Poor Girl Rich Girl Episode 12 - STORIES UPDATE STORIES UPDATE: Poor Girl Rich Girl Episode 12


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Poor Girl Rich Girl Episode 12

Poor Girl Rich Girl Episode 12

Written by Olalekan Oduntan

Powdered by A1 Productions and A1 stories


*************AT MICHAEL'S PLACE

Michael : (Talking slowly) Ella, Ella, Ella (Holding Crystal's hand)

Crystal : (About to cry) Yes

Michael : (Breathing heavily) Ella

Crystal : It's okay Michael, You will be fine. (Crystal phone rings, It's Michael's mother)

Crystal : Yes mom.

Michael's Mom : Crystal, Michael is not coming home as you promise, You said if you are back he will

come home.

Crystal : Mom, Michael is just proving stubborn, He will soon come home.

Michael's Mom : No problem, Am looking up to you.

Crystal : YesMother.


Doctor : Mr Daniel, It just shock and stress, she will stay with is for some days.

Daniel : No problem. I will stay with her.

Doctor : Okay.


Daniel : (On phone) Hello Lucy, Am sorry I won't be coming home tonight, Ella fall sick and am with her in

the hospital.

Lucy : (On phone) I will be there very soon

Daniel : You don't need to come, everything is okay

Lucy : No I will come, she's my friend.

Daniel : No problem.

*************WHERE MICHAEL IS

(Michael sitting on the hospital bed)

Michael : When did Ella leave?

Crystal : Since yesterday night.

Michael : ( In bad mood ) Um, No problem

Crystal : I told her to leave because she's tired. I insist she leave.

(He hugs Crystal)

Michael : Thank you.

Crystal : I understand your feeling for her, it's okay, rest.

************2 DAYS LATER

**************ELLA'S PLACE

Ella : I need to leave Doctor

Doctor : You can't leave, It our duty to take good care of you

Ella : No I have to see someone, it's very important.

Doctor : Give the person's number to me, I will call the person.

Ella : Michael (About to cry)

**************MICHAEL'S PLACE

Michael : It has been two days,and I have not seen Ella, something is really wrong.

Crystal : She' fine.

Michael : No I have to look for her.

Crystal : Michael. Take it easy.

(Michael stand up from the bed, He feel pain from his stomach)

Michael : (In pain) I have to look for Ella

(Michael phone rings)

Michael : (On phone) Who is this ?

Doctor : It from Ella, She said I should tell you she's fine and doing well.

Michael : Where are you calling from?

Doctor : This is from Great Point private hospital.

Michael : Hospital?

*************30 MINUTE LATER

Crystal : Have issue your transfer to a private hospital.

Michael : Thanks , thank you very much Crystal.

Crystal : (In her mind) I only want your happiness Michael. You are also there for me when I need you the

most. ( Tears roll out )

Michael : Why are you crying?

Crystal : Nothing, I remembered something.


They both put on hospital dress (i.e Ella and Michael).

Michael : Why don't you stay by my side, why do you leave?

Ella : It was an emergency

Michael : I miss you a lot.

Ella : I don't miss you at all, I was only afraid you will die.

Michael : What? Me? Die? Nah. (He franks his face)

Ella : Are you now franking your face?

Michael : You said you don't miss me. Am sad.

Ella : (Laughing sarcastically) Alright. I hate you

Michael : What? You hate me. I hate you the most

Ella : Lie.

Michael : You are also a lying.

Ella : Michael.

They were coming downstairs, Daniel was also coming in with a poly bag containing food for Ella.

He saw both Ella and Michael holding there hands.

Ella : Daniel you are here?

Michael : (Holding Ella's hand tightly)

Ella : ( Looking at Michael) Michael?

Lucy Joined them

Lucy : (looking at Michael and Ella holding themselves) You?

Michael : Lucy?

Ella : Do you know her.

Michael : Yea

To be continue......

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See yah.

Stay tune for Episode 13. 


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