

“Hello Young, na Kong” He spoke as he kept on pacing round in the room while Hadijat just kept staring at him.

“How far Kong, My boys don finish der job der?” A very tiny voice replied.

“Noo Young, na why I dey call you be dat, I need more guys, dem don drop most of us” Kong explained.

“What do you mean”

“I mean that most of my boys, your boys are down”

“Kong, my boys die and you still dey alive, you kan still dey demand for more boys” Young replied angrily “If I do mistake come der and I meet you alive then na me go kill you myself”

Kong was surprised and angry at how the guy threatened him and even cut the call on him, his anger doubled and he stoned the phone to the wall. His plans had just been foiled again.

“They were right when they said there is no peace for the wicked” Hadijat spoke behind Kong who was still gazing angrily at the pieces of his phone, Kong turn around and gave her a evil stare.

“You think you are bold yeah?” Kong landed another round of slaps on her face and then he heard a bang at his gate, he rushed out of the room and quickly looked through the window and saw Oj and Slimmy matching in. He rushed back into the room and he quickly began to drag Hadijat outside with the rope.

“Kong!!!” Slimmy yelled his name as he and Oj stood in the compound and faced the entrance, after the gun battle outside, it was only Slimmy, Oj and Small that was left alive, Small was instructed to take Halimat and Rofiat to the hospital.

“Kong!!!” Slimmy yelled again and Kong appeared at the door holding Hadijat with a gun to her head.

“Why did you do all these Kolawole, Why?” Slimmy asked.

“So you still remember my name? I thought you must have forgotten by now,” Kong replied smiling at the back of Hadijat “I don’t need to explain why I did whatever I did.”

“Okay then, I’m sure you have said your last prayers” Oj cuts in.

“There’s no death in my face Oj, it’s you and Slimmy that should say your last prayers” he tightened his grip on Hadijat and she started crying.

“Let the girl go,” Slimmy said authoritatively.

“Haha, he thinks he is still the boss here, Okay Okay I will let her go only if the two of you drop your weapons” Slimmy looked at Oj and they both stared at him suspiciously, they dropped their weapons slowly.

“Now take some steps back from the gun” Kong ordered again which they did.

Kong dragged Hadijat with him to where the guns were, he picked them stepped back. Then he took a knife and cut the ropes on her legs. “Here’s you boo?” He said to Slimmy as he released her to him, firing two shots into her body as ran towards Slimmy, she fell on the way. He tried to shoot Slimmy also but Oj brought out the gun from his back and quickly shot him.

Unluckily for Oj, the bullet had entered into Kong’s left shoulder and had no more bullets in his revolver. Kong turned his gun to him and sent three bullets immediately into his body.

Slimmy who had also sprang into action delivered two quick shots to Kong, one to his hand making the gun drop and the other to his knee.

He moved close to Kong, pointing the gun at him.

“I have taken everything from you, Your brother, your boys and your girlfriend” Kong started his evil grin even though he was in pains, Slimmy picked up the gun that fell out of Kong’s hand and started shooting him in the face till his face became grilled and unrecognizable.

He dropped the gun and stepped back in tears. Hadijat’s eyes were were wide open, he rushed to where her body was laying to check if she was still alive, she was already gone. He gave a loud cry of agony as he hugged her body, tears rushing down his face like water from a river.

“Arrrghhh!” He screamed till he lost all of his strength.

He glanced around the place, he was the only one alive in the midst of several dead bodies.



****** Few Weeks After ********

“May his gentle soul rest in perfect and everlasting peace” The Pastor said.

“Amen” they all chorused

Halimat held Slimmy’s hand as they watched them lowered Gentle’s body into the ground below. That was the third burial they all attended in the space of 2 weeks, The first one was Hadijat’s burial that was done in her family house, the second was Oj’s burial which Small conducted in honour of his boss and very good friend. Unluckily for Nazaretha, he didn’t get to have a befitting burial as his body was taken by the police.

Now the burial was Gentle’s own, Slimmy insisted that his parents shouldn’t attend the burial so as not to cause them more grieves. Slimmy fought so hard to hold back the tears but when she saw Rofiat crying profusely on the wheelchair as they sealed Gentle’s body, he shed tears, Halimat squatted and held Rofiat closer, the gunshot she received affected her spine, her case had been made worse when the doctors did not treat her immediately but demanded for a police report. Now, she would never be able to work again, she was confined to the wheel chair. Slimmy also walked towards her and held her hands tightly.

After some minutes, they were done sealing Gentle’s body, and everyone at the burial started leaving one after the other after saying their goodbyes to Slimmy. Small also came along to say goodbye to Slimmy with the little boys he had started recruiting to start of White tigers again.

“We have to start leaving now, our flight is in less than three hours” Halimat said to Rofiat and Slimmy who were the only ones left at the burial ground.

“You people should have a safe trip,” Slimmy hugged Halimat tight and then squatted to hold Rofiat again.

“Slimmy you should start leaving too” Rofiat said softly amid tears.

“I will, I just want to say goodbye to my brother, my kid brother” Slimmy remembered how they used to argue about who is older and he started shedding tears, Rofiat held him closely and Halimat also joined them as they all cried.

Slimmy watched as Halimat wheeled Rofiat to the car and watched them drove away as they kept on waving, Their parents had decided to withdraw them from the school and had ordered them to travel out of the country to complete their studies, they were headed straight to the airport from the burial ground, that might be the last time they will see Slimmy, hence they waved at him until he was out of their sights.

Slimmy stood transfixed to the ground in front of his brother’s grave..

“My brother, my blood, not a day has passed that I didn’t remember or miss you and am sure that’s how it will be for the rest of my life, you will always be remembered… ” Slimmy was still talking when he sighted a black SUVslowly, he could bet that something bad was about to happen but he felt weak inside, he felt no need to run and didn’t even have a gun with him. In a slow motion like, the window of the SUV was lowered down and Slimmy saw the dread locks first before seeing his face.

“Ace” He said softly. Now he knew something had to be done or they’ll make him join his brother soon.

“Home Boy, say hello to ya brother for me” Ace said as he rained gunshots on Slimmy. Slimmy tried to run but was hit by a bullet at right side of his stomach. He fell to the ground and waited until the SUV was out of sight before he dragged himself up and struggled to his car, he entered the car, ignited the engine but drove slowly due to his weakness, at first he wanted to rush to the hospital but later decided against it as he felt no need to live again, to him there’s nothing to live for again, he had lost it all, he kept on driving and was losing a lot of blood.

He hadn’t drove too far when he started hearing a familiar song, he parked his car and listened on to remember where he used to hear the song, after few minutes he remembered it was Nazaretha’s ring tone when he first joined the Arch Angels, they all used to make mockery of him with the ringing tone back then, Slimmy took his gun as he dropped down of the car and walked towards where the song was coming from.

“The world behind me, the cross before me;

The world behind me, the cross before me;

I have decided to follow Jesus;

No turning back, no turning back.”

The choirs sang melodiously as the Pastor asked people who wanted to give their lives to Jesus to come forward. Few people came out and just as the pastor was about to start praying, he noticed someone at the main entrance of the church, someone with a gun in his hand and blood all over his clothes. As soon as every other members saw him entering the church, most of them ran away through the other entrances. Only the pastor stood his ground as Slimmy struggled to get to where he was and fell to the ground.

“Pastor, help me tell God to forgive me” Slimmy struggled to say.

“The Lord can forgive and give you a new life,” the pastor replied as he moved closer to Slimmy and squatted beside where he was lying down “Now drop that gun and take this bible” the pastor told Slimmy

He dropped the gun and took the bible from the pastor.

“Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins?”

“Yes,” Slimmy answered in pains.

“He was buried and he rose three days later for your justification. Now repeat this words after me. Oh Lord God.”

“Oh Lord God.”

“I come to you in the name of your son Jesus Christ,” the pastor continued slowly, allowing Slimmy to repeat as his strength allowed. “Your word says if I believe and confess your Lordship, I would be saved. I believe that you died and rose for me and I ask that you be the Lord of my life from today.”

Slimmy repeated slowly.

“Hallelujah, you are a new creation!” The pastor announced, then Slimmy closed his eyes.

“Pastor what’s wrong, what happened here, I saw people running away from the church premises” a member asked as he rushed towards the pastor.

“Let’s rush this young man to the hospital” the pastor ordered and they were about to pick Slimmy up when the member saw his face.

“Slimmy!” Roy screamed.

___________________THE END_____________________

A new creation season 1 episode 56

episode 56
Slimmy suddenly pulled over few metres close to the supposed place. The car coming behind them pulled over too. He brought out his revolver and started to put in bullets. 
“This is number 39, the house is supposed to be 57.” Oj said to him. 
“I know, you all should take out your guns and prepare to defend any attack.” 
“But why? Why don’t we go closer a little bit?” Oj questioned, nevertheless bringing out the gun at Slimmy’s order. He hated the way Slimmy acted like the boss in charge of the rescue operation, forgetting that there were supposed to be two masters in it. He believed that Slimmy should have asked him before taking the decision to pull over at a far distance to the place, contrary to their initial plan. 
For Slimmy, he was only being cautious. He had been in the Arch Angels with Kong and even presided over the betrayal as his capon for few weeks, so he knew an Arch Angel’s strategy when he sees one. He needed no one to tell him where Kong and his men were again when he saw some boys walking out from a compound straight to an opposite store and taking side glances at their direction. He knew Kong had gotten news and was expecting them, he knew they were being waited for at the gate of the house. But he couldn’t mention what he saw to Oj or tell him about the tactics Kong had put to play, it would mean revealing a secret to one’s potential future enemy.
“We can’t go closer anymore, they’ve seen us and they are waiting for us at the entrance already.” Slimmy explained then he opened the door, he placed a leg outside the car first before turning back to take a cap. He fixed it on his head and turned to Oj whose eyes were squinted, staring at the front to see what Slimmy had seen which made him state that they had been seen.
“I can’t see anyone,” Oj retorted. 
Slimmy chuckled, he didn’t know how to tell Oj that the Arch Angels never called a number as it was, they always added ten to it if was in tens and one hundred to it if the number was in hundreds. For example, if an Arch Angel member was to call No. 70 for another member, he called it 80 and if he was to call 450, he called it 550. So when Kong had called No. 57 to the mole, he must have meant 47. 
“You no see those guys wey carry drink dance waka for there now?” Slimmy asked, pointing some metres before them. 
“Those two drunk guys wey waka pass, throw bottle for ground?” Oj questioned. 
“Yes,” Slimmy affirmed. 
“So them no be street guys?” Oj asked, kind of rhetorically because he didn’t wait for a reply before opening the door to his side also. 
“You stay with here with the doors opened while I go a little bit forward with some of the boys,” Slimmy said to Oj, stopping him from stepping outside. “I’ll signal to you either to come forward or to retreat and if you get any signal from Rough and Small, you’ll have to make signals to me, you can push the horn.”
Oj stopped and looked around their environment first, their car was parked in a space in front of a government secondary school gate, an open football field was beside the school while opposite it was a nylon company with a huge gate and very long walls. 
“No,” Oj refused, “I’ll go while you stay behind and wait for the signal from Rough and Small.” 
Slimmy stared silently, surprised at the manner at which Oj refused, he thought they were supposed to be thinking like a team. “Okay, you can go. I’ll push the horn once if I want you to retreat and I’ll push it twice if I get signals from Rough before coming to join you.” Slimmy finally agreed and placed back his leg into the car while Oj stepped out after signaling to one of the Tigers who was in the car with them. 
“Rough, can you see anything yet?” Small asked in low tones, joining Rough where she was seated on a long wooden bench, her head and part of her face covered with a cap. It was in front of a small kiosk where soft drinks and snacks were sold. Rough had to buy a bottle of Coke and use the opportunity to sit on front of the kiosk.  
Rough turned back quickly to look at him and make sure that he wasn’t going to spoil their plans. She turned back after being satisfied that he was dressed in a way no one could identify him if he was spotted from afar. 
“Yes, I’ve seen my capon’s car and some boys coming out of the house.” She replied him in low tones too, careful not to allow the woman inside the kiosk hear the conversation. 
“Some boys, out of which house? Isn’t this house 57?” Small asked turning to point to a large bungalow not too far behind. He had been surprised when part of the plan was wait somewhere after driving past 57 and not to wait before 57. He and his boss had initially argued but Slimmy had convinced them, saying they needed to stay in between or the after the house. Both of them reluctantly agreed not knowing that the Arch Angels had it in mind that Kong could have been speaking to the mole in the Arch Angels’ top secret language. 
Rough gulped down some liquid from the bottle of Coke and passed the remaining to Small, wanting to distract him a little while she thought of how to explain to him that she wasn’t monitoring house 57 but 47. 
‘Which time did you see the boys, I didn’t see any?” Small asked again, after swallowing some liquid from the bottle of Coke. 
“I think I made an error while listening to the guy, he must have mentioned 47 not 57.” Rough replied. 
“Okay,” Small took a pause to look in direction of house 47, then he saw two boys hiding behind a wall opposite the house, taking out some weapons from the floor. He also saw someone occasionally opening the gate and peeping outside, then he agreed that it must have really been 47 and not 57. 
“That’s Oj coming,” Rough stated as she spotted Oj. 
“My boss,” Small corrected. “Baba.”
“Okay that’s Baba coming,” Rough applied the correction. “Let’s go get the boys while I alert capon that we are ready. Remember the plan is that while they focus on My Capon and your Baba who’s attacking them from the front, we’ll take them unaware from behind.”
Rough quickly ran to the back of the kiosk and went to where to the rest of the team she is leading was.
“Guys are we ready to rumble” Rofiat asked as she walked into their midst, they all brought out their guns and started loading it while Rofiat brought out his phone and dialled Slimmy’s number.
“Hello Capon, back up is ready when needed” Rofiat said.
“Cool, just be on standby, remember the signal I will give when you are needed” Slimmy replied
“Yes bossman” Rofiat terminated the call and began loading her gun too.
“What the F is happening out there” Kong asked the guys forming drunk as he opened the gate a little.
“Baba their car just park for that place, e be like say one of dem don drop sef, na only one dey inside car” one of them replied.
“Ohhhh Slimmy, you want to play chess now right, cool let’s game” Kong walked away from the gate and faced his boys “You, you and You, go and join those two guys outside and attack them head on” Kong ordered and walked back to the gate “Guys are you loaded” He asked the two guys sitting outside the gate.
“Loaded to the brim baba” They both chorused.
“Good, three guys are going to join you outside now, just take them on, shoot any object in sight” Kong ordered as the three guys charged outside covering for the two guys sitting to stand up and getting into position. Immediately the two guys stood up, they ran to the other side of the road hiding behind the store opposite the house.
Slimmy who had been patiently observing saw the movement of the guys but still decided to not send the signal to Oj because he knew Kong was setting a counter trap for them, he had really underrated Kong’s tactical skills, he used to think Nazaretha was a better tactician but Kong has just proved that he supercedes Nazaretha.
“Kong are these your Pawns, how about you send me some Knights or Rooks” Slimmy said to himself jokingly as he held a pistol to his right hand which is his stronger arm and holding the car’s steering with his left.
“Come to daddy” Slimmy said as he saw one of the boys approaching him with a gun in his hand “A little bit further boy, come boy” Slimmy said as he stepped on the accelerator and the car charged forward towards the guy approaching, the guy started shooting at Slimmy’s car but before couldn’t aim well at Slimmy who drove very fast and hit him to the ground with the car, immediately the guy fell to the ground, the other four guys rushed out and started shooting at Slimmy “Now the game is on boys” Slimmy said to himself as he made a 360 you turn with his car and drove towards the place he was before, the guys kept on following Slimmy who drove slow in order to make sure that the guys keeps on following, as soon as he got closer to where Oj and the boys were, He honked twice and Oj alongside four boys stepped out from a corner and started shooting at the four boys following Slimmy’s car. The four guys wanted to retreat but it was too late as Oj and the guys had laid a perfect ambush for them, within split seconds four of them were down but they didn’t go down without taking two of Oj’s boys along leaving him with two boys. Slimmy was about to drop from the car when he saw Oj and the guys Charging towards Kong’s house.
“Sh!t” Slimmy cussed angrily seeing that Oj had gone against the plan, he stepped on the accelerator again and made for the next street. He decided to take the next street in order to alert Rofiat and her team of the new development, he got to where they were in to time and ordered them to enter into the car. They all did and Slimmy drove to Kong’s place taking the opposite direction. As soon as he got close to the house, he saw Kong’s boys outside exchanging fire with Oj and the team. They all got down and attacked from the rear while Oj and two other guys who were the only ones left in Oj’s team attacked from the front, some of Kong’s boys retreated back into the building while the rest fell down to the bullets.
Kong was infuriated as he saw that the odds were now against them, he thought of a new plan to use in check mating them, he rushed inside the house brought out and brought Halimat while the guy they left inside brought out Hadijat. They loosed the ropes in their hands as Kong contemplate on which one of them he should use as a distraction, If he uses Hadijat, Slimmy and Rofiat will be distracted and that’s not favourable enough because they are on the same side of the road, he needed to distract one person each at the oppositse sides of the gate, he then decided to use Halimat who will successfully distract Oj and Rough.
“Checkmate time” he said to himself and started laughing as he dragged Halimat to the gate, when he got to the gate, he ordered two boys to join him at the gate “As soon as I open this gate, shoot anything you see” He ordered.
“Hey cutie, want to survive? Then run outside at the count of five” Kong  said, Halimat was looking at Hadijat as they were both crying profusely.
“1, 2, 3, 4 ” Kong counted and opened the gate at the count of five, Halimat stormed out while Kong and the two guys be instructed shot randomly at Oj’s team, the other two guys dropped dead immediately leaving only Oj only.
“Sh!t” Slimmy and Oj cussed simultaneously, Slimmy instructed Rough to escort Halimat to the car, she quickly did.
“Just stay down like that, do not raise your head no matter what happens, I repeat do not raise your head” Rofiat ordered and was returning back to the front Oj’s compound when She started hearing noise of Power bikes, Before she could turn around, the bikers were already close by, five bikers all together, the guys that were ambushed police at Rushi, they had conquered the police in the gun battle. As soon as Rofiat saw them, she started shooting randomly at them and two of them got hit by her bullet, she continued shooting randomly but was hit by a bullet from one of the bike men, Rofiat went down has the bullet hit her.
Everything happened so fast, Slimmy saw Rofiat dropped and his rage multiplied, he charged towards the bike men shooting vigorously and screaming Rough’s name, the rest of the guys charged towards the bike men with him. Kong peeped from the gate and saw that it was his boys attacking, he also ordered the rest of his boys to charged towards Slimmy and Oj’s boys too leaving only him and Hadijat in the compound.

A new creation season 1 episode 54-55

episode 54
**The next morning**
Slimmy and OJ were discussing behind the gate of the Arch Angels mansion while their boys were assembled outside the gate with three cars there, all ready for the rescue mission. The Arch Angels had a total of eight men while the Tigers had seven, most of them weren’t dressed fully in their uniforms but only had a touch of their colours on their clothes, except for their leaders who were fully dressed. 
“We can’t just go together, some of our boys have to wait as backup,” Slimmy was saying to OJ as they strategized their movements. “Maybe your assistant should wait here with Rough and some of the boys from both teams while we lead some other boys there.” 
“Sounds okay,” OJ agreed. “So how many boys are you suggesting we go with?”
“Humm… I think the formation should be like this,” OJ began to demonstrate with his hands. “Let’s split into three teams; both of us would lead the first team, let’s call it team A. Rough could lead the second team, Team B while your assistant leads the third team, Team C. Since we are fifteen altogether, each team should have five people in it, that means the both of us are going to get three more people to join us. Now, ” Slimmy squatted and picked up a small broomstick, he began to sketch something on the floor. 
“There are two major routes to the place,” he continued, this time illustrating with the diagram. “Team A would take the right route while team B, the left but they won’t get to the place with us, they’ll wait at a close distance. Team C would also take the right route and wait at a reasonable distance too. And when we get there and we see what’s on ground, we’ll contact the necessary team or both if needed.” Slimmy finished explaining and got up. 
“Nice strategy! ” OJ applauded, staring at Slimmy’s face with a smile. He secretly wished he could enroll and learn some tactics from the Arch Angels after the battle but the ego he had as a rival cult leader would never allow that. 
“Here,” Kong was squatting behind a “Ghana must go” bag, bringing out bundles of money in two hundred naira notes and handing them over to the boys in front of him. “We have nothing to do with these girls, they aren’t our real goals, they are just a means to an end.” He looked up and said to them. Then he rose up to his feet after handing a bundle to the last of the twenty boys. 
“Slimmy and OJ are our main goals now, and they are coming for the girls already, I already got a text message from one of the spies saying they are in their way to Rushi.” Kong said to the boys. “The goal is to capture Slimmy and OJ alive because I want to make them concede defeat and I’ll make a video record of them, to announce to the world that I’ve finally taken over. We will kill the rest of the boys straightaway. The only reason we would kill Slimmy or OJ before making them concede is if they claim to be stubborn or want to give us too much tough time. Remember, we have a greater advantage because we outnumber them and we also know all of their steps, let’s use this advantage to kill them all.” He paused and looked at all of his boys faces, just like the late Host used to. “Does everyone understand?” He shouted in a determined tone. 
“Yes!” They all replied with a different type of determination in their voices. Theirs was not determination to take over but it was the determination stirred by the money on their palms.
Kong took in a deep breath and then signaled to one of the boys to pick up the bag of money and take it into another room. The money was what he had been able to make in just few weeks after Host had died and he became the major hitman and guardian of the Arch Angels’ arsenal. 
While the rest of the Arch Angels and Tigers had been enjoying their moment of peace after the treaty was signed, Kong and Hercules had been working underground, making money by carrying out assassination jobs and political thuggery with the weapons of their cults. They had their proposed takeover well strategized already but Gentle’s disagreement with Slimmy gave them an early opportunity to start. 
Kong’s phone notification tone sounded, he took it out immediately and swiped down the notification bar. “We just stopped on the way now, we’re waiting at some distance from Rushi. I don’t know what for and I don’t know if Capon and the rest are still heading for Rushi or going elsewhere ” he read.  He looked at the eager faces of his boys and made a chuckle. Then he began to type a reply to the message. “Can you move away from the group, I need to speak with you and intimate you on some things” Kong sent. Few seconds later, he got the reply. “I’ll enter into the bush in three minutes, you can call then.”
Rough sat on the bonnet of the car eagerly waiting for instructions from her Capon, as it was now, she was the second in command of the Arch Angels. From time to time, she’ll glance back to the boys who were standing around the car, close to the bush and either discussing things in low tones or soliloquizing but she also took notice of one who had been busy with his phone all through. 
Not that she was too strict like the late Host who wouldn’t allow anyone use their phones in his presence but there was something about his seriousness with the phone. One more thing that got her suspicious about the boy was the way he vibrated when their eyes met. At first, she discarded his vibration to think that he was only afraid of being caught chatting with his phone by the second in command but she began to ponder more on it later. No one under normal circumstances would have a mood for chatting or playing games or whatever he was doing with the phone when they were going on a serious mission like this. 
To make matters worse, the boy rose from the boot of the car where he was previously seated and said something to the other boys before he began to walk into the bush. 
Rough climbed down the bonnet and walked to the back of the car. “Where did he say he was going to?” She asked the rest of the boys. 
“He wants to ease himself,” one of the boys answered. 
“Okay,” Rough nodded thoughtfully and returned back to the car to pick up something. 
Rough climbed down the bonnet and walked to the back of the car. “Where did he say he was going to?” She asked the rest of the boys. 
“He wants to hiss himself,” one of the boys answered. 
“Okay,” Rough nodded thoughtfully and returned back to the car to pick up something. 
She opened the safe of the car and took out a small transparent nylon containing bullets, she hid it in the pocket of her big hooded jacket. Without arousing suspicions she also told the boys she needed to pee too, she entered into the bush but not directly into the part that the first guy had entered through, when she was out of view to the boys by the car she then traced her way back to where the guy went through, she made sure to walk as slow and silent as possible to keep her presence unknown to the guy, she saw the guy standing with his phone to his ear, Rofiat kept a reasonable distance but could hear the guy’s voice from where she was. 
“Baba na lie ooh…. You mean say una don commot from that place…. so na trap you wan set for dem Slimmy n Oj…. Haaa Baba you bad ooo” The guy kept on laughing silently but wickedly as Kong kept on telling him about the plans, Rofiat waited silently and patiently to see if the guy could talk some more. “Baba u no go believe say na dat Rough dey lead my team now, meee, woman dey lead my team….. Baba no talk say no beordinary woman joor, woman na woman……Ok baba…. I sabi Rothman’s street na… Enh that house for number 57, sheybi na der me and you go hide weapon dat day wey your girl just dey worry us…. No wahala baba, no wahala as soon as everything finish, na der I go dey run come” the guy dropped the call, kept his phone in his pocket and walked back to where the boys by the car where. 
Rofiat came out immediately behind him, the guy was shocked to the throat and was scared that she might have heard all his conversation. 
“Someone should collect this guy’s phone and check his last caller” Rofiat ordered. 
“For wetin na” the guy protested as she immediately got up to defend himself incaseof any attacks. 
“Do you have anything to hide” Rofiat asked. 
“Wetin I wan get to hide na” the guy replied. 
“Then bring out your phone, let’s check your last dialled or received call” Rofiat ordered again. 
The guy paused and stared around calculating his odds and chances, the were four all of the, does he stand a chance of taking all of them out if he is fast enough, he pondered over it for a while. 
“Okay Okay, let me bring out my phone” he mumbled as he swiftly quickly laid his hand on his gun behind his trousers and was about bringing it out, Rofiat who was already at alert shot him straight in the head even though she didn’t aim for any part of his body. 
The remaining guys jerked back and all stared in surprise at what just played down, one of them then moved closer and  them raised the guy’s shirt only to see his hands on a gun, the guy proceeded further and brought out the guy’s phone, fortunately the phone was still unlocked for whatever reasons, he scrolled the phone through to the caller’s log and exclaimed when he saw the last dialled. 
“Na Kong number be the last the call wey hin receive oh” All of them but Rofiat who was already dialling Slimmy’s number had shock on their faces. Rofiat was dialling the number for the second time as Slimmy didn’t pick at first, luckily the call was picked the second time.  
“Hello Capon” Rofiat Spoke to the phone with a pinch eagerness and excitement. 
“Rough which one na, shey you no say my phone no suppose dey ring, we are about tolaunch an attack na” Slimmy complained. 
“Boss it’s a trap, it’s a trap, you guys should return back here Asap” Rofiat Screamed on the phone. 
“Rough you are making no sense, calm down and explain to me properly” Slimmy replied calmly. 
“Okay, one of the guys that was in my team was giving out information to Kong, I caught him talking to Kong over the phone and from their conversation, I gathered that they are not in Rushi, it’s just a trap they are trying to lure you and Oj into” Rofiat explained. 
Slimmy kept mute for a while as he thought everything through “Rough” he spoke after a moment of silence, just stay where you are, we will be there now so we can all make another strategy and formation all over again” Slimmy Replied and the line went dead. 
Rofiat collected the dead guy’s phone and began to study the code and manner which he and Kong use in passing messages to each other because she knew they will have to send Kong a message with the guy’s phone to lure him into his own trap. 
Oj began dialling Small’s number immediately Slimmy told him what Rofiat had just found out, Slimmy made a u-turn as they enroute back to where Rough and his team were. 
“Hello Small”. Oj said. 
“Yes baba” Small hailed. 
“It’s a trap ooh, you guys should abort, head back to where team C is” Oj ordered. 
“Yes boss” Small replied and the line went dead. 
Kong went into the room where Halimat and Hadijat was being held, he looked at them and felt pity at how their once beautiful and glowing face now looked gloomy, sad and pained, though despite all that they still look beautiful but not as ravishing and glowing like before. 
“When all this is over” Kong said “I will have one of you as my girlfriend because I see the two of you have soft spot for Capons offraternities, or who knows, I might just have the two of you for myself”
Kong started laughing hysterically as he enjoyed how everything was turning out, he stared at them waiting for one of them to speak back at him but when he got no reply from any of them, he started walking outside still laughing. 
“I’d rather die” Hadijat spoke just as Kong was about to open the door “I’d rather die than be with a coward like you” 
Kong turned back and gave her an evil stare “Die you shall die then” Kong replied and left the room. 

episode 55
“I’d rather die” Hadijat spoke just as Kong was about to open the door “I’d rather die than being with a coward like you”
Kong turned back and gave her an evil stare “Die you shall die then” Kong replied and left the room.
A message entered into Kong’s phone as Kong stepped into another room. He took out the phone from his pocket before he sank into a settee, he then opened the chat application.
“Baba, Slimmy don turn back o, im say igbo dey smell for Rushi.” He read the message from his informant.
“Igbo dey smell ke? Where im dey now?” Kong replied to the message hastily.
“I no know but he be like say them dey think say some people dey inside that Rushi compound.” Another message entered into the phone.
“Nobody dey there na, na only the grenade wey we set for the last room dey. The thing go explode immediately anybody enter the room con step im foot near the thing.”
“I go update you anyhow the thing dey go sha,” another message entered before going offline.
“Shi*t!” Kong stamped his feet on the ground in anger, also hitting his fists on the arms of the chair. He got up and dropped his phone on the sofa, pacing angrily around.
“What kind of person was Slimmy?” He asked himself, he remembered two occasions when he had tried to lure Slimmy into death when they were sent on missions as co hitmen. “Why wouldn’t he just die and let the war just end?” He asked himself again, this time scratching his head with his fingers.
Rough entered into the backseat of the car as she saw Slimmy’s car approaching, she ordered for the guy seated behind the wheels to ignite the engine. Rough didn’t close the door but was waiting for Slimmy’s car to pass first but the car stopped as they leveled up.
“Rough, why una never go?” Slimmy wind down the glass and asked.
“I wan confirm something first,” she replied him.
“Make we comot for here now o, police fit appear soon.” Slimmy said to her in form of an advice. “Na the guy body we see for back?”
“Okay, make we go caban first.” Slimmy said before winding up the glass. Their car moved and Rough’s team car followed behind.
**Fifteen minutes later**
Small and his team were already waiting at the Arch Angels mansion when team A and team B arrived. Some of the boys ran to open the gate immediately for Slimmy’s car to be driven in. Rough’s team car was parked outside like Small’s. Immediately after the opened gate was closed, Small and Rough marched in to meet their bosses while the younger boys who had gone with team A stepped out of the compound.
“What’s happening now?” Slimmy asked Rough as soon as she came into sight.
“I’m trying to scope Kong,” she replied and took out the phone she collected from the mole. “Is there any power bank here?” She asked. She had put on the camera of the phone to stop it from locking as there would be no one to unlock it it it did, now the battery was low.
Slimmy turned back to the driver’s side of his car and took out his solar energy power bank. He handed it to Rough who rested her back on the body of the car and connected the USB cord to the phone. She closed the camera and opened back WhatsApp. She began to type a message. Oj and Small also came closer to have a hint of what was happening.
“They set bombs into the last room of Rushi for us,” Rough said to the listening ears of her audience. “Kong knew we were coming there and he also has informants here with us; we should be more watchful of those juniors now.” She said and continued to chat in silence.
“But how Kong take get money for bomb na?” Slimmy asked aloud, although to himself.
“I think he’s been going out for operations without letting the house know; what I believe is that his recent frequent visits to nightclubs have been lies all the way. He was going out for operations while telling us he was going to club. And that is how he was able to lure several of the juniors into following him, most times he takes them along and pays them very well.”
“So you think he’s been doing all these while the Regionals have banned us from doing other jobs for the moment?”
“How else do you think he’s been getting all those monies to fund himself?” Rough said.
“It’s true,” Small joined, he took a quick glance at his boss who now had his narrow look on him, expecting him to reveal a secret. “I suspected Hercules’s recent excuse of clubbing too, Hercules never liked to club, he always complained of too much noise because of his ear problem.”
“We never suspected anything,” Slimmy said. “Kong was always clubbing before, so we just thought he was exhibiting his usual lifestyle.”
There was silence for some minutes, each of them were staring at Rough to give them a report, so that they could think of the next step. Small was frequently going out to check the boys at the gate.
“What’s going on?” Slimmy asked Rough impatiently.
“Wait!” She said, even though Slimmy wasn’t waiting, he was already peeping into the phone to read the conversation. “He’s shot falling…”
Kong was still pacing around the room and thinking of his next step when his phone beeped again, another message had entered.
“Baba, Slimmy has said we’re going to wait several metres away from Rushi and block all entrance to the place” he read the message from his informant.
“That means he’s trying to lay ambush for me?”
“Yes, he believes that you and the guys would be coming to Rushi or leaving soon. He would kill them and leave one alive to make sure the person leads him to where the girls are.”
“Hehe…” Kong typed in with a big grin smiley. “I’m sending my boys to wipe them out now, shey they are all fourteen.”
“Okay, I’ll send only ten men. Since we know their plan, we have the advantage.”
“Kong is sending boys to Rushi now, let’s ignore those ones and go straight to 57, Rothman’s street where the girls are. Hadijat’s life means so much to me.” Slimmy announced loudly. “We’ll call the police on the way and lure them into meeting Kong’s boys at Rushi.”
“How far, una don reach there” 
“Yes baba, we don reach” One of Kong’s boys replied at the other end of the line. 
“Una see anybody there” Kong asked again. 
“We don sight their car but we never see anybody, I will call you back, we want to take a closer look at the car” 
The call was terminated and Kong paced around the room, he couldn’t wait for all of these to be over already. He was still moving around haphazardly when his phone started ringing. 
“How far” Kong said into the phone with a lot of uneasiness. 
“It’s empty, Kargo’s dead body is right here. We have been tricked” the guy replied 
“You people should retreat back here Asap” Kong ordered. 
“Errrmm I don’t think that will be possible, the cops are here, it’s an ambush…” The guy managed to reply before Kong started hearing sounds of gunshots on the other end of the line. 
“Shiiiiit” Kong cussed as he quickly ran out of the room and entered into the living room where the rest of the boys were. 
“You all should arm yourselves right now, I am sure that Slimmy and Oj are headed in this direction right this minute” Oj said as he started loading bullets into his own gun himself. 
A group of five men were seen in a very beautiful mansion, they all sat on a round table. While some were smoking hemps and cigarette, some were just drinking alcoholic wines and whiskeys. The setting of the house was themed with green, everything was green except for the ceiling which was white, they all continued with whatever they were doing until one of them stood up. 
“I swear pon Jah rastafaria me gon make that guy pay him dues with him blaad” Ace weaving his dreadlocks around, that was how he exhibits his anger whenever his anger was at it’s peak. 
“Ace calm down first” Emperor, also a regional leader and one of the guys sitting on the roundtable cautioned Ace. 
“Whatcu mean calm down home boy, watchu mean calm down, watta guan” Ace replied angrily. 
“My friend calm your nerves and sit your f--k!ng azz down there” Emperor shouted back at him. 
Ace immediately brought out his revolver and pointed it at Emperor. Emperor stood up and moved closer to Ace placing the gun on his own head. 
“Shoot me coward, shoot me” Emperor dared. 
“Even after five years that both of you had graduated from university, you both still see each other as rivals” Cent cuts in as he stepped in between both of them and Separated them. 
“No mind them jaare, make them they fight like cat and dog every time we get meeting” Ghost joked as he stood up and walked to the fridge to Bring out another bottle of wine. 
“Guys can we proceed with the meeting now” Lexi beckoned on them. 
Ace, Emperor, Ghost, Cent and Lexi are the five regional leaders of the Arch angels, they controlled the major affairs of the fraternity while Lexi acts as the leader of the five, the staff of leadership was always been rotated among the five of them. Host was supposed to be the next capon to join the regional leaders but unfortunately he couldn’t live long enough, Slimmy has also been considered to have the attributes needed to be a regional leader but Ace who has always seen Slimmy as the younger version of Emperor had opposed the notion right from the start, Emperor who has grown to like Slimmy so much because he reminded him of his dealings when he was also a capon, a co-capon actually. 
Emperor and Ace used to be best friends when they both were freshers in the university but their friendship faded away in the quest for power, Ace saw Emperor as a major threat to him being the Capon while Emperor hated Ace due to his thirst for blood and his trigger happy life style, Ace was always ready to kill anyone and anything blocking his part, rumours had it that he killed his parents by himself just to prove to people how heartless he is. Despite all his ruggedity and crazy lifestyle, there was only one person that was never and will never be afraid of him, Emperor. After long fights about who was going to be made Capon between the two of them, a compromise was reached that both of them should be made Co-capons..
“Strong men, what do we say we do about this Slimmy’s issue” Lexi asked. 
“I’ll say we give him more time, say like a week at least” Emperor said. 
“And if at the end of next week, he still refuse to pay his dues and still relates with enemy gang” Ghost asked as he puffed some smoke into the air. 
“Then we cut his wings, strip him of being an angel and kill him” Cent replied with all seriousness. 
“Sounds fair” Lexi replied. 
“When the time comes to kill him, I will like to lead that attack” Ace said as he stared straight into Emperor’s eyes. 
“Granted” Lexi replied Ace.  
Kong alongside some boys barged into the room where Halimat and Hadijat were being held, they loosed the ropes that was used in tying them and they marched them forward to the living room. Everyone in the living room were armed to the teeth except for Halimat and Hadijat who were made to sit on the two sitter couch, they had no idea what was happening but they knew whatever was about to go down is not favourable to the boys in the room as they all had unhappy looks on their faces. 
“Do not let them out of sight until you get a go ahead from me and if in any case you think I have been taken down, Killed them both” Kong paused and stared into Hadijat’s frightened face and smiled “Kill this one first” he ordered as he kept on stroking Hadijat’s hair with his gun. 
They all went outside immediately leaving only one of the boys with Halimat and Hadijat that has been tied together again. No sooner than they all stepped outside they saw Slimmy and Oj’s car approaching. 

A new creation season 1 episode 52-53

episode 52
Hercules stood transfixed with fear, he was only few metres away from the car. He was surrounded by both the Arch Angels and the White Tigers, his own people. Guns were pointed at him from all directions, even his juniors and friends all had their guns facing him with pitiless looks on their one’s face. 
Seeing Rough and Slimmy come out of the car had explained it all to him, the cat must have been let out of the bag. But how did that happen? How did Slimmy and Oj who were supposed to be at loggerheads come to agree with each other? 
“Hercules,” Rough said with a mocking laugh, cutting through his thoughts. She moved closer to him and stopped at his front. “Surprised?” Rough began to walk in a circle round him like she did to Oj. 
She stopped and stared at his face, “do you think you could play us all till we die?” She barked in a loud voice.
Hercules remained quiet, he kept a confident face and demeanor, he continued to stare straight above the car. 
“Where are my sisters?” Rough asked, starting again to walk round him. She got no response, she stopped at his front and raised her face closer to his. “Where are my sisters?” She asked again. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hercules feigned ignorance. 
Rough stared at him with disgust in her eyes, “don’t even try to deny…”
“Leave him,” Oj said in a stressed tone and walked to meet Hercules and Rough. Rough moved back and joined Slimmy close to the car. 
“Baba, what’s happening here? I don’t understand,” Hercules said, trying to put up an innocent looking face. 
“Shut up! If I ‘wooze’ you ehn,” Oj threatened with the butt of his gun. “Where did you keep the girls?” 
“Baba, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hercules still maintained his position. 
“Okay…” Oj felt someone touch his fingers from the back. He turned back to see Slimmy, Slimmy whispered some words to him and turned back. He and Rough walked into another car and drove away. The three Arch Angels guys who had followed Hercules from the back also began to walk away. 
Bang! A sudden gunshot sounded immediately they watched Slimmy and Rough drive out of sight. Everybody was wondering where it came from when they saw Hercules sprawling on the floor already. “Baba” had gotten impatient, so when Slimmy and Rough were entering the car noisily, he cocked his gun while everybody was being distracted with Slimmy’s manner of driving and administered the bullet into Hercules right lap immediately the car was out of sight. 
Oj squatted with his pistol still in his hands and stared at Hercules face, Small came to stand beside him. “Where did you keep the girls?” Oj reiterated. 
Hercules winced in pain, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes to absorb it. “Get me treated first and then I’ll tell you , else you’ll never know where they are.” Hercules threatened in a gruff pain filled voice. 
Oj stood up and stared blankly at the sky for a moment, he turned back and squatted. “Which of you went to kill mother and brother?”
Hercules still kept a bold face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay,” Oj rose up to his feet. “Don’t worry, you’ll know when the whole of your family lays six feet under the ground.”
“Huh?” Hercules’s eyes widened and he vibrated in fear as he heard OJ’s last words. “I’ll talk.”
Slimmy rode in the car with Rough seated by his side, the both of them had their thoughts pointing in one direction, the only difference was that Slimmy was more concerned about Hadijat while Rough was concerned about the two girls. 
Slimmy began to think of Kong’s possible quarters of operation or hideout. He knew the most feasible place to find Kong, Rushi, the same uncompleted building where Kong used to operate before he joined the Angels. Maybe Kong still kept his mindset and the desire he had before he joined the Angels. 
Slimmy, Gentle, Fabio, Kong and Nazaretha had all joined the Arch Angels cult group at the same time, Slimmy could still remember their initiation ceremony that night. Aside from the initiation day, the young cultists did not really have anything much to do with each other. They were from different departments and faculties and even hostels which were far away from each other, so they had nothing to do together except when they exchanged greetings before and after their meetings. Kong before he joined the Arch Angels doubled as a noise and trouble maker. He already had a gang of terrible young boys who tried to oppress others in the school. The rumor was that Kong was trying to form a new cult group but due to lack of strength and experience of the guys, it was impossible. Kong’s group of trouble makers had to split up at a certain time of trouble just few weeks after they started oppressing each other. That was when Kong decided to join the Arch Angels, and his closest friend and partner in crime, Hercules joined the White Tigers. But they didn’t join with a mindset of forming their own groups later, only when they rose in rank did they begin to think that they were ripe enough to break away. 
During their younger days, Kong had always been disagreeing with the twin brothers especially with Slimmy. Kong and Slimmy were being trained as hitmen then, the late Host was already one of the major hitmen. Slimmy always performed his tasks better than Kong and was always commended better, Kong was always second to him in any challenge or task. This stirred up rivalry between both of them and they disagreed and quarreled most of the times when their bosses were not around.
Nazaretha and Gentle, although could also use guns very well were in another department. Both were friends and walked quite in agreement with each other. Gentle always took sides with Slimmy whenever there was a disagreement with Kong but Nazaretha was always on the middle ground.
A phone call distracted Slimmy’s thoughts, he took one hand off the steering wheel and took out the phone from his pocket. His heart skipped a beat as he saw the caller ID. Ace, that was one of the regional leaders of the Arch Angels in the country. The last time they had spoken was when he was being installed as the new Capon for his school and Zonal Leader for the the schools under their zone. He quickly pulled over to a space to answer the call. 
The call had ended before he could park the car properly. He took off his seat belt to enable him communicate properly. “It’s Ace,” he whispered to Rough who was looking to him for an explanation, then he dialed back the number. Rough heaved a sigh and closed her eyes. 
“Hello Boss,” Slimmy spoke in low tones. 
“Slimmy, Whatta Guan?” Ace sounded kind of angry. 
“Nothing Boss, we fixing the mess.” Slimmy replied. 
“You say nothing, me no fool man, we no fools here. What’s this thing we hear that you rolling with some f*ckboys now?”
“Boss, it’s a long story. I’ve actually been fighting the wrong people all the while…”
“Shhh…”Ace silenced. “You ain’t got no excuse enough to roll with em guys, what about calling em all under your zonal jurisdiction?”
“I’ve called them and most of the boys have been killed, the others are leaving us saying that they have one or two things to do in school.”
“What da f--k! You can’t manage just a zone to fight some em small boys? You gotta be kidding me man.”
“It’s not like that, we had some traitors amongst us.” Slimmy replied, already getting pissed off. 
“Traitors? You have em traitors? That’s gotta mean you’ve messed up business back there in your school. ”
“And what’s this thang that you not settled the money for em Gentle’s rites?”
“Huh?” Slimmy hissed and cut off the phone. They were in a midst of a battle and someone was asking him for money to perform rites for Gentle’s body which he wasn’t even planning to hand over to the cult. The body had been embalmed already but he planned to take it home and give his brother a befitting burial which was contrary to the rule of the cult.

episode 53
“Welcome Baba” the guys holding Halimat and Hadijat captive hailed Kong as he entered through the back door. 
“Any info” Kong asked as he began to take the hooded jacket that he wore to enable him to conceal his identity, on his was to the building, he had a gut feeling that he was being followed but he couldn’t spot anyone, he just quickened his steps and decided to enter through the back door. 
“They have Hercules and from the info I have, seems like he is singing or has already sang” one of the guys replied. 
“Hercules” Kong smiled “I have always know him to be one hell of a weakling, let him sing all he wants to them” 
“But baba what’s the formation na, what if they find out our cover, na only seven of us they here, the rest are either dead or being watched by Slimmy and Oj” 
“I got this covered man, I have contacted those mercenaries that worked for Terror, all we have to do is press the button and they will be here in a speed of light” 
“Correct” the seven of them hailed. 
“Which room you keep them this girls” 
“That room wey dey after the kitchen” 
Kong walked away from the living room majestically towards the said room. The house was well furnished and decorated, the house belonged to Malia, she lived there until she decided to completely move her things to Kong’s apartment after much persuasion from Kong himself, as he walked towards the room, he began reminiscing his love life with Malia, the girl who had loved him genuinely, the girl who had sacrificed a lot for him and completely trusted him without ever doubting the love he never had for her. From on set it has always been about the money he wanted to get from Malia, he had never for one day loved her back, he had managed to fool her all along by putting up acts that he was a cool headed boy, he had also put up acts fot Gentle and Slimmy ever since Slimmy became the Capon, he had laid down all his egos in order not to arouse suspicions, and everything paid off for him when he saw the look on Gentle’s face before he killed him. That look gives him happiness anytime he thinks about it, he had never thought it will be as fulfilling as that. 
He barged into the room without knocking and switched on the lights immediately he entered, there they were starring at him with embittered and disgusted look.  
“Hello girls” Kong greeted them in a mockery tone while Hadijat and Halimat kept mute and just starred at him. 
“I hope my boys are feeding you well” He mocked again. 
“King Kong or whatever you are called I have always known that you are nothing but a traitor and a sneaky b-----d” Hadijat said with a strong hatred in her voice, though she was weak and sounded weak but there was still authority in her voice. 
“And I have always known you are a spoilt brat too and if you don’t know let me tell you, I am Gentle’s murderer as well as you” Halimat and Hadijat both raised their gazes to Kong “You want to tell me you don’t know, why are you acting surprised, if you hadn’t successfully come in between him and Slimmy then we wouldn’t have been able to take him out at least not that easily” 
“Have you no shame” Halimat screamed “You betrayed and killed someone that is supposed to be your friend and yet you come here to pin it on my sister, ohh you are so shameless” Hadijat started crying.  
“And you think you are a saint yourself” Kong began laughing as he was enjoying as everything was playing out “If you had not occupied Oj with sex, he would have done something about the missing weapon earlier and that way Slimmy wouldn’t have blamed White Tigers for Gentle’s death so therefore my friend Halimat, you have the bloods of everyone that has died since this battle started in your hands. We are all guilty” Kong laughing uncontrollably and annoyingly. 
Halimat stared at him for a long time, she was so angry she could put a bullet into his head right that minutes, with all the anger burning her on the chair where she was tied to, she gathered a lot of spit in her mouth and spat on Kong’s face. Kong took his time to clean out the spit and as soon as he was done cleaning his face he gave Halimat a resounding slap that made her fall to the ground together with the wooden chair she was tied to. 
Slimmy drove into the compound in anger, he was totally upset about what Ace said as regards Gentle’s dues, he was angry he didn’t even ask him how he was holding up after his brother’s death, he didn’t even asked if his brother’s death has been avenged, anger filled his thoughts, Rofiat followed him behind as they both walked into the lounge. Slimmy walked straight into the mini bar, brought a bottle of tequila and  poured into his mouth directly. Gentle’s death weighed upon him all over again, be felt guilty for his death and the only thing  that can redeem him is to make sure all his killers dies before he buries him. 
Rofiat rushed towards Slimmy and grabbed the bottle of tequila from him while Slimmy just starred at her blankly. 
“How much do you intend to drink in order to drown your sorrows” Rofiat asked. 
“As much as it’s needed, I just need something to help me through all of these” Slimmy replied. 
“Naah what you need now is that anger you are feeling inside, don’t try to hold it back. You need the anger for when we meet Kong and his group of traitors” Rofiat returned the bottle of tequila back to the bar and led Slimmy to a chair. 
Slimmy sat down and was contemplating on the kind of death he would give Kong when ever he is apprehended when his phone started ringing. 
“Hello Oj” he picked up at the first ring. 
“How far Slimmy” Oj hailed. 
“Has he sang yet” 
“Yeah, we know where they are being held now” Oj replied. 
“Good. How many fully fit boys do you have now” 
“Like 7 or 8 at most” 
“Okay I think I should be able to raise like 8 or so here also. We strike tomorrow morning” 
“Yeah tomorrow sounds fair enough” 
“Cool” Oj said and terminated the call. 