
Sunday, August 19, 2018


Episode 49
I was about to enter my room when I heard a click
on IJ’s door. Just then the light in her room came
on while she came out laughing hysterically. I was
surprised and just then I realized that she had
played a fast one on me. Angry and surprised as to
why she would play that kinda game on me, I
entered my room and locked the net while she
stood by the net laughing and knocking at the same
time. I ignored her and was ready to do that till the
following day as I turned off the light and called it a
night thinking that she will get tired and leave.
She stood by the door apologizing and begging me
to open the door. When she felt that I wasn’t going
to answer her, she told me to at least open the
window and collect what she bought for me as it
will spoil before the following day. After disturbing
me for a while, I went and unlocked the net going
back to the bed. She came in and dived on me
laughing. I tried pushing her away but she held me
“What is funny?” I asked angrily.
“Nothing o, so what has been going through your
mind? That you straffed a married woman without
“Ok now that you have brought that up, tell me, are
you married? I asked with all seriousness.
She stopped laughing and shifted away from me to
get a view of my face. The once smiling face was
replaced with a serious one.
“Don’t tell me you bought that” she said with a plain
“I don’t know, nothing is impossible. I mean such
thing cannot cross your mind if there is nothing to
it. If you had played the boyfriend joke, it would be
understandable, but this, I think there is something
to it.”
“Purity there is nothing to it. C’mon, it was just a
“A joke? Ok, but tell me, are you in any way
engaged or about to get married?”
“Like seriously? Yes I’m engaged and about to get
married. Are you satisfied now?” she replied angrily.
“You don’t have to be angry about this, you started
it and I want to make sure that I have not made a
big mistake.”
“Big mistake? My bad for being so cheap. You
think if I even have a serious relationship you would
have seen my laps let alone panties? I am not that
“Yea right, that’s what they all say” I said in my
“And thanks for calling me a cheap slu.t” she said
and stood up to go.
Now it was my turn to play the joker. I held her and
drew her back to the bed.
“Oh! So you are pissed now? But few minutes ago
you were laughing your as.s out because you played
a fast one on me. But you couldn’t realize that I
was also joking.”
“What? You weren’t joking. You were so serious
about it.”
“Just like you were serious telling me that you are
“Did I tell you that I am married?”
“Did I call you a cheap slu.t?” I threw back at here.
“Yes you did. If not why would you say what you
said about making a big mistake?”
“Yes you said that you are married. If not why would
you tell me that I am calling a married woman?”
“You are crazy Purity, let me go” she said laughing
and struggling to break away from my hold.
“And you are crazier and I won’t let you go.”
After playfully struggling to break away for a while,
she relaxed back as I removed my hands around
“But come on, you really got me there. If only you
know the thoughts that ran through my mind after I
got that text” I said.
“I can imagine” she said laughing. “So tell me, what
did you have in mind?”
“Well I had a lot going through my mind, but since I
couldn’t provide answers to them, I had to wait for
you to come back because I know that definitely
you aren’t staying there forever.”
“What if I’m married and didn’t tell you and you got
to know like this?”
“Hmmm!! I will be furious with you, we might stop
being friends and the guilt of sleeping with another
man’s wife will forever be etched in my heart.”
“Hmmmm!! This is serious. So you want to tell me
that with all these things you are doing that you
have not done a married woman before?”
“Another man’s property is a no go area for me. I
grew up having that drummed into my ears and
hammered into my head.”
“I didn’t know you have some purity and restrain
left in you” she said laughing.
“That is your business. By the way, where is the
thing you wanted to give me?”
“Oh! Are you done getting annoyed? Well, I finished
everything but if you want your own, you can always
have it from here” she said holding her B---m and
smiling seductively.
“Devil get behind me. I ain’t sucking a married
woman, thanks but no thanks.”
If only looks could kill, I would be dead already
from the look she gave me. After staring at me for
some moments not saying anything while I
maintained a serious countenance she stood up
from the bed and left the room without a word.
Just like I knew that she was going to come back,
she came back with a nylon containing something
which I later found out to be chicken, dropped it on
the cart and turned to go out. When she got to the
door, she turned and looked at me while I watched
her from the corner of my eye pretending to have
my attention on my phone.
“Just so that you know, that thing you said is not
funny at all and I am pissed.” She said.
“Sorry it got you pissed but I didn’t say it to sound
funny” I replied nonchalantly paying no attention to
She stood still at the door for some seconds
staring at me before she left banging the net loudly.
I waited to hear her lock her door but couldn’t so I
refused to lock mine hoping that she will come
To Be Continued…

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