STORIES UPDATE: Campus Dilemma Season 2 STORIES UPDATE: Campus Dilemma Season 2

Showing posts with label Campus Dilemma Season 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campus Dilemma Season 2. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2018


episode 98
It was a day to our passing out and everybody was in an elated mood. Some couldn’t wait to leave while others like me weren’t so eager to go.
Niyola and her rummy had already packed their bags and waybilled it home eagerly waiting to collect their discharge certificate and leave.
IJ just like me was relaxed and not even thinking of leaving.
As we, IJ and I settled to a bottle of smirnof vodka that night discussing about what next after service year and the plans ahead. Just like me, she had no set out plans. We had discussed into the night drunk, one thing had led to another and we got down real hard. It was awesome and more like a goodbye S£x. Just like us, it was done and forgotten about the next morning.
Everybody was busy taking snap shots with their phones as we collected out discharge Certificate. Crazy and unbelievable as it may sound some corpers serving in the remote villages came to the council with their bags ready to leave after picking their certificates.
I took a few pictures with IJ and Purity. Purity and I had put up a perfect act of everything was ok between us not wanting to arouse IJ’s curiosity.
I had planned to celebrate with Precious and Steve together with Shania and IJ. When I told Precious about it, she had concurred without hesitation.
After I collected my discharge Certificate, I had left the council hastily with IJ to get ready as Shania already called to inform me that she was already close to my house.
The evening was going crazy as we all partied drunk. Shania had arrived just in time before Precious and Steve came. We had all left to a very cool hotel and partied into the night.
In the heat of party I got so pressed and stepped out to take a leak. I was done and about to zip up when Precious walked in.
“This is the men’s” I said thinking that she lost her way.
“Shhhh!!!” she hushed pushing me back in. “Make it quick.” She said and held unto the wall pulling up her shot gown. My Joystick got the signal immediately and raged on.
Pulling down my zipper, I pulled out my Joystick and guarded it into her wet cú.nt. I went into action immediately knowing that we had limited time. It was hot as I maintained a momentum till I was close and pulled out jerking off on the floor.
Tearing a tissue from one on the WC, she cleaned up, without a word she kissed me and rushed out.
“What kept you?” Precious asked on sighting me. “Hope say you no go vomit?”
Everybody busted into a fist of laughter as she threw the jab at me.
“Nooo!! I no be small pikin na, it was just occupied so I had to wait.” I defended myself feeling embarrassed giving her a f**k you look.
We had partied on after Steve congratulated all of us with a speech.
IJ had gone out later on to make a call and not too long a guy join her in the party. We all partied till we couldn’t take another go at our bottles and decided to call it a night. Steve had booked three rooms as we all retired to our different room and called it a night and an end to Service Year.


episode 97
I took a seat beside her table trying to get my raging hard on under control. To make it worst I had a perfect view of her nakedness from my position as she intentionally stalled in putting on her cloths.
I turned away from her and picked a book from her table to distract my mind. I stared at the lines in the book seeing only the letters as my mind was trapped on her body.
I started flipping through the pages and just when I got tired and wanted to drop it back a pack of airtel SIM card dropped from it. I picked it up and sandwiched it back into the book placing it on the table.
“What do I offer you?” she asked from behind startling me.
Turning around behold Purity clad on her bra and G-string posing seductively with an evil smile.
“And I will go if you don’t stop Purity. You are making staying hard for me.”
“How? Can’t I offer you something again” She protested.
“ Purity can you put on something please?”
“Oh!! Is it about this? Don’t mind me jare. C’mon you are not a stranger to me why acting up? Are trying to tell me that Shania doesn’t dress like this before?”
Just like my memory was jolted back at the mention of Shania’s name. I remembered instantly the number that had been sending Shania messages. Pulling out my phone I scrolled down to the number which I save with ‘enemy’. Picking the book I turned it over and the SIM pack slipped out from it. She rushed immediately to take the SIM pack from me but I was fast enough to hold it away from her. I compared the numbers and to my greatest surprise they matched.
Looking up at her I saw fear and shame written all over her face. I couldn’t describe how I felt.
“Why?” I asked breaking the deafening silence.
She kept mute for a while before turning around and headed to her wardrobe. I stood up and followed not knowing what she was going there to do. She picked a wrapper and wrapped over her nàkéd.ness before turning to face me behind her.
I was angry and relieved at the same time. Angry knowing that it was Purity that wanted to break Shania and I and relieved that finally I have unraveled the mystery.
“I am sorry Purity.” She said leaning back to the wardrobe tears gathering in her eyes.
“I thought that we were friends Purity. Why you of all people?” I asked raising the SIM pack.
She didn’t say a word as tears trickled down her eyes. I wanted to say things to her but couldn’t find the words. When I got tired of staring at her I turned and headed for the door.
“Purity please stop.” She called behind me.
I stopped and turned facing her because I needed some explanations.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why did you do that? I need explanations not apolgy.”
“Please it doesn’t matter anymore. I regret ever doing that. Please just let it go, I’m sorry.” She said apologetically.
“Do you know what you put us through, Shania and I?”
“I’m sorry Purity.”
“You know what? This whole thing between us is so over. I’m going to keep this between us like it never happened and thanks for trying to break us.” I said and before she could stop me I walked out.
Later in the evening, I got loads of messages from Purity as she kept apologizing. I stopped taking her calls after I left her house. She thought I was going to tell Shania which invariably will lead to her sister knowing but I wasn’t even thinking of that as I heard my own tracks to cover. If Shania gets to know that Purity was the one sending the messages, she wouldn’t let it lie and it won’t be long before she finds out that I had something with her which will be a big blow to our new found peace.
When the message didn’t stop coming, I called her and told her to let it go that I have forgiven her but that we can never be good friends again.
To Be Continued…


episode 93
The following day, Friday, after work. I had wanted to go and see Purity but decided to go home and freshen up first. IJ had left earlier to the market so I had to walk home alone. As I approached my compound, I perceived a familiar fragrance in the air but couldn’t place where or who I have met wearing that. Walking into my compound the fragrance trailed me and just as I took a bend heading towards my room, behold the least person I had expected to see sitting in front of my room looking at me. Just them I remembered the owner of the fragrance.
I stopped in my track, stunned, while on sighting me she stood up. Our eyes met and locked as none of us moved a muscle. Memories flowed back in a swift as we said words with our eyes. It wasn’t long before her eyes started getting misty. I recovered myself and proceeded on to my door to meet her.
She stood still with clouded eyes till I got to her and took her into an embrace and just them the cloud of her eyes opened and the tears rained down. As she cried, my eyes got misty too but I fought back the tears from dropping. I could feel my shoulder soaked up by her tears as I rocked her gently. We hugged in the silence as she sniffed amidst tearing, as we were in that position for a while before I opened my door and led her inside.
Inside, we both sat on the bed, her head on my shoulder my hand around her waist staring into the space saying nothing.
“How are you?” I asked breaking the silence.
She nodded without a word dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief.
“Purity I’m sorry.” She said after another long silence.
“Shhhhh!!! It’s ok.”
“I kept getting a message. I didn’t know what to believe anymore.” She continued, tears gathering in her eyes again.
“What message?”
“Someone or rather a number kept sending me a message,” she started drawing her bag closer. She pulled out her phone, opened the message box and handed it over to me. I collected the phone and it was a long conversation of messages. The sender maintained a particular line,
‘Your boyfriend is a cheat, beware of the girls around him. Don’t trust him’
‘Your boy friend is a cheat, beware of the girls around him, don’t trust him. Call him now he is with another girl.’
It was about thirty messages with similar contents.
“ Since when has this been happening?”
I don’t know, it’s over three months now.”
“And you never cared to confront or talk to me about it?”
“And tell you what? I didn’t believe it at first but when it kept coming I tried to get in touch with the number but it was always switched off. I didn’t know what to believe again. I couldn’t have just come out and started accusing you based on some messages from someone I don’t know.”
To Be Continued…
episode 94
“But I guess you finally did.”
“Yes and I’m sorry. There is no excuse for my actions.”
“Now tell me,” I started. “ do you still think that I’m having an affair?”
“Why did you keep away from me all these while?”
“I have been ashamed of myself. I couldn’t find the right words to say for my actions. I’m sorry for everything.”
“Are we cool or do you still have questions you need answers to?”
“No I don’t. it’s obvious someone doesn’t want us together. To think that the message stopped coming Immediately we fought makes it a set out plan by someone. And ….” She said stopping midway.
“And what?”
“Precious and IJ called me.” She said staring down at her palms “They didn’t want me to let you know so please don’t tell them.”
“Hmmm!! These girls.” I said laughing.
“Baby I’m sorry. I know those things I did hurt you and it was very irrational of me. There is no excuse for that, I’m sorry. I take back all those hurtful things I said to you.” She apologized.
“It’s ok. I’m sorry for everything too.”
A part of me wanted to ask her questions but another didn’t or maybe, was afraid of the truth. After a long contemplation in my mind, I decided not to ask her about the guys.
Just like she read my mind, she cleared her throat and started.
“Baby about the things you saw in my phone, I ……”
“Shania please don’t. I have made peace with that and whatever that is, I don’t want to know or hear about it. Just take care of it. Nobody is a saint.”
“Thank you.”
We relapsed into silence again until I gently pulled her closer and our lips met …….
The make up S£x was everything you can think of. It was slow and deep. It was so awesome and emotion filled that it left her crying at the end of it. I couldn’t hold myself through it but did well to last as my little will power could go. We slept off exhausted after the S£x.
To Be Continued…
episode 95
When we woke up, we called Precious who was so happy that we are back together. After we called Precious, Shania dressed up and left for IJ’s room while I relaxed back on the bed thinking over the whole events. I didn’t know how Precious got her number but suspected she must have collected it from my phone. For her to have called Shania only means one thing, our flings and sexcapades are over; good riddance though.
I thought of who would have the intention of breaking us apart by keeping tabs on me. The odd fell on IJ because she is the only person that can really tell some things about me but if she was set out to do evil, she knew so much to just be sending messages, she would have given Shania something very concrete. But on the contrary, what if she was the one behind it and when she realised that it’s not working she decided to call her and sue for peace just to get a perfect cover?
I couldn’t pinpoint anybody that I suspect would do such after some hard thinking. Something flashed through my mind, Purity. She once called me with a number similar to the one that kept sending messages to Shania. Going for Shania’s phone, I clicked the message box open and compared the numbers from my phone.
Heaving a big sigh of relieve, I dropped the phone. It wasn’t hers, but then who could it be? I dialed the number but it didn’t connect, more like it wasn’t connected to a phone. I suspected the owner just uses it anytime he/she wants to send the evil message.
I resigned from thinking about it. Whoever wanted us apart tried but didn’t succeed and even if I wanted to play again a perfect cover has been provided.
I was still with my thoughts when Shania entered with IJ. They came in carrying food which IJ prepared. We all ate in what was more like a reunion and decided to hang out after that.
It was a fun filled weekend as we set out to catch up with all the time we had lost fighting. She had asked about my new phone to which I told her that I bought it. She had returned the phone she bought and the money just like I had delivered it to Tonia. I took the phone telling her that I will sell it. She said I should do whatever I liked with it as it is mine already. We used part of the 50k to treat ourselves to a wonderful weekend.
After the weekend, she stayed till Wednesday before she left for her place and it was love renewed.
episode 96
Things had returned to normalcy. Our love increased as we took turns visiting each other every weekend. At each visit we always talked extensively about the future and what it holds for us.
As we started talking seriously about the future, Shania had started becoming skeptical about furthering her education abroad.
At first when she mention it, I objected vehemently telling her not to throw away a golden opportunity that would better her life for a future we ain’t even sure of, but when it became clear that I objecting to her idea of not going abroad was beginning to cause troubles, I had decided to let her be and make her decisions. We had less fights, better communication and understanding.
I had stopped playing around giving faithfulness a chance and it sure feels better. At work I had maintained the formal attitude with Constance not giving her any chance to intrude into my private life anymore.
I also maintained my friendship with Niyola and her roommate at the Hi! Hi!! level. I never gave them an opportunity to cross their boundary.
Surprisingly Purity had kept her distance. We talked occasionally either at CDS or whenever I decided to call her. I had started seeing a guy dropping her off at the council for CDS and picking her after. At first I felt awkward but over time I relaxed my nerves.
Two months later; it was on a Saturday. Shania was supposed to come over for the weekend but she had a wedding to attend ; she was among the bridal train. IJ had travelled and the weekend was a bit lonely and boring.
I had decided to pay Purity a surprise visit. I wanted to inform her but decided against it and will just pretend to be in the neighborhood and wanted to check up on her.
I noticed that she has fixed her net when I took the stairs that saw me at her door. I knocked the door twice and waited for an answer as I heard soft music playing inside. After waiting for a while I knocked harder again.
“Hold on!! ” I heard her voice from inside.
I waited for a while before she appeared at the door her towel wrapped around her. She was surprised seeing me as she stood at the door staring at me without a word.
“Em!! Good evening. Please I’m looking for a girl called Purity can you direct me to her door please.” I said making a serious face.
“Come in.” she said coldly.
I walked in while she bolted the net and walked behind me. She smelled fresh as I surveyed her intently from the corner of my eyes. Picking her phone from the bed she double tapped on the screen before turning to face me.
“You didn’t tell me you were coming.” She said more like a question.
“Yea, I was in the neighborhood and just decided to check up on you.”
“At least you should have called to let me know that you are coming.” She said frowning.
Her unwelcoming attitude was very clear that I needed nobody to tell me that I wasn’t welcomed.
“Umm!! Sorry about that,” I said standing up. “Just wanted to check on you sha, not staying.”
I headed towards the door to take my leave when she called stopping me on my track.
“You know you are always welcomed here.”
“Yea I know and thanks for reminding me that.”
Before I called turn back to the door she was behind me already hands around my waist holding me back.
“C’mon did you just expect that I will shine my 32 and welcome you after all these while that you forgot about me? C’mon a girl gats do shakara na.”
“So na me you dey take practice your shakara skills abi? Oya leave me let me be going.”
“Lie! Lie!! you are not going anywhere.” She said laughing and dragging me back.
We struggled playfully and just as I turned around her towel untied and left her body dropping into a hip on her legs. She made no effort to go for it as she stood Unclad smiling and making a pose. I swallowed hard as her amazing body bared itself before me. My Joystick responded immediately pushing against my zipper.
After allowing me have a view of what I was probably missing she picked up the towel and walked back to her wardrobe swinging her waist seductively.
“Make yourself comfy dear lemme change.” She said not turning.
To Be Continued…


episode 92
Over the next one week things went smoothly and normal at work; also between IJ and I. we had gradually cut off all the Sekxual part of our friendship and enjoyed it platonically.
Though at first she took to staying in her room, away from me but after a couple of days, things returned to normalcy.
Purity had not shown her face around anymore and had kept it all formal with me on the phone. At first I thought she was pissed with me over something and confronted her. She had told me that she wasn’t pissed but just wanted to keep her distance and show her face only when she is wanted.
I had waited all week for Shania, checking my phone, always hoping to see her chat or call but had gotten none. During the week, I had changed my Display Picture constantly in a bid to draw her attention but never got it.
Precious on her part had called me constantly asking if had made peace with her but I had kept giving her excuses of how she has not been reachable.
I didn’t know what to think anymore between Shania and I, the more I waited for her to reach out to me the more I thought that she has gotten over me and moved on. I kept on with not wanting to contact her because I didn’t want it to look like I was dragging her since I already made the first move.
Strangely, the following day after I saw her on WhatsApp, I stopped seeing her ‘last seen’. I could see every other contacts’ ‘last seen’ but hers remained hidden. It just seemed like we returned to playing hide and seek on WhatsApp.
Another week started and was about to round up and still no word from Shania or any improvement. The flare I had in me to make peace was burning out gradually.
On Thursday of the following week, I woke up and decided to make the last and final effort to remedy what I had with Shania. I called her three times and each call rang out without an answer. Not giving up hope, I sent her a WhatsApp message and also sent an SMS to her phone.
By the time I was done preparing for CDS, I checked my phone again and realized that the message I sent on WhatsApp has been read but I got no reply. As I left for CDS with IJ, I kept checking my phone at every beep hoping that it will be a message from Shania but always got disappointed.
Throughout the CDS and afterwards, I kept checking my phone till it was obvious that she wasn’t going to reply. I resigned myself to the thought that she has moved on and it’s time for me to do same.
To Be Continued…


episode 91
On Sunday, after I did my laundry and a total clean up, I was so exhausted and famished. Since I didn’t have the strength to cook anything, I opted to eating out.
IJ had not said anything to me since Saturday after I left her house. We just walk pass each other without a word whenever we meet. She came out from her room and met me washing that morning, then mumbled something I believed to be good morning before going back to her room.
As I dressed up and was about to go out, I heard a knock on my net. Just like I suspected, it was IJ standing at my door with a plate of noodles and egg.
“I don’t know if you have had anything?” she said stretching out the plate.
I have never rejected her food and doing it now was sure going to be childish. I collected the food with a ‘thanks’ and waited for her to leave before I could bolt the net.
“Do you mind if I come?”
“Sure.” I replied leaving the net.
She walked in behind me and headed to the kitchen. She came out with two forks and two sachets of water. I was surprised and watched to know her next action. She scooped the noodle into her mouth twice and cut a piece from the egg too.
“I didn’t poison it.” She said munching the food.
“Did I say you did?.”
“I know you didn’t but I didn’t want you throwing it into the trash can thinking I did.”
“Hmmm!! Funny enough, I didn’t have such thoughts in mind.”
She gulped down a sachet of water before going back into the kitchen to drop her fork while I settled on the bed to eat. Coming out from the kitchen she leaned on the kitchen door post looking at me. After a while she came and sat beside me on the bed.
“I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to treat you that way.” She apologized.
“IJ it’s ok, wasn’t holding anything against you. I wouldn’t have reacted any different if I was in your shoes. Sorry I hurt your feelings.”
“Hmm!!” She sighed letting out the air which seemed trapped inside her. “You don’t have to be either. I shouldn’t have let myself fall for you.” She said smiling.
“And you think I didn’t have similar feelings? I just didn’t want to spoil what we had by bringing in feelings.”
“C’mon you already had a girlfriend. I was just another game to you.”
“Closeness breeds feelings. Didn’t you have a boyfriend too?”
“Well I guess that’s true; closeness breeds feelings but about having a boyfriend, I don’t think that’s the perfect definition of what I have or rather had. I will say it’s more like FWB thing.”
“Hmmm!! I guess you do FWB a lot. Was that what ours was set to be?”
“Dunno, maybe or maybe not. Couldn’t define it before my feelings took over.”
“Well I guess, whatever definition you give it now, we are cool?”
“Yea I guess so. I have to accept defeat.” She said and corked her eyes. “And about my attitude towards Purity, I have already apologized to her.”
“So you know that you gave her an attitude?”
“Of course I do. She was the cause of my misery.”
“Sorry you heard everything that night.” I apologized laughing.
“It’s ok abeg, don’t remind me of that night.”
“Ok o!! if you say so.”
“How about Shania, you guys talked already?”
“Nah! she has not been reachable since then.”
“I know it must be hard for you but everything will be fine ok?”
“Sure, thanks.”
I couldn’t go out again as I stayed back with IJ gisting. We saw a couple of movies before she went back to her room.
I called Precious to check up on her and her boyfriend. We talked for a while before she handed the phone to Steve and we talked too. Later on, I went out to watch Man U vs Newcastle.
To Be Continued…


episode 90
“Purity stop.” She said walking towards me.
“I’m sorry IJ.”
I walked out before she could get me. I went back to my room and met Precious in the kitchen warming the food.
“Seriously? Na from sleep hunger begin catch you?” I asked, hugging her from behind.
“As in ee. I was dreaming of this food in my sleep o and the funny part is that you finished the food, so I woke up readying myself for a fight because e for no funny at all.”
“Jeeez!! You are crazy, trouble maker.” I cursed kissing her neck.
“Leave am for me like that thank you.”
She turned around and our lips met briefly before she broke it off.
“Good morning babe?” she greeted with a smile.
“Good morning beautiful, hope you slept well?”
“Yea, better than I have done in a very long while now.” She replied smiling coyly. “You went to see your neighbor?”
“Yea, how did you know?”
“Suspected. Hope she isn’t crushing on you cuz I will break her head for her and Shania will thank me later.”
“She is free na. At least I’m single now and searching.”
“Says who? Until mummy says so, you are not,” she said, as we went back into the room with the food she dished. “Purity, you and Shania are not done,” she continued. “you have to reach out to her so that the both of you can trash this out .”
“I don’t think so. I have been trying to get through to her but she has not been reachable; all my efforts have been futile”
“Then go and see her. You know her place.”
“I have been there but met her absence. Her lodge mate told me that she travelled home.”
“Purity there is something I need you to understand. Whatever happened that her act that way must have been strong. If she cheated on you then just know that one way or the other you must have pushed her into it. The little I know about her from what you have been telling, she is not someone that reacts erratically. Whenever she comes back, I need you to meet her and talk things out. Forget the fact that I keep saying she snatched you from me, she didn’t, you made your choice and I don’t know you as someone that makes bad choices.”
We had forgotten about the food as Shania’s issue took over.
“I will do my best. Oya ooo! let’s eat before the food gets cold.”
“If you find out that she cheated, forgive her. Nobody is perfect. You are not one bit clean yourself.” She said laughing.
“Wait! Like seriously?”
“O yea!! I’m sure I’m not the only one you are f”’king behind Shania, so she deserves to be cut some slack.”
“I hear you ma.”
After we ate, she cleared the dishes and just as she came out from the kitchen, her phone started ringing. Picking the phone from the bed she checked the caller , “it’s Steve,” she said going into the bathroom.
She came out some minutes later and announced her departure. Steve wasn’t feeling fine and she needed to be there for him. She prepared and when she was ready we offered each other the best advice as we could.
“Purity,” she started. “I’m going to give this my best shot just like you advised and please don’t let Shania go. Find her and settle things amicably ok. Let the past go.” She concluded.
“Ok, I will try my best.”
I waited till she was off before I headed back home. I had expected that IJ would have gone out but she was still around. As I unlocked my net, she came out from her room dressed casually. I spared her no glance as she also said nothing to me walking out.
In my room, I slotted my SIM card into the new phone and made the necessary settings I had enough airtime on my phone so I subscribed for a data plan and registered my WhatsApp.
After the registration, I scrolled down to Shania’s profile and realized that she was online ten minutes ago. I made to type some messages to her, but after typing and deleting, searching for the right words to say I decided against it. If she checks up on me, she will notice that I’m back online. I also changed my profile picture so that it will draw her attention.
To Be Continued… 


episode 88&89
The love making was fierce and passionate. Fierce at the beginning, slow and passionate at the middle, fierce at the ending which left both of us panting and fighting to catch our breath after as she laid on me with the mess of my Pour all over her. We had slept off afterwards, exhausted.
The feeling of warmth around Joystick woke me up from sleep. I found Precious hunched between my laps head down and lips wrapped around my Joystick. I breathed heavily, thrusting up my waist to get in more into her mouth while she looked up and smiled at me and without a word she went back to work.
She is a pro when it comes to giving mouth job as I kept whining my waist and thrusting up, wanting more so much pleasure wafting through my being. I was feeling close and ready to blow my seeds when she stopped and pinched my Joystick sending a little pain through me which had my Pour rushing back. Smiling erotically she said,
“Are you ready b’cuz I’m taking you on a very long ride and the rule remains, tell me whenever you feel close to cumin ok?”
I nodded giving her the go ahead.
The ride was really long and worthwhile. She had taken the cow girl position, riding me to stupor. I was close and announced it to her. She pulled off and pinched me once again. I clenched my teeth as the pain sapped through me.
She came on again with reverse cow girl and rode me till I was very close to the edge that I had to push her off gently but she recovered in time to hold tight to the base of my s---t smiling up and telling me to take a deep breath.
Once again she stopped me from blowing off my seed. After she got it under control, my s---t started going flaccid. She took it back to her mouth and within a few seconds, I was back, rock hard and ready to go.
She turned around and positioned herself in a perfect dogg.y with her upper body resting on the pillow and bum shooting up. I needed no invitation as I parted her bum and teased her lips a little before guiding my s---t in. she clutched at the pillow as her walls clutched tight to my dic.k. I rode her till I was close and announced it to her as I pulled out. She had turned around and took my Joystick into her mouth just as my seeds came shooting out shot after shot, while she kept gulping it down.
She came up, after taking down every ounce of my Pour and plastered her lips to mine, as I tasted my Pour from her mouth. We savored the kiss for a while before breaking it off.
“That was awesome, you are still the best.” She said smiling. “ Shania, oh! Shania you don do me o” She continued, smiling as we left for the bathroom to wash off.
“Shebi you don’t want to leave Shania alone abi.”
“Why I go leave her? She do me bad joor.” She retorted, still smiling.
We exited the bathroom and as she flew to the bed, I went to the kitchen to hydrate.
“Baby please help me with a sachet of water.” She requested from the room.
I came out and saw her with a single white pill which I don’t know its name. she smiled on seeing the confused look on my face. Collecting the water from me, she gulped the pill down and handed the remaining water back to me.
“What’s that?”
“Girls’ stuff.” She replied laughing.
“Ok o.” I went back to the kitchen and dished some food as I was very famished. As I came back to the room with the food, she jumped from the bed and collected my spoon together with the food.
“I’m so hungry.” She said laughing and scooping a spoonful of rice into her mouth.
“Wetin na? you no know road to the kitchen if you are hungry? Abeg, give me back my food jare.” I said moving to collect the food from her.
She ran off to the kitchen with the food before I could get to her. She scooped some more spoons into her mouth before turning the food back into the pot.
“Shebi you know say you dey find trouble?” I said smacking her bum hard. She winced in pain and before I know it, she sent her hand flying to my Joystick just in time for me to block it off. As I blocked her hand, I drew her closer and feasted on her firm, fresh and succulent She twitched, hitting my back as I s----d interchangeably on her B---m.
She was starting to react to my lips on her nip.p.les moaning softly when I pulled off.
“Yes that’s for eating spoonfuls from my food. I have taken them back.”
“Id.i-t, B---m person.” She cursed laughing.
“she dished the food again as we ate in the kitchen. After we ate, we went back to the room and cuddled till sleep took over us, little did I know that IJ was back and heard everything going on.
episode 89
We woke up around some minutes after 7pm. I was running out of water, so we dressed up to go and chill out and probably get water while coming back.
As we came out from the room my heart skipped as I saw IJ’s light on. When did she return? I asked myself locking up my door.
I went to her door and knocked a couple of times but got no answer. Tired of knocking, I went to her window which has always been my normal practice when she doesn’t answer her door. Sliding the window net, I pushed her curtain aside and behold, IJ completely Unclad, with her earphone in her ears, seeing a movie from her tablet. She must have noticed a movement at her window which made her turn around. She looked at me with an expressionless face before taking her attention back to the movie. I left her curtain to fall, slid back her window net and went back to Precious and we walked out.
“Who stays there?” she asked as we headed to the gate.
“Haven’t you met her?” I asked surprised.
“Nah, she is not always around. I only know of the other two girls.”
“Seriously? That’s IJ’s room. she has not been around for a while now.”
“Is she not in?”
“Nah, I guess she is in the bathroom. I heard the shower running.” I lied.
“Heheheehe!! One day you go see something wey big pass your eyes as you dey open people window anyhow. Is she a corper?”
“Yea, I must have mentioned her to you. We are the two corpers in my PPA.”
“I think I remember. You told me about her but I didn’t know you guys stay in the same compound.”
We kept chatting till we got to a local joint that sells pepper soup, roasted chicken etc. we placed an order for pepper soup and some drinks. We spent some good time enjoying the evening, till it became late enough for us to go. On our way home, we bought a bag of water.
The following morning, we woke up late after what seemed like a long night. After my morning rituals, I was so tired to lift a muscle as I went back to join Precious who was sleeping, undisturbed with her bum shooting out.
I couldn’t sleep back again, so I decided to slot my sim card into the new phone. Picking up my phone, I saw a message notification and clicked it open. It was a message from IJ.
“Thanks for telling me to come back and meet the surprise package you have for me. I’m going out and make sure you don’t call me again this time.”
After I read the message, I wore my vest over my short and went out to her room. Luckily she was still around. I knocked on her net and she appeared, wrapped in her towel. She unbolted the net and went back to her wardrobe while I followed behind her into the room.
“Yes can I help you?” she asked not turning around to me.
“Yes you can help me; I need us to talk.” I said sitting on the bed.
She ignored me and untied the towel around her standing n.ud.e, backing me. She strapped her bra turning it to cup her B---m after which she wore her G-string before turning to face me.
“So what do we have to talk about?” she asked, her hand on her waist.
“IJ can you sit down at least?”
“No I’m ok like this, just get on with it . I have somewhere I need to be very soon.”
“IJ sit ok. I’m not going to take much of your time.”
“Purity just spill it already or get out please.”
I felt insulted. Not like we had a prior agreement who I bring home or not; do I even owe her any explanation? Agreed, I will feel bad if reverse was to be the case but I never intended for her to come back and meet Precious. If she had been back all the while I was telling her to, Precious wouldn’t have come around. At least I would have postponed her coming till we resolved her feelings. I know she was pissed but reacting that way towards me wasn’t going to solve anything.
“Ok,” I started standing from the bed. “I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. If I’d known you had feelings for me, I would have been careful not to hurt you. You are one of the best friends I have in my life now and I’m sorry I hurt your feeling. Just know that it wasn’t intentional and I’m sorry for wasting your time.” I said and headed towards the door.
To Be Continued…


episode 87
We headed to the kitchen and while I dished the food, she got extra plates and cutleries. Eating with Precious was one of the happiest moment of my life that period. I found myself forgetting Shania and IJ intermittently. We played, eating and feeding each other till we got tired.
After the meal, she showered and joined me on the bed. I shifted to make a space for her but she jumped on me, resting her head on my chest.
“How is Shania? She asked breaking the silence which hovered in the room.
“She is fine.” I replied casually.
She must have picked the tone from my voice as she raised her head staring at me.
“What?” I asked defensively.
“Nothing.” She replied still staring at me.
“Ok fine, I don’t know about Shania. We have been off for a while now.
“Off for a while; what does that mean?” she asked calmly sitting up on the bed.
“Precious I don’t know. We broke up a couple of weeks back.”
“What happened, you never cared to tell me, why did you guys break up?”
“Same reason why couples break up na. well something happened and one thing led to another. I guess we couldn’t handle it or get around it; Probably, our pride didn’t allow us to see things through.”
“You didn’t say anything in all these things you said now do you know. Did she cheat on you or did she find out that you have been cheating on her?”
“No ……. I don’t know. Don’t know what to believe; whether she cheated or not.”
“Did you try to clarify things with her or you allowed your anger do his thing?”
“Yes I confronted her but instead of offering some explanations, she flared up defensively, accusing me of being a serial cheat. It went to the extent that she smashed my phone.” I said before I could realize the mistake I have made.
She stared at me, not saying a word. I saw surprise and disappointment written on her face.
“I’m sorry I lied to you, couldn’t just tell you that. It was embarrassing to me. I’m sorry.” I apologized, looking away while a heavy silence fell on the room.
“Come here idiot,” she cursed gathering me into a hug. “Now I know why I was having a double mind about your ‘being robbed’ story. It sounded so real but didn’t just add up to me.” She said.
“Detective Precious.” I said as we laughed.
“That reminds me, I got something for you.” She said standing from the bed. She went to the wardrobe and brought out a Samsung Galaxy s4 from her bag and threw it to me. “That’s yours.” She said also throwing the ear phone to me.
“You are kidding right?” I asked with surprise jumping from the bed.
“No, I ‘m adulting.” She replied, all smiles walking back to the bed.
I took her into an embrace saying all the gratifying words I know.
“Hey! Come on, stop already. Couldn’t just stand coming online and not seeing you, but if I had known that it was your girlfriend that smashed your phone, you for no see this one.” She said laughing.
“I swear to God you are the best.” I said hugging her tight as she kept laughing. Breaking off the hug, I gathered her face and planted a passionate kiss on her lips while she closed her eyes and savored it. I pressed my lips to hers tighter, the warmth of her lips sending tingles into my head before probing her mouth with my tongue which she reciprocated and before we knew it we were already engrossed in the kiss, clawing and tearing our clothes off.
To Be Continued…


episode 86
Precious came earlier than I expected. She had told me that she was going to hit the road immediately after the call but I didn’t know she was serious. I was just coming out from the bathroom, after I showered when I heard a knock on my net.
“Yes, who is there? Hold on,” I said tying the towel around my waist walking to the door.
“You gats be kidding me,” I said, surprised when I saw the beauty standing outside my door, all smiles. “How come? How you take appear reach here?” I asked unbolting the net as she walked in.
“Told you I was going to hit the road as soon as the call drops and that’s exactly what I did.” She replied, making a shy face.
I was stunned by her beauty. It was like she became more beautiful from the last time I saw her. I stood ogling at her while she stood like a shy little girl, smiling sheepishly, probably enjoying the scene. I couldn’t help the stir that suddenly came to my g---n. When I couldn’t hold myself anymore, I gathered her into a warm tight hug, her pressed firmly to my chest,
“Do you keep becoming beautiful and Sekxy every day?” I whispered into her ears as we held tight to each other.
“And do you keep becoming handsome and Sekxy every day too ?” she whispered back.
We smiled, not breaking off the hug. Memories of the past started flooding back into my head; how I missed her. Her perfume wafted through my nose, registering in my head; how I missed that scent coupled with that of her hair. I kept growing hard under the towel that I was sure she must have felt it. Her B---m didn’t stop heaving up and down, pushing on my chest.
“I missed you baby.” She said more like a whisper with an emotion laden tone.
“I missed you too.” I replied pressing her tighter to myself.
By intent or default our heads left each others shoulders and we were soon entangled in a bolt of hot kissing session. We kissed sucking on each others lips and tongue. How I missed her. Emotions were hitting up and if not watched, we would be getting down sooner than later. It was in the peak of the passion with our hands exploring each others body and our tongues swimming in each others mouth that my phone started ringing. We regained our minds as the phone stopped ringing midway; it was a flash.
“Woow!! That was so not expected.” I said laughing, while she followed suit.
“Yea yea and that was intense.” She replied, still laughing.
“Well, I guess that should serve as a welcome.”
“Wish all welcomes would be like this.” She replied with a wink. “And it feels good to be home.” She continued, exhaling heavily throwing herself on the bed.
“Just like they said, no place like home.” I said, taking her bag to the wardrobe.
“Yea! Yea…. Wait,” she started sitting up from the bed tilting her nose up, “where is this aroma coming from? Tell me it’s not from your kitchen. It’s a lie, baby did you cook?” she asked rushing into the kitchen not waiting for an answer.
“Oh! My gawd,” she shouted from the kitchen while I laughed changing to my briefs.
“You cooked for me?” she asked coming out from the kitchen mouth filled.
“O yea, didn’t want you to be hungry.”
“Oh! That’s so sweet,” she said wrapping her hands around my neck. “Chai!! Shania you do me bad I swear.” She continued still holding me.
I laughed when she made that comment and just then Shania came to my mind. Surprisingly, I had forgotten about Shania just the few minutes Precious had been around.
“C’mon she no do you anything,” I said breaking the hug. “You have someone better now.”
“Abeg she do me something and about having someone better, hmmm! I don’t know what to say to that sha.” She said with a dampened look, walking back to the bed.
“And what do you mean by that?” I asked sitting beside her on the bed.
“Purity I don’t know, I can’t do this with him.”
“Is he back?” I asked.
“Yes, he came back last week and can you believe that we have fought like four times since he came back.” She said looking sad.
“C’mon you know it’s always like that in every beginning. It doesn’t always start smoothly.”
“Baby this one is too much. Since we started it’s just like things changed. We don’t seem to agree on anything anymore. His view to everything is so different from mine and he insists on having the last say. Ok, just imagine, two days ago he wanted us to go out but I wasn’t in the mood. I tried explaining to him but he flared up and walked out on me.” She complained resting on my shoulder while I pulled her closer, my hand around her waist.
“Precious you know every beginning is always hard. With time things will get better. You guys are just trying to bond and personal differences are bound to interfere.” I consoled.
“Purity don’t preach to me. I know a relationship that will work if I see one. It’s just so clear that he has been pretending all these while. His real character just started surfacing. He has this archaic mentality that I can’t put up with. Ok the other day, he was practically commanding me to come over to his house and cook for him. I tried telling him to wait till the next week, which was what we planned but he started cursing saying all sorts of things.”
I laughed as she complained about her new relationship. I didn’t know the consolation word to offer again.
“It’s not just like what we had.” She continued.
“Precious, stop comparing that guy to me. People are different; he must not be like me. He is who he is and I am who I am. Maybe you have just closed your mind to knowing him.”
“I didn’t say he needs to be like you. I don’t even know how to define him. This last week I have had so much to complain about and you think it’s going to stop? Nah, I don’t see it stopping because I think his real character is just starting to rear its head.”
“Well don’t worry,” I said rocking her. “He will come around and you guys are definitely going to be great together.”
“I doubt that.”
“But come on, is it just everything about him that you are complaining about. I believe he will be super bedmatically as Akwa-Ibom man wey he be.” I said with a wink.
“Baby I don’t even want to go there so please don’t even drag me there.”
“Well it is going to be fine ok and before you continue with your complaints, let’s eat.” I said standing while she followed me.
To Be Continued…


episode 84&85
I held the later lowering myself to the bed. What is all this problem? I asked myself. I am not finished with Shania now it’s IJ. I thought what we had was professional. By the way she has a boyfriend why have feelings for me? Who is it going to be after IJ? Probably Purity.
I laid down on the bed thinking and for a moment, I regretted why I ever had anything to do with all these girls.
After some moments of regret, I started feeling pity for IJ. I remembered my case with Cindy; how I felt when I saw her with another guy even when I haven’t told her about my interest. I remember how frustrated I was. I remembered my sister telling me that for a girl to open up and profess her love to any guy, that it must have taken a great deal of courage and shouldn’t be taken for granted.
I picked my phone and dialed IJ but it rang out twice and wasn’t answered. After I called her, I called Shania again and got same old response.
I typed a message and sent to IJ
‘If you can come back, we can talk things through. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.’
I waited for minutes but got no reply after I got a delivery rapport. I dropped my phone and picking her spare key from my cart, I headed to her room. Set a trap for me with rice and a big catch you are going to get.
episode 85
It has been one week since I went to see Shania but met her absence, same day IJ dropped a note and left to God knows where. I haven’t heard from Shania neither have I heard from IJ. Shania’s number remained unreachable while IJ has refused to answer my calls, even after I sent her messages to come back home. This time around, she never showed her face at work neither did she come for CDS. The times I checked her in her section at work, I always met her absence.
It was so funny how all of a sudden the people we are close to start disappearing just because of some little issues. If I had known that things would turn out like this, I wouldn’t have had anything to do with IJ sexually or better still we would have drawn a clear line. If we had reached a compromise and defined what we wanted from each other, we wouldn’t have arrived at the point we were but the truth remains, when it comes to women, you can never tell and feelings can be very hard to control.
Shania, I missed her funny enough. I remembered back in school when she was my comforter. She was always the one I run to when things like these comes up but look where we found ourselves. The very best friend of mine had suddenly turned into a stranger. Most times I wondered how things would have been if we never had a relationship, pretty cool I guess. Why does everything change once feelings get involved? Is it the sense of ownership that comes with feelings or what? Why is it very hard for two people of the opposite S£x to be best of friends without emotions and feelings rearing its head in the long run? Why do people seem perfectly compatible being friends but becomes incompatible when they start dating? Everything I have had with the girls apart from Oge was going pretty well till feelings got involved.
The issues going on in my life made me withdraw to myself. I kept my distance from Niyola and her rummy, Funke also with Constance and Purity which was very hard.
After I turned down Niyola’s offer for food, she gave me attitude for a couple of days not knowing that I didn’t even give a d--n. Some days later, she came back to her senses and started being friendly when she realized that IJ wasn’t around. I wasn’t a bit perturbed by her actions and even when she came around, I still gave her the straight and formal attitude.
Constance, when she noticed that I was becoming more reserved, keeping to myself most times and becoming formal, her advances stopped. She had asked a couple of times if everything was ok with me and got same ‘YES’ response. After trying unsuccessfully, she decided to stick to the status quo. Funny enough and surprising as it may be, work became more interesting as we mostly minded our business talking to each other when there is need to.
Purity still tried to keep it formal. She stopped coming uninvited and never called after she left my house for any chit chat or to just check up. She only calls when she has something to inquire about and after that she rings off without asking any personal questions.
I kept in touch with Precious, not wanting to be tagged uncaring or one who doesn’t keep his promises.
After one week of not hearing from Shania and IJ, loneliness started setting in. when I couldn’t imagine going through the weekend alone again, I decided to call Precious. When I asked if she was free to come over for the weekend, her happiness knew no bounds as she jumped on the offer like I was going to change my mind the next minute. After the call to Precious, I left to get some groceries from the market. I wanted to cook for her because I know doing that for her drives her crazy.
To Be Continued…


episode 83
When I got home, I met Niyola and Funke outside washing. We hailed as I headed to my room without stopping to chat with them. IJ’s room was locked so I didn’t bother checking up on her.
When I got into my room, I pulled out my phone and dialed Shania after much contemplation. I got no response at all at first which made me redial. After a while the network provider told me that the number was not reachable.
I dropped my phone on the bed and changed heading towards the kitchen. I had nothing in mind to cook so I opted to make cornflakes. I ate, came out and noticed a piece of paper on my cart. I have a habit of knowing how I leave my room and if anything changes, I always know. The piece of paper wasn’t there before I left to Uyo that morning. I picked up the paper and it was a note written by IJ.
‘I met you when it never crossed my mind that we will have anything. We started off as friends, before we bonded or should I say before I got attracted to you. At first I thought it was just something that happens after a good S£x but over time I realized it wasn’t just about the S£x, it was more than that.
I never thought I would have something to do with a corper let alone someone I stay in the same compound with. I really wanted to restrict myself and the feelings but I guess our feelings has a mind of its own. I knew you had a girlfriend but the heart still wanted what it craved for.
Purity I tried all I could to halt my feelings for you but I couldn’t. I feel whole and complete being with you I feel responsible around you. I never had anybody I care about like you. I never had anybody I felt responsible for like you, (laughs).
When I realized how strong my feelings for you were growing, I started hating every girl around you. It was more to me like they were competitors, but in all these, to you I was just that girl in your lodge or probably the one you have had enough of.
Well, I guess I have bottled it up enough and saying it out feels a whole lot better, yes it does.
I am not like you that hardly talks to people about how you feel and for that I’m going to tell you this. I am hurt; I feel hurt and heartbroken; I don’t know why or rather, I know and I guess you know as well.
I am sorry this is coming up now when your relationship is shaky but believe me, it’s with no hidden intention. I won’t tell you that I can handle my feelings or try to get over you, nah it wouldn’t be that easy and I wouldn’t even try it. I hate emotional struggles but I guess I’m so roped in into it now. How messy it can be to love someone who has someone they love, its so frustrating that you can’t imagine it, (laughs).
Don’t see me as being pathetic, choice less or desperate, nah, I am none of them. I just chose to, well not as if I so wanted to but my heart just chose to stay with you, it never gave me options.
I know you will try to contact me after reading this but don’t ok? I will be away for just a couple of days, might be up to a week or two and will be back before you know it. Just need to cool off. I trust you can take care of yourself till I come back. I made a pot of rice for you, it’s in my room and don’t get ideas, I didn’t poison it, (laughs).
Purity, this word from me might not mean anything to you but I will say it anyways, I LOVE YOU.’
To Be Continued…


episode 82
The next morning being Saturday, after my work out, I packed the new phone and left for Uyo. When I got there, I stopped by a bank and withdrew #50,000 from the ATM before heading to Shania’s place.
On getting to the entrance, I met Tonia spreading her clothes on the line outside. She was surprised seeing me as we exchanged pleasantries.
“This one you are here, hope we are safe?” she asked with the surprise look still on her face.
“Yea yea you are so safe. Is Shania around?”
“Shania? She traveled two days ago didn’t she tell you?”
“Ummmm!!! I didn’t know she was serious about it when she told me,” I lied to cover up the embarrassment I felt. “Ok then, I guess I should be on my way but help me deliver this to her when she comes back.” I continued handing over the brown envelope containing the money and phone to her.
“Ok” she replied collecting it from me.
As I turned to go, she called, stopping me on my track,
“Purity… I don’t know if you have some minutes to spare, there is something I want to discuss with you.”
“Ok no probs, what is it?” I asked turning towards her.
“Can we go inside?”
She led the way as I followed behind her into the sitting room.
“Make yourself comfy let me drop this.” She said heading to her room.
I settled on one of the cushions looking around the room, my eyes finally settling on Shania’s door. I couldn’t just believe that things would turn out like this between us just in a matter of months. I was still in my thoughts when she came out from her room.
“What can I offer?” she asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m ok thanks.”
“Ok, if you say so,” she said sitting on the couch opposite mine. We stayed for some moments in silence before she started.
“Ummm!! I know this might not be any of my business but I hope you don’t mind. I don’t know what is wrong with Shania. She has been a wreck for some weeks now. Maybe it has something to do with you or your relationship but she has refused to talk to anybody. These past few weeks, she locks herself inside her room crying most times. Worst being that she hardly eats. If you saw her before she traveled, you wouldn’t believe your eyes. For the past three weeks, she has not been to our PPA neither has she been going for CDS, all she does is lock herself in the room crying. I had wanted to call you but she stood firmly against it. Shania was emotionally messed up before she traveled and I am not sure she is coming back anytime soon.
I know she will be mad if she finds out that I talked to you, but I can’t just wait and watch her. I’m worried about her,” she concluded.
“Did she tell you what’s wrong with her?” I asked.
“Nah. she refused talking to anybody. All these started the day she came back from your house crying and she has been like that since then.”
“Well, the truth is, we had a little issue and said things. Since then we have not talked to each other. But I will talk to her. I will call her.”
“Please please you need to call her and settle things. If I took pictures before she travelled, I would have shown you. She looked sick and dying.”
“I will call her,” I reassured.
“Purity please, we girls can be foul mouthed and irrational sometimes. Please just forget whatever she said or did. She regrets them now, believe me.” She pleaded.
“Ok, thanks for talking to me. Should I say that I’m grateful? Yea I am.” I said smiling.
“You don’t have to, just doing what I should have done.”
“I think I should be on my way.” I said standing to leave. “How about the other girl?” I asked.
“She is fine, traveled too.”
“Hope say boredom and loneliness no dey flog you cane?” I asked as we both walked out from the sitting room.
“No not at all. I am immune to boredom and loneliness.” She replied laughing.
“Emmm!! Do you mind if I ask you something and I need you to be blunt and tell me the truth?”
“What is it?” she replied.
“Is Shania seeing someone else? Don’t lie to me?”
“None that I know off. Shania is decent; I don’t think she is seeing someone else.” She replied.
“Ok, thanks.”
“You are welcome.”
She walked me up to the entrance of their compound before heading back, while I took a cab. Throughout my journey back home, I kept thinking about what Tonia told me. Why would Shania be playing the ‘I don’t care’ card with me while she is killing herself? Girls sha.
To Be Continued…


episode 81
Heaving a big sigh, I stood from the bed and went to take a leak. When I came out from the bathroom, I checked for my phone and saw a few missed call from the same number that kept calling before I slept. I had a mind to call back, but I didn’t want to call and realize that it’s from Shania.
I washed my face and throwing a casual on, I headed out for a stroll.
The walk helped clear my mind and head. As I walked back to my house, I felt a whole lot better and knew the next step to take. On stepping into the compound, I perceived Purity’s fragrance hanging in the air and as if to confirm my thoughts behold, she was sitting in front of my room pressing away on her phone.
“There you are, why weren’t you taking your calls?” she asked as I approached her, the dream of her death surfacing on my mind.
“Did you call me?” I asked.
“Wouldn’t have been asking if I didn’t.”
“Sorry but I didn’t get your call,” I replied. “Or wait is it your main line or you used another number?”
“I used my second line. Don’t you have it?”
“Nah! I don’t,” I replied unlocking my door as IJ walked out from her room.
“I have been knocking at your door,” Purity said, as they exchanged pleasantries.
“Sorry, I was sleeping” IJ replied walking towards the gate without another word.
“Are you guys having issues?” Purity asked as she walked behind me into the room.
“Me and who?” I asked.
“Nah, we are not.”
“Then why is she behaving like that. She doesn’t even look like someone that has been sleeping as she claimed.”
“Maybe you should ask her when she comes back.” I replied nonchalantly.
“What’s up with you na. I kept calling but you weren’t picking so I got worried and decided to check on you.”
I know that was just an excuse for her to come around so I just focused my gaze on her not saying a word.
“Ok Ok, I missed you and you haven’t called so I decided to drop over. Moreover my house is starting to bore me.” She said in defense.
“Purity I am not in the best mood now. I appreciate you coming over but I would prefer to be alone. I have lots of things clouding my head now.”
“Are you ok?” she asked concerned.
“Yea I’m good. Just having little issues with Shania.”
“Little issues? How little is it?”
“So little to cause a break up.” I replied.
“Ummm!! Have you guys talked about it?”
“Purity you know what, I don’t want to talk about this now ok.”
“Do you want me to talk to her?”
“If only you know what awaits you if she sets her eyes on you.” I said in my mind. “No don’t worry, I can handle it.”
“Ok. I guess I should take my leave then,” she said picking up her bag.
“Let me see you off.”
“No don’t worry, I can find my way out in your own words,” she said smiling.
“I insist,” I said collecting her bag from her.
I saw her off to the junction from where she will take a bike home. On coming back, I met IJ at the bar close to our house. She was sitting alone pressing away on her phone. She must have seen us walk by but didn’t bother saying a word.
I walked to where she was sitting and dragged a seat. She looked at me with an expressionless face before taking it back to her phone. I called the bar attendant and ordered for two soft drinks but she objected to taking anything.
“Now I think we need to talk. What is wrong with you?” I asked.
“Nothing is wrong with me Purity,” she replied not looking up from her phone.
“What is it with all this cold reactions recently. The whole going away and not calling or wanting me to call and all. What’s that about?”
“Purity don’t mind me. Wasn’t just in the best of myself and needed a time out, just like you did some weeks back. It has nothing to do with you.”
“Ok you know that’s a lie. What did I do to you?”
“Purity you know you can be unnecessarily stubborn. Take it or leave it, it has nothing to do with you.”
“Ok then if you say so. I will be inside.” I said standing to leave.
“Have you talked with Shania?” she asked behind me.
“No, might go see her tomorrow.” I replied and left.
To Be Continued…


episode 80
“Shania please don’t go we can sort this out.” I said holding her as she struggled to go.
“Purity there is nothing to sort out, we are so done,” she replied still struggling to free herself from my grip.
“What is it now, what did I do wrong? Is this what we set out to achieve?”
“Purity let me go and stop following me around, I have a new relationship already.”
‘Already? For how long?” I asked surprised.
“It’s none of your business Purity. What I just need from you is to stop coming around my house and quit following me and popping out from every corner, it’s beginning to look like you are stalking me.”
“Shania please don’t do this to me. You can’t just go like that. What happened to the promises we made?”
“Well, promises are meant to be made but keeping it is never compulsory.” She said nonchalantly. “That said, please it’s over between us and I would appreciate you stop bugging my life and my phone ok?”
I stood dejected watching her as she walked away, her image disappearing shades by shades. Suddenly the image of Shania turned to that of Purity walking back to me all smiles. I was confused as I stared at the reappearing image. She walked seductively towards me with face lit up with smiles.
“You thought I will just leave you like that?” she asked placing her hand on my cheek.
“Where is Shania?” I asked removing her hand from my face.
“Look at me or are you expecting another Shania?”
“Purity please ……….” I started to say something before she pressed her lips to mine pushing the remaining words back to my throat.
We were still lips locked when I looked out and saw Shania standing behind us with a knife, eyes blazing with anger. I was shocked and terrified as she approached us. I wanted to shout but Purity’s lips were so tight on mine that I couldn’t utter a word.
“And this is the perfect opportunity I have been waiting for,” she said.
Her voice startled Purity who on turning around saw Shania, so close behind her. She tried to move out but was too late as Shania had the knife piercing through her.
“No………….” I shouted as I opened my eyes drenched in my own sweat. I looked around to realize that I was in my room and it was all a dream.
To Be Continued…


episode 79
I was still pouring out my emotion to my pillow when I heard a knock on my net. I wasn’t in the mood to see anybody but the knock persisted. Sitting up from the bed, I dabbed my eyes with the bed spread and went to the door.
“How far? I brought back your charger,” IJ said as I appeared at the door.
“Ok, thanks, When did you come back?” I asked collecting the charger from her. She held to the charger for a moment not letting it go, staring at my face before finally releasing it.
After my romp with Purity, IJ had left and stayed away for one week. Two days after she left, I had started calling her but she never answered her phone. When I didn’t stop calling, she sent me a message to stop calling her that she was ok.
She was coming to work from where she was staying but always left before the close of work.
I was surprised when I saw her at my door. I collected the charger and without another word she left.
I left my net and went back to the bed, bearing in mind that she will come back. Just then I heard a knock at the door again.
“It’s open, come in,”
IJ came in and stood at the door staring at me. She was like that for some minutes before she walked to the bed and sat beside me.
“What is wrong with you?” she asked breaking the silence.
“Nothing, I’m fine. What’s up with you?”
“This is not about me. What is wrong with you?” she persisted.
“IJ it’s something personal ok, you don’t have to worry.” I replied.
“Purity please don’t do that. What is the problem? Will it kill you if you just open your mouth and tell me what the problem is?”
“Ok, It’s nothing serious. Having issues with Shania.”
“Did you guys break up?”
She went silent maybe thinking of what to say.
“IJ I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me,” I said, dabbing my eyes with one end of the bed spread as the tears started trickling down again.
Not knowing what to say, she shifted closer and gathered me into a warm embrace; just what I needed. We stayed like that for a while as the tears kept streaming down while she poured out to me all the consoling words she could find.
We disentangled when I heard a knock at my net. She adjusted herself while I went to check on who was knocking after dabbing my eyes again.
“Are you ok? Niyola asked as I came to the door.
“Yea, what’s up?” I asked as I saw her with food flask.
“Are you sure you are ok, you don’t look too good.” She persisted.
“Niyola I’m fine.” I replied.
“Ok if you say so. But don’t you want to ask me in or am I prohibited from entering your room. she asked with a smile.
“Ummm!! This is not a good time ok, maybe later.”
“Ok then. I don’t know if you are hungry, I brought you food.”
“Thanks dear but I just ate.”
“Ok later then,” she said and left.
As I came back, IJ stood up to go.
“I will be in my room should you need anything.” She said walking to the door.
“Ok. Thanks for the words,” I replied as she left.
I laid back to the bed the thoughts and moments I spent with Shania flashing through my mind. I never believed that within a short while of our much cherished relationship we would be calling it quits already. The whole thoughts was starting to bring tears to my eyes when my phone started ringing. Checking the caller, the number wasn’t familiar which made me suspect that Shania might be using another person’s phone to call me. I allowed the call to ring out before placing the phone on silent mode.
To Be Continued…


episode 78
After the phone rang for the first time without an answer, I redialed. It was about to ring off when it connected. I kept quiet, waiting to hear her say something but she didn’t, probably waiting for me to say something as well.
“Shania good morning,” I greeted cutting through the silence.
“Purity good morning, how are you?” she replied with a bit of indifference in her tune.
“I’m fine and you?”
“Shania, we need to talk. I don’t know if you can come over or should I?”
“I don’t think there is any need for that; we can discuss whatever it is on the phone.” She replied.
“Shania we need to see, we can’t do this on the phone.” I persisted.
“Purity it’s one month gone already so whatever it is you want us to talk about had better be through the phone.”
“If that is the way you want it, fine then. I have one question for you, are we done?” I asked.
“I don’t know, maybe it’s your call.” She replied unconcerned.
“If it’s my call, I wouldn’t have called you to ask. So you tell me.”
“Purity, whatever decision you make is cool with me.”
“ Shania why are you being this way? I called for us to find a way around this and you are acting so indifferent. What is it? Even if you are tired of the relationship, is this the best way to end it? Is this not long overdue to be settled? Ok then, since this is the way you want it, I guess this is where we call it off. It was a pleasure while it lasted and thanks for being a part of my life all these while. All the best,” I said and without waiting for another word from her, I dropped the call.
She started calling back immediately but I already made up my mind not to pick her call. After calling five consecutive times, she sent me a message which I deleted without reading it.
I was so pissed and for a moment I felt like smashing things. Sitting up from the bed, I went straight to the kitchen and poured myself a shot from a bottle of Mc Dowels and threw it down my throat in one swift gulp. I felt like the shot did me no good so I sent the bottle straight to my mouth gulping the contents down till it started burning my throat before I dropped it.
I went back into the room and dived on my bed, tears in my eyes. I was angry and felt like crying at the same time. Who said big boys don’t cry? I buried my face in the pillow and soaking it with my tears. It was a silent cry which came from my heart.
To Be Continued…