Elvis Chapter 19 - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: Elvis Chapter 19


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Elvis Chapter 19

Elvis was still gasping when Ben got to him, Dauda is next before the other team leaders and their members got to him, the IG was the last with the bomb and forensic squads. The forensic squad got to work; the bomb squad removed the disarmed bomb and took it away while the forensic team took the two dead bodies away. Now Elvis has to explain the mystery of the two dead bodies.

The press are already in the TBS although they aren’t allowed to enter the old facility, they waited outside the podium like a lion ready to pounce on any high official of the ICO that comes out of the facility, the news have filtered out that the name of the hero that stopped the bomb is Elvis, they are all eager to interview the hero. All TV stations in the nation are transmitting the live broadcast.

“I don’t like my orders been discarded especially in a very humiliating way, you’ll be severely punished for that” The IG said vehemently, Elvis’ head is bent in embarrassment

“I’ll understand any punishment sir” Elvis said

“Your punishment is a killing hug” with the IG squeezing him hard in a bear hug so much that he winched in pain “You did well son” he continued patting him with his croaking voice, bringing relieve to Elvis and his team members’ face.

“What happened here?” The IG said referring to the two dead bodies the forensic teams are whisking away.

“I’ll give you a detailed report at the office sir” Elvis replied hoping to have come up with a not so incriminating report of what really happened.

Elvis steped out to the open, appreciating the bright light of the afternoon after spending decades in the old facility, camera clicks welcome him, the reporters rushed towards him, throwing barrages of questions against him. Why hasn’t someone warned him of the reporters, he was at loss of which question to answer with the flurry of questions been thrown at him, he was saved by Ben who silenced the reporters and make them ask a question at a time.
“What is your name sir?” A reporter asked

“Durotoye Elvis”

“The whole Nigeria is buzzing with the news of your heroic act of stopping the bomb and saving lives, how did you learn of the bomb in the first instance?” Another reporter asked

“We got a lead from a source and we decided to chase it down, see where it lead us” Elvis replied.

“That was a very close ordeal, weren’t you for once afraid of dying?” Another asked

“Of course I am, I can’t get away fast enough so I have to do something, luckily for me it worked”

“Do you have a suspect in mind, someone who you think might be behind the bombing?” Another reporter asked

“We were unable to get the suspect alive, but we are working on some leads, we’ll let you know any latest information. We will always try our best to fight terrorism. Thank you.” Elvis replied bringing an end to the press conference.

The press always spices up any bit of information they get, cooking up stories and various versions of the information irrespective of the information they are given. Elvis expected them to release various versions of the bombing event but he’s not perturbed a bit, he has other things to worry about, should he tell the IG the truth, he had to get the information about the Cedrick first.

Questions were still thrown after him but he’s done with the press, luckily for him the IG came out and the press turned their attention towards him. Ben and Dauda are following him closely has he headed for the van with Timi in it. He knows he’s highly indebted to Timi. He hugged Timi as a sign of appreciation with Timi resuming his work on the system while Ben entered the driving seat and the van kicked to life has it headed for the office.

Timi has drawn up the information on Cedrick Nwosu from the NBI database; he explained to Elvis what he has found.

Cedrick Nwosu was an agent of the NBI who had been on a secret mission for a period of 3years. Only a few knows about this diplomatic mission, the identity of one of these is known and that is the chief commander of the NBI. What mission can it be to merit only the knowledge of the chief commander of the NBI?. Timi saw uneasiness in Elvis’ face.

“Do you know him sir?” Timi asked.

“He’s dead, met him in the old facility”

“It’s not your fault you know?” Timi said.

Elvis looked around to see if anyone is within ear-range, he was glad to see Dauda occupied with his thought and at the extreme end of the van, he wouldn’t have heard nonetheless.

“What do you mean by that?” Elvis asked quietly returning his gaze to Timi.

“Nothing sir” Timi replied quickly before turning to his computer, resuming his work.

Elvis heaved a sigh of relief, he had had a long day, he close his eyes, opening his mind to his thoughts, trying to have a definite answer or answers to the uncoordinated questions that tumbled around in his end.

‘Was this a set-up?’ ’Did Cedrick go dark during his mission?’ ‘What was the mission?’ ’What is he to tell the IG in his report?’ ‘what is the relationship between Titus and MSN’ are just a few of the questions in his mind as the van tumbled along the road


In the heart of Victoria Island, a very elegant brown duplex stood, the surroundings are well decorated with flowers, the gates stood tall, the fence is painted in white with iron cables lying over the fence as a security measure, the surrounding is so serene despite the heavy security men that littered the building. A garage is beside the building with over 10 cars uncovered, while about 15 more are covered with tapoulines, the least of the uncovered one is a 2013 range rover sport.

Inside the building in a heavily furnished office is a man in suit, sitting leisurely on a Italian leathered sofa, a glass of wine is in his right hand, on the stool before him is a bottle of 1875 Eblinks wine; a legendary wine with a special recipe, it’s cost could feed a family for a month.

“The plan is underway, the first step is currently been executed,” MSN said into the phone his left hand is holding to his ear.

“Okay, the plan will be hitch-free, it’s a guaranteed success…..yes….no problem…..I’ll give you a call later…….bye” he dropped the call and sipped from his cup of wine, relishing the taste with maximum satisfaction and contention.

His phone rang again and he made to pick it with alacrity. He stood up after listening for a few seconds to the person on the other side of the phone and made for the television remote, the huge television flicked to light as he pressed the remote. He cursed under his breathe as he saw the huge caption on the screen and the picture on the screen with a reporter rambling endlessly at a side of the screen.


He changed the channel and the caption was more elaborate and appealing, all stations are airing the appraisal of the hero. He slammed the cup of wine with him into the wall angrily as he talked furiously into the phone.

“Two bombers?…get me the identity of the second bomber” he said before ending the call furiously.

Elvis walked into the office, the IG is not yet around so he just wrote a brief report of two bombers, he killed one in combat and the other with his gun, he gave it to Ellie to type and submit it to the IG’s office before heading home.

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