STORIES UPDATE: The President's Daughter Season 2 STORIES UPDATE: The President's Daughter Season 2

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Showing posts with label The President's Daughter Season 2. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2018

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 56 (FINALE)

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 56 (FINALE).

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


While wondering and thinking deeply on how my life will turn out, then I started realizing something, I have met with Promise about three times and I didn’t see or notice any wedding ring on her finger. Could it be that she lied to me? Why would she lie to me? After all, she’s supposed to be married by now. I just set my mind to investigate if she’s truly married or not.

I think of Mirabel every day, all the good memories about her and all we shared, all she did to get me and my family to a higher level. Who would’ve thought she’d die like that? Two years of marriage is just too soon. Of course I can’t question God because he knows the best. Why would God punish me after all the favours I’ve been getting from Him since I gave my life fully to him? It’s not possible! The plan of God over His people is always of good and not of evil. So… the question now is what is God’s plan on my life now?

I stayed in my Father’s other house as a single Dad, I made sure I took care and spend quality time with Vanessa even with my tight schedule as I’ve started my business operations in Nigeria and it wasn’t easy, it takes time and efforts to get a new company established. I was too busy and focused on establishing my company that I couldn’t look at any woman, and that means I’m not re-marrying any sooner especially if Promise is truly married.

I was just seated in my office one afternoon resting and cooling my mind with a cool hollandia yoghurt when Nancy called me and she sounded so happy…

Nancy: Hello Bro

Me: Nancy how you doing?

Nancy: I’m super fine!

Me: That’s good… how’s Dad and Mum?

Nancy: Their Fine too…. Bro guess what?

Me: What?

Nancy: Guess na, shebi you’re good at guessing?

Me: Okay uhmmm… you got promoted?

Nancy: No nah…

Me: Is it just about you or the Family?

Nancy: It’s about the entire Families

Me: I dunno, just tell me

Nancy: Both Families have approved our marriage!!

Me: **Surprised** Whoa… that’s good, how did it happen?

Nancy: Well, ermm… since Mirabel, you know uhmm… yea, and having being discovered as not the biological daughter of the President, Vincent went around convincing both families and made his points known to them, so they agreed and approve our marriage

Me: Okay…

Nancy: So Vincent and his Family will be coming to the house in two days for introduction and to fix the date for the wedding, and you know that you have to be there

Me: Yea… no problem, good thing it will be on a Saturday

Nancy: Yeah

Me: Alright till then, I’m very happy for you

Nancy: Thanks bro,,, kiss Vanessa for me please…

Me: No I won’t this time

Nancy: Hahahaha… why na?

Me: You know why

Nancy: I’m sorry… but you know its work that has been hindering my visit

Me: Always using work as an excuse, can’t you make your own time?

Nancy: Ok on Sunday I promise

Me: Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, bye-bye I have work to do

Nancy: I will come by God’s grace; I miss my little cutie so much

Me: I’m hanging up

Nancy: Okay bye… see you on Saturday

Me: Alright **hangs up**

Nancy started working at our Dad’s company after she completed her NYSC, she got qualified to be a Chartered Accountant after she passed the ICAN exams while under our Father.

Vincent has officially started his ministry to be a Pastor, he built his own Church and it’s growing pretty well.


Saturday came as both Families meet at my Father’s house, discussions were made and we reached an agreement for the wedding to take place in three weeks’ time and all preparations starts from now. There’s money, so no time to waste.

The day of the traditional marriage came and everything went so well and successful with many elites of the country in attendance. The white wedding was also great; Vincent honoured me during his speech at the reception. How I watched over Nancy and made sure no guy messed around with her until the destined one came along. I also felt proud of myself, all my efforts in protecting my sister turned out great and fruitful. It’s my joy for my sister to get married a virgin and to the right man.

I was happy to see Promise at the wedding; I went closer to her and had a chat with her. I observed her finger till I saw a ring on it. I got sad… she wasn’t lying after all, but I still want to see that husband of hers, because she’s never said something about him whenever we have a chat. All she talks about is work, work and work.

I carried on with plans of getting to know the husband of Promise, I asked her many times to let me visit her house, but she kept giving one excuse or the other, she boldly refused to give her house address and these kept rising my suspicion that she’s not really married, what’s confusing me is the wedding ring on her finger.
My background check on her proves my suspicion right, she’s definitely not married and she’s successful and also living alone. She’s been lying to me that she’s married which made me to think that she doesn’t have feelings for me anymore and she don’t want to get involved with me.

I started thinking of what to do to win her, my thinking led me to meet with a close friend of hers who should know what’s going on in her life. I got in touch with someone close to her, I was able to persuade her to answer my questions and she told me everything after I told her my intensions. She said, Promise has been in a relationship with a man for over a year now and he hasn’t said anything about marriage, she said she doesn’t trust the guy at all, that she doesn’t think the man is serious with Promise.

That gave me lots of hope, I felt very happy inside me.

From all the information about her, I prepared myself to pay her an unannounced visit in the evening. She opened her door and was surprised to see me.

Promise: How did you get to know where I live?

Me: I just did a little background check, can I come in?

Promise: **Hesitating**

Me: Please…?

She quietly let me in.

Surprisingly, she offered me hollandia yoghurt… then from one talk led to another, I started talking to her to marry me. I told her I’m aware that she isn’t married, I talked to her about the past, the present and the future till she got emotional and tears started dripping down from her eyes. I went down on my knees before her and started giving her promises which I’m very ready to fulfill. I begged and begged her to agree to marry me, that I’ll start arrangement to marry her in one month or maybe less once she agrees to marry me. I reach my hand into my pocket and brought out the ring I came with; she started crying immediately I presented to her, I took her hand and she didn’t withdraw her hand till I successfully placed the ring on her finger. Before I knew what was happening, she flung herself on me in a tight embrace.

Me: What about your boyfriend?

Promise: He has lost me… he’s not ready to marry me, even though I’ve been pressuring him to, I was ready to sponsor the wedding out of desperation to get married. Yet he kept giving one excuse or the other.

Me: That’s fate wanting us to end up together

Promise: How’d you know about him?

Me: Salome

Promise: That girl! I should’ve known it was her

Me: Hope you’re not gonna scold her?

Promise: No, of course not

We talked and stared at each other for a while before I left feeling happy.


We got married months later in a simple traditional marriage and a court wedding with only close family members in attendance. Although, I made the President and the first lady aware of my marriage, they understood and gave me their blessings but couldn’t attend; I didn’t want them to attend anyway since I wanted the wedding to be on a low-key. They said I’m too young to remain a widower and I need someone to take care of Vanessa.

Before we got married, I made a discovery which is one of the reasons that made me rushed the wedding. Because… when we were discussing (that’s before we got married) I found out she was born in the same hospital where Mirabel was also born. Although I know they shared the same birth date which was one of the reasons why Mirabel got to like her so much back then. I suspected something and did a DNA test without her knowledge and it was positive. I was shocked and dumbfounded immediately I saw it, so I kept it a secret and rushed our wedding so it won’t be disapproved if they find out the truth. So my plan is to tell them the truth months after the wedding.

Just a week after the wedding, the President invited me to come with my new wife to the Presidential villa; I honoured his invitation by going there at the expected time.

After a while there, The President started talking about Mirabel not being his real daughter, how the investigation of finding his child has been going, he then handed a paper to me. I looked at it and it’s exactly the same as the DNA test result of Promise I did secretly.

I asked surprisingly like I didn’t know…

Me: So… what does this mean?

President: Promise is my daughter

Me: What? How is that possible?

He explained how it all happened.

What happened was that, a lady gave birth to a stillborn and she really needs a child for her husband and his family that has been pressuring her to give birth. So she connived with a nurse there to get her a child. The nurse took baby Promise and gave her to the woman, when she learned about whose child the baby was, (The President wasn’t the President then, but he is very influential) she couldn’t return baby Promise to them because she didn’t have the chance, so she took a random baby and gave to the first lady which was Mirabel and gave the stillborn to Mirabel’s real mother.

Promise: (crying) my mother did that? Is this true?

First lady: It is my dear, we’re your true family; I gave birth to you (crying)

Promise couldn’t believe the woman the thought was her mother did such kind of evil, and the woman loved her so much as her only child.

Promise accepted her true parents and pleaded with them not to let her supposed-mother to suffer for her mistakes because she took care of her like her own child. Her wish was granted and the woman was spared, but her supposed father refused to spare her as he sent her packing from his house. The Nurse was dealt with a little before they let her go after disgracing her. Everyone was surprised about this whole thing.

The President threw a party for the return of his lost daughter and I was also honoured, I stood by her as her husband; so I remained the President’s in-law.


My dreams came true as I built my business empire and became one of African’s richest. My business operations were all over the continent with my headquarters in Nigeria. I had three children with Promise while Vanessa make them four; two boys and two girls, and they grow up to join the Vames Empire.

••• THE END •••

©2016 Victor U. James {Vict-Vames}


This story is solely written and owned by Victor U. James ………… No part of it is allowed to be reproduced on any form, or copied to any website, page, and group without the approval of the Author.

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This Story Is Solely Written by: Vict-Vames

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 55

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 55.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


The Doctor had me tested but my blood type did not match with hers, he advised me to go get a close relative as they don’t have the type of Mirabel’s blood in their blood bank. The first thing I did was to call Mirabel’s oldest sibling Adesuwa who also resides there in America but in another state in Oklahoma. She promised to take the next available flight to Nevada where we reside. I also called Mirabel’s father – the president and informed him about the situation at hand, I told him about Adesuwa’s coming, but he insisted on coming as soon as possible in case if Adesuwa’s blood won’t be enough.

I also called my Parents to inform them, they were terrified especially my mother. I called Vincent and told him about it, that he should start praying seriously for Mirabel.

I was so worried; I didn’t know what else to do… I moved from one place to another looking for a donor but couldn’t find any. I was left with no other choice but to wait for Adesuwa. I dunno if Ike’s blood will match with hers, and he is not even in America, he is currently in China doing his thing.

Adesuwa finally came about two hours later and a test was conducted on her to be sure if her blood will match with Mirabel’s. Unfortunately, it didn’t match. We were so surprise on why their blood type did not match. We had to wait for a couple of hours till the President arrived with the first lady and Vincent.

The President told the Doctor to start taking his blood immediately, but the Doctor insisted that they get his blood tested first before that can happen. The President had no choice but to allow them to run the test on him. After waiting impatiently for many minutes, the Doctor came back and said their blood did not match.

President: What are you talking about? She’s my daughter!

Doctor: Are you sure about that?

President: Yes she’s my youngest child

Doctor: I’m afraid she can’t be your daughter because she doesn’t have your blood

President: You must be mistaken

Doctor: Sorry sir, there’s no room for such mistake here. We can conduct a DNA test if you want

First lady: DNA test for what, Doctor? She’s our daughter, I gave birth to her!

Doctor: Just to be sure, she’s dying and we don’t have all the time

Vincent: Please Doctor have me tested too, my blood might match with hers

First lady: And mine too…

Doctor: Ok follow me

They followed the Doctor to the lab and left me wondering what’s going on, how can Mirabel’s blood not match with her father’s? What is happening? Where did she even get that kind of blood from? God have mercy, that devil is a liar!

The President, the first lady and Vincent came back to the lobby from the lab. The President quietly sat down looking tense while the First lady kept saying that she knows Mirabel is her daughter and she’s very sure about it, that she carried her in her womb for nine months bla bla bla…

The Doctor came back again saying the first lady and Vincent’s blood still did not match with Mirabel and the DNA results will be available in two days. The Doctor also advised us to go look for donors whose blood might match with Mirabel’s, and that he’ll also help us checking in blood banks elsewhere.

The President left the hospital in confusion and the first lady followed him asking him some kind of questions. Adesuwa and Vincent remained with me there in the hospital. I went to the ward where they kept Mirabel; I stood outside and watched Mirabel through the window. I didn’t know when tears started dripping down from my eyes. Vincent came to me and placed his hand on shoulder telling me everything will be alright; that I should not be scared of what the Doctor is saying and all.

Me: Look at her, does she deserve this?

Vincent: Don’t think that way, just look at the positive side that this will be a testimony, have that in mind

Me: I don’t understand why her blood doesn’t match your Dad’s

Vincent: I’m also surprised; this is the devil at work

Me: What are we going to do now?

Vincent: Just pray and have faith in God

Me: **Silence**

Vincent: Where is Vanessa?

Me: She must be with the nanny; I didn’t even see when I came back from my trip

Vincent: But how did this happen?

Me: I just stepped into the house and saw her falling down from the stairs; I dunno what might have happened to her

Vincent: Or could it be… it was because she heard your presence then she was like rushing to meet you?

Me: I just don’t know, ah my God!

Vincent: Just take it easy, everything will be fine

Me: Hhmmm…

Vincent: Come on, let’s go

Me: Go where?

Vincent: To your house so you’ll freshen up at least

Me: I’m not going anywhere

Vincent: You have to, I mean look at you; you look stressed

Me: What about Mirabel that’s fighting for her life? No, I’m not leaving her

Vincent: You have to be strong for her and Vanessa

Me: Don’t waste your time trying to convince because I’m not leaving here

Vincent: You need to go check on Vanessa

Me: She’s fine

Vincent: She should be here with you

Me: You can go and bring here, I’m not leaving Mirabel not even for a second

Vincent: I dunno your house, and besides, I’m not familiar with this place

Me: You can ask Adesuwa to take you there; she needs to rest too…

Vincent: Alright then, I’ll be back

Me: **Silence**

Immediately they left, the Doctor came to me and told me he has found a blood match for Mirabel and that it’s on the way coming… I appreciated him for his effort. Not long after that, The President also came in with some donors, about six of them. They had them tested and three of them have the same blood type with Mirabel but two of them had some sickness in them, so we have one donor plus the other one the Doctor ordered for from a blood bank. I just had this excitement and hope within me when we found this rare type of blood for Mirabel. By then, Vanessa was already with me.

Frank (Mirabel’s former bodyguard) called me; he said he heard what happened. We talked for a little while before we ended the call. Lest I forget, Jummy retired from the service immediately Mirabel and I got married so she’ll be a full house-wife and start having children for her husband – Frank. And as for Frank, he continued the service as the first lady’s bodyguard.

They started the transfusion without wasting time and the delivery of the baby through CS (Caesarean section)

We waited impatiently for almost two hours praying that she and the baby will fine until the Doctor came out with a sad look on his face. We immediately rushed him and started bombarding him with questions… How did it go? How is she? How’s the operation? Is the blood enough?

The Doctor stunned us with a shocking news that we lost both of them in the process after telling us some medical bla bla bla that I can’t even remember.

I was short of words, I was extremely shocked! It happened just like a dream, I was lost on earth. The feeling was out of this world.

We arrived in Nigeria the following day with Mirabel’s body using the Presidential jet. By then, the bad news has gotten to the media.

Her body was deposited to the mortuary for days before she was laid to rest. That moment I felt like my life has come to an end. I just dunno what to do and what to feel.

The DNA result reached the President and it’s discovered that Mirabel is not his biological daughter, because her result was negative while Vincent’s and Adesuwa’s were positive. How? Nobody knows as the first lady kept defending herself that she never cheated on the President, but she carried a pregnancy for nine months and delivered a baby.

An idea came in, so they went back to the hospital where they delivered their baby and started an investigation on what might have happened. They checked the hospital’s record of babies born on that specific date, and then they started investigating around looking for those who were born on that particular date from that hospital…. searching for the real President’s daughter.

This also means I’m not a true President’s in law and my daughter with Mirabel is not the President’s grandchild. What kind of misfortune is this? Chai!


A couple of months later, i finally got in touch with Promise and she seems to be doing well. I tried apologizing to her but she said she has long forgiven me, that it was actually her fault and not mine. She also sympathized with me over Mirabel’s death. A while after the reunion between me and Promise, I started trying to woo her since she has always loved me. She declared that it’s too late, that she’s already married.

I acted cool and I was like, I’m happy for her and all that. But I felt bad about it, and then I started wondering….

• What did I do to deserve this?

• What will be my fate now that I’ve lost the two women that’s for good me?

• Who will mother Vanessa?

• Where will I start searching for someone like Mirabel or Promise?

• Where do I go from here?

• What will happen to me and Vanessa since Mirabel is not the real daughter of the President?

• Why is all this happening to me? Why?? Why???


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See yah.

Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 56 (FINAL EPISODE).

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 54

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 54.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


I quickly dashed to the kitchen and turned off the gas cooker, from there to the room where I met Mirabel picking her stuffs.

Me: Mirabel what are you doing?

Mirabel: **picking her stuffs ignoring me**

I went to her and stopped her from taking her things…

Mirabel: Let me go

Me: Look… I know how you feel, believe me… but you’re taking this thing too far, trust me I have absolute nothing to do with her

Mirabel: Can you say the same for her? She confessed her undying love for you in that diary, all this while I saw both of you as just friends, not knowing something like this has been going on

Me: Nothing has been going on, why can’t you believe me? You’re the only woman I love and who I want to spend the rest of my life with… Please don’t stop the wedding I beg you

Mirabel: The wedding can only push through on one condition

Me: Which is?

Mirabel: Promise has to leave

Me: What?

Mirabel: Yes! Let her go away from our lives and forget about the love she claim to have for you

Me: Mirabel…

Mirabel: That’s the only way, it’s either she leaves or I leave…

Me: It doesn’t have to be like this

Mirabel: Is she leaving or not?!

Me: **Speechless**

Mirabel: I’ll take that as a yes **walks out of the room**

I watched her stormed out of the room while I sat down on the bed hitting my head so hard. What’s going on? How did it come to this?? What can I do???

I can’t turn my back on Promise and I can’t let Mirabel leave… what a dilemma.

Before I knew what was happening, Mirabel had Promise leave the house and I couldn’t do anything because I want to save my relationship with Mirabel. I stood and watched Promise leaving the house in tears; she was looking at me but I couldn’t do or say anything till she left. Mirabel warned that Promise must not attend her wedding.

When Nancy arrived and I told her what happened earlier while we both sat at the veranda, she got so surprised and shocked for how things turned out in such a little time; she wasn’t cool with Mirabel’s action though.

Nancy: So I’ll be living here alone or what’s going to happen?

Me: Well… you can bring a friend to stay with you

Nancy: Promise is much better to live with

Me: But you can’t live with her anymore, you know what happened

Nancy: Where will she go to now? I don’t think she has any place to stay in Abuja

Me: I really dunno what got into Mirabel to go to that extent

Nancy: Let’s ask Vincent to talk to her

Me: No, he can’t know about this

Nancy: Why?

Me: I don’t want to raise any issue, if letting Promise go will make our relationship work without any squabble, then I have no option.

Nancy: Senior bro that’s not cool, you can’t possibly let Promise go like that na, she’s a good person

Me: Nancy you don’t understand, you think it’s easy for me? I just want my relationship to go back to how it used to be and even better when we get married

Nancy: Is there no other way this can go without anyone getting hurt? What do you think Promise will be feeling right now?

Me: I’m just so confused right now, I dunno what to do

Nancy: Please do something about Promise; she must be very hurt about this

Me: I’ll talk to her

Nancy: Ermmm…. Do you like have any uhmmm… feelings for her?

Me: Nancy, stop that

Nancy: Sorry… just being curious

Me: It’s okay…

Nancy: Lemme go and prepare something since you guys couldn’t eat this afternoon

Me: Seriously, that food I expected to eat comfortably just got burnt

Nancy: I dunno you’ll still be hungry after everything that happened today

Me: Are you trying to mock me?

Nancy: Ah! Noooo…

She went back into the house while I remained outside cogitating and worried. Talking about having feelings for Promise, I think I truly have something hidden deep in my heart for her.


A lot has happen…

The President won the election victoriously and remained in office; He appointed my father minister of finance and my mother kept rolling with the first lady.

I got my result and I graduated with second class upper; I couldn’t get first class because of many distractions that took place then and the running of my website. It was Nancy that graduated with first class… because she wasn’t distracted na.
Mirabel and I got married then travelled to the U.S as we planned. We learnt everything we needed to learn in order to build the Vames Empire and it all went well. I started my company with Mirabel by my side, with Ike’s partnership and his support technically and financially, and investors that invested in my Company. I got business connections worldwide, but I’m yet to achieve to my dream, which is building a very big business empire… although I’m getting there, it’s all about time.

Nancy and Vincent are yet to get married, they’ve been fighting for their love because… there have been some kind of disagreement about their relationship from some family members due to the fact that Mirabel and I are already married.

I have a Daughter with Mirabel, I named her Vanessa, and now Mirabel is heavily pregnant carrying my second child. Our plan was to rush our children so she can join me in running the Empire while the children are already growing up.

I lost contact with Promise immediately she left the house that day; I tried to call her two days after she left when I went back to our Family house, I couldn’t find her number in my phone, and all the text messages and WhatsApp conversation we had were all gone. I knew Mirabel did it because she alone knows my phone password as part of our agreement not to hide anything from each other, so she has access to my phone and I also have access to hers. After the discovery, I immediately called Nancy to give Promise’ number of which she did, but the number didn’t go through till today.

I planned on visiting Nigeria only when my office building there would be completed and ready for operations, so now I have about two months to return back to Nigeria, that’s the time my contractor assured me of completing everything, and it’s the same time Mirabel is expected to deliver our baby.


I came back to my house after I’ve been away for five days on a business trip; I so much missed my wife and my daughter. I stepped into the house, the next thing I saw was my wife falling down from the stairs. I immediately rushed to get her but she didn’t respond; I had to rush her to the hospital.

The Doctor said that she’s in a critical condition; the fall affected the pregnancy so bad that she will have to undergo a premature delivery, and she has lost so much blood. So… she’d need a blood transfusion. The worst thing was that, her blood group is very rare.


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See yah.

Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 55.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 53

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 53.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


I dunno what’s in the diary, but her reaction just got me feeling so nervous and scared on what she might have discovered.

Me: Why would you go through her diary? It’s so not right na, you’re invading her priv…

Mirabel: **cuts in** If I hadn’t gone through it, I wouldn’t have discovered this secret you both are hiding

Me: That diary must be containing her private life, please respect it and go keep it for her; I don’t want to know what’s in it please…

Mirabel: Do you even know what I’m talking about here? I’m talking about a lady professing her love for my man that’s supposed to be her friend. What do you know about this victor?

Me: Her diary should be her 100% privacy; I didn’t even know she has a diary till now. So… whatever it is you see in it is her privacy please Mirabel, stop all this doubts for it’s not helping matters at all. How can this help our marriage that’s coming next month? Please don’t give the devil a chance to destroy us

Mirabel: It would’ve been mare doubts if I had no prove, Fred warned me about something like this, and look what’s happening? From flirty chats to professing of love in a diary, that you’re the only man she loves, is that also just a friend thing? So you’re even the reason why she can’t have a boyfriend? No wonder! I thought it was about her being a good girl and a saint, not knowing she has my man at heart; Victor are you having an affair with her?

Me: Of course not!

Mirabel: You’re lying,,, there’s no explanation for this anymore! Fred was right all along

Me: Mirabel… I have nothing to do with her; I never had any intimacy with her even before I got to know you

Mirabel: You both are deceitful!

Me: How can be saying something like this? We’ve been together for four years and I’ve never for once proven to be unworthy in any way, how can I be having an affair with Promise, for what?

Mirabel: **silence**

Me: Could it be for $ex of which you and I agreed to abstain from because we know it’s not right for the unmarried? Or is it for love? Why then will I be getting married to you? It’s not making any sense can’t you see?

Mirabel: Don’t even imply that I’m insinuating nonsense when I the prove in my hand

Me: What prove? How can that diary be a prove that I’m cheating on you? It’s someone’s privacy for goodness sake. It could be her thought or something that she wouldn’t want anyone to pry and it could be very embarrassing to her if she finds out about this

Mirabel: Embarrassing? She should be ashamed of herself for professing such rubbish for you

Me: Mirabel what’s going on with you? I mean… this is not you, why the sudden temper?

(We heard Promise’ voice from the living room asking where is everyone)

Mirabel: She’s here **walking out of the room**

Me: Where are you going to? Mirabel don’t… (She slammed the door behind her)

Chai! What’s all this for goodness sake? Why is Mirabel changing all of a sudden? This is nothing but the hand work of the devil, the destroyer. Just when everything was going well, now Mirabel of all people is the one causing headache and nagging around on everything….. God have Mercy. I dunno why Promise could be so careless to forget something like that in the kitchen. I’m already losing the trusts Mirabel have for me, I don’t think she’ll be comfortable with me again, she’ll be suspecting my every move. So this how innocent people get accused wrongly? I really hope that we push through with the wedding and pursue our dreams instead of arguing and fighting unnecessarily with words.

Just then I ran after Mirabel to the living room where she’s already confronting Promise.

Mirabel: Promise what is all this you wrote in this your diary?

Promise: Why are you in possession of my diary?

Mirabel: You haven’t answered my question, what is the meaning of this love confession for
Victor who you know is my fiancé

Promise: Mirabel that diary contains my personal and private life with my thoughts which I don’t intend to share with anybody

Mirabel: Oh really?

Me: Mirabel please you have to stop this, she has no evil intention towards our relationship

Mirabel: Of course! The saint who is in love with my man will never have any evil intentions

Mirabel just start to annoy me for the first time since we started our relationship, this is not the Mirabel that I know, what has happened to her? Or is this her true colours? Definitely not! She’s been humble from the start, she’s shown me nothing but love, she’s always been there for me, she’s always ready to do anything for me, she’s ready to submit to me. This is all Fred’s fault! He was the one that started all these perils. I regretted hooking him up with Promise, he brought nothing but trouble which is now affecting my relationship with Mirabel.

Promise: **tears soaking in her eyes**

Me: Mirabel…

Mirabel: You know what? I’m stopping the wedding

Me: No Mirabel, you can’t do that please…

Mirabel: Yes I can and I will!

She said that then furiously rushed to the room. Then I started perceiving something smelling, the food is burning in the kitchen!! Somebody should just wake me up from this nightmare!!!


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 54.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 52

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 52 .

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


The look on her face when she was handing over the phone to me was so unusual; i collected the phone from her thinking I got a night call or something.

Me: What’s up dear?

Mirabel: Victor where have you been?

Me: What’s wrong that you even called me by my name?

Mirabel: I’ve been up for some minutes and I didn’t see you here or in the toilet. Then a message popped into your phone from Promise telling you to try and sleep immediately you get into the room, I scrolled up out of curiosity and found those chats you both had, what explanation can you give me Victor? I trusted both of you with all my heart!

Me: Honey what are you saying? That’s nothing I promise

Mirabel: Nothing?

Me: Come on dear, you have to calm down, what is the thing you saw that’s making you to react this way? It was just a harmless friendly chat

Mirabel: Stop making a fool out of me, what did she mean by nobody can beat the spot you have in her heart? And you also confessed that she also have a spot in your heart, what kind of spot is that? You went to meet up with her because I was sleeping. Victor why did you do this to me? Why? I gave you my everything

Me: Mirabel you have to calm down and allow me to talk

Mirabel: Of course I’ll let you talk, go on and give me another definition of the chats and the meeting you both had

Me: Please sit down

Mirabel: I’m fine standing

Me: Mirabel you have to sit down so we can talk and reach an understanding, this is not how a couple can settle their misunderstanding

Mirabel: **sits down**

Me: (I sat down on the bed too) you have to trust me; I cannot do anything like that. She was only thanking me as a friend and how I’ve been there for her, that no one can replace me in doing all that. Sweetheart please don’t misinterpret it. You know too well that I can’t do something like that and neither can Promise do such thing

Mirabel: Yes I trust you both, but that chat is like that of those having an affair

Me: It’s nothing dear

Mirabel: Like when you said you’re coming and she asked what about me and you told her that I’m sleeping before you went to meet up with her… what did you even go to her for by this of the night when everyone is sleeping?

Me: She couldn’t sleep just as you see in the message, and I thought it was about Fred, so I went to her in the living room to cheer her up.

Mirabel: It’s just too suspicious Ok? Please I don’t like something this. I have to say your closeness with her should be redefined so I won’t be suspecting anything please… I have never been suspicious of you for anything; I always believe whatever you say until I saw those disturbing messages that got me so worried

Me: You have nothing to worry about dear

Mirabel: No let’s make some things clear, I’m here to be your friend and companion and everything you need, so please… your friendship can continue but not this close anymore

Me: Alright, no problem

Mirabel: I will let this go, but I’m begging you now, don’t cheat on me and never give me any reason to doubt you

Me: Ok my princess

Mirabel: I am very serious

Me: Relax na, it’s me oh… (Going for my magic move)

Mirabel: You that got me very worried this night abi morning

I threw my phone on bed and drew her closer to me by holding waist

Me: Sorry for the misconception… I hope I didn’t lose any percentage of your trust for me?

Mirabel: You lost 80% of it

Me: Ah!

Mirabel: Kidding buh you almost lost it

Me: That’s never going to happen; I rather gain more of your trust than lose a single percentage of it

Mirabel: Okay… now can you let go of my waist so I can sleep?

Me: If not until you smile, I won’t

Mirabel: **She let out a fake smile** Can I go now?

Me: Okay…

I let go of her, then she climb the bed facing the other side. I knew we were not all cool yet, so I thought of doing something about it. I joined her on the bed and placed my hand around her waist

Me: Sweetheart…?

Mirabel: What now?

Me: I can see you’re still mad at me, I will just tell you what I wanted to tell you later in the day **withdrawing myself from her**

Mirabel: What is it?

Me: Don’t worry… I’ll just tell you later

Mirabel: No I want to hear it now

Me: Ok, if you really want to hear it, come rest your head on my shoulder

Mirabel: **Hesitating**

Me: Come na… it’s about our wedding oh…

When she hear that one, nobody told her before she brought herself closer to me.

Mirabel: Ok what is it?

Me: Uhmmmm… I think we should start taking our pre-wedding pictures from now

Mirabel: What for?

Me: You don’t like it?

Mirabel: No, we don’t need it

Me: Why?

Mirabel: It’s just not needed, what are we going to do with it? To post on social media and all, I don’t like it

Me: I thought it’d be fun

Mirabel: You know what?

Me: What?

Mirabel: Instead of this pre-wedding thing, let’s just have all the fun together without the world knowing about it until the day we’ll get married

Me: Okay…

Mirabel: And stop holding my waist anyhow anytime you want, because it’s not yours yet.

Me: **Laughs** No problem, I’d be the proud owner come next month

Mirabel: Until then, you’re strictly restricted

Me: It’s okay… I’ve heard you, we need to sleep now

I took my pillow and positioned myself on the floor to sleep

Mirabel: What are you doing?

Me: Well… so you won’t rest on my chest later while I’m asleep, as it’s not yet yours to lay on whenever you feel like

Mirabel: Oh really?

Me: Goodnight, love you…

Mirabel: Goodnight!


I woke up the following morning and saw Mirabel resting comfortably on my chest while on the floor; I just smiled and placed my hand around her waist.

Later that morning when Nancy has gone to school, and Promise to her computer institute leaving Mirabel and I in the house while Frank and Jummy were also around.

Mirabel was in the kitchen preparing lunch while I was in the room working in my website with hollandia yoghurt by my side, sipping it little by little until Mirabel suddenly stormed into the room looking infuriated.

Mirabel: Victor what’s the meaning of this rubbish?!

Me: **Surprised and bemused** what is it?

Mirabel: I saw this diary somewhere in the kitchen which is supposed to be for Promise; take and look what I found inside…


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 53.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 51

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 51.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update


I turned around and saw Mirabel standing at the doorpost; it’s surprising because she came unannounced.

Mirabel: Fred, what was that you just said?

Fred: I think your boyfriend and my girlfriend having an affair

Mirabel: Oh really?

Fred: Can’t you see their so-called friendship? They’re having an affair right under our nose

Me: Mirabel…

Mirabel: **cuts-in** Wait, I’ll handle this (gesturing her hand towards me) You Fred, we had the wrong impression towards you

Fred: What are you talking about?

Mirabel: You’re not good for Promise and I’m telling you now to go your way and never come back, it’s a clear warning

Fred: Warning for what? Why telling me I’m not good for her? No, I’m going nowhere! You can’t tell me to leave. I love Promise and will not let go of her just like that

Mirabel: You’re not getting it, do you? Are you tired of being the son of a minister? That can be arranged and you’ll be the son of nobody. Are you tired of running your night club? That can also be arranged and the club will be shut down permanently. Or are you tired of living a good life? That can be arranged and you can imagine what will happen next

Fred: Are you threatening me?

Mirabel: Not really, just telling you what will happen the next time you show yourself to Promise or to anyone that’s related to us one way or the other

Fred: Can we talk privately?

Mirabel: There’s nothing to talk with you, just go away. We’ve forgiven you for the wrongs you did to Promise and our trust that you betrayed, so just go now!

Fred: Why are you doing this? I really love Promise; I sincerely apologize for my shortcomings, please give me another chance and I’ll be the best man I can be for her

Mirabel: Like I said earlier, we’ve forgiven you, but we’re not taking any chances no more

Fred: Please, I promise never to hurt her in whatsoever way again

Mirabel: Get out of here Fred!

Fred: Plea….

Mirabel: Get out!!

Fred: Ok alright, I’ll leave… but, I will advise you to watch those two closely; they have something hidden under the radar

Mirabel: One more word from you and I promise you’re not gonna like the outcome of it. Frank!

Frank: (from outside) Yes?

Mirabel: Come get this ingrate out from here!

Frank walked in with Jummy and two mobile policemen; they wanted to drag him out, but he behaved himself and told them not to touch him that he’ll leave and he left.

Mirabel: (to me and Nancy that’s with her) it is done guys! Where is Promise?

Nancy: she’s inside, lemme go call her **ran off**

Me: Thanks for not listening to what he said

Mirabel: That’s nonsense, why would he be after the girl that’s cheating on him? And besides, I trust Promise can’t do such thing **walking inside**

Me: **confused** wh… what?

Mirabel: What? **turning around**

Me: What do you mean by you trust Promise can’t do such a thing? What about me?

Mirabel: What about you?

Me: Are you kidding?

Mirabel: **laughs** I trust Promise 100% and I trust you over 100% darling… so if I say I trust Promise, you should know your where you stand, and please it’s enough, let’s not talk about what doesn’t make any sense

Me: **relaxed** Yeah… that’s my fiancée

Mirabel: You said Promise refused to listen when you told her to break-up with Fred, hope she hasn’t fallen in stupid love with him?

Me: Which love? She later came back to her senses and broke up with him the moment he came here, that’s why he’s been talking rubbish

Mirabel: Oh…

Me: What?

Mirabel: I thought I was the one that took care of him not knowing that she already broke up with him

Me: Hey sweetheart, you did something great here, you finalized everything because if not for what you just did, i’m sure he won’t stop coming for her.

Mirabel: Yea… I had to warn him to clear off so Promise won’t go through what we both went through in the hands of Marcus and Dorothy

Me: That’s right

Mirabel: Where are they na?

Me: Maybe we should go in there

Mirabel: Yea let’s go **walking inside**

Me: Sweetheart…

Mirabel: **turns around** Yea?

Me: You know we haven’t seen each other for a while

Mirabel: Yea, I know… (walking back to me) so sorry my love, I was just so focused on fixing Promise’ predicament

<She gave me a tight hug>

Mirabel: Missed you so much

Me: I missed you more

Nancy: **coughs** Promise is here o…

Mirabel: **breaking off from the hug** Promise…

She went to her and they hugged each other for some seconds…

Mirabel: How are you holding up?

Promise: I’m fine

Mirabel: Sure?

Promise: Sure **smiling**

Mirabel: Good then, I was so worried about you. Sorry for hooking you up with that pervert, now we’ll understand and respect your decisions

Promise: It’s okay… I understand you guys were worried about me and you all care for my happiness, of which I appreciate

Me: Boring…. **teasingly**

They all laughed

Me: Nancy, where the food na?

Nancy: I thought we’re discussing something important?

Me: Discussing what? Go bring food abeg

Nancy: Nawa o…

She went into the kitchen, Mirabel joined and they came with the food and we ate peacefully but Promise refused to eat, that she’ll eat the remnant beans later.

Me: Nancy, you should update Vincent

Nancy: I’ve already done that but not in details though, I’ll tell him everything when we meet tomorrow

Me: Of course, that’s what you do best

Later that night when we all bade ourselves goodnight and went to our bedrooms, Mirabel and I discussed on many things before she slept off while I was working in my website. It was around when a text message came from Promise and it read “Thanks for always been there for me, no one can beat the spot you have in my heart”

I smiled and replied her “I know that *winkz*”

I took it as a friendship thing and nothing else, and I’m sure that’s the same way she also took it as.

Then we started chatting like-play like-play through SMS where each message costs ₦4.00

Promise: Why can’t you just say thank you instead of that reply? It’s embarrassing na

Me: Embarrassing for what? Or don’t you also know your spot in my heart? *winkz*

Promise: Whatever!

**Minutes later**

Me: Why are you still up?

Promise: Can’t sleep, trying to watch tv but it’s not helping, what about you?

Me: Surfing the web… you’re in the living room?

Promise: Yea

Me: Ok I’m coming

Promise: What about Mirabel?

Me: Sleeping

Promise: Ok

I put on a shirt and went to the sitting room. I sat with her while we talked, teased each other and laughed out till she felt sleepy. We bade each other goodnight for the second time that night then I walked back to room. I opened the door and met Mirabel who seemed to be going out. She stopped when she saw me and then stretches her hand towards me handing my phone over to me.


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 52.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 50

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 50.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update

We turned around and saw Nancy standing in the middle of the entrance; I didn’t shut the door when I came in.

Me: Nancy, you’re back

Nancy: Yeah… I came to check on Promise and the door was opened so i… I’m here

Promise: Welcome

Nancy: Thanks! So… what’s going on?

Me: She has agreed to break-up with him

Nancy: Really? Whoa… great! Call him now and break the news to him

Me: Not on phone, she’ll have to meet and tell him face to face

Nancy: Huh?

Me: Yea

Nancy: Can she do it? Promise can you?

Promise: Victor I don’t think I can

Me: Of course you can, we’ll stay behind you

Promise: I can’t face him anymore

Me: He won’t leave you alone by just sending him a break-up text or call; you have to be bold to tell him to his face

Promise: I can’t

Me: You’re not going to face him all by yourself; we’ll be there for you. Just break the news to him with all sincerity and boldness and walk away from him, I’ll take over afterwards

Nancy: That could work

Promise: And if he keeps coming? I don’t want what happened to you and Mirabel by Dorothy and Marcus

Me: I don’t want that to happen either and that’s why we have to act now

Promise: Ok, we should do it tomorrow

Me: No problem

Nancy: What if he comes by today? I don’t think they’ve met today

Me: **Looked at the time** it’s 17 minutes to 6:00

Nancy: Not late for him, he even comes around 7 or 8pm

Me: Then we do it today if he comes around, Promise hope you can handle it?

Promise: Ok

Me: Good

Promise: What about you?

Me: What about me?

Promise: Will you sleep over or you’re going back?

Me: I’m sleeping over

Nancy: So… since she’s agreed to break-up with him, are we going ahead with the fasting and prayer?

Me: Yes so that everything will go well

Promise: Fasting and prayer?

Me: Well ermmm… the thing is, I thought you lost it because of how you reacted when I asked you to break-up with Fred, so we wanted God to intervened and bring you to your senses **teasingly**

Promise: You’re not serious

Me: You won’t understand, because I’ve never seen you like that before…

Promise: And whose fault was it?

Me: Mine

Promise: So you know? Good thing you admitted it

Me: So what’s for dinner?

Nancy: I think we still have some left over beans

Promise: Yea

Me: For who and who? Abeg make una go cook something else

Nancy: Yes sir

Promise: What do you mean by yes sir? We’re going to cook again because of him?

Nancy: Yes because I want to sleep peacefully tonight, let’s go if you want that too

Promise: Not me

Nancy: Ok o **walks away**

Me: You won’t follow her?

Promise: As your cook or gini? Better know those you boss around

Me: Really?

Promise: Yea

Me: Oya get up

Promise: No

Me: Get up

Promise: No

I rushed her and start tickling her playfully, she starts to giggle and laughing anyhow till I grabbed her up and took her out of the room heading to the kitchen while she was still laughing out loud. We stepped into the parlor and saw Fred stepping in as well. He paused immediately he saw us in that position and removed his glasses from his face.

Didn’t he come with a car? Why didn’t he horn so we’ll know about his arrival?? So he is so regular around here that the security/gateman will just open up for him???

Our laughing face immediately turned normal, and then I slowly dropped Promise on her feet. He let out a smile of which I know it’s a fake one. I’m sure he’ll try to beat her up for that.

Fred: I can see you guys are having fun

Me and Promise both didn’t say anything

Fred: Hey mahn **giving his hand for a handshake and I shook hands with him** Baby… go dress up lemme take you somewhere special

Promise: Fred we need to talk

Fred: Yea we can do that when we get there or on our way in the car

Promise: No, now please

Fred: You sound serious, hope no problem?

Promise: Let’s meet outside **walking outside**

He smiled at me while doing a cross sign before going out.

I sat on the couch to watch Tv but didn’t pay full attention to it. Nancy came to the parlor and said she heard Fred’s voice.

Me: They’re outside

Nancy: By their selves? What if he hurt her?

Me: I doubt it, he can’t do that

Nancy: But we have to be sure, lemme go and see what’s happening

Me: Nancy let it be, he can’t… (I got distracted when Promise stormed in and headed straight to her room)

I stood up then Fred also walked in following and calling her name. He came back to the parlor about two minutes after he knocked and knocked and called out Promise’ name but she didn’t open the door for him.

Fred: You got to help me mahn, Promise is breaking up with me

Me: **speechless**

Nancy silently walked to the kitchen.

Fred: Why’d she decided to break-up with me all of a sudden? Please help me talk to her

Me: Sorry I can’t do that

Fred: What? Why??

Me: I don’t want to meddle in her private life anymore, I’ll respect whatever decision she decides to take

Fred: But this is a terrible decision! Please talk her out of it

Me: You’re a man, talk to her and fix your relationship and leave me out of it. If she accepts you, fine, and if she refuses there’s nothing I can do about it

Fred: She doesn’t want to listen to me, she listens to you more than anyone mahn… please talk to her for me, I really love her

Me: No you don’t

Fred: Excuse me?

Me: You don’t love her

Fred: Of course I do!

Me: How can you be beating up the girl you claim to love? A gentle and responsible man will never do that to a lady no matter what she did to you

Fred: She told you that I beat her up?

Me: No she didn’t had to, the constant bruises on her says it all

Fred: It could be something else that happened to her, like an accident or…

Me: **Cuts-in** Spare me all that Fred, Promise has never had a single scratch on her body for the past four years that I’ve known her then she started having them constantly from when you both started your relationship

Fred: The truth is I didn’t mean to be hurting her, just that, that ugh, just some little misunderstanding that every couple have and i….. Ok look I promise never to hurt her again

Me: Go tell that to her not me, I will respect whatever decision she make

Fred: You and I know she’s not coming back to me if you don’t interfere, and you also know we would never have dated if not for you

Me: And that made her loses her trust and respect that she has for me because I got her involved with a guy that hurt and disrespects her

Fred: I’m sorry it’s all my fault, it won’t happen again trust me, just give me a second chance

Me: Sorry mahn, I’m not gonna do that mistake again. It’s her decision to make

Fred: You don’t want to help me because you’ve been sleeping with her!

Mirabel: What?

I turned and saw Mirabel at the doorpost.


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 51.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 49

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 49.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update

The following day in the afternoon, I got myself ready and zoomed off to the apartment with my mother’s car. I called Nancy and told her about my coming, she said she’ll be at Vincent’s place so I can speak with Promise.

I got there; Promise received me in to the house. I noticed how she was trying to hide her bruises from me. I don’t want to do as if I already know about it, so I just played along with her as we engaged in conversation.

Promise: You didn’t tell me you’re coming; I would’ve prepared something better

Me: What did you cook?

Promise: Beans and friend plantain

Me: You like beans too much, just give me plantain jare

Promise: Is it every day one will be eating rice? (Walking into the kitchen)

I waited till she came back with a plate of fried plantain; she pushed a side stool in front of me and dropped the plate on it. I saw some bruises on hand, but I didn’t say anything yet.

Promise: Should I bring water or juice for you?

Me: No yoghurt?

Promise: Nop

Me: Ok a glass of water will do

She went in and came out with a bottle of water and a glass cup and dropped it on the stool.

Promise: (About to go back to her seat)

Me: Pour the water for me na

Promise: Do that yourself na

Me: I asked for just a glass of water but you brought a bottle of it

Promise: That’s how it should be na

Me: Just pour it

The bruises on her became more visible when she was pouring the water…

Me: Promise? (Holding her left arm)

Promise: What?

Me: What happened to you?

Promise: **hissed** some hoodlums robbed and beat me up yesterday on my way back to the house

Me: Where?

Promise: On the street

Me: Which street?

Promise: Along that Masukwai crescent

Me: Hoodlums on Masukwai cresent?

Promise: Yea

Me: Promise are you lying to me?

Promise: Why should I lie to you?

Me: Because there have never been anything like that on that street, there are no hoodlums or criminals around here

Promise: Yea maybe those ones came from another area

Me: Ok Promise tell me the truth now, what really happened to you?

Promise: I just told you na

Me: I don’t believe that, tell me something else

Promise: There’s nothing else to tell, that’s what happened and I’m trying to forget about it

Me: Fred did this to you right?

Promise: What kind of question is that? Why will Fred beat me up?

What is wrong with girl??

Me: I did a background check on him and he isn’t what we think he is

Promise: Really?

Me: He is a bad guy, a very bad guy. He is on drugs and even owns a club where many ungodly acts takes place

Promise: What are you trying to say?

Me: Break up with him

Promise: I should break up with him now because you tell me to?

Me: Promise you have to, that guy is no-good

Promise: Look! I’m sick and tired of you telling me what to do ok? What do you take me for?

Me: **Shock** Promise?

Promise: What?!

Me: **Speechless**

Promise: Not even my Father has dictated on me like this, what’s your problem? Why telling me who to be with and who not to be with?

Me: Look I’m very sorry I got you involved with Fred, I really sorry I made a very huge and expensive mistake; please forgive me and break up with Fred

Promise: No I won’t break up with him and stop telling me what to do! (walking out on me)

Me: Promise? Promise?!

Promise: **Out of sight**

Oh my God! Not again!! What have I gotten this girl into? No no no no no no… another girl’s life must not be ruined because of my mistake. Oh God forgive me, it wasn’t intentional.

(I dialed Nancy’s number)

Nancy: Hello bro

Me: Nancy the situation is now worse

Nancy: What happened?

Me: Promise is not listening to me, she’s so mad at me

Nancy: What do we do now?

Me: Is Vincent there with you?

Nancy: He is in the kitchen

Me: Please go give the phone to him

Nancy: Ok hold on for a sec

Vincent: Hello

Me: Vincent

Vincent: Yea?

Me: Promise is in bondage, she needs all the prayers she can get please I beg you

Vincent: Nancy just told me about what Fred is doing to her, that’s not good

Me: It’s getting out of hand; she’s not listening to me, the solution I seek for now is prayers

Vincent: Ok bro, we shall go on three days fasting and prayers for her

Me: That’d be great

Vincent: Don’t stress yourself, the devil will surely bow in defeat again

Me: A big Amen to that

Vincent: Later bro, lemme check what I have on fire

Me: Ok ok

**Hangs up**

I did a conference call with Mirabel and Cynthia to let them what’s going on. They were also disturbed about it. They suggested we confront Fred but I impeded them from doing that, at least not yet. Once Promise agrees to break up with him, he won’t be a problem.

After the call, I slowly walked towards her room and entered without knocking; I saw her sobbing on the bed. I got on the bed next to her and tried to raise her up

Promise: Leave me alone (crying)

Me: Please Promise… I don’t want to lose you because of this foolish mistake I made I’m begging you

Promise: Why? (Seating up) tell me why? Do you know what I’ve been going through because of the love that I have for you? Do you have any idea on what I’ve been going through inside of me? As if not loving me back was not enough, you went ahead and hook me up with a beast! A tyrant!

Me: I’m really sorry; I never wanted all that to happen

Promise: What can your sorry do? Will it ease the pain that I’m going through? I accepted Fred in order to stop my love for you, thinking I will get to love him and forget about you, but what happened? I’m still at the losing end… Fred beat me like i deserve nothing but pain. He is jealous of our closeness that he deleted all the pictures of us from my phone. He first beat me up because of the position he met us with on the day of our second to the last exam. I never fell from any bike, he was the one that hurt me because of our closeness we’ve been having long before he came into the picture

Me: Promise you should’ve spoken out

Promise: How could I when the guy I love gave me to the beast himself?

Me: Promise you know it can’t work between us please I beg you, kill that love I beg of you. Mirabel and I are getting married soon; please don’t do this to yourself.

Promise: I have tried and tried, but I can’t help it

Me: Break up with Fred and the right person for you will eventually come

Promise: Do you love me?

Me: Promise…

Promise: Just answer me

Me: Please na

Promise: I know you do, you had the intention of asking me out back when we were in 100L but you couldn’t talk to me because I didn’t give you a “go ahead” signal

Me: I love Mirabel

Promise: You loved me first

Me: That can’t change anything now; you know I’m getting married to Mirabel soon please don’t make things difficult for me and yourself

Promise: It’s okay… I know I can’t do anything about that and I wish you both well

Me: Thanks, I really appreciate your understanding

Promise: Just facing the reality

Me: But you have to break up with Fred

Promise: It won’t be that easy

Me: Leave that for me to handle, I got you into this mess and I’m getting you out from it

Promise: **Tears dripping down from her eyes**

I wipe the tears off her cheeks with my bare hand and we both hug each other for many seconds… we broke off when we heard someone coughed out.


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The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 48

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 48.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update

We concluded our exams and it was a good one. We gathered outside talking, taking photos and other things; we were just so happy. The department organized a party but we won’t be attending it; Fred arranged a small indoor party for us, that is; Me, Promise, Mirabel, and Cynthia. And also Nancy and Vincent will also come.

He took us to his house later that night; he has a beautiful house with fleet of cars. He entertained us very well and it was really fun as we were all in twos except for Cynthia, she broke up with her boyfriend. We appreciated him and left there after hours of fun and playfulness.


[Phone rings – Caller: Frank]

Me: Hello Frank

Frank: Hello, Marcus is currently in custody now

Me: Huh? How was he found?

Frank: Based on the report we got, he was found travelling in a night bus to his hometown when the Army stopped and searched the bus at their check-point and arrested him when they found him.

Me: What will happen to him now?

Frank: Back to prison of course

Me: Uhmmm… ok

Frank: Aren’t you supposed to be happy? I don’t understand your tone

Me: There’s something you didn’t know

Frank: What is it?

Me: He reached me and apologized for everything he has done

Frank: What? And you listened to him?

Me: He sounded sincere

Frank: Are you kidding? Have you forgotten all he did?

Me: I didn’t forget anything ok?

Frank: Then what are you saying?

Me: I have forgiven him

Frank: Well… that can’t change what’s going to happen to him now

Me: I know, I told him to be careful

Frank: Wait… are you saying that you knew he was leaving town?

Me: No, got to go, update me if anything comes up

Frank: Alright

Me: **Hangs up**

Well… it’s no longer my fault that he got caught; I tried for him after all he did to me. It’s clear that he can’t run from justice here on earth, even Dorothy faced justice even though I forgave her.


Promise remained in Abuja after the exams and enrolled into a computer institute for the knowledge and certificate; she can’t stay in Mirabel’s lodge anymore as Mirabel won’t be staying there anymore so I told her to stay in my apartment with Nancy because I won’t be stable as I’ll be preparing for my marriage with Mirabel, the elections and my passport and visa to the United states.

I took Mirabel to my hometown and presented her to my close relatives as the girl I’m getting married to and she also did the same by taking me to her hometown yorubaland where I met with her Grand-mother from her Father’s side and her Grand-parents from her mother’s side and all the visits were favoured by God as they all went so well.

Mirabel has already left the lodge, now with her Parents in Aso rock and Cynthia also with her family. Marcus’ sentence was extended and he is to spend 42 years in prison with hard labour for his uncompleted sentence, breaking out of prison, kidnapping the president’s daughter with two other ladies (that is, Nancy and Jummy) and being Dorothy’s partner in crime etc.

As for me, I got back to our family’s duplex to stay and became very busy doing many things plus working on my website where money kept flowing. The house is always empty, Dad always out for business and Momma working with the first-lady and all. I’m a man now; I can go out to anywhere I want. I even travelled with Mirabel to Jos to visit Joy – my older sister and she was very happy that we visited. We spent two days there before returning back to Abuja. My communication with Ike didn’t slack not a bit; he is going to be my best man. I sent him my measurement as he requested to get the wedding suits made.

I was in the house one evening resting and sipping hollandia yoghurt after working all day on the website when Nancy called me to inform me about something terrible.

Nancy: It’s Promise

Me: What about her?

Nancy: She just came to the house with bruises on her face and some part of her body

Me: What happened to her?

Nancy: She said she was robbed on her way back but I don’t think that’s what actually happened

Me: Why do you think she’ll lie?

Nancy: She said she was robbed but nothing seemed to be missing from her possession, her phone and bag with her laptop were intact

Me: Promise can’t tell lies

Nancy: Believe me senior bro, I think Fred is beating her up

Me: What?!

Nancy: That’s what I’m thinking

Me: Promise is the nicest girl I have ever known, why would Fred beat her up? No, that can’t happen

Nancy: I’m the one here with her so you have to believe me; I’ve witnessed how he drags her along with him if Promise refuses to go out with him, he treats her as if he owned her completely like she’s he’s slave. He dictates on her

Me: **Boiling with anger** Fred doing that to Promise?! Is he stupid?

Nancy: I dunno oh… please you have to do something before this goes too far

Me: But why will Promise hide this from me?

Nancy: I dunno… she must be the type that doesn’t speak out even when dying slowly

Me: This can’t be… that girl deserves the best in life not this

Nancy: It was you guys that got her into this, you persisted her to accept that monster

Me: We were only trying to do her a favour, so she’ll also have a man in her life and I thought Fred was a good guy

Nancy: As it is right now, you didn’t do her any favour but brought pain to her

Me: Oh God! Are you serious about all this?

Nancy: She’s not enjoying the relationship bro, she’s not at all. Fred even has a night club

Me: A night club?

Nancy: Yeah…. one “Jollity Nite Club”

Me: He took me there once before but never mentioned it belongs to him

Nancy: He own and runs it, he is not a good guy. I think he do drugs as well

Me: That ba$tard! I shall be there tomorrow to speak with Promise

Nancy: Please do

Me: What about you and Vincent?

Nancy: We’re good and happy together

Me: Ok good,,, see you tomorrow

Nancy: Ok bye

Me: Bye **hangs up**

Oh no! What have we got Promise into? It’s all my fault. So he even runs a nite club, no wonder he said the club is never closed for him the time he took me there. I need to speak with Promise one on one before I will think of what to do.

~ But why has she been quiet?

~ Why didn’t she tell me what’s going on?

~ Why did she have to start telling lies?


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 49.

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 47

The President's Daughter Season 2 Episode 47.

Written by:- Vict-Vame

Powered by:- Coolval Africa Stories.

Brought to you by:- Stories Update

Marcus never stopped sending me “Please Call Me” messages during those nine days and I kept on ignoring him until he called me himself and I picked up.

Me: Hello

Marcus: Hello man you said you were gonna’ help me; I’m totally broke mahn… please!

Me: Why did you ask me to meet up with you?

Marcus: Because that’s the only way for me to get the money, I can’t go to your house

Me: Nothing has ever gone well whenever I meet with you

Marcus: But that’s the only way

Me: Don’t you have a bank account?

Marcus: Screw that mahn; my Dad got it frozen

Me: Sorry I can’t meet you

Marcus: You still don’t believe me, do you? I can’t do nothing to you mahn. I already bow

Me: I’ll think about something and get back to you

Marcus: Oh mehn…

Me: Alright come to my apartment tonight

Marcus: Really?

Me: Wait I’m not done talking. You’re not coming in; just outside the gate where I’ll leave the money in a corner for you to pick up and go. And you must be very careful; I dunno what will happen to you if you’re spotted

Marcus: Why? What’s wrong?

Me: Just follow what I say and you won’t get into trouble

Marcus: Ok no problem… time?

Me: From

Marcus: Alright mahn… I trust you

Me: Wish I could say the same to you

Marcus: No I understand, trust is earned… I get it

Me: Alright **hangs up**

I don’t even know how much I’m going to give him, and I can’t tell Mirabel about it. I thought about it then decided to give him ₦250,000. I can’t believe I’m going to do this, giving money to Marcus? So awkward!

I dashed to the bank later in the evening and made some withdrawals; I kept it somewhere in a corner outside my gate when it got dark, then I texted him how to find it.

The following morning, I went out to check the money, but it wasn’t there; He must have taken it. I tried to call him to confirm if he took it but his number didn’t go through after several trials. He took it without thanking me? Well… I just hope he has left for good.

Two more exam papers remaining for us to write. We kept on reading and working to get good grades. That Fred of a guy kept showering Promise with love and gifts. To us, he is madly in love with her and we think he is a good guy suitable for Promise.

After finishing the second to the last paper on Monday, I hanged out one on one with Promise to discuss about her relationship with Fred.

Me: So… how is your relationship going with Fred?

Promise: Fine, he is loving, caring and always want to be seeing me

Me: Hhmmm… I can see you’ve found what you want in a man

Promise: Well… I’m beginning to like him

Me: And love?

Promise: Not sure about that yet

Me: He loves you dearly, you should love him too. He is making good use of the chance you gave him

Promise: (Staring at me somehow) why are you doing this?

Me: I want you to be happy and feel loved

Promise: Is that how love should be?

Me: What are you saying again? This guy is ready to love you

Promise: Agreed but what about me?

Me: Love him too

Promise: (Small tears in her eyes) Okay… I’ll try, besides I’m not getting younger, I should move on

Me: Yea! That’s the spirit!! (Holding her)

Fred: Hey guys

Me: (I took my hand off Promise) Hey…

Fred: Mind if I have her? Been looking for her, I miss her so much **smiling**

Me: Sure! She’s all yours (I saw Promise blushing)

Fred: Let’s go **holding Promise**

We met the others then zoomed out from School anticipating for our final paper in two days’ time. After we parted our ways that day, we didn’t see each other till the final exam day; I didn’t go to the lodge because I want to study and work on the website and Mirabel on the other hand didn’t come to my apartment so she’ll prepare very well for the final paper. I tried Marcus’ line but it didn’t go through, so I stop trying.

The day came; I went to school feeling well-prepared to pieces the exam and to see my lovely fiancée who I miss so much. I was in School before them; when they came, I noticed some bruises on Promise and I asked her immediately I saw it but after I have already spoken with Mirabel.

Me: (Close to her) what happened to you?

Promise: I fell from a bike

Me: Which bike?

Promise: Okada na

Me: When and how?

Promise: On Monday, later in the evening when I was returning back to the lodge

Me: Where did you even go to?

Promise: From Fred, I didn’t go straight to the lodge after we parted ways; he took me out for lunch

Me: Why didn’t he drop you after picking you up from school?

Promise: He couldn’t, he said something came up that he had to attend to

Me: Hhmmm… you have to be careful next time

Promise: Of course

I feel something wasn’t right, I couldn’t doubt her because I know she doesn’t tell lies; why would she even lie? I shunned my thoughts on that.

We all went to where we normally study together, did some revision before the commencement of the exam. During the exam, a guy almost got me into trouble. He was copying my work and I couldn’t hide it from him. A lady invigilator took me from my seat to another one, maybe she suspected something. And the guy foolishly followed me to where she took me to and sat behind me to continue copying my work. I didn’t know if I should laugh or get mad at him for the foolish act. The worst thing, she tried to stop him but he refused and insisted on coming to where I was seated. She had to take me to another seat at the back where there was no space for him to come and seat. I saw how the guy kept looking back in a pitiful way; I couldn’t help but laughed out a little, even the invigilator couldn’t help but also let out a smile. Good thing the wicked supervisors weren’t around that time.


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Stay tune for Season 2 Episode 48.