Sunday, September 06, 2020


Episode 3.

Adam collected the phone from Kate and read
without saying a word. He finished reading and gave
the phone back to her. His investigation was about to
get tougher.
“Okay, now we have another suspect, it is time to put
up a board.”
Kate nodded and left the room. Adam knew that if he
started what he was about to do, there was no way
he was going to get home on time. Ese was angry
when he left the house, it will stupid to make it worse
by getting home late.
Kate entered the room with a whiteboard and some
“I want you to print out the pictures of our two
suspects.” Adam said.
“Way ahead of you.” She said waving two pictures in
the air and handing them to Adam.
Adam collected the pictures and pasted them on the
“So now we have two suspects. Suspect one; Hameed
Galadima. Son of wealthy general and fiance of
victim. Has unverified alibi, and has strong motive to
commit. Probably has means and opportunity too.”
“Suspect number two; Senator Sunday Bello. Senator
of the federal republic, opposition senator to victim
and open antagonist.”
The case of Senator Bello was curious. He was
opposed to a bill Senator Halima was co-sponsoring
but he was not just opposed to the bill, it looked like
he had an axe to grind with Halima. It was strange
that despite Halima’s death he was not relenting on
going after her.
“What is this man’s problem with Halima exactly?”
Adam asked.
“I’m trying to find out.” Kate said, scrolling through
pages on her phone. “I can’t seem to find why he
hates her so much.”
“We pay him a visit then.”
“You want to question him?” Kate asked.
“You need to calm down Kate. These guys are
humans and if I don’t question them, who will?”
“All I’m saying is…”
She was cut off by Adam’s ringing phone. Adam
looked at the phone, the number calling was not
“Hello, Detective Ademola here.”
“Detective, I heard you accused the fiance of the
victim of murdering her. Is that true?”
Adam looked at his phone, he had no idea who was
“Please who is this?”
“Detective Nnamdi Uba, we met at the crime scene.”
“Oh yeah. The lap dog.”
“Excuse me?”
“Detective Nnamdi, what can I do for you?”
“I already asked you a question. Did you accuse the
grieving fiance of the victim of murder?
Adam chuckled. “I don’t see how that is your
problem. I’m running an investigation and I can’t do
much if I’m always on the phone, can I? I’m going to
hang up now.”
“Do not hang up! I’m acting on orders of the
Inspector General.”
“Really? He told you to ask if I accused the victim’s
fiance of murder?”
“Look, I know you think you’re a star because you
solved that case in Kwara state but this is Abuja,
things work differently here.”
“Oh, so that is what this is all about Nnamdi?”
“It is Detective Nnamdi.”
“Look Nnamdi, let me catch the killer first, then you
can come to the press conference and take some
Adam ended the call and shook his head.
“These guys don’t know who they’re dealing with.” He
His phone rang again, it was the same number.
Adam smiled. “Nnamdi, I thought we were done.”
“It is Detective Nnamdi and we are not done. The IG
wants you at his office tomorrow by 8:00am
“Really Nnamdi, you had to bring the IG into this? Tell
him I’ll be in his office by 8 am.”
Adam ended the call and threw the phone on the
“You’re going to see the IG?” Kate asked.
“Yes I am. But before then, I need to find out why
Senator Bello hated Senator Halima so much.”
“I will leave that battle till tomorrow. I have another
battle to fight at home.”
“With Aunty Ese?”
“Forget the IG, the battle with Ese, that’s the one I
need to win.”
Adam walked into the house, treading carefully. He
knew walking quietly was not the solution to his
problem, quitting the case was. He loved his wife but
he did not want to quit the case, even if he could.
Catching the killer already meant something to him.
He entered the living room, it was empty. She rarely
went into the kitchen since she got pregnant, it made
her nauseated so she was probably in the bedroom.
He was not sure if the ban from the bedroom the
night before extended till today. He had to find out
one way or another.
He got to the bedroom door and knocked. He waited
for an answer but did not get one. She could be
asleep, or in the bathroom. Or the silence was a
subtle way of telling him to get lost. He let out breath
he had not realised he had been holding and pushed
the door open.
The room was empty.
“Ese?” He called out.
“Yes dear.” Her voice came from the bathroom.
Adam sighed, she was fine. Adam began unbuttoning
his shirt.
She came out of the bathroom and Adam turned
around to see her. Adam paused and smiled. She
was dressed in a beautiful flower-patterned flowing
gown. Her hair was fixed and she had makeup on.
Adam had not seen his wife glowing that much in a
“You look awemazing.”
“I know, right? I was just admiring myself.” She said,
her face lighting up with a smile.
“So, what’s the occasion? Where are you going?”
“Just a date with a handsome young man.”
“You had me at handsome then lost me at young.”
Adam said, walking towards her. “Who is this guy
you’re going out with?”
“Well, you might have heard of him actually. He is a
cop, runs the CIB here in Abuja.”
“Yeah, he currently took a case against the wish of his
“That was definitely a stupid thing to do. I’m sure he
wouldn’t have if his boss had not instructed him to
take the case. Is there any chance you would forgive
“Why do you think there is a big bowl of iyan and efo
riro on the dinning table waiting for him?”
Adam pulled her close and kissed her. “You know he
loves pounded yam.”
Ese smiled. “I know he does. Now let’s go before it
gets cold. I also know you don’t like cold food.”
“Oh come on, why did you drop the third person, I
was enjoying it.”
“Really? Then we can put that to good use later.” She
said and winked.
One hour later and the food was finished and they
were back in the bedroom. Adam could feel Ese
watching him and he knew what she was doing. She
wanted to know if he was going to bring the case
home with him. She was right to think so. He was
staring at the TV but the case kept creeping into his
mind. He could not let her know though, he had
promised as soon as he entered the house he would
be Adam the husband and potential father, not the
“How is the case coming?” Ese asked.
“Are you sure you want me to talk about the case at
“You’re itching to talk about it, so do.”
Adam smiled and told her all he knew. She was a
journalist, maybe there was something she could see
that he wasn’t seeing.
“I have one challenge with your theory about Senator
Bello.” Ese said.
“What’s that?”
“There’s no way she slept with him and what you
described does not look like a rape. It looked like she
went into that car willingly.”
She had a point. He had always imagined that
whoever killed her was a lover; someone she willingly
had sex with. There was a smile on her dead face.
“You are right but maybe he hired someone to do it.”
“Hired someone who she was already sleeping with?
That’s a little farfetched.”
It was. Still he had to talk to the senator, there was
something about the man.
Ese adjusted the pillow and pulled the covers closer
to her chin. “Please close this case on time.”
Adam kissed her on the cheek. “I will, I promise.”
“And please don’t come home late anymore like you
did last night.”
“I promise I won’t.”
“Then you won’t sleep on the couch anymore.”
“Thank you ma’am, good night.”
In a couple of minutes Adam could hear her steady
breathing, she was asleep. He stared at the ceiling, he
wanted to sleep but he could not. He could not forget
the look on the victim. She had died happy or at least
thought she was happy. It was nothing like the church
street murders but it was murder all the same. The
church street killer was a serial killer who was
detached from his victims and murdered them
brutally. This killer knew and had sex with his victim.
Most crimes done by lovers were passionate; stab
wounds, strangulation or suffocation but this was not
like that. It was subtle, maybe premeditated too.
His phone rang and dove for it. He hit the ‘silent’
button as fast as he could. He looked at Ese, she did
not wake up. He got out of bed as quietly as he could
and left the room. He looked at the phone, it was
“Kate, it’s kind of late.”
“I just got a call from Hameed Galadima.”
“What did he want?”
“He said he knows who killed his fiancee – Senator
“How does he know that?”
“He didn’t tell me why but he is headed to the
Senator’s house as we speak to confront him.”
“Stupid boy.” Adam said under his breath. “Let him
go. He probably won’t get in anyway.”
“The problem is if the senator is the killer and
Hameed does something stupid, we may never be
able to investigate the senator anymore.”
“What do you want me to do? It is already late and
Ese is already asleep.”
“Okay, I hope nothing bad happens then.”
“Yeah.” Adam said and ended the call.
He shook his head and headed towards to the room.
He could not see Hameed as the killer. He was too
stupid to do something as subtle as killing without
leaving a visible trace.
Adam placed his hand on the door handle to open it
when his phone rang again. He looked at the phone,
he did not recognise the number.
He answered the call. “Hello.”
“Are you watching the TV right now?”
“No. Who is this?”
“This is Detective Nnamdi.”
“Nnamdi, two calls in a day? Are you obssessed with
me already?”
“Right now on TV, there is a live feed of Hameed and
a couple of thugs banging away and throwing things
at Senator Bello’s house. Did you know about this or
why this is happening?”
“No. Is this why you called me?”
“General Danjuma just called the IG and now the IG
wants you to sort it.”
“Do you know what time it is? Can you just send
someone else to sort it?”
“The IG wants it all sorted in two hours, I will call you
back in 120 minutes. Goodbye detective.”
He heard the dial tone and the call ended.
Adam looked at his watch, it was almost ten pm. He
considered not going but it was not smart to ignore
the Inspector General just because he detested his
errand boy. But then there was Ese. He entered the
bedroom, she was still asleep. She had already told
him to come in late, he wondered how she would feel
if he left the house this late.
He opened the wardrobe and picked out a shirt and a
pair of jeans. He closed the wardrobe and stole a
peek at Ese, she was still asleep. Maybe he could be
back before she woke up. He had to be, sleeping on
the couch for one night was something. Sleeping on
the couch for another consecutive night was
something else.
Husband and potential father Adam was going to
have to make sacrifices if Detective Adam was going
to be a success. He wore his clothes and ‘detective
Adam’ stepped out hoping ‘husband Adam’ would still
be safe when he returned.
Adam drove into Asokoro and immediately knew
things were not good. The press were having the time
of their lives as Senator Bello had come out of the
house. Adam could not figure out exactly what the
Senator was saying to Hameed but he was not saying
it calmly and Hameed was not loving what he was
Adam came down from his car and hurried towards
the scene. He would love to avoid the press but they
had all angle covered, there was nothing he could do
about it. He had a plan and it was to remove Hameed
from the scene – get in and get out. He knew it was
easier thought than done but it was his best chance.
He walked into the chaos and went straight to
“Hameed, I’m here now, let’s go.” Adam said.
“Go where?” Hameed shouted. “Are you not here to
arrest the man who killed my wife?”
Adam leaned closer to him. “Hameed, if you have any
evidence against him, we will investigate him.”
“Investigate? Which investigation? If you’re not going
to arrest him now please leave me.”
Adam looked at Hameed, he could not be reasoned
with. He could arrest him and remove him forcefully
but it would only cause more problems. The only
thing to do was for Senator to return into his house.
Why was he so shameless in joining issues with
Hameed? There was something about this man,
something he needed to find out.
“Senator, my name is Detective Ademola.”
“I know who you are.” The senator said. “Are you
here to arrest me like that lunatic wants?”
“I don’t know Senator. Did you kill Senator Halima?”
The man froze and stared at Adam. Adam held his
“You haven’t answered my question Senator.”
“I will not answer that question. You can arrest me if
you want but know today is your last day in Abuja.”
“Okay sir. I will not arrest you but can we go inside
and talk? If he – Hameed does not see you anymore,
he won’t have a choice but to leave.”
“I will go in but you’re not coming with me. I don’t like
“I’m glad one of us finally said it. You don’t like me
and I don’t like you either. But the only way to make
sure you don’t see me again is to talk to me now.”
The senator grunted and marched back into his
“Where are you going?” Hameed screamed. “Come
back you murderer!”
Adam walked to Hameed. “Go home and come to the
office tomorrow.”
“I’m not coming to your office. That man killed my
wife, arrest him now.”
“Go home Hameed.” Adam said and left him.
There was a certainty to the way he said the senator
killed his fiancee. Maybe he was not just a lunatic
ranting. Well, there was one way to find out.
Adam followed the senator into his house and into
his living room.
“Let’s get this overwith. What do you want?” Senator
Bello asked.
“Where were you on the night Senator Halima was
“I was here at home.”
“Can anybody collaborate that story?”
“The house staff can.”
Adam paused and observed the man. He looked
really drained from his escapade with Hameed,
almost pitiable.
“Senator, you are a respected member of the senate,
one of the strongest members of your party…”
“Where are you going with this?”
“Why did you have such a big problem with Senator
Halima? What was your beef with her exactly?”
“Beef with her? Do you know anything about politics
or how we run the senate?”
“Not really.” Adam said.
“Look, there’s a way the senate works. It has been
that way for years and it will continue to be that way.
Halima did not understand that. She thought she
could just come, open her legs for a few men and
challenge people like me.”
Open her legs? Did this have anything to do with her
“What did she do exactly? I don’t know much about
the bill she’s sponsoring but…”
“It’s not about the bill, it’s about the way she went
about it. Nobody in the senate supported her in the
“She is co-sponsoring so I’m assuming at least one
person supported her.”
Senator Bello scoffed. “Of course Dafe supported
her, they were lovers and everbody knew it.”
“Her co-sponsor is sleeping with her?” Adam asked.
“Everybody slept with that girl.”
“Everybody but you?”
The Senator jumped to his feet. “Don’t insult me in
my own house. I did not and will never sleep with a
s--t like that.”
Adam sighed. There was still something about this
man he was yet to figure out.
“I’m sure you will not sleep with her as she is dead.”
Senator Bello returned to his seat.
“Senator, did you know Senator Halima before she
became a senator?”
The senator shifted in his seat. “Everybody knew her
because of her father. And she has been sleeping
around the senate chambers before she became a
senator herself.”
“So you knew her?”
“Not personally. Are we done here? I have things to
“I have just one last question sir…” Adam started
then his phone rang. “Excuse me please.”
It was a text from Kate. Adam read it, trying his best
not to reveal anything on his face.
“Okay sir, my last question. Are you married sir?”
Adam asked.
“No, why?”
“Were you ever married?”
“No but what does that have to do with anything?”
“Why are you not married sir? Were you engaged at
any point?”
Senator Bello stood. “I think your time here is done.
You have asked your last question, it’s time to leave.”
“Okay sir.” Adam said and stood. “Can I just read the
text I just got to you?”
“I’ll read it anyway. It says ‘Sir, guess who Halima
jilted on the day of their wedding?…’ I’m sure you
know the answer to that question Senator. So you
didn’t know her personally sir?”
Senator Bello looked at Adam and sank back into his

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