Sunday, August 19, 2018


Episode 57
She gave me the file name walking back to her
table. I clicked on the file and immediately went to
work. I focused on the work without distraction, not
wanting to make any mistake as it wouldn’t go
down well with the director. I have learnt that she is
very meticulous and doesn’t like people making
unnecessary mistakes. Within three hours I, was
done with the work and had to cross check over
and over. Satisfied, I saved and sent it back to the
flash before handing everything back to Constance.
I returned to typing my story till the close of work. I
expected that the Director would come before the
close of work but she didn’t. I left for my house
straight without waiting for IJ. It was the first time I
did something of such. I was almost at the gate
when IJ called.
“Are you not ready to go yet?” she asked as I
picked the call.
“I am at home already, I left early.”
“Are you ok? And you couldn’t tell me.”
“Sorry, I will see you at home.” I said before she
dropped the call.
Entering the compound, behold my neighbors
outside with two other girls and a guy. We
exchanged pleasantries while I headed to my door.
I got a message as I was unlocking my door. It
was a whatsapp notification. I clicked on the it and
saw series of messages from Purity, Yusuf, and
Shania. There was another message from an
unsaved number as well.
Purity had typed some long messages which I
couldn’t read standing at the door. As I entered the
room, I threw myself to the bed and started reading
the messages. Purity started her message telling
me how her love for me started the first time she
realized that we shared similar names which was
the first time we met; How she opened up herself
letting go of her past because I talked to her about
it; How she wanted us to be friends, not minding
that I have a girlfriend; How the first kiss we shared
never left her mind; How she looked forward to us
having a better friendship after camp as I promised
her and after we left camp, I had started acting like
a stranger towards her, not caring about her and so
many other touching things she wrote.
After reading all, I felt a pang of guilt. At the end of
her messages, she wrote that I owe her no
explanation whatsoever and shouldn’t bother
After reading through her chats, I switched over and
started chatting with Shania and Yusuf. Yusuf finally
got himself another girlfriend. He was gushing
about the girl and had sent her pictures to me and
using her as his profile picture already. I was still
chatting with then when IJ came back and banged
on my net.
“Is this the new style, leaving me at work without a
word?” she asked standing at the door.
“Sorry, I left the office with a mood, no vex abeg.” I
She was about saying something when her phone
started ringing. Checking the caller, she kept a stern
face and told me that we weren’t done talking
before she left to her room. I overheard her telling
whoever was on the phone that when she gets
ready that she would call.
As IJ left, I changed my clothes and laid down to
sleep but the worms started revolting. Leaving the
bed, I left for IJ’s room. Her net was locked as I
knocked. She came close to the net and wrapped
herself with the curtain before unlocking the net.
She was just on a G-string and bra as she walked
back to her wardrobe. I had a stir in my g---n but
that wasn’t my main concern that moment.
“I am very hungry, didn’t have lunch,” I said walking
past her to the kitchen.
“Do you want this?” she asked pushing up her
cupped B---m, “or this?” placing her hand on her
bikini line.
“None of the above, sorry,” I replied picking a plate
to dish out some rice from her pot.
“Ooopss!!! My bad. Have had enough of them
already?” she asked with a flirtatious smile.
“You know, anybody looking at how quiet you are
wouldn’t believe that you are this evil,” I replied not
turning to look at her.
“Seriously? A case of pot calling kettle black,” she
replied and continued. “Wait let me heat the food
“I can’t wait,” I replied scooping some stew and
meat from the pot.
“This is serious. Purity tell me the truth, did you go
anywhere from work?” she asked with a naughty
smile enjoying herself at my expense.
“Get out of my way,” I said trying to walk past her
to the room. She stood her ground with her B---m
in all its glory at display before me, free from her
“Are you telling me for real you don’t want this,” she
asked juggling the two beautiful set before me still
with the evil grin.
“IJ please let me pass. Just have it in mind that I
will remember this day for you.”
“Ooops!! I can’t wait,” she said making way for me
to pass. Just as I was about to walk past her. She
gathered my face and planted a kiss on my lips
“Devil get behind me,” I said shaking her hands off
my head. She laughed, letting go of my head before
walking into her bathroom while I settled on the
floor scooping spoon after spoon of rice into my
I was almost done eating when she came out
wrapped in her towel. I forgot my attention on the
food not sparing her a glance.
“I won’t be around this night, will be going out with
someone,” she said dabbing the front of her hair.
“Huh!! Where and who are you going out with?” I
asked raising my eyes.
“Oh! Daddy, it’s none of your business. Just know
that I am going out.” She replied facing her
“Oh!! Sorry ma,” I replied walking into the kitchen
with the plate. When I came out, I told her to have
fun before leaving her room. Not like I cared where
or who she was going out with. Na me carry her
come Akwa – Ibom?”
I was about drifting off in my room when she called
from outside to let me know that she was going
out. I bade her goodbye telling her to have fun
before sleeping off.
To Be Continued…

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