a new creation season 1 episode 11 and 12 - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: a new creation season 1 episode 11 and 12


Monday, August 27, 2018

a new creation season 1 episode 11 and 12

Episode 11
Host drove as as fast as he could as soon as he got the message from Adesuwa, he didn’t even think twice before leaving the mansion, he couldn’t even tell Slimmy who is his right hand man, all he was thinking is how fast he could get to Adesuwa’s house to give her the inhaler she left in his car when they went out earlier that day, he wouldn’t forgive himself if he didn’t get there in time to save her from the asthma attack. He parked his car right in front of her compound and stormed through the gate, he was about to turn the knob of the door when he noticed something strange, the key was left hanging outside, he held himself from opening the door even when all he wanted to do was save his girlfriend, the moon of his life, the only lady he has ever loved ever since he was forced to kill his first love when he newly joined the arch angels, he could still remember the shock in her eyes when he stabbed her in the abdomen, he could still remember the look of betrayal, he could still remember her last words ‘Why Olanrewaju, why’ she kept on repeating till she lost all her strength and gave up the ghost.
He stood at the door trying to listen if he could hear some struggles or sounds from Adesuwa inside but there was nothing, on the contrary he thought to himself that it was a trap, there and then he started fixing the lines, Adesuwa has never at any point risked not having at least 3 to 4 extra inhalers in her room, Adesuwa has never texted him in abbreviations like the message was sent
“Ola my inhaler pls am dying pls brng it 2 my ause”
And to top it all, he remembered vividly that Adesuwa never call him Ola, it’s either she calls him Olanrewaju or Host. At that moment he made up his mind that it was all a trap that he had almost fallen into, he ran back into his car and drove off but a voice inside of him kept repeating those delicate words
‘Why Olanrewaju, why ‘
*** Few hours back ******
“… Slimmy, Woooow!” He stopped as he heard an excited scream from the car by his side. He turned back to look.
A young girl had just come out of the car, smiling as she stared into her phone with full attention. She quickly typed in some words into the phone before locking the car door. She looked into the phone briefly again before picking out a black sunglasses and fixing it on her face. Her gaze met with Ojo’s as she glanced up.
“Hi,” he said to her, with a smile.
“Hi’ she replied back less enthusiastically.
“Surely you don’t remember me do you? ” he was now out of his car and stranding in front of her
“Nope, should I”
“My name is Ojo, I met with you and your cousin Halimat the other day at the cafeteria ”
“Oooh it’s you, am so sorry for being rude hey”
“It’s no problem, pardon me but I can’t seem to remember that sweet name of yours”
“I promise I won’t forget that anymore”
“So what’s up with you and my cousin”
“Your cousin is the best actress that can star in a movie titled hard to get” he joked and they both laugh really hard.
“You seem like a nice guy, I might put in a good word for you ” she replied still smiling.
“I will really appreciate it”
“I gotta run now, I have a class to attend”
“Okay dear, please don’t forget to put in a good word for me”
“Okay lover boy” she replied as she walked away and he drove off, she then took out her phone again to check if she really saved the image before being distracted by Ojo, the image was right there in her gallery, a picture of Slimmy that she just saw on Gentle’s profile picture, a picture of a shirtless Slimmy laughing hysterically, it was really a sight to behold, the picture made her melt inside, she didn’t even realise when she screamed out his name moments ago when she was the picture.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come inside and get a little massage from momma” Adesuwa asked Host teasingly
“Ohh sounds tempting but have got some things to fix” Host replied and Adesuwa dropped from the car, watched Host zoom off before entering her gate, she just finished turning the key and about to turn the knob when she felt a cold metal at her head.
‘Just open the door and go inside slowly’ a male voice commanded from behind and she obliged, she went into the house and four guys came inside with her.
‘we are not here for you, just do as we say and you will scale through all of these unscathed’ the commanding voice spoke again ‘bring out your phone and unlock it’ she did as she was told, the guy with the commanding tone typed somethings on the phone and dropped it on the sofa afterwards, he instructed the other guys to place a tape on Adesuwa’s mouth
‘Just to be sure, you didn’t remember to pick your inhaler from Host’s car, did you ?” The guy with the commanding tone asked her and Adesuwa shook her head with a look of shock all over her face.
“Wondering how we got to know that yeah? One of my boys just checked his car to confirm that and do you even know where he is right now?” he asked her again while she just kept quiet and stared at him inquisitively ‘He is stuck in traffic, one of my boys just drove a motorcycle past him and he made sure to scan for the inhaler that was laying on the driver’s side, I bet you were expecting me to say he is with another girl” the guy said laughing really hard, looked like he was enjoying himself.
* * Present time * *
They all sat down patiently awaiting Host’s arrival. After some minutes they heard a car parking outside the compound, one of them immediately rushed towards the curtains to check who was approaching from the gate ‘It’s him’ he announced, they all took brought out their nine millimetres and pointed it to the door, they were all ready to shoot him as soon as he opened the door but for some reasons he didn’t, he just stayed outside for a moment ,then turned back and rushed away.
‘Seems like your boyfriend don’t really care if you die from an asthma attack’ the guy with the commanding tone spoke, in a much angrier tone this time. “Check what he’s doing,” he ordered one of the boys with a head gesture.
The guy quickly peeped through the window and checked. “He’s driving out o,” he returned saying to the one who seemed to be the leader of the attack.
The guy took in a breath, his face clearly displayed his anger and disgust as he confirmed with the sound of the car driving away. Kill Host, that was the plan. But they wouldn’t leave without doing anything if Host refuses to present himself. He paced around angrily for a few minutes, staring at Adesuwa who was vibrating and visibly terrified.
He glanced at his wristwatch, they had waited about six minutes for Host and he wasn’t returning. He stopped pacing around and began to think. It would be dangerous to linger any longer. Host may just have another plan for them, remembering that Host was more conversant with the area than he and his men. He raised up his gun and cocked it. He pointed it straight to the middle of Adesuwa’s fore

Episode 12
Host was squatting behind the fence and peeping through the space between the gate and the wall. It was in a large compound of an abandoned uncompleted building which was his hideout in that area, unknown to any other person. His car was parked inside the compound. It was just a few hundred metres away from Adesuwa’s house, at the opposite side. From there, he would be able to see anyone or group that comes out of her house and anyone going to the urban centre as the opposite route leads to rural areas.
Host dialed Suwa’s number but she wouldn’t answer her calls, maybe she was really experiencing an attack and couldn’t pick up her calls. No. He argued with himself, what was he even thinking? The strength she used in typing the message would have been enough for her to get to where she kept the other inhalers. He was aware that she always kept them at easily accessible places. It was definitely a trap set for him, he knew. But his love for her kept him in a state of panic and unrest, making him not to be able to think straight.
He couldn’t imagine what was going to happen to her if she was in the hands of his enemies. He felt cold all over his body as his bladder suddenly became full. This was the second time in his life that he was as scared as this. Nothing else of course could make him so scared, not even a bullet on its way into his skull, he wasn’t afraid to die himself but what he couldn’t stand to see was the death of his second love. He felt like going back to the house but that was a stupid idea. He decided on the next best option. He took out his phone and dialed Slimmy’s number.
The call was answered in few seconds. “Slimmy, call for two other people to join you. Meet me at 42/6 Denril Crescent immediately. Fully armed!” He ordered.
His body shook in fear as he ended the call, he had just heard something like a gunshot. It sounded somewhat close, approximately from the same distance as Adesuwa’s house. He felt adrenaline rush through his veins as his whole body trembled. He got up and rushed out of the gate.
He quickly bent down as he saw a guy in the Tiger’s uniform come out from Adesuwa’s compound. Fortunately for him, the guy was looking in the other direction. He crawled back in through the gate and returned to his former position.
He was so impatient this time as he waited for them to pass. Soon, he could hear a vehicle driving roughly down the road. He peeped and saw the bus they had brought. He heard them hauling curse words and mentioning his name loudly as they drove away.
He came out to see if their vehicle was completely out of sight before he entered back into the compound, opening the gate widely. He rushed into his car and drove out, he couldn’t wait to close back the gate.
“Gentle!” Slimmy barked loudly as he flung open the door. Gentle’s earphone was plugged into his ear, so he didn’t hear how Slimmy had called his name. But with manner at which Slimmy opened the door and with the way he was sweating, he could deduce that something was wrong. He pulled out his earphone and sat up.
“Get your metal, we are going to meet Capon at Denril Crescent now,” Slimmy ordered and barged out of the room.
Gentle knew better than to ask questions. Slimmy never orders him around except he had been ordered too. This time, Slimmy wasn’t his brother anymore but was functioning in the office of the cult’s second in command.
He quickly bent down and pulled out a revolver under his bed. He also pulled out a metal container which contained bullets and began to load his gun.
“Gentle, where are you?” He could hear Slimmy call out from outside. His door opened again and Kong came in, staring at him with a warning look not to delay.
He met the door standing ajar as he got to the entrance of her house. He pulled out his pistol from his back pocket and cocked it, he walked in carefully and tactically, to meet no one except the lifeless body of Adesuwa. A bullet hole was in her forehead. He dropped down to his knees, his heart was torn apart. His whole body felt weak and lifeless, his lips trembled and his hands and legs were vibrating.
He sat on his hind legs and dragged her body closer to himself. He rubbed his fingers around the bloody hole on her forehead. He tried to cry but tears would not come out of his eyes. His body was vibrating all over as he used his hand to cover her opened eyes. His mind flashed back to the day he met her.
It was in his second year, she joined them as a direct entry student. That was seven months after he had killed his first love with his own hands, he had vowed not to fall in love again but she was simply irresistible. The way she took her steps, the way she talks, her beauty and her brilliance in class. Everything about her was attractive. After observing her in silence for two weeks after the resumption, he felt he would die if he did not speak to her.
He went close to her after lectures one day and acted like he did not understand the just concluded lecture, asking her to explain it to him since she was the only student that was bold enough to correct the lecturers mistakes during the lecture. She recognized him as the jovial rapper in the class who always thrilled the class to us funny lyrics at lecture free periods. Due to his jovial and seemingly harmless nature, most of his course mates were not aware of his affiliation with a cult. Also as a younger cultist, he wasn’t allowed to roll with the bigger guys on campus. He could only greet them from afar. Nobody except his hostel mates who weren’t necessary his course mates began to suspect with his attitude of always going out at midnights.
She willingly agreed and settled down to teach him before leaving for her hostel. Some students who knew Host began to murmur loudly as they exited the hall. Most of them were aware of Host’s intelligence as he came out as of the best students in their first year. Some of his guys even tapped him on the back and voiced out their encouragement loudly for him to continue his wooing plot but Adesuwa ignored their remarks and continued to teach him. She only stopped after she noticed he wasn’t looking at the book but at her lips. She politely excused herself and left the class.
After few months of being friends, he professed his love to her just before they began the first semester examination. To his surprise she agreed immediately. That was the first day they shared a kiss. Their relationship continued well for sometime. It was until the second week during the second semester examinations that the troubles started. He had began to grow in rank in the cult, he was already their second major hitman. They began to demand more from him.
Up until this time, he tried to hide his relationship with her from them and their relationship with him from her. He was aware that when some of the leaders gets to develop interest in a girl when they find out that their junior was dating her. But as things began to get more complicated, she began to see him with the guys already labeled as dangerous on campus. She also met them on several occasions in his room. She began to seriously question him and even avoid him sometimes.
He finally confessed to her three weeks after that resumed in the third year. She was heartbroken and became afraid of him. But she couldn’t leave him, she was already so much into him. She pleaded with him to leave the cult but he explained to her that it would mean death for him and it wasn’t an option.
Three months and arguing and fighting on it, she finally decided to stay after a nasty event. She had gotten into trouble with a member of another cult and ran to him for help. After saving her by taking the lives of two people in the other cult, she had no choice than to stay with him. Since then, their love grew stronger and stronger defeating all opposition and overcoming all challenges. Host vowed to protect her with his life and never allow anything happen to her or her siblings in school.
Host’s eyes was bloodshot, his heartbeat could be heard loudly in the quiet house. He stared her face once more and kissed her lips for the last time before he dropped her body. He saw a paper on the table, it contained the White Tigers signature, the signature was drawn with her blood as the ink. He picked up the paper and turned it to the back, he began to scribble something on it.
The door flung open.

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