Saturday, June 27, 2020



I pressed the horn to announce my arrival….
My sister came to get the gate….
I drove in and got down..
Me: What about mummy?
Kemi: She’s not home…. You don’t expect to meet her at home now….
Me: What about dad?
Kemi: What’s wrong with you? Anyway, I think he travelled….
I got inside, and called Nolly to my room….
Me: What’s on your mind?
Nolly: What’s on your own mind? I was about asking?
Me: I’m confused…. Baby, I need to serve Shola at this stages…. She was my first love…. She introduced me to everything I know about love today….
Nolly: Don’t continue…. Hold it on there…. I understand…. How do you expect me to take it? It’s like you’re legally going to cheat on me…. In fact, that’s what you want to do… I can’t take that Jide…. I can’t.
Me: It’s okay….
Nolly: You’ll have to choose between me and Shola… I leave you that legitimacy Jide. There’s nothing more….
She left the room…. Into Kemi’s room she went.
I was at a crossroad…. I slept for like 30minutes… I called Shola…
Me: Baby… where are you?
Shola: Baby? Ahnahn, where’s that coming from? Anyway I’m in school… where else?
Me: Common…. Aren’t you my baby… I’m going to school in two weeks….
Shola: I know that already…. Safe journey…..
It was obvious she didn’t know what was at stake….
After the call, I went to her mum’s place to inform her about everything….
I knocked on the gate only to receive a silent answer….
After about 5 seconds, the gate opened…
It was her mum…
Mums: ah Jide…. How are you? Ahn, this one that we saw you unexpectedly….
Me: Good evening ma…. No nothing….
She ushered me in…..
I wasn’t going to waste anytime….
I dropped the news like it was a bomb…. And her reaction told me I should get some manners in dropping bad news….
That evening, I got my shirt torn… like I was a thief caught in the market…

Dragged out of the house, I was a public figure instantly…
There were on lookers from the North to the South to the East down to the West….
The area where I must have been regarded as a gentle figure….
I walked my first few steps…
I couldn’t behold the sight…
I walked in shame to the park before I could get a cab home….
Before I left Shola’s place, I told her mum to not mention anything…. For there was a risk of her getting killed even before the estimated time…
I got home and called Shola again.
Shola: Jide now….
Me: How are you feeling?
Shola: I’m okay….Jide you need to tell me what’s going on…. What’s wrong with you and Nolly?
Me: Nothing…. I’m just curious about you now…. You know they say memories last forever… they’re like pictures that remain stagnant in the heart.
Shola: Okay….. I don’t want us to go into detail again, I’ve been trying to forget everything…. And I’ve really been trying…. So don’t complicate the issue…. I’m feeling sick though… but I’ve gone to the clinic, and it was malaria… so let’s say I’m on medications now….
Me: Can I come to your school now?
Shola: That won’t be a good idea Jide… I just told you I’m trying to get rid of those memories. Don’t contemplate anything please….
Me: Okay… it’s okay… I’ll call you later then… Take care Shola.
As I took the call before getting inside the house….
I was welcomed by my mum, Nolly and Kemi in the parlor.
Me: Evening….
Nolly: Where have you been…. I’m really tired, bored….
Me: Nolly, even with Kemi and my mum around….
She came over and hugged me….. Since no one was looking, I kissed her….. And smooched her ass….
The groove was getting higher, we had to quickly separate…..
Still, everyone else was concentrating on the TV.
I dragged Nolly towards my room….
As she was giggling gently…
We opened the door slowly….
I looked back to check again….
There was an on looker…. Kemi watched…she’s always watching… she watched during Sholas’…
Nolly must have winked at her, because I caught her wink back.
We entered the room…

As our romance continued, she dragged me to the wall and started kissing me….
We got off on a very good start
The kissing continued… as we started unclothing…
She got off me to get the door.
Coming back…. She tried to jump on me…. But her weight won’t let her….we were standing… she stood on my feet, we continued kissing….
I put my hands on her bosoms….
They’ve become twice the size, the first time I saw them….
I started sucking on her Tips….one by one…. I moved…
Up to her neck….my lips went….
My hands went down to her bellybutton down to the hair surrounding her pubic region….
My right hand went inside her Kitty-Cat….with great ease, as it was dripping…..
I took her to the table… sat her down…. And spread her thighs….
I last saw her Unclad the week we arrived Nigeria….
Her Kitty-Cat was already hairy, like a forest….she looked at me to know if I was okay with what I saw….
In affirmation, I opened the drawer to get a condom…..
Stark Unclad, with an already erected d--k, a knock came on the door…..
Thank goodness it was a knock and not a breakdown….
Me: Who’s it?
Kemi: It’s me Jide…. I want to know what you guys will eat…..*she started giggling*
Me: Anything sister…..
Kemi: And I’ll need Nolly brother…..
Me: She’s on her way….
My d--k, throughout the short conversation and conceded defeat…..
I had to turn to Nolly again…. To get it revived….
Her best asset is her ass…. Round shaped, and of course big…. It can get me erected anytime…

I approached her as she put her legs up, on my shoulder, fumed together….
Her Kitty-Cat was like a door I had to force to open….
With rush, I inserted my d--k…..
Little force was needed to get it in fully…. Which only caused her to moan slowly…
She rested her back on the table….
As we went on, Kemi called again…..
This time, Nolly tried getting up…. And she asked me to stop so she could answer Kemi….
She stood up and was about getting dressed…. But I wasn’t ready to let her go…. Her ass was facing me…directly…. And like a magnet, I was in again…. This time…. She had to get a grip….the edge of the bed….
She held on to it….as I rammed her from behind with anger….
Yes I was upset….. But joy came immediately as I erupted my Fluid into the condom…..
Nolly: Can I go now?
It was a baffling question…. Very obvious she wasn’t even interested in what had just happened, or she was interested at first…. But not now….
I was only concerned about my eruption…. I went to clean up….
Me: Yes you can go…. I replied her.
She asked a question like a slave…. I replied her like her master….
She left the room, with what seemed like an angry face….
They prepared the dinner… we ate… but didn’t talk to each other throughout the night…. It was an attitude game, and I was in for it.

All I had in mind was having a blissful week with Shola. It wasn’t going to be easy….
The next morning… I was woken by a very loud bang on our gate….
In annoyance to the early noise pollution been rendered by whosever was at the gate….
I stood up, checked the time… it was 5:23am…
This really wiped away the anger that was in me and swept in fear immediately…
First, I was very confused on who would be disturbing at this time… and I was the only guy at home….
After mediating…. I got a lamp, as the banging continued….
I got outside…. And asked who it was? About 3 voices responded at once… or maybe because I just woke, but there were actually about 3 voices…. I made up my mind they were robbers, and I wasn’t going to open the gate….
I ran inside, as a voice came over again…. “You better open this thing now”
Who has the guts to be shouting in a GRA at 5:23am?
I went to the kitchen to get any available tool…
I got a knife, sharpened it on the floor…..and went outside again….
Me: Who is there again?
This time, the reply was silent….. I taught they had gone, only for another bang…..
Probably our barbwire was saving me from them thinking of trying to scale through…..
There was not a single hole through the gate to at least, give me a clue on who were outside….
After my heart had pounded severally……
Reluctantly….. I opened the lock….

I was pushed away…. This guy’s held sophisticated guns I had not seen before…
Man: Are you Jide?
Me: Yes, I am…
Man: You’re under arrest….
Me: Arrest? For what?
I tried to struggle to get myself off them…and go inside the house….
Reluctantly.. they escorted me into the house…. My guess was right, there were 3 guys….
I was tensed as my heart was beating rapidly….
I was really surprised to still meet the sitting room empty….
First, I went to Kemi’s room…. To go and get mummy and Nolly.
By this time, I had already being handcuffed….
When my mum arrived the parlor, she was shocked… it was written all over her….
Me: Everybody didn’t hear any noise since abi?
They were all looking…. And didn’t talk….
Mum: Please what’s the matter…
Man: Madam, we’ve no issue with you. This is the criminal we’re looking for. We’re from the Special Anti-Robbery Squad.
Mum: Jide, you went to rob?
Me: I don’t even know what they’re saying ma….
Mum: Ah…. If at all you went to rob… then, I’m not going to interfere in this one…
Nolly came outside eventually, after sometime…..
Nolly: What’s going on? Jide…..can somebody please tell me what’s happening?
Nobody answered her…. I quickly briefed her….
My mum got the officer’s number, promising to call asap….
The little I’ve heard about SARS…… they are authorized to kill any suspected armed robber… all they needed to kill me, was to put me as a suspect….
They dragged me out…. As I kept asking questions on why I was arrested in the first place.

It was dawn…. I was taken in a car… My sister, Nolly, were outside, watching as I was taken away.
It took about 40minutes to get to Ikeja.
I was treated like a criminal… talk about a bank robber being arrested.
After disclosing all my present properties at the counter, I was locked up…
There were other bandits in the cell… who, were woken up by my arrival.
My eyes were opened throughout as reality of life set in….
The sun lit up the cell, and we started hearing movements and car traffic.
When everywhere was fully lit up…. I was asked to come out…
I was taken to the counter…. My mum, kemi and Nolly were there….
Kemi had very heavy eyes, nollys’ was still fair…. Probably cos it’s not my first time…
Mum: They said it was Shola’s mum…..
Me: Shola’s mum? For what? That woman is daft o….
Immediately, I was slapped by the guy holding me…..
I turned to him, to at least lay out a small threat….. but I only spotted the hole of his gun before I turned my face back..
Mum: See, I don’t know…. I’ve even tried to call her….
Me: It’s Shola you should call… since…

I was told there was a murder threat….that I went to threaten Shola’s mum concerning her daughter’s death….
Everyone that knew about her sickness was trying to hide it from her…. I had no idea what she must have told the SARS people, but it was only going to be related….

My mum had no idea how corrupt the police system is in the country…. She knows they collect bribe…. But extra bribe?
SARS are meant for robbery operations, but if well paid, can do anything for you….. Anything means anything…. After all, they’re the police.
It took hours before Shola came…with her mum…..
That day, her mum displayed the highest level of immaturity a man can ever show off.
Her daughter was sick, probably she taught I was responsible….
While I was being bailed out…. I threatened to sue the police…… which I wasn’t even going to dare to do….
Shola already knew about her sickness at this time…..

Leaving the station…..
Shola: Jide, I think I spent my life well….
Me: Shola, don’t talk like that….. Shola please….
Shola: Jide…. Do you know how miserable I am…. My life is all a waste…. Education waste, family waste…relationship waste… I’m tired…. And Jide, I’m just happy I’m leaving this world.
While we were walking to the vehicle they brought…..
Nolly got closer…..
Me: Sweetheart, I want to spend this week with you…just you…
Shola: How do you want to do that… you know I could die now?
Me: You tell me Yes first…..
Shola: Jide, you know my answer already…. What else
We’re in front of the car already….
All the while I was talking to Shola, I didn’t notice my mum wasn’t following….and Shola’s mum….
Me: Kemi where’s mummy now?

Everyone looked back, to find out where the two madams were….
I ran back to the station
Only to find them being detained….temporarily…
They had gotten into a very big fight….
I was very angry, at the same time embarrassed…. And the look on Shola’s face….
Confused, we all sat down…..
After much pleading, they were released.
We left the police station in haste.
My dad’s absence really played a huge part in all this things that happened….
The kind of man he is says it all…
Even when he has the time….
It’s like he still doesn’t have the time.
The little convoy we formed… I was inside Shola’s mum car.
Her mum drove, while she sat in the front….
I missed this girl…. I’ve missed everything…. And I allowed it all pass my way….
The day was exiting gradually….
I was planning to stay in a hotel for a week…..
How I was going to do that, without Nolly suspecting anything was tedious.
But kemi, was going to play a huge role.
When things weren’t working to well…. I opted to tell Nolly but was hindered by Kemi….
Nolly was convinced with all Kemi had told her about our family traditions involving the male child participating some rites… only the male child…. And it lasts for a week and a half.

After making arrangements on our reservations…. Everyone knew about this plan except Nolly.
We lodged…. It was the first time I was going to be Shola…. All alone again….
Our first night….
We spent the whole night recollecting memories….
Shola: I can’t forget the day we did that pillow thing…. It was that moment I fell in love…. Like who’s this guy….. He’s more like me…. He acts like me…… I had no choice Jide.
Me: Let’s bring them back…. You remember how we first met….
Shola: ehhe don’t bring that one…..
Me: You were very stubborn…..
She turned her face…
Our eyes were staring at each other…..
Something was burning….. lust was burning…

The weather was perfect….. it was getting dark…..
Shola was looking at me lustfully….
We couldn’t take it anymore…
Closer, our body came….
Me: Baby….
Shola: Yea….*looking at me with her lips bitten*
Me: And I still love you…

I brought my lips closer to hers as we began kissing….
I kissed her from her mouth….down to her boobs…..
I went up, kissed her neck passionately…
Brought my lips closer as I began unbuttoning her…
I removed her blouse…..her boobs were exposed….
She responded by un-doing my button gently…..
I started licking and sucking her Tips…
My hands played with her boobs…. Down to her Kitty-Cat…..
She was wet, of course…..
She took over, turned around, sat on me…..
She brought her boobs, on my face…..
As she used her hand to stroke my d--k….
She continued the strokes, as she brought her mouth on it….
She s----d my d--k, stroked…
I opted to do what I haven’t done….. in a long time….
I turned our positions again….
Spread her legs….as my head went down to her Kitty-Cat….
My tongue was able to find its location…. As it played with the entrance…before going inside.
She moaned all her sorrows away…. And I couldn’t be happier sending her those shivers.
It meant a lot to me…….
Shola: Come in now……. *she said softly*
It was casual…. Very casual…

I put my d--k inside her Kitty-Cat….
It was tight as a virgin’s….
This girl has been loyal…..
I made sure I felt every bit of Shola… no matter what.
My hands were on her boobs….
Our kisses were hot, tender……..
Her legs were up…. She raised them up…… allowed me in….and wrapped them around me….
Slowly and gently, I went in and out of her…….
My chest rubbed against her boobs…. The friction was fuming…..
I rested my whole body on her…. Our bodies were rubbing against each other…. We were sweating…. The atmosphere was heated up…
I released myself to her…..
My sperms travelled…. Straight into her womb…. Load after load……
We switched positions….. sat on me and started riding me…..
She was really working hard to ensure I was still hard….
She seduced me with everything…. Even after releasing…. I was still hard for Shola….
I released again…. And I was getting tired….
But like a paid p--n star…. I went about 5 rounds that night…. If they judge pregnancy by the amount of sperms released…. She should be having 7boys….
I was very exhausted… and so was she….. She slept on my chest….. As I feared her death was closer than I taught….her heart beat was very fast….. she was fully asleep…. I was awake for another 3 hours, watching my first love sleep. It was the romantic thing ever….


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