Friday, May 22, 2020


Episode 14

1pm came.. I headed for my class…. This day… hmmm. I got to class quite early, so I was able to sit closer to the front.. That was how this girl came to sit beside me… what’s there… She’s a native South African… black… slim… she’s slim but with a curvy body… Her hips were wide… she wore a red gown. To her knee… I was stuck in lust! Pure lust! I wanted to start a conversation with her… I had forgotten I was in class and not in the club… The lecturer entered as she shifted away from me a little… Was I smelling? I taught… the class went normal.. she was in full concentration… and her face could tell… If I made any move… I’ll just be embarrassed… as I was getting impatient… I tapped her… she turned her face… God, this girl was an angel… Dark and shinning with crazy eyes… AH! As she gazed at me…I swallowed my words and just stared… I looked down… and her laps were shinning… my thing couldn’t help itself as it sprung up with high intensity… she tried ignoring me by turning her face away… I held her hand…..
Me: Sorry, are you a regular here? I asked…
Her: Yes! **She was very blunt, as she concentrated on the lecturer**
Our first conversation didn’t last 10 seconds.. That’s my shortest convo with a girl… It was obvious she wasn’t in for anything… and there’s nothing I want to say in this world that can get her interested in spending 1 minute talking to me…
The class ended and we were dispatching one by one… she stood up as the lecturer left and headed towards the exit… I sprung up immediately and followed her…
Me: Um, sorry … you forgot to tell me your name…**as I smiled**
Her: What? Sorry do I know you?
Me: Ehm… I was the one that sat beside you.. Inside the class ** as I pointed towards the class**
Her: Oh okay! I’m Nolly…
She just walked past me without even asking for my own name… What rubbish… I’ve never been messed up by a lady like this before… I went straight to my hostel and slept…. I was awoken by my roommates who had to slap me on the back very hard before I could wake…
I woke up, rinsed my face as I narrated my whole ordeal to them..
They laughed so hard, I was disappointed.. this were people who should be encouraging me… instead they were making jest…Because of what happened I made up my mind I was going to do everything within me to get her bosoms under me… What’s it I have to start doing? Going to classes more often..
The next day… I went early to class again for this Nolly… I waited …. 10minutes… 20 minutes… 30 minutes… The lecturer came and left… As we ended, I ran to meet the class rep and asked about Nolly.. It was then I discovered she wasn’t offering that elective course… So that means Nolly has her own time-table.. Different from mine. I missed Nolly throughout the week as I tried tracking her down… I couldn’t even see her shadow. At least I was sure of Monday…. So I waited patiently for Monday… In the meantime… I called my mum.
Me: Mummy…. Se wa okay?
Mum: Mo wa okay… I was just about calling you…
Me: What’s wrong ma…
Mum: Shola’s mum said we’ve to keep the baby…
Me: That’s good! Thank God…
Mum: Thank God? Have you been smoking?
Me: No ma o.. Smoke ke?
Mum: Why are you talking about keeping the baby? Who do you want to disgrace?

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