Sunday, August 19, 2018


Episode 53
After waiting for another five minutes without any
sign of her, I left her room only to meet her sitting
alone and looking dejected in the sitting room.
If I
did nothing to let her fears go away, the evening
and my whole plan would be ruined completely.
decided to let go of my anger for the meantime.
Walking towards her, she looked up at me having
that same frightened look. I sat beside her and
gathered her into an embrace. I guess that was the
least of what she expected from me that moment
as she broke down and started weeping.
and their wahala, she was the person that hugged
and pecked another dude and now she is crying.
I knew she was feeling bad and that has always
been her way of showing it. I didn’t want to think
beyond what I saw because deep down, I knew I
have done worse things. I consoled her, telling her
that I wasn’t mad with her. On checking my time, I
realized that we had thirty minutes before the
movie. But she was still clung to me with tears
streaming down her eyes.
“If you continue like this then we are going to be
late to the cinema.”
“Which cinema” she asked looking up at me.
“There is a movie I want us to see and we have like
thirty minutes before it start. So let’s not ruin the
night for US ok?”
She nodded while I led her to the room to get
“Get a few cloth packed because we might be
spending the weekend out” I said to her smiling.
She looked at me surprised before asking,
“Purity what is happening?”
“Nothing, just want us to spend the night together.
Is that a bad idea?”
“No, it’s not. Just that ……….” She stopped midway
into her sentence looking squarely at me.
“Just that what?”
“I don’t know, just having some weird thoughts
running through my mind.”
“Ok, you can keep thinking, but just get packed let’s
leave already.”
Fifteen minutes later saw us leaving her house after
I told her roommates to expect her back on
We took a cab back to my hotel room and dropped
her bag before leaving for the cinema. Luckily for us
the movie was delayed for another thirty minutes
which gave us time to buy the tickets, popcorn and
coke and also settle down before the movie started.
I had pushed the event of her place away from my
mind but Shania seemed not to have. I caught her
on many occasions staring at me instead of the
screen. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I
gathered her face and kissed her before whispering
into her ears that I have forgiven her and is not
breaking up if that is what she had in mind. I must
have reassured her as she placed her head on my
shoulder dipping her hand into the bowel of popcorn
After the movie, I called the cab man who took us
back to the hotel. As we entered the room, we both
got engaged in a hot romance eating each other’s
lips and tugging at our clothes like they blew the
whistle on us. We had made crazy but passionate
love before sleeping off nak.ed into each other till
the next morning.
We woke up the following morning being Friday
very famished. We had ordered for some food from
the hotel. After we ate, we slept back again
cuddling till around 1pm. We showered and just
then I realized that I had not called IJ. I called her
and as I was talking with her, she demanded to talk
with Shania to which she did before I dropped the
call. After the call, I told her to dress up that I was
taking her shopping. The first comment that came
out from her mouth was.
“no way.”
“Sorry, but your opinion doesn’t count on this one.”
I said with a note of finality but she wasn’t hearing
any of it.
“Purity we are going nowhere. You have spent a lot
already and will go broke at this rate. Even if you
have enough, you don’t need to waste it like this.”
“I am not wasting my money. I am just spending it
on the girl I love, who I know can bring down
heaven for me if I asked for it,” I said kissing her
She surrendered staring at me as her eyes got
misty. She dabbed the corner of her eyes with the
bedspread before snuggling into me. We cuddled
for some time after which we dressed up and left
for the boutique.
It was fun shopping with her and she was delighted
as we played around throughout the whole shopping
moment. At the end of the day we bought two
gowns, some lovely tops and jeans with shoes and
some simple sandals. She had kept screaming at
the price of each. I know she would buy it without
blinking an eye if she was paying for it but since I
was the one paying she was considering my
pocket. I knew that I was definitely going to get
half of the money back but that wasn’t where I had
my mind.
When we got back to the hotel, we showered, ate
and rested, getting ready to club later. The hotel
had a club so we didn’t need to go somewhere
We woke up around 8pm and headed down to the
bar. After having a couple of drinks, we entered the
club till 2am before retiring to our room. Shania
made me the envy of many guys in the club. She
was all over me allowing no other person to come
closer to her.
The following day, we had spent the day sleeping,
cuddling and playing. We ordered for anything we
felt like having after which we would sleep off or
play or snuggle to each other gisting. In the
evening, we had gone to see another movie after
which we went to a raod side bar, bought the
roasted chicken and occupied a table overlooking
the road, enjoying the evening and watching people
go about their business.
To Be Continued…

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