Friday, August 17, 2018


Episode 22
Third year was coming to an end. I didn’t want to carry
the issue of Cindy over to my final. Precious still had
another one year to stay after the semester because
she had a little issue during her change of course.
After keeping to myself for two weeks after I met Oge, I
decided to call Cindy. I needed to know where I stand
with her. I called her on a Saturday and we fixed a time
to meet.
“Hey” I raised my hand signaling to Cindy who was
looking around for me.
“Look at where you are hiding” she said as she got to
my table.
“Yea, I like it here. It gives me a clear view of anybody
coming in or going out”
She sat down while we placed our orders.
“You are beautiful” I said to her.
“Thanks and you look good yourself” she said smiling.
After our order has been served, I started
“Actually Cindy, there is nothing I will tell you now that
you don’t know already. You know we have not
actually had time to talk since after our last date. I
don’t want to beat around, I love you and will like us to
build something serious like a relationship.”
Silence hovered around us while we stared at each
other. I would have given my index finger to know what
was going through her mind that moment. After a while
of staring, she cleared her throat.
“Purity, I will be lying if I tell you that I have not been
expecting this from you. I already have my reply for
you, but before I give it to you, you have to give me
time. There is something I want to take care of before I
give you my reply.” She said looking me in the eye
“Come on, since you have already made up your mind
on what to tell me, why not say it out and not keep me
on the edge.”
“Purity please don’t push it. I sure will give you a reply
but not now”
“Are you seeing someone currently?” I asked.
“Purity please it’s kinda complicated and I wouldn’t
want anything that will have to do with us meddle into
“Why not be open up and tell me about this
complicated thing and not play with my emotions.”
“How can I explain this to you Purity? See you have to
trust me and give me a little time ok?”
“You know what, you don’t have to give me the whole
‘give me sometime thing’. I already know where I stand
with you. I know you have a boyfriend. That’s the only
explanation to it”
“Hmmm!! Who told you that trash?”
“ It’s no trash girl. After we went out the last time, you
left school for a whole week and you couldn’t be
reached. Now you have moved out from school hostel.
In all this you never cared to give me heads up as a
friend. I saw you the day you came back from your
boyfriend’s house.”
“Purity you have to calm down and listen to me. Things
ain’t the way they are supposed to be now. That is why
not minding how sincerely I want to be you, I still need
a little time to take care of something.”
“Cindy, are you planning to use me as a fall back on or
“Come on, I can’t do that to you”
“You know what, you can take the whole time in the
world. I’m not waiting for you one bit. I gats move on
while you take care of whatever it is you want to tidy
I stood up and dropped a thousand naira on the table
and told her it’s for her cab and before she could say
another thing, I walked out without looking back.
To Be Continued…

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