Poor Girl Rich Guy Last Episode ( Episode 15 ) - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: Poor Girl Rich Guy Last Episode ( Episode 15 )


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Poor Girl Rich Guy Last Episode ( Episode 15 )

Poor Girl Rich Guy Last Episode (Episode 15) 

Written by: Olalekan Oduntan

Powered By: A1 Production And A1 Stories

Brought to you by: Story Update.


*****************At a restaurant 

Lucy : Ella, I want you to understand me, I didn't mean to do what have been doing to you.
Ella : (Sigh) Understand what? You took everything away from me. 

Lucy : I know am ready to return everything. 

Ella : I don't need it anymore. 

Lucy : I did everything because of my love for Daniel, I don't know I was wrong. Am really sorry (She 

kneel for her) 
Ella : (tears roll out) Lucy. Thanks for what you did 9 years ago. I really appreciate you. 

I learnt you wanted to save my parent. Am really greatful. 

Lucy : Am sorry for Collecting Daniel from you. 

Ella : It's okay, Have forgiven you, Let forget the past. 

(Lucy hugs Ella)

*****************AT LUCY'S FATHER HOUSE 

Lucy's Father : What do you want? 

Police Officer : You are under arrest. 

Lucy Father : For what reason? why would you arrest me?
Police officer : You sent an assassin to kill Ella.

Lucy father : No problem, let's go I know my way out. I will solve this and escape jail term.
Police officer : Don't even think of it. It late for you.
(Lucy saw police taking her father away)
LUCY : Father what did you do? Father, please don't take  my father away. Please (Crying) Please leave

my father.


Ella : I have nothing to do with you again, I have a new boyfriend. 

Daniel : I know you have a new boyfriend. Just know that I still love you. I saved you from Lucy's father

******************SOME YEARS AGO
Lucy's father : My daughter already have interest in you, I want you to date her and take good care of

Daniel : I have someone I love sir. 
Lucy father : Leave her for my daughter. If you want to save your lover.

******************Back to present
Daniel : I was only trying to save you, I do not mean to hurt you and please come back to me.

Ella : Thank you Daniel, you are such a great man. I need something from you.
Daniel : Anything I promise to give to you.
Ella : Please love Lucy back. She loves you. She wants you. You are everything to her. That's my last

request. (She get down from Daniel cars, She see Michael) 

Michael : Have you settled everything? 

Ella : Yes. But not all.


Crystal : Ella please help me with this one thing.

Ella : What is it?

Crystal : Love Michael back the way he loves you. And take him back home. 

Ella : I should take him back home? How? 

Crystal : Yes, He has been hiding his real self, he's the heir of GOGO soft drink company. 

Ella : What? 

Crystal : Please take good care of him, and stay by his side.

****************Back to present 

Michael : I promise I will go back home. 

Ella : Thanks. I love you. 

Michael : I love you too. 

(Ella kiss Michael herself)


Michael : Am sorry father, mother am sorry 

(They hugged one another)

******************ELLA DEPARTMENT 

Ella : Move the goods to the bus. What position are we? 

Aria : 7th position 

Ella : We have a lot of work to do. (Ella phone rings, and it's Michael calling)

****************IN MICHAEL'S OFFICE 

Michael : Ella. 

Ella : Boss.

Michael : Stop it, you are embarrassing me. 

Ella : You are the rich guy everyone want. 

Michael : I want to turn you rich. No more poor Girl Rich Guy. I want Rich Guy Rich Girl 

Ella : Thanks. 

Michael : (Kneeling for Ella) Will you marry me? 

Ella : (Smiling) Yes, of course. I will and who  would not want to be married to a rich guy.

                                   Lights Out.


Thanks to you all for reading this story "Poor Girl Rich Guy", thanks for following from Episode 1 

to Episode 15. 

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Poor Girl Rich Guy (THE END)

Written by:- Olalekan Oduntan

Powered By:- A1 Production And A1 Stories. (https://www.facebook.com/a1stories.33/)

Brought to you by:- STORY UPDATE (www.storytupdateblog.blogspot.com)

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See yah.

Stay tune for our next stories. 

1. Clara The State governor’s daughter (romance)

2. Battle for Justice

3. The President's Daughter and I


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