A new creation season 1 episode 52-53 - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: A new creation season 1 episode 52-53


Monday, August 27, 2018

A new creation season 1 episode 52-53

episode 52
Hercules stood transfixed with fear, he was only few metres away from the car. He was surrounded by both the Arch Angels and the White Tigers, his own people. Guns were pointed at him from all directions, even his juniors and friends all had their guns facing him with pitiless looks on their one’s face. 
Seeing Rough and Slimmy come out of the car had explained it all to him, the cat must have been let out of the bag. But how did that happen? How did Slimmy and Oj who were supposed to be at loggerheads come to agree with each other? 
“Hercules,” Rough said with a mocking laugh, cutting through his thoughts. She moved closer to him and stopped at his front. “Surprised?” Rough began to walk in a circle round him like she did to Oj. 
She stopped and stared at his face, “do you think you could play us all till we die?” She barked in a loud voice.
Hercules remained quiet, he kept a confident face and demeanor, he continued to stare straight above the car. 
“Where are my sisters?” Rough asked, starting again to walk round him. She got no response, she stopped at his front and raised her face closer to his. “Where are my sisters?” She asked again. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hercules feigned ignorance. 
Rough stared at him with disgust in her eyes, “don’t even try to deny…”
“Leave him,” Oj said in a stressed tone and walked to meet Hercules and Rough. Rough moved back and joined Slimmy close to the car. 
“Baba, what’s happening here? I don’t understand,” Hercules said, trying to put up an innocent looking face. 
“Shut up! If I ‘wooze’ you ehn,” Oj threatened with the butt of his gun. “Where did you keep the girls?” 
“Baba, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hercules still maintained his position. 
“Okay…” Oj felt someone touch his fingers from the back. He turned back to see Slimmy, Slimmy whispered some words to him and turned back. He and Rough walked into another car and drove away. The three Arch Angels guys who had followed Hercules from the back also began to walk away. 
Bang! A sudden gunshot sounded immediately they watched Slimmy and Rough drive out of sight. Everybody was wondering where it came from when they saw Hercules sprawling on the floor already. “Baba” had gotten impatient, so when Slimmy and Rough were entering the car noisily, he cocked his gun while everybody was being distracted with Slimmy’s manner of driving and administered the bullet into Hercules right lap immediately the car was out of sight. 
Oj squatted with his pistol still in his hands and stared at Hercules face, Small came to stand beside him. “Where did you keep the girls?” Oj reiterated. 
Hercules winced in pain, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes to absorb it. “Get me treated first and then I’ll tell you , else you’ll never know where they are.” Hercules threatened in a gruff pain filled voice. 
Oj stood up and stared blankly at the sky for a moment, he turned back and squatted. “Which of you went to kill mother and brother?”
Hercules still kept a bold face, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay,” Oj rose up to his feet. “Don’t worry, you’ll know when the whole of your family lays six feet under the ground.”
“Huh?” Hercules’s eyes widened and he vibrated in fear as he heard OJ’s last words. “I’ll talk.”
Slimmy rode in the car with Rough seated by his side, the both of them had their thoughts pointing in one direction, the only difference was that Slimmy was more concerned about Hadijat while Rough was concerned about the two girls. 
Slimmy began to think of Kong’s possible quarters of operation or hideout. He knew the most feasible place to find Kong, Rushi, the same uncompleted building where Kong used to operate before he joined the Angels. Maybe Kong still kept his mindset and the desire he had before he joined the Angels. 
Slimmy, Gentle, Fabio, Kong and Nazaretha had all joined the Arch Angels cult group at the same time, Slimmy could still remember their initiation ceremony that night. Aside from the initiation day, the young cultists did not really have anything much to do with each other. They were from different departments and faculties and even hostels which were far away from each other, so they had nothing to do together except when they exchanged greetings before and after their meetings. Kong before he joined the Arch Angels doubled as a noise and trouble maker. He already had a gang of terrible young boys who tried to oppress others in the school. The rumor was that Kong was trying to form a new cult group but due to lack of strength and experience of the guys, it was impossible. Kong’s group of trouble makers had to split up at a certain time of trouble just few weeks after they started oppressing each other. That was when Kong decided to join the Arch Angels, and his closest friend and partner in crime, Hercules joined the White Tigers. But they didn’t join with a mindset of forming their own groups later, only when they rose in rank did they begin to think that they were ripe enough to break away. 
During their younger days, Kong had always been disagreeing with the twin brothers especially with Slimmy. Kong and Slimmy were being trained as hitmen then, the late Host was already one of the major hitmen. Slimmy always performed his tasks better than Kong and was always commended better, Kong was always second to him in any challenge or task. This stirred up rivalry between both of them and they disagreed and quarreled most of the times when their bosses were not around.
Nazaretha and Gentle, although could also use guns very well were in another department. Both were friends and walked quite in agreement with each other. Gentle always took sides with Slimmy whenever there was a disagreement with Kong but Nazaretha was always on the middle ground.
A phone call distracted Slimmy’s thoughts, he took one hand off the steering wheel and took out the phone from his pocket. His heart skipped a beat as he saw the caller ID. Ace, that was one of the regional leaders of the Arch Angels in the country. The last time they had spoken was when he was being installed as the new Capon for his school and Zonal Leader for the the schools under their zone. He quickly pulled over to a space to answer the call. 
The call had ended before he could park the car properly. He took off his seat belt to enable him communicate properly. “It’s Ace,” he whispered to Rough who was looking to him for an explanation, then he dialed back the number. Rough heaved a sigh and closed her eyes. 
“Hello Boss,” Slimmy spoke in low tones. 
“Slimmy, Whatta Guan?” Ace sounded kind of angry. 
“Nothing Boss, we fixing the mess.” Slimmy replied. 
“You say nothing, me no fool man, we no fools here. What’s this thing we hear that you rolling with some f*ckboys now?”
“Boss, it’s a long story. I’ve actually been fighting the wrong people all the while…”
“Shhh…”Ace silenced. “You ain’t got no excuse enough to roll with em guys, what about calling em all under your zonal jurisdiction?”
“I’ve called them and most of the boys have been killed, the others are leaving us saying that they have one or two things to do in school.”
“What da f--k! You can’t manage just a zone to fight some em small boys? You gotta be kidding me man.”
“It’s not like that, we had some traitors amongst us.” Slimmy replied, already getting pissed off. 
“Traitors? You have em traitors? That’s gotta mean you’ve messed up business back there in your school. ”
“And what’s this thang that you not settled the money for em Gentle’s rites?”
“Huh?” Slimmy hissed and cut off the phone. They were in a midst of a battle and someone was asking him for money to perform rites for Gentle’s body which he wasn’t even planning to hand over to the cult. The body had been embalmed already but he planned to take it home and give his brother a befitting burial which was contrary to the rule of the cult.

episode 53
“Welcome Baba” the guys holding Halimat and Hadijat captive hailed Kong as he entered through the back door. 
“Any info” Kong asked as he began to take the hooded jacket that he wore to enable him to conceal his identity, on his was to the building, he had a gut feeling that he was being followed but he couldn’t spot anyone, he just quickened his steps and decided to enter through the back door. 
“They have Hercules and from the info I have, seems like he is singing or has already sang” one of the guys replied. 
“Hercules” Kong smiled “I have always know him to be one hell of a weakling, let him sing all he wants to them” 
“But baba what’s the formation na, what if they find out our cover, na only seven of us they here, the rest are either dead or being watched by Slimmy and Oj” 
“I got this covered man, I have contacted those mercenaries that worked for Terror, all we have to do is press the button and they will be here in a speed of light” 
“Correct” the seven of them hailed. 
“Which room you keep them this girls” 
“That room wey dey after the kitchen” 
Kong walked away from the living room majestically towards the said room. The house was well furnished and decorated, the house belonged to Malia, she lived there until she decided to completely move her things to Kong’s apartment after much persuasion from Kong himself, as he walked towards the room, he began reminiscing his love life with Malia, the girl who had loved him genuinely, the girl who had sacrificed a lot for him and completely trusted him without ever doubting the love he never had for her. From on set it has always been about the money he wanted to get from Malia, he had never for one day loved her back, he had managed to fool her all along by putting up acts that he was a cool headed boy, he had also put up acts fot Gentle and Slimmy ever since Slimmy became the Capon, he had laid down all his egos in order not to arouse suspicions, and everything paid off for him when he saw the look on Gentle’s face before he killed him. That look gives him happiness anytime he thinks about it, he had never thought it will be as fulfilling as that. 
He barged into the room without knocking and switched on the lights immediately he entered, there they were starring at him with embittered and disgusted look.  
“Hello girls” Kong greeted them in a mockery tone while Hadijat and Halimat kept mute and just starred at him. 
“I hope my boys are feeding you well” He mocked again. 
“King Kong or whatever you are called I have always known that you are nothing but a traitor and a sneaky b-----d” Hadijat said with a strong hatred in her voice, though she was weak and sounded weak but there was still authority in her voice. 
“And I have always known you are a spoilt brat too and if you don’t know let me tell you, I am Gentle’s murderer as well as you” Halimat and Hadijat both raised their gazes to Kong “You want to tell me you don’t know, why are you acting surprised, if you hadn’t successfully come in between him and Slimmy then we wouldn’t have been able to take him out at least not that easily” 
“Have you no shame” Halimat screamed “You betrayed and killed someone that is supposed to be your friend and yet you come here to pin it on my sister, ohh you are so shameless” Hadijat started crying.  
“And you think you are a saint yourself” Kong began laughing as he was enjoying as everything was playing out “If you had not occupied Oj with sex, he would have done something about the missing weapon earlier and that way Slimmy wouldn’t have blamed White Tigers for Gentle’s death so therefore my friend Halimat, you have the bloods of everyone that has died since this battle started in your hands. We are all guilty” Kong laughing uncontrollably and annoyingly. 
Halimat stared at him for a long time, she was so angry she could put a bullet into his head right that minutes, with all the anger burning her on the chair where she was tied to, she gathered a lot of spit in her mouth and spat on Kong’s face. Kong took his time to clean out the spit and as soon as he was done cleaning his face he gave Halimat a resounding slap that made her fall to the ground together with the wooden chair she was tied to. 
Slimmy drove into the compound in anger, he was totally upset about what Ace said as regards Gentle’s dues, he was angry he didn’t even ask him how he was holding up after his brother’s death, he didn’t even asked if his brother’s death has been avenged, anger filled his thoughts, Rofiat followed him behind as they both walked into the lounge. Slimmy walked straight into the mini bar, brought a bottle of tequila and  poured into his mouth directly. Gentle’s death weighed upon him all over again, be felt guilty for his death and the only thing  that can redeem him is to make sure all his killers dies before he buries him. 
Rofiat rushed towards Slimmy and grabbed the bottle of tequila from him while Slimmy just starred at her blankly. 
“How much do you intend to drink in order to drown your sorrows” Rofiat asked. 
“As much as it’s needed, I just need something to help me through all of these” Slimmy replied. 
“Naah what you need now is that anger you are feeling inside, don’t try to hold it back. You need the anger for when we meet Kong and his group of traitors” Rofiat returned the bottle of tequila back to the bar and led Slimmy to a chair. 
Slimmy sat down and was contemplating on the kind of death he would give Kong when ever he is apprehended when his phone started ringing. 
“Hello Oj” he picked up at the first ring. 
“How far Slimmy” Oj hailed. 
“Has he sang yet” 
“Yeah, we know where they are being held now” Oj replied. 
“Good. How many fully fit boys do you have now” 
“Like 7 or 8 at most” 
“Okay I think I should be able to raise like 8 or so here also. We strike tomorrow morning” 
“Yeah tomorrow sounds fair enough” 
“Cool” Oj said and terminated the call. 

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