STORIES UPDATE: Love and Revenge Season 1 STORIES UPDATE: Love and Revenge Season 1

Showing posts with label Love and Revenge Season 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love and Revenge Season 1. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Love and revenge season 1 episode 22

Episode 22

Sandra didnt know whether to scream or jump ‘that means i have my job back?’

‘of course’ Lex said.

‘and her dad’s birthday which was postponed due to the condition of his two daughter would still take place right?’

‘i dont think so, Anita is still taking treatments. I overheard some doctors saying they were going to fly her abroad. So do you think Tommy Anderson is going to be celebrating when his daughter is still battling with her life?’

‘you dont know Tommy Anderson, even two days after his wife’s death, he started chasing girls and attending meetings. He only cried for one day. A week to the burial, he flew out to China for a business conference and then returned on the day of the burial, almost when they were laying his wife’s corpse to the ground. Trust me Lex, since one of his daughters is okay now, that party is going to hold. You know it would have been wierd if both of is daughters are absent. And i’m sure the media doesnt know about it because yesterday i recieved a call from the director of the new movie Ciara was shooting, he doesnt even know that she was stabbed and in the hospital. He asked why she had been absent for days and i said she flew abroad for a shopping spree, he was so angry and he terminated the contract with Ciara. And then he asked for compensation for all the money he lost’ Sandra explained.

‘is that how they do it?’ Lex asked.

‘of course, by the way you are new in the industry, oga novice!’

Lex smiled.

Then she jumped on him in excitement ‘i’m so happy Lex, i’m free! I’ve been battling with my conscience for a while now mehn’ She said resting her head on his chest.

Lex smiled and stroked her hair.

‘Lex,’ she called solemnly ‘i’m sorry for what happened earlier, i was carried away by emotions, hope you forgive me?’

Lex laughed mildly ‘dont worry about it, i’m the one to blame, i should have stopped you’

‘will Ann be able to forgive me? Us?’

‘with time she’ll move on and forget about it. Ann loves me, she cant stand being mad at me for too long’ Lex said.

‘do you love her?’


‘do you love her Lex?’

‘thats a personal……’

Sandra raised her head and pressed her lips on his ‘just tell me if you love her Lex’

Lex looked away.

SANDRA: You dont love her Lex right?

LEX: I dont know what you’re talking about, i love Ann.

Sandra smiled wryly ‘i’m not so sure. Lex, i want you to do something for me’

Lex looked at her ‘what?’

‘make love to me’

LEX: What???

Sandra smiled and seductively pulled off her shorts and blouse, then her bra and panties till she was stark naked in front of him ‘apart from when Tommy Anderson raped me, i’ve never had sex before, but i do get ho.rny once in a while. Make me a woman Lex, please’

Lex looked away ‘this isnt right Sandra. What about Ann?’

‘i promise its going to be a one time thing, it wont happen again and no one’s gonna know about it’

LEX: I cant do it Sandra, i’m sorry, please put on your dress.

SANDRA: Like seriously you wont so it?

LEX: Yes.

‘fine!’ Sandra snapped and went to the door connecting the sitting room to the hallway, locked it and took the key. Went to the entrance door, locked it and took the key, then walked back to the sofa directly opposite Lex and sat with her legs widely spread, then she inserted a finger into her feminity and let out a loud moan.

Lex looked at her and tried looking away.

Then she withdrew the finger and licked it thoroughly, then dipped it again, this time two fingers. She moaned loudly as she fondled her already hard n-----s.

Lex stood up and walked to the door even thought he knew it was locked. But Sandra drew him bach quickly undressing him while he made no form of resistance whatsoever.

She stook his semi hard rod into her mouth sucking it for all it was worth. It paid watching pornography after all.

Lex moaned.

Already hard and ho.rny, he pushed her away and turned her over till she was on all fours, then he roughly entered her and she groaned in pain.

He didnt care.

He banged her for all she was worth and she kept crying and moaning in pleasure pain.

It was a bittersweet experience for her.

The first time she was willingly making love to a man.


Monday, August 06, 2018

Love and revenge season 1 episode 23

Episode 23.
Ann was discharged the next day.
She was a shadow of herself. She had come with a cab and had met Sandra lying down on a couch with her head on Lex’s laps.
Ann didnt utter a word instead she went inside. She thought about leaving the house but that would be an act of cowardice besides she was carrying his baby. She knew it was his, because she never failed to double a condom whenever she was sleeping with guys who werent Lex. But she loved the skin to skin feeling she felt whenever Lex was inside her.
The problem she had was that she loved Lex too much.
A knock sounded on the door, then it opened and Lex entered with a smile on his handsome face. Her throat went dry just looking at him, she felt wet in desire again, then she realised she missed him in just 24hrs.
This wasnt good. Loving him this much no matter what he did wasnt right. For goodness sakes she caught him kissing and caressing another lady. And who knows whether he bleeped or had bleeped her earlier.
She removed her gaze from him and hissed, then she sat on the bed and took off her sandals.
He regarded her for a while, then he moved closer and rubbed her bare shoulders. She didnt know how he did it but she felt her n-----s hardening at his touch.
She gathered all the strength she could muster and stood up then landed a hot slap on his left cheek ‘get out of my room you jerk!’
Lex was mad. No woman, apart from his mother had ever slapped him before. He felt anger grow in him but he pushed it aside. He had angered Ann.
He had betrayed her, betrayed her love. Cheated on her with another. He deserved it.
The he went on his knees and placed his palms together ‘my love’
Ann felt tears welling up in her eyes and she looked away. This wasnt the time to be emotional, this was the time to act, to take whats rightfully hers.
LEX: I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I didnt mean to hurt you baby, you know that i love you.
ANN: Thats a capital lie mister man! You are a beast, you dont have a conscience, you have a stone in there instead of a heart. I hate you. I hate you with everything i’ve got.
He went on his feet and moved closer to her ‘you know thats a lie baby’
He tried touching her but she pushed his hand away. He moved closer and placed his lips on hers. As much as she tried resisting, she found herself responding to his kiss. Then Sandra came in.
Peter couldnt take his mind off the damsel he had laid in his office two weeks ago. He felt attached to her for reasons himself didnt know.
The way she had barged into his office, seduced him, succeeded and walked out marvelled him really.
And because of that he had felt attracted to him.
He had wanted to follow her that day but his mother had come in so he couldnt go after her. He sighed and relaxed on his sofa, brought out his cell phone and played candy crush with it.
The the door bell rang.
He groaned and staggered to the door. He was shocked at who he saw.
Holy christ! When was she discharged?
PETER: Ci….ar…ara, is this you?
She pushed past him and entered the house with her beautiful shacommended eyeglass sitting on the bridge of her hair, her dark long hair packed beautifully in doughnut style, her red short dress just below her bum exposed her white laps and desire licked through him.
He closed the door and faced her with his hands akimbo ‘i heard you were stabbed’
‘yeah. And i survived’ Ciara replied carelessly, opened her purse, brought out her red lipstick and applied it on her lips.
‘i thank God for that’ Peter replied.
‘i’m grateful for that. Now Peter, i am here to understand somethings, what’s going on between us. I asked and i was told you never bothered to visit me all through my stay in the hospital’ Ciara said.
‘i wasnt chanced’
‘i understand. Afterall you are the son of a business tycoon so you couldnt make out time to see your fiancee, idiot’
‘dont insult me Ciara, you just left the hospital but i wont hesitate to send you back there with immediate effect.
Just then the door was forcefully pushed open and masked men went in corking their guns.
Ciara and Peter were shot.

Love and revenge season 1 episode 22

Episode 22.
Sandra didnt know whether to scream or jump ‘that means i have my job back?’
‘of course’ Lex said.
‘and her dad’s birthday which was postponed due to the condition of his two daughter would still take place right?’
‘i dont think so, Anita is still taking treatments. I overheard some doctors saying they were going to fly her abroad. So do you think Tommy Anderson is going to be celebrating when his daughter is still battling with her life?’
‘you dont know Tommy Anderson, even two days after his wife’s death, he started chasing girls and attending meetings. He only cried for one day. A week to the burial, he flew out to China for a business conference and then returned on the day of the burial, almost when they were laying his wife’s corpse to the ground. Trust me Lex, since one of his daughters is okay now, that party is going to hold. You know it would have been wierd if both of is daughters are absent. And i’m sure the media doesnt know about it because yesterday i recieved a call from the director of the new movie Ciara was shooting, he doesnt even know that she was stabbed and in the hospital. He asked why she had been absent for days and i said she flew abroad for a shopping spree, he was so angry and he terminated the contract with Ciara. And then he asked for compensation for all the money he lost’ Sandra explained.
‘is that how they do it?’ Lex asked.
‘of course, by the way you are new in the industry, oga novice!’
Lex smiled.
Then she jumped on him in excitement ‘i’m so happy Lex, i’m free! I’ve been battling with my conscience for a while now mehn’ She said resting her head on his chest.
Lex smiled and stroked her hair.
‘Lex,’ she called solemnly ‘i’m sorry for what happened earlier, i was carried away by emotions, hope you forgive me?’
Lex laughed mildly ‘dont worry about it, i’m the one to blame, i should have stopped you’
‘will Ann be able to forgive me? Us?’
‘with time she’ll move on and forget about it. Ann loves me, she cant stand being mad at me for too long’ Lex said.
‘do you love her?’
‘do you love her Lex?’
‘thats a personal……’
Sandra raised her head and pressed her lips on his ‘just tell me if you love her Lex’
Lex looked away.
SANDRA: You dont love her Lex right?
LEX: I dont know what you’re talking about, i love Ann.
Sandra smiled wryly ‘i’m not so sure. Lex, i want you to do something for me’
Lex looked at her ‘what?’
‘make love to me’
LEX: What???
Sandra smiled and seductively pulled off her shorts and blouse, then her bra and panties till she was stark naked in front of him ‘apart from when Tommy Anderson raped me, i’ve never had sex before, but i do get ho.rny once in a while. Make me a woman Lex, please’
Lex looked away ‘this isnt right Sandra. What about Ann?’
‘i promise its going to be a one time thing, it wont happen again and no one’s gonna know about it’
LEX: I cant do it Sandra, i’m sorry, please put on your dress.
SANDRA: Like seriously you wont so it?
LEX: Yes.
‘fine!’ Sandra snapped and went to the door connecting the sitting room to the hallway, locked it and took the key. Went to the entrance door, locked it and took the key, then walked back to the sofa directly opposite Lex and sat with her legs widely spread, then she inserted a finger into her feminity and let out a loud moan.
Lex looked at her and tried looking away.
Then she withdrew the finger and licked it thoroughly, then dipped it again, this time two fingers. She moaned loudly as she fondled her already hard n-----s.
Lex stood up and walked to the door even thought he knew it was locked. But Sandra drew him bach quickly undressing him while he made no form of resistance whatsoever.
She stook his semi hard rod into her mouth sucking it for all it was worth. It paid watching pornography after all.
Lex moaned.
Already hard and ho.rny, he pushed her away and turned her over till she was on all fours, then he roughly entered her and she groaned in pain.
He didnt care.
He banged her for all she was worth and she kept crying and moaning in pleasure pain.
It was a bittersweet experience for her.
The first time she was willingly making love to a man.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 21

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 21

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Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Lex frowned on seeing Tommy Anderson, same Tommy Anderson who murdered his family. He hadnt changed one bit, still the fair muscular man he was 20yrs ago when he murdered his family.

He didnt know why he felt like he saw something close to recognition in his eyes. He decided to just smile.

He stood up with a broad smile plastered on his face ‘good day sir’

The old man’s lips tightened in a smile ‘well done, young man, you are?’

‘i’m Ciara’s new manager’

‘i mean your name’

‘uhm, i’m…….’

‘dad!’ Ciara called in excitement as she dropped his phone ‘dad, come over and give me a hug’

Tommy Anderson smiled and went over to his daughter ‘my love, you scared me. I thought you were never going to wake up, dont try that next time please’

Ciara smiled ‘daddy, have you any idea who stabbed me?’

Tommy Anderson looked at Lex, then to his daughter ‘i should be asking you that question’

‘well, they said i have a temporary amnesia, so i might now be able to remember what happened that very day’

‘temporary amnesia? How come?’ Tommy Anderson asked his face tightening in anger.

‘excuse me’ Lex said and left the room.

Tommy Anderson looked at his daughter ‘who’s that young man thatleft here just now?’

‘oh! He’s my manager’

‘whats his name?’

Ciara smiled ‘i wont tell you!’ she stuck out her tongue in a playful manner.

‘be serious my friend!’

‘what do you want his name for? Hope you are not planning to sack him because i know what you can do daddy’ she playfully pinched his cheek ‘what of Anita?’

Tommy Anderson closed his eyes ‘your sister?’

Ciara laughed ‘who else is Anita for crying out loud? Of course my sister’

‘your sister was involved in a ghastly motor accident last week’

Ann opened her eyes slowly as her mind registered the environment she was in.

The first thing she saw were the blue curtains, the drip stand and Lex.


She struggled to get up upon seeing him but he held her down with what looked like tears in his eyes. Her sight was blurry probably due to the fact that she just woke up.

Then she screamed ‘leaaavvvvve mmmmmmeee allllllllooooonnnnnneee!’

‘shhhh’ Lex said placing his index finger on his lips.

Her noise however attracted some nurses in the next ward.

‘nurse, please send this animal away! I dont want to ever set my eyes on him ever again, he’s a traitor!’ she cried.

The nurse turned to Lex ‘sorry mister but who are you to the patient?’

‘i’m her fiance’ Lex replied with a shaky voice as more tears poured down his eyes shamelessly.

‘its a lie!’ Ann fired.

The nurse sighed ‘i’m sorry sir but you just have to leave, the patient is obviously stressed up and we cant afford to stress her the more’


‘no buts sir, we are really sorry but if you dont leave here right now, we might be forced to call the hospital security for you’ the nurse warned sternly but with a little smile still plastered on her face.

Lex nodded, looked at Ann and walked out of the ward.

The door bell rang.

Sandra dragged herself from the cushion and to the door and opened it. She saw a teary looking Lex.

His face was red.

And his eyes tired and worn out. He entered without paying her attention and she concluded that he was still angry about what happened earlier.

LEX: Sandra please help me with a glass of water, i beg you.

Sandra nodded, disappeared through the hallway and returned with a chilled glass of water.

Lex took it from her ‘do you know that Ciara’s woken up?’ he took down the water in one gulp as he studied her expression.
Her expression was unreadable but he was sure he saw fear in her eyes ‘but i have good news’

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See yah.

Stay tune for Episode 22.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 20

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 20.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Ann froze.

Lex quickly pushed Sandra away while cleaning his lips with his palm.

Sandra smiled inwardly and slowly put on her dress. Then she stood up, blew Ann a kiss then pecked Lex on the cheek, then catwalked out of the sitting room.

Tears ran down Ann’s eyes, words could not explain the hurt she felt at seeing her beloved Lex kissing another lady. She felt stabbed in the heart.

All of a sudden the world started spinning around her. She placed her left palm on her forehead and held the chair for balance.

Lex noticed the way she moved back and forth as if she was going to faint and stood up, held her by the waist.

She was too tired to push him away. But she managed to remove his hands from around her waist but he held her again, this time she succumbed and fainted.

Sandra shut the door behind her, then sat on the bed. She wasnt happy doing this.

Hurting her fellow woman was something she never felt she’d do in the nearest future. And above all fighting for a man was what she never thought she’d do. But she loved Lex, she loved him like she had never loved another man and there was nothing she could do about it. She couldnt fight it neither could she deny it.

Her phone rang.

Lex paced up and down around the hospital as sweat formed around his brows.

He looked at room 311, that was Ciara’s room. Room 310 was Ann’s. Then he decided to check up on Ciara.

He walked to the door and turned it open. A nurse was there. And…..

He was shocked.

Ciara’s beautiful eyes scanned him, then she smiled.

How come?

When did she wake up? It wasnt possible.

He forced a smile and his heart pounded loudly against his chest.

He rushed to her ‘Ciara, you are awake!’

She smiled ‘Lex, whats up?’

‘i’m cool. How come, i mean what happened to you Ciara, who stabbed you?’

Ciara frowned and held her head ‘was i stabbed?’

Lex drew back in shock ‘what the heck are you saying?’

‘what happened to me? Why am i here?’

Lex looked up at the nurse in confusion, then the nurse smiled at him.

‘well,’ the nurse said ‘it seems like when she was stabbed and fell down, she hit her head against a very hard substance. Maybe the floor was really hard. She has temporary amnesia but with the drugs and drip we placed her on, she’s due to remember soonest, maybe in a week or two or lets just say less than a month’

Lex’s heart pounded louder against his chest as what seemed like joy formed in his heart, nice!

‘excuse me’ the nurse said and left the room.

Ciara smiled wider ‘where’s Sandra? Please call her for me, and my sister? How long have i been in the hospital?’

Lex smiled.

He looked away. He had problems of his own, real problems. How was he going to pacify Ann? What had come over him?

CIARA: Where’s my silly boyfriend? I remember we had a little quarel, please give me your phone, let me call the idiot.

Her smile was charming. Such a pretty damsel she really was. She was obviously the most pretty woman he had ever seen. Followed by Sandra.
Then Ann.
Then Anita. These four were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

He smiled and gave her the phone.

Tommy Anderson’s hands shook as he entered the hospital. He had just recieved news that his beloved daughter had woken up, finally!

Ciara was alive. But what of Anita? It was true that Ciara was his favourite daughter but Anita was also his beloved daughter.

The two completed his life and he really wished they would survive.

He got to the reception, requested to see Ciara Anderson and signed as her dad. Then he went in.

He saw his daughter looking lively and talking on the phone.

Then he saw another guy by her side.

He froze that instant.

The guy was oddly familiar.

No, he looked like Ajayi. The man he had murdered several years ago and burnt down his house and family.

The guy looked so much like Ajayi, then it dawned on his.

This was Lex! Ajayi’s first son.


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See yah.

Stay tune for Episode 21.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 19.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 19.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Ann pushed the door open and entered inside the room fuming. Lex looked up from his laptop, looked at her and smiled.

LEX: Honey, come…..

ANN: Dont honey me Lex! You are so partial! Why are you doing this to me, do you even love me at all?

LEX: I dont understand you.

ANN: How were you planning to understand me? Lex, do you think that i’m that wicked. So you actually believed everything that idiotic animal said to you in the afternoon, Lex you believed you, you didnt even give me a chance to explain.

Lex dropped his laptop and stood up ‘look darling, i understand. I heard pregnant women become extremely harsh when……’

ANN: So you actually believe that i’m now harsh right? I’m just six wks pregnant, six wks!

LEX: Then if that is the reason why didnt you allow her help you with the chores? Sandra is a nice girl, if she offers to help you with something, please accept, she would not do anything to hurt you, she’s not a bad person. Forget about the fact that she attempted to kill Ciara and her sister, she did that all for revenge. Their father started the game first so….

ANN: Just listen to yourself, listen! Do you even care to know what happened today or what has been happening ever since?

LEX: I care to know and thats why i’m begging you, please calm down. I know you, you arent naturally wicked but you can go to the extreme when you hate someone and i dont know if you hate Sandra or not.

ANN: Shut up! I am not a wicked person, and i swear to God, everything Sandra said wasnt true. Sandra is heartless and wicked, you know what you did and said to me today? You dont want to know and how am i sure you dont sneak into her room at nights and f**k her huh? How am i sure?

LEX: Enough of all this stupid talks Ann, infact get the hell out of my room right now!

ANN: Hell no! You know what? I’m sleeping in your room tonight and infact, this is my new room. Let me see how you can be able to sneak out and f**k her every time.

LEX: You are crazy! If i should come back and meet you here, you will see the crazy side of me, nonsense!

He opened the door and went out in annoyance.

He saw Sandra standing by the door sobbing, obviously she heard everything. He felt really bad for her, she was such a nice pretty girl and she didnt do anything to deserve this ill treatment from Ann or so he thought.

SANDRA: Lex, what did i do to deserve this, what? I just offered to help her, nothing more. I know pregnant women tend to get tired most times and i only wanted to help, i never knew she was going to see it another way. I have no evil intentions for she and her baby, why should i when i intend to be a mother some day?

Lex was moved with sympathy and drew her close ‘i’m so sorry dearie, please understand Ann, you know she’s usually not like that, its just the pregnancy’

SANDRA: I understand but if she doesnt want me, i could go. I could forego this whole d--n revenge and leave this country and let God take control. Afterall Ciara knows i’m the one who stabbed her and if she wakes up, she would be able to say the person who stabbed her, i might end up in jail and all my efforts will go to waste.

Bingo! Why hadnt she thought of this before? She thought. It had escaped her, if Ciara wakes up, what becomes of her, oh christ!

Lex scratched his forehead in confusion. Ciara was going to wake up, no doubt. Then what of Sandra? She was going down if Ciara wakes up and confesses to the police who stabbed her.

LEX: Uhm, lets leave Ann’s issue for now, we could settle that later but now that you’ve talked about it, what are we going to do if Ciara wakes up?

Sandra sniffed and wiped her fake tears with her palm ‘lets talk in the sitting room’

With his hands around her shoulder, they walked to the sitting room.

LEX: The only thing i can think of is you going into hiding. You will have to leave the country Sandra, Naija aint safe for you right now.

SANDRA: What about me revenge?

LEX: i’ll take care of it. I’ll kill Tommy Anderson for you.

Sandra shook her head and placed her head on his chest ‘i want to kill him myself, the same way he murdered my parents’

‘its going to be tough. Ciara could put you in trouble’

Sandra raised up her head and smiled ‘Lex, i’ve always wanted to do something’


She held his face and placed her lips on his.

Lex stilled for seconds not able to recover from the shock. When he finally did, she was chewing his lower lip like a candy.

He moaned in her mouth, held her waist and drew her to him. The kiss was consuming. She was a good kisser and it deeply aroused him.

Not minding who was inside and who was not, he grabbed her shirt and tore it into two, dipped his hands in her bra and massaged her while she moaned in his mouth.

Just then, Ann came inside.


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See yah.

Stay tune for Episode 20.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 18.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 18.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Lex frowned ‘whats the meaning of that? What do you mean by you are pregnant?’

‘i just found out about it Lex, i’m 6wks pregnant’ Ann said excitedly.

Lex looked at her and to Sandra in confusion. Sandra on her part couldnt control the anger and jealousy in her heart.

How dare Ann? How dare she get pregnant for the man she had learnt to love living with him in a just a few days.

LEX: I…..really?

ANN: yes, Lex, arent you happy about it?

SANDRA: whats there to be happy about?
She didnt even know when she blurted it out but it was out before she could stop herself.

Ann looked at her ‘why did you say that?’

Then she laughed loudly and hugged Ann ‘i’m so happy for you Ann, so when are you and Lex getting married?’

LEX: Dont even go there, marriage is not in my agenda right now.

He stood up, picked his car keys and kissed Ann lightly on her lips ‘i’ve got to be somewhere sweetpea, we would celebrate this when we get back’

He smiled at Sandra and left.

What nonsense!

He couldnt even blow her a kiss or something, anyways, they werent dating right?

Lex got into his car and sighed. He wasnt ready for this. He wasnt ready to be a father right now.
Ann still had a lot of work to do for him, if she gets pregnant now then she wont be able to do everything. Like seducing some men he would want her to, doing stressful jobs and all that.

No! This mustnt happen. He thought of convincing Ann to terminate the pregnancy that they could still have more babies in the future when his revenge mission must have been completed and they get the hell out of the country. But he knew it was going to be impossible.

In the fifteen years of having carnal knowledge of each other, he knew Ann always wanted to get pregnant.

He didnt know why.

She sometimes wondered if he was going to abandon her one day and go after other ladies once he was tired of having se.x with her and so she had always wanted to get pregnant and tie him down with the pregnancy, reason why she always wanted to get pregnant.

He knew this was her plan all along.

He loved Ann, he really did and there was nothing on planet earth that was going to stop him from marrying her. That was her compensation for all the troubles she had gone through for him.

He started the engine and drove straight to the hospital where Ciara was admitted.

*uhm, the remainder of this episode is very little, i have somewhere to rush to right now. I would have not started this episode if i thought i wasnt going to finish it but i just recieved a call right now so i have to drop my phone and run as fast as i can, see y’all in the evening*

SANDRA: whats all this disturbance for now? Cant somebody rest in this house again? What in heaven’s name is wrong with you Ann?

ANN: i dont understand you nowadays Sandra. Why just cant you help me boil rice? There’s stew in the fridge and you know my pregnancy is at its early stage, do you want me to lose my pregnancy?

SANDRA: Hold it there madam pregnancy! Are you the only pregnant woman around? So because you are pregnant, you cannot boil common rice, what are you carrying in that womb of yours, is it not a human being abi na Jesus you wan born?

ANN: Sandra dont insult me.

SANDRA: Abegee shut up and leave me alone. Go and boil your rice, if you cant boil rice again, simple! Go to any of the mama put around and buy some? Because as for me, i’m not your cook and i can never be one.

ANN: you are an idiot! God will punish you! So you cannot help me to boil common rice…..

SANDRA: First of all, its you that God will punish and then secondly, since you know its common rice, why not take your pregnant self and go to the kitchen and boil with, whats your own problem na, must i help you in everything?

ANN: yes oo. You must help me. You just cant live here, eat here and sleep here without assisting with the chores. All you do nowadays is wake up, eat the breakfast i prepared, sit and watch telenovelas. Time for lunch i’ll still prepare and you’ll eat, you still wont help me with the dishes. I’ll still prepare dinner and you’ll eat without bothering to help and i’m pregnant…..

SANDRA: keep quiet abeg! You are pregnant, you are pregnant. You are just six weeks pregnant! Common six weeks! Must i help you with everything? Before i came to live here, werent you the one doing everything with little or no assistance from Lex?

ANN: left for me, i’m not complaining, i dont have problem doing all the chores because i’m used to it. But nowadays, i’m usually tired due to my condition and all i ask is that you help me sometimes when i’m not strong enough to…..

SANDRA: God punish you! So you want to use me as a slave simply because you are pregnant abi? You have to get used to it oo because whether or not you get tired or not, you will work! When you were busy straffing the hell out of Lex, you didnt think of the challenges that accompanies pregnancy abi, when you’ve finished enjoying everything and you got the result, you con dey find who you wan suffer, thunder fire you!

ANN: in my house? Me, thunder fire you too Sandra! Na accident go kill you, so you are this wicked. Infact, where is Lex. LEX!!! LEX!!! LEX!!!

Lex dragged his tired self to the sitting room yawning.

LEX: what is it?

Suddenly Sandra burst into tears.

SANDRA: Lex, what have i done to deserve all these insults from Ann? What is my offence? Simply because i’m staying here doesnt mean she should insult me and remind me everything that i’m nothing but a murderer. Ann has insulted me today. Simply because i offered to help her boil rice, she refused and immediately accused me of trying to poison her and her baby. What wrong did i do? I just wanted to help.

ANN: Christ! You are nothing but a bloody liar! Wasnt i the one who…..

LEX: Ann, is it true?

ANN: hell no! This girl is hell bent on lying against me…..

SANDRA: Heaven and the earth knows that i’m not lying. Ever since she announced the news of her pregnancy, Ann has turned to someone else. She’s always quick to pick up quarels with me, insult me and remind me of how i’ve rendered two siblings useless, can you imagine. Its paining me Lex thats why i’m crying.

ANN: Shut up!

LEX: no you shut up! Listen and listen very good Ann, i know what you are capable of and you are definitely capable of this, i know what you can do and cant do and i know you can do this. What has this innocent girl done to you? This certainly isnt the first time i’m hearing this but i chose to ignore it. And so i’m warning you, such a thing shouldnt repeat itself in this house again!

ANN: like seriously? You are not going to even listen to my own side of the story?

LEX: i have told you Ann, the next time you try this again, i wont tell you what i’ll do to you. Sandra come.

Sandra sobbed and moved closer, then hu hugged her.

‘i’m sorry Sandra, dont mind her. But just know that this is your house also and you have equal authority with her alright?’

‘yes’ Sandra said.

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Stay tune for Episode 19.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 17

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 17.

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Lex looked at Ann ‘you did what i asked you to do right?’

‘yes i did. By the way, how’s Ciara?’ Ann replied.

Lex shrugged ‘hmm, she’s still unconcious but the doctors are trying their best’

‘how about the investigations about who stabbed her and who cut the brakes of her twin sister’s car?’

‘they are yet to find out about anything. Sandra did a clean job, she used gloves so the finger prints cant be traced’ he turned around and glanced at Sandra who was sitting at one edge of the sitting room deeply into whatever she was doing with her cell phone.

Ever since Ciara and Anita’s incident, they had started living together in Lex’s house while also planning their next step of action. Ann was of the suggestion that Ciara dies since she knows who stabbed her, same with Sandra but Lex would hear none of it.

‘have you called Chuks?’ Lex asked.

ANN: I called him. He said the moment he was about stepping into the office, he saw Peter’s mother approaching so he backed off. They ended up spending hours in the office and then finally they left together, so it was a mission impossible.

LEX: Hmm.

Sandra stood up from where she had sat and walked up to them.

SANDRA: We need to talk everyone. We need to get something clear here.

LEX: What?

SANDRA: Lex, i want to understand something clearly here. You dont want Ciara dead, neither do you want Anita dead but you want Peter dead, why is that?

LEX: Whats the reason for that question?

SANDRA: I’ve been suggesting that we somehow get Ciara assasinated in the hospital but you claim that she’s innocent and that she knows nothing about the evils her dad had committed in the past and that we should let her and her sister be, but you want Peter dead. Are you trying to tell me now that Peter was there when his father joined hands with Tommy Anderson to perpetuate evils?

Lex drew back in surprise and looked at Ann obviously speechless. Ann also gave him that i-need-to-know-as-well-kind-of-look.

LEX: Well….. Sandra, the thing is, Ciara is a nice person, she doesnt deserved to die and…..

SANDRA: Hold it. Peter is the nicest guy i’ve ever met apart from my late brother, he’s the next sweetest thing to suya okay?

LEX: He’s a guy.

SANDRA: So all guys deserve to pay for their father’s sin right?

LEX: I thought you wanted Ciara and Anita dead?

SANDRA: I dont care who dies anyway. If you want to kill Peter, its fine with me. I just wanted to be clear on something, if Peter dies then Ciara and Anita dies too. Children for children.

ANN: I agree with you Sandra. You just cant kill Abraham Nino’s innocent son and spare Tommy Anderson’s daughters. For all we know Tommy Anderson is the most wicked among them.

LEX: Sampson Nativent. How many children has he?

ANN: And what has that got to do with the matter at hand?

LEX: Listen both of you, i’m the boss here and i choose who survives and who does not. Ciara lives but Peter dies.

SANDRA: If as a boss you are going to execute a plan then you should give a reason. Why are you sparing Ciara and killing Peter?

ANN: Yes.

Lex inhaled deeply. How was he to explain that he felt a longing in his sould to protect Ciara, to protect Ciara from harm?

That everyday he visited her in the hospital and whenever he saw her just lying down there he felt a particular longing to kill Sandra. That he started hating Sandra the moment she stabbed Ciara.

LEX: Lets not talk about this please.

Ann clapped her hands ‘yes lets forget about this please. Meanwhile, i have an announcement to make’

Lex and Sandra looked at her inquiringly ‘what?’ they chorused.

‘i’m pregnant’


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Stay tune for Episode 18.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 16.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 16.

Powered by:-  Coolval Africa Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Tommy Anderson paced up and down around his office with hands in the pocket of is agbada.

He couldnt help but think that karma was having its way with him. In his youth, he had killed so many people, uncountable, raped many woman and ladies.

He had done things, killed people’s children and now bad things were happening to his own children.

While Ciara was still in the hospital, still unconcious after being stabbed by an unknown person, Anita had been involved in a ghastly motor accident and he wondered if she was going to make it.

The doctor had told him that if by chance Anita survived, she wasnt going to remember anything, even who she was and it might result to her being mentally ill because there was a membrane in her brain which got destroyed due to the accident.

Investigations had shown that her car brakes had been cut.

But who did it?

He had enemies he knew. Business rivals, political enemies and several partner in crimes whom he had left behind.

Who did it?

He had lost his precious and beautiful wife Felicia and he still couldnt forget the note he had seen on the table behind her cold body:


He shivered at the thought that someone was out there seeking revenge on him.

He had murdered many families, and he made sure none of them survived except a few whom he really wanted to make life miserable for. How he wished he knew the person that was tormenting his family.

About four years ago he had changed from his old ways. He stopped killing people who were a stumbling block on his path, instead he greased their palms with money. Killing wasnt his thing any longer.

He chose not to kill any longer but it was obvious that his enemy out there was ready to wipe out his entire family.

A soft knock landed on his door and his secretary gently opened the door holding a brown and beautifully decorated box and a note.

‘sir, someone said i should give this to you’ she said as she catwalked to his desk and gently dropped it.

‘who’s that?’

‘a beautiful lady from Fedex’

‘okay, you can go’ he waved at her.

She turned and left.

Tommy Anderson picked it up and opened the brown box wondering who would have sent him a present. It wasnt as if today was his birthday.

He opened the box and flinched, a 9mm gun with three bullets lay in the box. He nearly screamed at the sight of it.

Then with fearful hands he picked up the note and it read:


He dropped the note and practically ran to Abraham’s office. He got there and found him looking lost in his office.

Even his presence in the office was not immediately recognised. It was after he called Abraham’s name several times that he jerked and plastered a fake smile on his face ‘sorry i didnt know you are here’

Tommy Anderson panted and sat on the chair opposite him. He, Abraham and Sampson Nativent had founded 3BRAINS. Sampson Nativent was a foreigner though. It was no secret to the workers however that 3BRAINS had been founded with people’s blood.

TOMMY: There’s trouble Abraham.

ABRAHAM: what trouble? Did any business deal fail?

Tommy wanted to speak but he also noticed that all was not well with Abraham.

TOMMY: I just recieved a threat letter with a gun through my secretary and……

The door pushed open violently and Sampson Nativent rushed in panicking and with a white letter in his hand.

ABRAHAM: Why are you breathing like that Sampson?

SAMPSON: A threat letter. I just recieved a threat letter and a gun.

Abraham arched his brow in confusion ‘i just recieved the same thing’

To be continued.

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Stay tune for Episode 17.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 15.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 15.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Sandra grabbed her handbag and rushed out immediately Ciara fell down clutching her stomach spitting out blood.

She rushed to Lex’s car, the one he had given her to be using for the while. He had three, Ann had one, he was riding one and he had given her this one to be using.

She started the engine and drove with full speed out of the compound. F--k s--t! She had killed again.

She had killed Ciara.

Heaven knows she didnt plan on killing Ciara that day. Ciara’s attitude and sharp mouth had put her in this condition.

Angelina(Ciara’s mother) had gone down and now Ciara was down too. Remaining Anita and that devilish father of theirs.

She was going to save him for the last. He was the last going down. She was going to kill Anita tomorrow night.

She sighed.

Her job was over. And if she was going to continue paying her bills by herself she would have to look for another job, christ!

Her account was near red, just twenty thousand naira. She hadnt been saving. She had been a lover of fashion and everytime she recieved her salary, more than half of it went for fashion.

Her house rent was expiring this month. She had planned to ask Ciara for the money. Since she started working for Ciara, it was Ciara who paid her house rent. Infact Ciara had taken it up as her duty.

Ciara was a nice person and she didnt deserve to die but what could she do?

Her father was evil and it was a pity she was paying for it.

She shouldnt have killed Ciara.

She banished that thought from her head. Ciara deserved to die. For being Tommy Anderson’s daughter alone she deserved death and even more.

For reasons she couldnt understand, tears flooded her eyes. Se felt sad in her spirit.

Ciara was dead!

No! How could she have killed her? What was she to do now? With hands still panicking, she swerved to the right and stopped the car.

She opened her purse and brought out her phone. She called Lex.

Sandra and Lex rushed Ciara’s unconcious body into the car. Her clothes were all bloody and her breathing wasnt steady.

Sandra’s heart was pounding against her chest, she was weeping uncontrollably much to Lex’s irritation.

LEX: Will you shut and stop crying? Werent you in your right state of mind when you stupidly slapped her huh?

Sandra sobbed ‘you dont understand Lex’

‘yes, i dont understand because i dont want to understand!’ Lex said as he took control of the steering, then he looked at Sandra who was standing ‘are you getting in or should i get the hell out of here, she’s losing much blood’

Sandra sobbed and got in the car, she kept sobbing all through the drive. She regretted her actions right now.

She regretted stabbing Ciara, that was a foolhardy thing to do, so unreasonable!

LEX: Call Ann.

She reached for her purse and dialled Ann’s number, it rang twice without picking.

SANDRA: She’s not picking.

LEX: Try again.

‘ohhh ahhhh urgggh!’ Ann moaned loudly as Peter pounded her from behind.

Her head was on the table with her pink panties at her ankle, her bra gone, her skirt on her waist with her hair scattered.

She thrashed her head on the table as he pounded hard like an animal. She wanted him to c-m, she wasnt enjoying this. As far as it wasnt Lex, no man could satisfy her.

Chuks would have captured this already, she was just managing till he came.

‘ahhhh! Oh! Pl…..stopppp! Ummmm’ she moaned.

‘arrrghh, i’m cummingggggg babbby, i’m cummminnnggg yess’ Peter moaned from behind.

Ann sighed in relief as his breathing became ragged.

Then he stopped and withdrew.

She hissed loudly, picked up her clothes and went to the bathroom. She took a tissue and cleaned herself up as tears flooded her eyes.

She was doing this for Lex she kept reminding herself. No one else but Lex.

She dressed up, washed off her make up, went out and saw him sitting on his seat still trying to catch his breathe.

PETER: That was wonderful. Who really are you? I want to have you as my mistress right now.

Ann hissed and laughed ‘there must be something wrong with you. Do i look cheap to you or what? You cant have me as your mistress. Go to your fiancee, Ciara okay?’

Peter frowned ‘you know Ciara?’

‘nonsense! Who doesnt know?’

‘then….then why did you do this?’

Ann hissed and grabbed her smart phone from his table ‘have a good day’

She hissed again and stepped out of the office and straight to her car where she rested her head on the steering and almost cried.

She felt dirty.

From the day Lex deflowered her, her body had felt so committed to him, it doesnt matter how good another guy was on bed. As far as it wasnt Lex, she would never be satisfied.

Her phone rang again.

Then she saw six missed calls from Lex and Sandra together.

She picked the call. This time it wasnt from them. It was from Chuks;

‘hello……yes……Peter Nino……..he’s in the office right now…..murder him… mistakes’


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Stay tune for Episode 16.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 14.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 14.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

‘come in’ the bariton voice said from inside.

Ann flinched a little then inside. Again Lex was telling her to seduce another man. Lex was asking her to have s-x with another man, how painful! It pained her that he had no problem sharing her with another man.

She adjusted her low cut blouse and medicated eyeglass and entered the office.

She saw the very light skinned young man seated on a leather seat with scanning eyes. He wasnt overly handsome but he wasnt bad to look at.

‘hi’ she greeted with her most sexy voice ever.

‘hello’ he replied ‘have a seat’


She catwalked to the leather seat opposite him and sat, then crossed her legs with a seductive grin still on her face.

‘what may i do for you?’ he asked.

‘well, i’m Fiona Johnson’

‘hmm’ Peter said thoughtfully ‘i think you are familiar too’

‘oh yes, i work with 3BRAINS, infact i’m your dad’s personal secretary’

‘yes, i think thats where i saw you, so what may i do for you? Did my dad send you?’

‘no, actually Tommy Anderson sent me’

‘Ciara’s dad? Why?’

Ann stood up and turned around seductively, then she licked her lips and went to him and played with his tie ‘he sent me to give you something really important’ She grabbed his crotch and e let out a muffled sound.

‘what….what do you want?’ he stammered.

She smiled, he was the weak type. She hoped he was horrible in bed too. That way she was going to just touch him in some sensitive places and he cums, who knows he might not have to get inside her.

She kissed his lips and he made no form of resistance whatsoever ‘i want you’

‘me, why?’

She quickly unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off exposing her flowery bra. ‘dont you like what you see?’

Ciara closed her eyes as Sandra applied the eyeshadow on her. She missed Peter. The dude hadnt called her since two days ago after their little misunderstanding. Infact she had tried calling him earlier and he refused to pick her call. Gosh! He was so petty.

SANDRA: Ciara, i got you a very beautiful dress, a yellow floral gown with blue belt and a blue five inches heel, your favourite, jimmy choo.

CIARA: I’m not in the mood to talk about dresses right now.

SANDRA: Ciara, whats wrong? You’ve been unusually dull since today you know.

CIARA: That i said that i’m not in the mood to talk about fashion doesnt mean i’m dull okay?

Sandra stopped making her up and looked at her.

SANDRA: Ciara, i dont know what to say. I dont know where to start explaining myself. I’m not in love with Peter anymore please!

CIARA: I didnt ask you to explain that to me either. Sandra, i’m not in the mood to speak to you about your unrequited love for Peter right now, so just do what you were doing before, else i’m gonna be late for my shoot.

Sandra sighed in frustration.

SANDRA: Ciara, this is so not fair! Its not fair and you know it.

Ciara shot her a deadly look ‘dont provoke me Sandra!!’

‘i’m not trying to provoke you. I’m just trying to tell you that i’m not in love with Peter anymore. I’ve long killed my feelings for him so there’s no need for you to act insecure whenever i’m around’

Ciara stood up and slapped her across the face ‘says who that i’m insecure? I’m just protecting whats mine!’

Sandra held her cheek painfully ‘you dare slap me Ciara?’

‘yes and i will do it again. Infact you’re fired, pick your filthy things and leave, i dont want to ever see you again. I can easily get a new PA, duhh!’

‘Ciara, you will pay for this. I swear you will’

Ciara slapped her again ‘are you threatening me or what huh?’

‘hit me one more time Ciara and you are going six feet down’

The deadly look on Sandra’s face threatened Ciara a little, she had never seen Sandra look like that before but hell no, she wasnt backing out. If Sandra dared lay a finger on her, then she was spending the rest of her miserable life in prison.

So she slapped her again.

Sandra knew this was the opportunity she was looking for, she opened the window blinds and peeped and saw no one in sight.

Then she grabbed the cutlery knife on the table and stabbed Ciara several times.

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Stay tune for Episode 15.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 13.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 13.

Powered by:-  Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update 

Ciara sat on Peter’s laps and placed a simple kiss on his lips trying to pacify him. She had angered him and she hated it whenever he was angry.

CIARA: Baby, i’m sorry. I didnt mean to annoy you, you know i love you so much and i just wanted to make sure you are not snatched from me. You know i cant stand it.

PETER: You are getting worse by the day Ciara. I know you love me and all but that doesnt mean you should act mean towards Sandra, the poor girl doesnt deserve it.

CIARA: She loves you Peter…..

PETER: That was before.

CIARA: Feelings never die.

PETER: Indeed. Like you didnt break up with Chuks just to date me. Didnt you love him then? But your feelings for him gradually died when you met me. Sandra isnt in love with me anymore Ciara.

CIARA: Enough of all of this! Sandra loves you, thats it. And i wont let her snatch away my man.

She stood up and faced him with both hands on her waist.

PETER: Ciara, the earlier you get rid of this jealousy of yours, the better for the both of us. I thought Sandra was your friend?

CIARA: Your best friend could be your worst enemy Pete.

PETER: But you should know Sandra, she would never do anything to hurt you. She’s your friend and PA for crying out loud.

CIARA: What happened to Chika Ike? Didnt her PA snatch her boyfriend from her? Wasnt she her PA. I learn from other people’s experience darling.

Peter sighed ‘okay, lets just say you are just being careful but bae take it easy. Dont be too harsh on Sandra okay?’

Ciara hissed ‘are you lecturing me on how to treat my employee?’

‘thats not it…..’

‘hold it there! You always use the slightest opportunity you get to insult someone. I am warning you Peter, dont lecture me about etiquette especially when it comes to my employee, do you understand?’

PETER: Just when i was calming down, you’ve come up with your own anger. Enough of it Ciara, i’m not in the mood for any of your quarels right now.

CIARA: Sure you dont! I’m a nuisance right now, i’m disturbing your ears, i understand.

PETER: Oh God! Ciara, enough of your madness.

CIARA: Shut up you jerk! Infact, get out of my house, i dont want to ever see you again.

Peter was stunned for seconds. He didnt know what he said or did that warranted Ciara’s anger. He hadnt said anything wrong. Infact, his anger was already dissipating when hers just came up. Why? What did he do? And now she was asking him to leave the house and never come back. That was Ciara for you, she knew not how to contro her temper. He just smiled. She would be the one to beg later, he had nothing to worry about.

‘i should leave?’ he asked to be sure.


Peter smiled and stood up, then shook his head and left.

Anita came in with her hands akimbo and a wry smile plastered on her oblong face.

ANITA: You know you have to work on your temper right?

CIARA: Were you eavesdropping?

ANITA: Yes. The guy did nothing wrong. Infact you are so lucky to have such a guy who cares so much about other people’s feelings. I’ve noticed your cold behavious towards Sandra whenever Peter is around. Is it because she once had a crush on Peter?

CIARA: Stop using that word once for crying out loud. She could still be in love with Peter for all we know.

ANITA: And i’m telling you thats not true. And even she does…..

CIARA: I’m not gonna take chances Anita, no matter whatever anyone tells me. No one can take my Peter away from me.

ANITA: Abeg e don do. Who wants to snatch your Peter away from you before? I’m warning you, becareful with the way you seem over possessive of Peter

CIARA: Insult me all you want okay? I’ve heard you.

ANITA: Anyways, i’m not here to banter words with you. I just wanted to ask for that your manager’s number, Lex or whatever.

CIARA: May i ask what you want to do with it?

ANITA: I dont see how that concerns you Ciara. Are you giving me his number or what?

CIARA: No i’m not giving you until you tell me what you want to do with it.

ANITA: I just want to be calling him once in a while, you know, as my sister’s manager.

CIARA: Shut up! Look, Anita, i wont tolerate you flirting with manager. I saw the way you looked at him yesterday. I even saw the kiss you blew to him too, let that be the last time that would be happening. If you want a guy, find a guy.

ANITA: And i already saw the guy.

Ciara frowned and hit the table with her fist ‘dont tell me its Lex because i wont accept it’

ANITA: Why? Are you in love with him or what or are you now possessive of your own manager too?

CIARA: I just dont want you to look cheap in his eyes.

ANITA: Dont worry sis, i know how to handle guys like him, is he single?

Ciara didnt want to give Anita his number. She didnt understand herself anymore. Yesterday she had seen Sandra chatting happily with Lex and she had ordered her to get out of the place. She had also seen her chatting with Peter and she did the same thing. And now that her sister was asking for Lex’s number, she didnt want to give it to her. She didnt even know why.

CIARA: Anita, i know you’ve never been in a serious relationship before, so tell me. Are you for real or you just want to flirt, have s-x with him and dump him?

Anita laughed ‘when did my sister start caring about my love life?’

‘left for me, i dont care what you do with your love life. I’m just concerned about him and…..’

‘concerned about him? Did i hear you right? Ciara when did you start getting concerned about YOUR MANAGER?’

‘shut up! Just be sincere Anita, do you really love him?’

‘well, i cant say for sure but i dont understand this butterflies i usually have whenever he’s around me, talks to me or even smiles at me. Yes Ciara, i’m in love with him’


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Stay tune for Episode 14.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 12.

Love and Revenge Season 1 Episode 12.

Powered by:- Coolval Stories

Brought to you by:- Story Update

Sandra settled on the couch of Lex’s house tired. It was a sunday and Ciara had a scene to shoot that day, Lex had been free but she had to go with Ciara. It was tiring. Ciara had been in a very foul mood and she had seen Peter. Peter had only smiled at her and when she tried to exchange pleasantries with him, Ciara had dragged her hair and ordered her to get her scipt immediately. Ciara had been harsh today.

LEX: How was work with Ciara today?

SANDRA: Are you mocking me or what?

LEX: No oo.

Ann emerged from the house scratching her eyes, obviously waking up from sleep.

ANN: Sandra, whats up?

SANDRA: Fine Ann.

Ann walked up to where Lex was seated and sat on his laps after pecking him.

Sandra frowned on it. There were empty cushions and must Ann kiss Lex in her presence? Was that a show off? For a second, she regretted not having a boyfriend.

There was silence in the room as Ann whispered whatever in Lex’s ears with Lex whispering back. Why couldnt they speak freely for crying out loud?

They whispered whatever in each others ears for minutes while she toyed with her phone.

LEX: Sandra, i heard Ciara’s father’s birthday is next weekend.


LEX: So any plans?

Sandra tossed her phone aside.
SANDRA: Lex, you and i wont be at the party.

LEX: Ciara wont allow that, she likes moving with her manager and PA, remember?

SANDRA: We cant go, we just have to look for any excuse whatsoever or better still turn off our phones that day.

LEX: Then Ciara is going to fire us.

SANDRA: She isnt going to fire us.

LEX: Says who?

SANDRA: Because we are going to set the party on fire.

Lex jerked up, pushing Ann from his laps ‘i dont understand. Why are we setting the party on fire?’

SANDRA: That is the best place all of Tommy Anderson’s family will be gathered. I want everyone dead, including his new wife. And i’ve arranged for guys to rape Anita and Ciara silly before setting the hall on fire.

Lex drew back in shock, then looked at Ann whose lips were curved in a smile.

ANN: I think thats a good idea.

LEX: What good idea? You mean we are going to waste innocent souls. Do you know the dignitaries thats gonna be there? Do you the crowd that would be there. We are going to kill over five hundred people if not even more because of one person? Come on now Sandra, we are not Tommy Anderson are we?

SANDRA: He killed my innocent mother and brother and raped me silly, he didnt think of the innocent souls that he was wasting. He killed your mother and siblings and burnt your house down, he didnt think about it. Why then are you thinking about his family?

LEX: I’m not talking about his family only. There would be ministers there, senators there and if care is not taken, the president might be there also. Do you want to kill this people who knows nothing about the so called murder that took place years ago? I’m not complaining about his family, if you want to kill them, fine! But other people, i disagree.

Sandra exchanged looks with Ann.
ANN: Lex, you are serious about this?

LEX: If i had my way, i’d spare Ciara and Anita, they did nothing wrong.

SANDRA: Fine, but i’m poisoning Ciara tomorrow. Then after that Anita goes down.

LEX: You wouldnt try that Sandra. Lets spare Ciara, she’s innocent.

SANDRA: I dont know about your siblings but my brother was innocent. He was innocent, he was the nicest guy i’ve ever met, he helped me with a lot of things. He was my pillar of strength Lex, but Tommy Anderson killed him for a crime my father committed. Why didnt he spare him? Tell me Lex, are you sure you are ready for this revenge at all? Revenge is a meal best served cold, and i’m going to make sure its blocked.

Lex closed his eyes. He knew if he didnt agree to this, they were going to consider him a weakling, but he wasnt going to let Ciara die. He was going to save her.

‘fine’ he said.


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Stay tune for Episode 13.