Poor Girl Rich Guy Episode 5 - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: Poor Girl Rich Guy Episode 5


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Poor Girl Rich Guy Episode 5

Poor Girl Rich Guy Episode 5  




Poor Girl Rich Guy Episode 5 

Written by Olalekan Oduntan

Powered By A1 Productions and A1 Stories.


Ella : ( Still on Michael's hand, Moving her eyes. ) Thank you ( She stand up with the help of 

Michael ) 


Michael : You have to be careful.


Ella : ( Smiling ) Yea. I will.


Michael : Can I ask you a question ?


Ella : (Surprise) What ?, Yea


Michael : Do you have a strong heart ?


Ella : Why do you suddenly ask ?


Michael : Can you get rid of Daniel ?

Ella : ( Surprise ) What are you talking about ?

Michael : Can you forget him ?

Ella : How do you know about my personal life ? (Angrily) Do you follow me around Uh?, What are you 

up to ? Do you think I will leave Daniel and start loving you? Never. (Crying ) Stay away from me. Don't 

even dream of it. (She was about to run, Michael hold her hand)

Michael : Am only trying to help you, I don't mean any harm. I swear. I know how you feel 

towards this guy. He doesn't deserve you. You are kind, caring and smart, He's not your type. 

You are higher than him.

Ella : (Crying hardly) Yea, (Shouting at him) I WILL CONTINUE TO LOVE HIM. I 



 Michael : (Shouting back at her) IF HE LOVES YOU. HE WON'T TREAT YOU THIS 



Ella : (Still crying) Leave me alone

Michael : Ella

Ella : Leave me alone

Michael : Just be careful (He leave her) It's okay. I understand the way you feel.

Ella : (Crying and moving away till she leave the place)

Michael : (Sighs), (Michael's phone ring. It is crystal calling, His girlfriend) Crystal

Crystal : (In English) Hi Dear.

Michael : (In Creach language) Are you home ?

Crystal : (In Creach language) No, I am coming home next week, I heard you have a fight with 

your father.

Michael : Don't worry about that. I have more things to do. Safe journey

Crystal : (In English) Love you baby.

Michael : (Hang up and Sighs)



Ella : What's our selling rate? What position are we?

Aria : Team leader, our selling rate is 20 % and we are at 28 position out of 30

Ella : Okay. No problem. I know what to do.

Aria : Sister. You look worried and dull.

Ella : Am fine, (Smile) Am fine. I am okay. Thanks (She saw Lucy coming straight to her) 

Aria, give me some minutes please

Aria : No problem.

(She left, Lucy enter)

Lucy : Ella, am here to ask for forgiveness.

Ella : You never offended me.

Lucy : Are you still friend?

Ella : Um, We are still friend?

Lucy : (She ON her phone and Ella saw where Lucy and Daniel were kissing ) Oh, 

sorry, I don't know what's wrong with my phone nowadays.

Ella : (sad mood) (Smile hardly) It's okay. What do you want?

Lucy : I just want to say Hi

Ella : Okay, Thank you

Lucy : I invite you to our celebration, The company is celebrating my department for selling in 

89% rate. And we are now in third position.

Ella : Congratulation

Lucy : Thanks friend. Daniel is Also coming. I invited you. You must come. If you don't know we 

have ended our fight come.

Ella : I will be busy that day

 Lucy : No. Please do this for friendship and end the fight Ella

Ella : Okay, I promise I will come.

Lucy : (Smile) I can't wait for that day. It's just in 6 Days time.

Ella : I will show up.


Aria coming out of the supermarket, Blake going in. Aria mistakenly push Blake, all what she 

bought fell down.

Blake : Am sorry ( He look up and see Aria's face, he fall in love immediately) Am sorry

Aria : It my fault, I caused this.

(They both start packing it)

Blake : (He look at her ID card) Aria right?

Aria : Yea, Aria

Blake : You are working at Gogo company

Aria : Um. You get this through me ID Card, right?

Blake : (Smile) Yea.......

Aria : (Cut In)I Am late. Thanks (She stops a cab and go. Blake looking at the cab till couldn't see it anymore. )

Blake : Wow. She's beautiful.


Michael's mother : I think Crystal will be able to control him.

Michael father : When is crystal coming back from South Korea?

Michael's mother : In two weeks time. She want to America not South Korea

Michael father : Oh, I Have forgotten she traveled back to America. That is the plan I have for 

Michael, I want him to complete his education in America.

Michael mother : He wished to continue in Creach, then leave him. Creach is a nice country, there 

are millions of Americans studying in Creach.

Michael's father : I want him to understand English. And also to mingle with foreign people 

so that our company can go higher.

Michael's mother : Now where is he ? He is no where to be found.

Michael father : I know he is safe.


Ella : (Knocking) Come out Michael

(Michael come out)

Michael : What is it Ella?

Ella : I am ready to get rid of Daniel's love in my heart. I want to forget him.

To be continue..............................

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See yah.

Stay tune for Episode 6.


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