
Sunday, August 19, 2018


episode 69
The next morning, we woke up early to work out. She had gone to her room, changed and came back as we started off.
After the workout, IJ went to her room to shower and make breakfast of bread and egg. After breakfast, we settled to see some movies from my laptop. I knew Shania was coming but wasn’t expecting an early visit.
It wasn’t long we started with the movies that a knock sounded on my door. I stood up to answer the door before Shania looking all hot and Sekxy standing with a smile at the door. We hugged and shared a kiss after I unlocked the net before she entered to meet IJ. I noticed a look of displeasure which disappeared as it came as she exchanged pleasantries with IJ. As she walked past IJ to the wardrobe to drop her bag, she gave me a scornful look after which she entered the bathroom.
IJ must have noticed the sudden uneasiness that befell the room and left before Shania came out.
“What’s with that look?” I asked as she came back into the room.
She walked towards the door and bolted it. She also had the windows secured before she asked,
“What’s happening between you and IJ?”
“What is happening between us like?” I returned confused.
“Don’t give me that look and tell me what I need to know.” She fired at me.
“C’mon, is this the best way to start after all these while we haven’t seen?”
“Don’t try to divert this. Are you fu.c.king her? Ok , pardon me, that’s a stupid question. I know you are fu.c.king her if not why would she be dressed like that holed up here behind locked doors seeing God knows what movies?” she said with rage in her eyes.
I know she wasn’t wrong. I wouldn’t think anything different if I walked in on her behind closed doors praying with a pastor dressed on a crop top without bra, B---m struggling to be freed with Tips leading the way and a skater skirt that barely covered her bum not to talk of seeing movies.
When IJ walked into my room dressed like that, I still had the inner struggle with getting myself under control, which I did at the end thinking that before Shania arrives she must have gone to her room.
Arguing with Shania that moment wasn’t going to yield any pleasant result, so I decided to play it calm.
“Baby there is nothing happening between IJ and I. This is Saturday and you know she does skimpies a lot. If not because you mentioned it, my mind never went there. I am used to seeing her wearing such things and believe me, it doesn’t move a muscle in me,” I said holding her hand and looking into her eyes.
“Why do I have this feeling that you are telling me lies?” she asked with tears forming in her eyes.
“Baby I’m am not lying to you. This is my compound. These girls know that I have the most beautiful girl in the world as a girlfriend because you are no longer a stranger here. I can’t have anything to do with anybody here or outside. You are enough for me.” I delivered the speech which got her weakened.
Drops of tears trickled down her eyes as she fixed her eyes on me. She wanted to say something which stuck to her throat. I gathered her into an embrace just in time for her phone to start ringing. Breaking away from the hug, she pulled out the phone from her pocket and checked the caller. Contemplating on to answer or not, she allowed it ring away before dropping it face down on the bed.
“Purity I don’t like …….” She started but stopped as the ringing of her phone interrupted her.
Picking the phone from the bed, without a word, she unlocked the door and left to take the call.
I was taken aback by that action. When did she start going out to take calls. Was there any need for that if something wasn’t fishy?. Walking towards the window, I looked through only to notice that she wasn’t even in the compound but outside the gate. I went to the kitchen and had a sachet of water to calm the rage boiling in me.
I was on the bed seeing the movie from where I left it off with IJ when Shania
came back having spent like thirty minutes outside. She bolted the door behind her and walked towards the bed sitting beside me. Pressing down the space bar to pause the movie, I pulled out the ear phone from my ears and looked at her waiting for her to say something, probably about the call. Rather than say something about the call, she began with,
“Purity I don’t like what I saw when I came in. I’m not saying that she shouldn’t come to your room but please not dressed like that. I don’t know how long this has been going on but if it continues, you are a guy and she is a girl, one day something will go down, that’s if it hasn’t already.”
I was tempted to blast her about the call when she dropped her last word but decided against it. If something is happening behind my back, it’s better not to alert her to take precautions.
“Baby nothing is happening between IJ and I so you have nothing to worry about ok?” I said putting the laptop away to pull her closer. I kissed her forehead before we threw our hands around each other in a hug. We stayed in each other’s arms for a while before breaking it off and interlocking our lips.
To Be Continued…

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