
Sunday, August 19, 2018


Episode 59
“Hello baby,” I said into the phone sitting up from
the bed.
“Good evening honey, how are you?” she replied.
“I’m good and you?”
“Good. Where are you?” she asked after the
“At this time of the night, where am I supposed to
be? My room of course. Why, any problem?”
“I don’t know, not really. Just that my mind is not
at rest . Are you with someone?”
“An unrest mind? How ,why? And who would be
with me by this time?” I queried.
“Baby I don’t know. Have been sleeping but
suddenly I woke up. Dunno if I had a dream but my
mind is just so restless.”
Standing from the bed, I walked into Purity’s
bathroom and locked the door.
“Baby I don’t know what to say but if what I am
thinking is what you are worried about then I want
to reassure you that nothing is wrong. I am in my
room and nobody is here with me. I love you and
you know that.”
“It’s ok baby. I know you love me just that I haven’t
felt like this in a very long time.”
“I understand, it’s ok. So tell me about your day,” I
said diverting the discussion.
We talked for long as she narrated her uneventful
day to me asking after mine too. After making sure
that her mind was at rest, we ended the call. I
stepped out from the bathroom and met who I
thought would have slept sitting up, her phone at
hand. I had thought that with the time I spent
talking to Shania, I will come out to meet Purity
“That was Shania?” she asked as I got to the bed.
“Yea,” I replied unconcerned settling back to the
“Is everything ok with her?”
“Yea, maybe she had a premonition that I was in a
compromised situation.”
She smirked when I said that.
“That is the life of a woman, we always suspect
that something is going down behind us when we
are not there.”
“No that’s not Shania. She might suspect but
wouldn’t call or say anything, rather she will wait to
see me first,” I replied turning my back on her.
“So does that mean that we are done talking?” she
“Purity can we sleep already? We have had enough
for a night and just so that you know, we never
talked about anything.”
“Ok, if you say so,” she said and turned over.
To Be Continued…
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Episode 60
I woke up the next morning to meet Purity already
up and in the kitchen making breakfast. After the
greetings, I headed to the bathroom to shower and
get ready to leave.
With my back turned to the door, the water pouring
down over me, I felt a presence behind me. Turning
off the shower to turn around, her hand clasped
round me as her feminine body pressed to mine. I
felt shiver run down my spine as I became lost in
what to do. She held me tight preventing me from
turning around. I could feel her pressed
behind me as the heaving of her chest kept moving
up and down while my Joystick started enlarging.
We said nothing to each other standing in that
position our heart beating in unison. She had her
head resting on my back.
“Purity are you sure you want to do this?” I asked
after the prolonged silence.
She said nothing but the movement of her head
behind me confirmed that she replied in positive.
Gently I unclasped her hands and turned around to
face her. I know she had an amazing body but with
her before, she was a sight to behold. Her hung firmly with her pi.nk nipp.les perched
in dark areolas. Her flat tummy did good to
compliment her tiny waist that joined to her wide
hips which transcended down her beautiful legs. I
was taken as I absorbed the beauty of her body
with my dic.k rock hard, nodding intermittently.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked again
as she nodded in affirmation.
“And you promise that this is going to be between
us and after this once, it is never happening again.
She nodded again with her eyes closed.
Gathering her face into my palms, I planted a gentle
kiss on her lips. She responded immediately as we
kissed, savoring the passion and the taste of each
other’s lips. Having had enough of our lips and
tongues, I opened the door and led her out into the
room taking her straight to the bed. She laid back
gently on the bed as I came up on her locking our
lips once again. I could feel my pre Pour leaking
from my Joystick and probably dropping on her
laps. The passion was hitting up but I didn’t want
to rush the fun.
Suddenly, I felt my dic.k shrinking back while we
were still kissing. Gently, I took her hand and
placed it on my dic.k. As I felt her soft palms
caress my d---k, my Attention came back hard. I
was settled on her B---m sucking like a baby
while she stroked my dic.k moaning softly. She
stroked my Joystick in her moans like it was all
she ever wanted.
Taking down my hand, I placed it around her puss.y
caressing the sprouting hairs. Slowly, I parted her
labia and dipped in a finger into her dripping well.
She twisted her waist pushing it up. I kept
caressing her inner walls, teasing her protruded c--t
at intervals. She held tight to my hand as I flicked
my finger on her c--t once again moaning out my
name in the most sensual tune I have ever heard.
While taking my time working on her holies, I felt
my Joystick getting soft once again. Taking my
hand deeper into her, I whispered into her ears to
stroke my dic.k. She responded immediately and
commenced stroking me gently bringing it to life
again while still moaning out from the pleasure
simmering through her.
When I felt myself good to go, I took my d---k from
her and gently caressed the tip of her c--t with my
dic.k head, watching the crazy expression on her
face. She gnashed her teeth before opening her
mouth as if seeking for air.
Slowly, I pushed my Joystick into her warm holies
with her walls clasping tightly on me while she
clawed at the pillow, pulling it from under her head
and pressing it down on her face to cover the big
moan that escaped her mouth.
I smiled at her reaction before thrusting in and out
slowly. I wanted to make her really have the feel of
me once and for the last time since it wasn’t going
to happen again. I wanted to give her a lasting
experience of who she was playing with but how
would I have known what awaits me.
I haven’t ‘thrusted’ up to twenty counts when I felt
my Pour gathering with full force. I became alarmed
and pulled out in other to buy time and withhold
myself from cumin but it was too late. As I pulled
out, it all came rushing out while I stroked it
shamefully jerking myself off on the sheets.
To say that I was embarrassed would be saying the
least. I kept a shameful face searching for some
explanation to give her as she looked up at me. I
misinterpreted her look to mean ‘ is this all you
have got to offer?’ She must have seen the
embarrassed look on my face before she stood up,
kissed and hugged me patting my back.
“This is the best I have had in my whole life,” she
said still patting my back.
That statement sounded more like a mockery to my
ego as I knelt on the bed riddled with shame.
“Purity you don’t have to be like this way, I am not
a kid. I understand, it happens. Moreover you have
hit me with one crazy o----m, what more could be
better? I know we are going to have more amazing
S£x ok? So please shake it off.”
I broke off from the hug and kissed her. All the
while I was quiet in shame, I was trying to get my
Joystick back up mentally but all the mental effort
proved abortive. After I kissed her, I stood from the
bed and led her back into the bathroom to shower.
After we showered, I got dressed while she changed
the bed sheet replacing it with a new one after
which she served breakfast. Done eating, she
cleared the dishes and dressed up. We shared
another kiss before she saw me off.
To Be Continued…

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