
Friday, August 17, 2018


Episode 29
I had just two lectures on Monday. I was headed
home when Cindy called again. She said she just
entered school and wanted to know my location. I
told her I was headed home and she said I should
wait for her in front of her former hostel. I couldn’t
understand what was so urgent she wanted to talk
About ten minutes later, I saw her alight from a
cab. I signaled her from where I stood under a
“What’s up, what’s is the emergency?” I asked as
she sat beside me under the shed.
“Come on, no pleasantries?”
“Sorry good evening and how are you?”
After we exchanged pleasantries, I asked her why
the sudden wanting to see me and all.
“Can we find somewhere to relax and talk?” she
said ignoring my question.
“I was headed home before you called but since
you are here now, let’s go to 11:45”
“Since you are already going home, why don’t we go
I didn’t expect her to suggest that. Also with the
way Shania left in the morning, I didn’t know if she
was coming back or not. Though I have called her a
couple of times but she didn’t answer. Since Cindy
called in the night, Shania has just been moody and
talked less to me.
“Eee…. I think I would prefer we don’t go to my
house. Let’s just go to 11:45” I said after
deliberating in my mind.
“Why, you don’t want me to know where you stay?”
she asked looking at me.
“It’s not like I don’t want you to know my house.
Well, in your own words, don’t push it”
“Hmmmmm!!! Ok o. if you say so”
We took a cab and left for 11:45. We didn’t have
much to talk about as we just did a little catch up.
As we alighted from the cab in front of the café lo
and behold Shania walking out from there. She
stopped as we approached her. I saw the look on
her face but she was so fast to change it asap and
faked a smile.When we got to where she stood, she
hugged and kissed me and after the introductions,
she left. I expected her to ask me for the keys but
she didn’t.
This is the same person that have hardly said a
word to me since morning and is not even taking
my calls. I know the hug and kiss thingy was to
intimidate Cindy and send a message to her.
When we settled inside the café, Cindy decided to
break her silence since we met Shania.
“Who is that girl?” she asked with a strange look on
her face.
“The person I told you that she is some minutes
ago” I replied her nonchalantly.
“A friend and she had to do all that? Did she have
to hug and kiss you to show everybody that she is
your very good friend? And didn’t she see that you
are with someone?” she said with annoyance.
“What is your problem, the hug and kiss or the fact
that she did it before you?” I asked laughing and
enjoying her frustration.
I was already having my fun with her reaction and
decided to rub it in the more.
“You don’t have to be pissed over nothing” I said.
“So that action of hers out there is nothing right?”
“Believe me it’s nothing, worse things are going on
between us behind closed doors so don’t just get
pissed over nothing. Truth be told, she is the
reason why I didn’t want us to go to my house, I
don’t have to spell what that means out to you” I
said looking her in the eye balls.
“Even at that does she have to show it to everybody
or flaunt it to my face?”
“Well I apologize on her behalf, she meant no
“You know what, I don’t think am in the mood to
discuss this issue with you, maybe we should leave
it for another time” she said standing up.
“Ok, if you say so” I said as we left.
I got home and met my room open. I know Shania
must have used my spare key because she never
asked me for my key when we met earlier. After I
called her several times without getting an answer, I
sent her a text telling her where to collect the key
should in case she didn’t meet me at home.
I heard the shower running when I entered. After
changing my cloth, I went to the kitchen and saw a
plate of fried rice. There was no sign that she
cooked so I suspected that she bought the food. I
was still in the kitchen when she came out from the
bathroom. She looked surprised seeing me inside.
“How and when did you enter?” she asked.
“I met the net open, you didn’t bolt it well”
“Ok, that is for you” she said pointing to the food
and walking into the room Unclad with my towel
tied on her hair.
“Have you eaten?” I asked from the kitchen.
“Yes” she answered from the room.
I ate in the kitchen before heading back to the
room. I met her already dressed and ready to leave.
“What’s up with you?” I asked sitting on the bed.
“I’m good. I guess I will see you some other time”
she said turning to face me.
“What is wrong with you? What is the problem? You
have been giving me some cold attitude since
yesterday, why?”
“Nothing, just haven’t been in the right mood” she
replied looking away.
“Come on, stop lying to me. Why not tell me what
the problem is let’s talk about it and get it over and
done with?”
“Ok you want to know what the problem is?” she
“Yes, tell me”
“What is it with you and that girl again?”
“You mean Cindy?”
“Yes Cindy or whatever you call her”.
“Is it because of Cindy that you’ve been acting cold
towards me?”
“That doesn’t answer my question”
“Fine, there is nothing between us. It’s just like I
told you yesterday. She wanted us to meet and talk
about something”
“All of a sudden she calls and wants to talk about
something and you willingly obliged. What is wrong
with you? What is your problem? Ain’t you over this
girl yet? Can’t you for once give her a taste of her
own pills? You know what? I don’t wanna stop you
from whoever you want to roll with, but if you are
going to start rolling with that chick, then I’m off
your lane” she said angrily with tears in her eyes.
“What does that mean?” I asked looking at her
already teary eyes.
“Just like it sounds” she said dabbing her eyes with
a handkerchief.
“Shania come on” walking up to her “there is
nothing between me and Cindy. We couldn’t even
talk about anything today. She got pissed when I
told her about us. There is nothing between us,
believe me” I said hugging her.
After we held unto each other for a while, she
disentangled herself from me and kissed me
deeply. She told me that she still wanted to go and
I saw her off. I needed no soothsayer to tell me
that Shania was in love with me.
To Be Continued…

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